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MLP FIM is not a perfect show. A perfect show has to be flawless. And MLP FIM has a lot of flaws. And among all of these flaws, there are lots and lots of animation errors.

Here are some exemples of animation errors:




Most of the bronies and pegasisters who know about these animation errors already know that they are caused by glitches in the animating program. And there is really nothing that we can do about this. We just have to enjoy the show even with these animation errors.

However, there is this crazy theory that came into my mind recently: what if we analyze these animation errors as if they made sense in the pony universe?

Just as ridiculous as this sounds, it is actually possible. And here is my headcanon about what causes these silly errors:

First off, we don't have enough information or any official statements about any historical events from the pony world. This includes that moment when Princesses Celestia and Luna defeated Discord for the very first time (which can be seen in Princess Twilight Sparkle).




As we all know, when Discord was turned to stone for the first time, all of his chaotic magic was also removed from Equestria.

Or... was it? As it turns out, since we don't have enough information about this historical event, we also don't know if literally all of Discord's chaotic magic was removed, or if some of it remained in Equestria.

What if some of the chaotic magic that went beyond the limits of the elements of harmony remained there forever? If this is the case, then we can fairly assume that this piece of chaotic magic is what caused all of the animation errors in the story. Maybe Discord used his chaotic magic to create these animation errors as a joke, since we all know that Discord likes to make silly jokes. It is possible that the elements of harmony couldn't remove the chaotic magic that generates animation errors, and as a results, we see all sorts of visual mistakes that don't even make sense (like cyclop ponies, wrong cutie marks, duplicated background ponies etc.).

Sure, this is a very big possibility. But there is just one problem with it: in the season 2 premiere, Discord only put Ponyville under supreme chaos. This means Discord used less chaotic magic than he did when the two princesses defeated him. This small amount of chaotic magic could easily be defeated by the elements of harmony, which means from there on, we should no longer see any animation errors.

However, animation errors keep on going all the way until the end of the story. This means this theory is already broken.

Or... is it? Well, don't worry just yet! Since we don't know exactly how does Discord's magic work, we can also assume that the chaotic magic used for animation errors is just too powerful and cannot be defeated by the elements of harmony, no matter how hard you try. In other words, it's permanent.

So, now that we have a theory according to which animation errors are just Discord's jokes that keep on going forever, let's have a some possibilities regarding to this matter:

- it is possible that the cyclop pony from The Best Night Ever was just Discord's joke;

- it is possible that cutie mark errors (like the one in Games Ponies Play, where Fluttershy bonks into the train wall and has Twilight's cutie mark) are just Discord's jokes;

- it is possible that missing body parts (like in Friendship is Magic, when the Mane Six enter the Everfree Forest and Rainbow Dash's tail is missing) are just Discord's jokes;

- it is possible that additional body parts (like Pinkie Pie's wings in The Cutie Remark) are just Discord's jokes;

- it is possible that Derpy Hooves might also have her eyes crossed because of Discord's joke. Who knows? Maybe Derpy Hooves was created by Discord after all!




With that, we can officially say that Discord being the culprit for animation errors is a possibility.

What do you, guys, think? Do you have any other ideas? Or do you agree with this one? Do you disagree? Is there something I missed? Something you didn't understand? Did I make a mistake somewhere? Also, what are your favourite animation errors? What errors can you remember the most? Let your thoughts down below. And let me know if you would like to see more interesting theories from me.

There are bunches of MLP mysteries that are still unsolved. But maybe someday, we will find solutions to solve them all!

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Well in the case of Pinkie Pie being a pegasus THIS IS technically an alternate reality, though it isnt consistent with her animation through out Twilight's adventure in this hypothetical reality, but in the case of Pinkie Pie, we could chalk a lot of potentially unexplainable circumstances to her pseudo magic/potential chaos magic as some theories state and would be a variation of your theory, that since Pinkie consumed Discords magic from Grogars bell in the future, (his magic bending the laws of time and physics as Pinkie does so often) she always potentially had trace amounts of chaos magic, and she is LITERALLY in FIM Canon the only actual pony (seeing as Discord is a Draconequus) to actually use chaos magic.. some explain that Tirek in S4 never harnessed Discords actual magic just drained his magical energy...

The likely theory was something to do with her being substituted in stead of another pony that was actually a pegasus, or potentially being flipped in placement with Fluttershy...

