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movies/tv Remember The Hub Network?


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I remember The Hub back when first announced (and came out) back in 2010, and I was excited because it was a breath of fresh air compared to Nick, Disney, and CN at the time. It was unique. It was refreshing, and it was my type of kids network that I can just sit back and enjoy with great variety of past and current content. 

On top of that, I got into Friendship is Magic in 2013, and I was able to catch-up with the series to watch the Season 4 premiere on TV.

When I heard that Discovery Family was going to replaced The Hub in 2014, I was upset and disappointed because I thought it had a lot of potential to thrive with their content. While I was soldered on by watching MLP Season 5 and 6, but even then the feeling of it just wasn't the same.

Now that The Hub turned 10, I had a lot of fond memories watching it and I really do miss this network. Was it prefect? No. But it's way better than something I've seen on TV these days.

Even though it doesn't matter now since we had streaming services that you can watch your favorite shows at any time, but personally, none of those can capture that magic as The Hub.


What do you think of The Hub? Do you remember it or do you heard about it for the first time?

Let me know in the replies below.


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24 minutes ago, JMTV99 said:

What do you think of The Hub? Do you remember it or do you heard about it for the first time?


"The Hub" has a better ring to it than "Discovery Family", IMO. :twismile:

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"Hey where'd that other discovery channel go?"

"Hub? What that that stand for? What is it?"

Then quickly to "well there's nothing else on, might as well kick it to 179(Hub/DF on Dish) there isn't a bad show there most of the time"

It was a good idea but it felt like there was no one backing it up, aside from putting shows on it. It could have went somewhere but...no one really seemed to want it to go anywhere. 

Nick, Disney, and CN, to me, don't really have anything on, unless they are showing something old...they're somewhat stale if that's a way to put it.

I will say catching your program on TV...there is something...magical? Good feeling? A feeling that streaming can't replace. You know the "there's nothing on, I don't feel like watching anythi-HEY that actually sounds good" thing.

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I never actually watched it, but I definitely do remember it and enjoyed hearing about the kind of shows they would play on there. If I hadn't long outgrown cable, I think it would've been a great channel to have. 

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9 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:






Oh, I remember them.

9 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


"The Hub" has a better ring to it than "Discovery Family", IMO. :twismile:

Quoted for the truth!


8 hours ago, TheGleaner said:


It was a good idea but it felt like there was no one backing it up, aside from putting shows on it. It could have went somewhere but...no one really seemed to want it to go anywhere. 

Yeah, blame Discovery for that...


6 hours ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

I became a brony long after the Hub was finished but from what I’ve seen of it, it definitely looked like a fun channel to be on. :adorkable: I wonder how often they played FiM

I understand.


3 hours ago, CloudMistDragon said:

I never actually watched it, but I definitely do remember it and enjoyed hearing about the kind of shows they would play on there. If I hadn't long outgrown cable, I think it would've been a great channel to have. 

That's fair.


2 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

I remember the Hub and it’s fun collection on online games. I remember also that I was rather sad when it got replaced by Discovery Family.

Yeah, same here.


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haha even though we didn't have hub in europe, I still remember seeing it in every MLP episode ( I watched it online lol). Fun times

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57 minutes ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

Yo ho, me matie, so did I!

Apparently "piratically" is a real word. The spell check has no problem with it. While it doesn't like Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Celestia, and Equestria. :dash:

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7 hours ago, DixonTheAdversary said:

I only watched the Hub like one time, and it wasn't for FIM. I guess nothing really stood out to me on that channel back in the day.


2 hours ago, Califorum said:

I remember the Hub. I remember watching Transformers on it back in the day. I can't say I really miss it, since I was never nostalgic about it.

Ok, that's completely fair.:squee:

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Who could forget it? It was a 21st century cartoon channel for 90s kids. A healthy blend of the new and the old. Introducing the world to MLP and Transformers Prime while introducing a new generation to Animaniacs and Batman TAS. It came to me at a time in my life when I needed to know what it was like to be a kid again.  Hub was an icon who fell before their time. And replaced with a pale imitator in the cake boss network Discovery family. 

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I wish I could say I remember it from when it first premiered, but Discovery Kids was always that wallflower network with nothing going on, just living in the shadows of Nick, CN, and Disney, which, by the way, were all I ever watched those days.  And the shows airing on those channels at the time were freaking garbage, so it's a wonder I didn't axe them sooner. 

But all in all, I'm glad I got to experience The Hub in some capacity.

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I remember it well, having seen a good chunk of MLP there. They were a little loose as far as releasing every spoiler imaginable ahead of time, but since I was careful to avoid most of that it was fine.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys. Just to give you some healthy dose of nostalgia for the people who grew up with The Hub Network like myself, here's a video that I did today compiling all of the 2014 Making Family Fun bumpers in one video.


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