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59 minutes ago, Spook Conundrum said:

Well in the case of Pinkie Pie being a pegasus THIS IS technically an alternate reality, though it isnt consistent with her animation through out Twilight's adventure in this hypothetical reality, but in the case of Pinkie Pie, we could chalk a lot of potentially unexplainable circumstances to her pseudo magic/potential chaos magic as some theories state and would be a variation of your theory, that since Pinkie consumed Discords magic from Grogars bell in the future, (his magic bending the laws of time and physics as Pinkie does so often) she always potentially had trace amounts of chaos magic, and she is LITERALLY in FIM Canon the only actual pony (seeing as Discord is a Draconequus) to actually use chaos magic.. some explain that Tirek in S4 never harnessed Discords actual magic just drained his magical energy...

The likely theory was something to do with her being substituted in stead of another pony that was actually a pegasus, or potentially being flipped in placement with Fluttershy...

You know? This is also a good point! I didn't take into account that Pinkie Pie had her wings in a future altered by Starlight Glimmer. But now that I think about it, working with one of Starlight's alternative futures will make things really interesting because this always happens!

But... I like to think that the full-grown ponies that we see in Starlight's futures are the same ones as the young ones from the past (during the moment when Rainbow Dash was about to do the sonic rainboom in her childhood). Basically, the Pinkie Pie that we see at the rock farm is the same one as the one that we see in the alternative future (which in this case suffers from an animation error that gives her wings). This is how I like to think that things happen, because it would make much more sense that way. But the thing is that Starlight's alternative futures are something too difficult to work with because it would lead into billions of other theories.

So for now, everything that happened in Starlight's alternative futures will remain an unsolved mystery. At least for now. And until the whole mystery is solved, let's work with other events in the show that won't lead into scenarios similar to the one in the season 5 finale.

Still, good point!

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Okay, so before we even go into this, there's one obligatory thing to do:

*grabs the obvious "animation error" explanation and tosses it through the window* :laugh:

Now, let's have some fun, shall we? :orly:


First of all I agree that such quirks in Equestria are results of Discord's chaotic influence. His effect on Equestria was enormous to say the least, to say that world made no sense when he was controlling it would still be an understatement. 

A magic that intense is difficult to just remove. It can be weakened, gradually erased piece after piece, but to fully get rid of it You need to truly have a godlike power and even Luna and Celestia together, while immensely powerful - have their limits.

By the time that we get to see in the show there was little to nothing of Discord's power left and that exactly is, what we see as "animation errors" - little random, odd events that bear no significance for the world and simply appear to be pranks of some sorts. I don't believe that "joke" would fully reflect what they are though. Discord during that time is literally just a statue so what's left of his power has free reign beyond anypony's control. Since it's not a sentient being it just keeps "flying" around, so to say and doing its purpose, in this case - a complete mess out of reality in disorganized and chaotic (we got a chaosception here xD) manner. 

To me, in a way they can be described as far less vicious kind of our world's viruses - organisms that lack any sentience, they only have their prewritten, specific purpose, but essentially (from what I remember!) they are glitches as well (mind You, I am simplifying here a bit). One of theories about virus's origin is that they begun as broken genetic material from cells during early stage of life development on earth. And that's what those quirks are - a leftovers from time when the very fabric of reality got broken. Only they're simply funny to watch, unlike viruses that "blessed" me with a lovely cold just few days ago :please: 

Now they're difficult to remove, because, first of all, leftovers of chaos magic are tiny, scarce and rarely activate, second - Equestria is huge and we have only 2 princesses or ponies at all that even remember that fight with Discord. Third - they pose no threat to anything at all so trying to just get rid of all of them feels like a bit of waste of time if there are more pressing manners at hand. That's why, where in our world viruses are obviously under constant observations with new meds being developed in order to fight them - in Equestria those little "quirks" are just ignored. So they live on. And do derpy things. 

One could say that Derpy is literally infected with those now that I think about it, but I will give that poor mare a little break here :laugh:


Anyway! These are my first thoughts about the matter! 

  • Brohoof 2


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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11 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

Okay, so before we even go into this, there's one obligatory thing to do:

*grabs the obvious "animation error" explanation and tosses it through the window* :laugh:

Now, let's have some fun, shall we? :orly:


First of all I agree that such quirks in Equestria are results of Discord's chaotic influence. His effect on Equestria was enormous to say the least, to say that world made no sense when he was controlling it would still be an understatement. 

A magic that intense is difficult to just remove. It can be weakened, gradually erased piece after piece, but to fully get rid of it You need to truly have a godlike power and even Luna and Celestia together, while immensely powerful - have their limits.

By the time that we get to see in the show there was little to nothing of Discord's power left and that exactly is, what we see as "animation errors" - little random, odd events that bear no significance for the world and simply appear to be pranks of some sorts. I don't believe that "joke" would fully reflect what they are though. Discord during that time is literally just a statue so what's left of his power has free reign beyond anypony's control. Since it's not a sentient being it just keeps "flying" around, so to say and doing its purpose, in this case - a complete mess out of reality in disorganized and chaotic (we got a chaosception here xD) manner. 

To me, in a way they can be described as far less vicious kind of our world's viruses - organisms that lack any sentience, they only have their prewritten, specific purpose, but essentially (from what I remember!) they are glitches as well (mind You, I am simplifying here a bit). One of theories about virus's origin is that they begun as broken genetic material from cells during early stage of life development on earth. And that's what those quirks are - a leftovers from time when the very fabric of reality got broken. Only they're simply funny to watch, unlike viruses that "blessed" me with a lovely cold just few days ago :please: 

Now they're difficult to remove, because, first of all, leftovers of chaos magic are tiny, scarce and rarely activate, second - Equestria is huge and we have only 2 princesses or ponies at all that even remember that fight with Discord. Third - they pose no threat to anything at all so trying to just get rid of all of them feels like a bit of waste of time if there are more pressing manners at hand. That's why, where in our world viruses are obviously under constant observations with new meds being developed in order to fight them - in Equestria those little "quirks" are just ignored. So they live on. And do derpy things. 

One could say that Derpy is literally infected with those now that I think about it, but I will give that poor mare a little break here :laugh:


Anyway! These are my first thoughts about the matter! 

These are your first thoughts about the manner, and I really like them! Especially the idea with having viruses that create animation errors! This is yet another interesting possibility!

You know? Now that I think about it, if we are talking about viruses, then I feel really bad for Derpy! Poor mare, she got infected with a virus called errorius animatinum. Very sad!

But other than that, literally everything you stated makes for another good theory, and I respect your thoughts!

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I'm following this conversation and I'm sorry that I only chime in for the levity but the truth is, I'm pleasantly overwhelmed and wish to do the response justice. Same with some friends who sent me messages that I've yet to get back to. I have to finish a book challenge, tend to some boring adult responsibilities and then return..

However! As a Pinkie Pie fan! I simply MUST say -- there's always room for levity!

*sharply inhales in preparation for the bomb she was about to throw on @Sir Spooksalot*


You know? Now that I think about it, if we are talking about viruses, then I feel really bad for Derpy! Poor mare, she got infected with a virus called errorius animatinum. Very sad!

How funny you should say that! In 2014 Sir and I had a running gag about how we were infecting each other with a virus called derpes due to our dynamic simply being off the charts ridiculous and playfully blaming it on the other :laugh:

So **OF COURSE** this would be somehow snuck into one of your "profound" theories, Sir :toldya: 
Very glad that I was lurking around here to catch that. :LunaMCM: Not even here for a moment and already infecting the thread with derpes, I see. Tsk tsk. I suppose some things just never change. :orly:


*grabs the obvious "animation error" explanation and tosses it through the window* :laugh:

*watches it fly through the window and explode like Discord's ... chocolate milk*

Here we go again....

..... Clean up on isle 5.... :P

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I like the idea that it is residual chaos magic floating around. Maybe there is some cosmic balance that has to be maintained. When there is more harmonious friendship magic there must be chaos magic. That chaos magic is like the byproduct of harmony magic. It has to go somehwere. Maybe every time a princess does something good, she creates a chaos byproduct that pollutes the world.

This is my new signature.

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9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

I'm following this conversation and I'm sorry that I only chime in for the levity but the truth is, I'm pleasantly overwhelmed and wish to do the response justice. Same with some friends who sent me messages that I've yet to get back to. I have to finish a book challenge, tend to some boring adult responsibilities and then return..

That's very nice of you!


9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

How funny you should say that! In 2014 Sir and I had a running gag about how we were infecting each other with a virus called derpes due to our dynamic simply being off the charts ridiculous and playfully blaming it on the other :laugh:

Lol, thank you for enjoying that! You know? I can be very creative when I want to! Also, I do remember that it happened when I was in 9th grade that I was required to memorise the names of lots and lots of viruses for a biology test. And gosh, I still remember them to this day! There's treponema pallidum, clostridium tetani, vibrio cholerae etc. As you can see, these words look like somepony smashing their keyboard. But I was required to memorise them. I had no other choice.



9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

*watches it fly through the window and explode like Discord's ... chocolate milk*

Here we go again....

Lol, I am just trying to imagine Sir Spooksalot throwing the animation error thingy through the window, and then it explodes as if it had "TNT" written all over it!


9 hours ago, Props ValRoa said:

I imagine that Discord has a lot of subtle influence in the world even when he was in stone. He's simply too powerful to defeat completely, and those animation errors are his jokes.

Yeah! This is exactly what I was thinking!


9 hours ago, RDDash said:

Maybe they are time travel paradoxes, the old reality changed somehow

I also like this idea!


1 hour ago, Spooky Brony 42 said:

I like the idea that it is residual chaos magic floating around. Maybe there is some cosmic balance that has to be maintained. When there is more harmonious friendship magic there must be chaos magic. That chaos magic is like the byproduct of harmony magic. It has to go somehwere. Maybe every time a princess does something good, she creates a chaos byproduct that pollutes the world.

And I also like this idea!

You know? This idea reminds me of another theory that I came up with recently: a theory where you can't send the real Pinkie Pie back into the mirror lake thingy (sorry, I forgot what's it called), because even if you try, the personality of the real Pinkie Pie will just go to a random Pinkie Pie clone. This means no matter how many Pinkies you send into the lake, there will always be a real one. This means that if there are two Pinkie Pies left, where one is a clone and the other one is real, and you send the real one into the lake, then the clone will just become the real Pinkie.

This is a theory I came up with recently. And your theory where Princess Celestia might always pollute a random portion of Equestria with chaotic magic reminds me of it!

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10 hours ago, LCpony417 said:

You know? Now that I think about it, if we are talking about viruses, then I feel really bad for Derpy! Poor mare, she got infected with a virus called errorius animatinum. Very sad!

That virus name is just flawless and actually made me chuckle :eager:

9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:


  Reveal hidden contents

You know? Now that I think about it, if we are talking about viruses, then I feel really bad for Derpy! Poor mare, she got infected with a virus called errorius animatinum. Very sad!

How funny you should say that! In 2014 Sir and I had a running gag about how we were infecting each other with a virus called derpes due to our dynamic simply being off the charts ridiculous and playfully blaming it on the other :laugh:

So **OF COURSE** this would be somehow snuck into one of your "profound" theories, Sir :toldya: 
Very glad that I was lurking around here to catch that. :LunaMCM: Not even here for a moment and already infecting the thread with derpes, I see. Tsk tsk. I suppose some things just never change. :orly:


Oh I am so done with You. YOU GAVE ME DERPES :okiedokieloki: Everypony, be careful around SILKY here. She infects poor, innocent ponies with DERPES! I can't believe You brought it up here :laugh:

*decides to go science on this just to confuse her* xD

But it's actually a nice idea. Imagine if Derpy actually had derpes, or, how @LCpony417called it - errorius animatinum and unknowingly spreads around those glitches? In other words - uknowingly gives Equestria itself derpes? :laugh:

Or maybe Derpy is actually some ancient pony that was Discord's student that, while benevolent and silly at heart... keeps spreading around those little bits of chaos around her? Or maybe she WAS infected by Discord and that's how chaos survived even after Discord was no more?! @Aticus the Adequatewhat did You do to derpy!! :okiedokieloki:

9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

*watches it fly through the window and explode like Discord's ... chocolate milk*

Here we go again....

..... Clean up on isle 5.... :P

... dangit, it's always happening Dx 


8 minutes ago, LCpony417 said:

Lol, thank you for enjoying that! You know? I can be very creative when I want to! Also, I do remember that it happened when I was in 9th grade that I was required to memorise the names of lots and lots of viruses for a biology test. And gosh, I still remember them to this day! There's treponema pallidum, clostridium tetani, vibrio cholerae etc. As you can see, these words look like somepony smashing their keyboard. But I was required to memorise them. I had no other choice.

Just wanted to say that You have some crazy memory, because not even I am capable of memorizing so much, so precisely if I am not using that knowledge afterwards :o

10 minutes ago, LCpony417 said:

Lol, I am just trying to imagine Sir Spooksalot throwing the animation error thingy through the window, and then it explodes as if it had "TNT" written all over it!

... I spat out my drink, that would go straight into the list of the most ridiculous things I've ever done :laugh:

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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You, guys, really have no idea how much fun I'm having on this thread and laughing at everypony's comments!


40 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

That virus name is just flawless and actually made me chuckle :eager:

Thank you for enjoying the virus name! Like I said, I always want to be creative.


40 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

But it's actually a nice idea. Imagine if Derpy actually had derpes, or, how @LCpony417called it - errorius animatinum and unknowingly spreads around those glitches? In other words - uknowingly gives Equestria itself derpes? :laugh:

Or maybe Derpy is actually some ancient pony that was Discord's student that, while benevolent and silly at heart... keeps spreading around those little bits of chaos around her? Or maybe she WAS infected by Discord and that's how chaos survived even after Discord was no more?! @Aticus the Adequatewhat did You do to derpy!! :okiedokieloki:

You know? This is a very very good idea! What if all the chaos going on in Equestria comes from that gray pegasus named Derpy Hooves? After all, we don't even know anything about her parents or her family for that matter. Maybe she was created by Discord or just infected with errorius animatinum after all!

And that's why Derpy Hooves is my favourite pony. This pony has more to her than meets the eye!


42 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

Just wanted to say that You have some crazy memory, because not even I am capable of memorizing so much, so precisely if I am not using that knowledge afterwards :o

Thank you! Well yeah, I do seem to have a pretty good memory. Not only I can say the first 100 decimals of pi from memory, but I also know hundreds of paths and folders from my computer, plus all the lyrics from a couple songs on YouTube, and for the sake of MLP, I also know the names of several background ponies!

But I don't want to brag about my memory more than I should. So, let's just move on.


47 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

... I spat out my drink, that would go straight into the list of the most ridiculous things I've ever done :laugh:

And this is why I like to make people laugh. Seeing their reactions to my jokes and stuff is a really good feeling!

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2 hours ago, LCpony417 said:

You, guys, really have no idea how much fun I'm having on this thread and laughing at everypony's comments!

Seriously, my friend, You make it fun with posting so much quality! 

2 hours ago, LCpony417 said:

You know? This is a very very good idea! What if all the chaos going on in Equestria comes from that gray pegasus named Derpy Hooves? After all, we don't even know anything about her parents or her family for that matter. Maybe she was created by Discord or just infected with errorius animatinum after all!

And that's why Derpy Hooves is my favourite pony. This pony has more to her than meets the eye!

Now I need to see all those episodes with animation quirks and see if Derpy Hooves is anywhere to be seen in them :D Seeing her there would even further confirm it! 

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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51 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

Seriously, my friend, You make it fun with posting so much quality!

Thank you! But stay tuned, because I am about to post more and more quality stuff in the future!


52 minutes ago, Sir Spooksalot said:

Now I need to see all those episodes with animation quirks and see if Derpy Hooves is anywhere to be seen in them :D Seeing her there would even further confirm it!

Look! Maybe this will help you:


Click on the link and then scroll down until you find Derpy Hooves. Then you'll see every episode where she shows up!

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11 hours ago, LCpony417 said:

This means that if there are two Pinkie Pies left, where one is a clone and the other one is real, and you send the real one into the lake, then the clone will just become the real Pinkie.

Like a collapsing quantum wave function. The many paths / Pinkies experiment. A quantum Pinkie Pie. The law of the conservation of magic states that harmony and chaos magic must be created in the same amount. Maybe quantum Pinkie is part of this. She has friendship magic, but also chaos magic.

This is my new signature.

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1 minute ago, Spooky Brony 42 said:

Like a collapsing quantum wave function. The many paths / Pinkies experiment. A quantum Pinkie Pie. The law of the conservation of magic states that harmony and chaos magic must be created in the same amount. Maybe quantum Pinkie is part of this. She has friendship magic, but also chaos magic.

Good idea!

And with this logic, there always has to be exactly 1 real Pinkie Pie. Not 0, not 2, not 3, not more. Always 1 real Pinkie Pie.

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On 2022-10-21 at 5:22 PM, LCpony417 said:

Pinkie Pie having the same wing and dirt pattern as Twilight Sparkle, but the color matches Pinkie Pie's body. That is definitely more than just an animation error. There must be some kind of link between them.

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1 hour ago, Splashee said:

Pinkie Pie having the same wing and dirt pattern as Twilight Sparkle, but the color matches Pinkie Pie's body. That is definitely more than just an animation error. There must be some kind of link between them.

You know? This is a very good idea! Because now that I think about it, if you look very closely, you can see that Twilight's and Pinkie Pie's walking animations are perfectly synced (their hooves have the same exact movement), which means either there's an animation error that links between Twilight and Pinkie Pie, or there really is some sort of link between them (in the pony universe, not behind the scenes).

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55 minutes ago, LCpony417 said:

You know? This is a very good idea! Because now that I think about it, if you look very closely, you can see that Twilight's and Pinkie Pie's walking animations are perfectly synced (their hooves have the same exact movement), which means either there's an animation error that links between Twilight and Pinkie Pie, or there really is some sort of link between them (in the pony universe, not behind the scenes).

And I am quite sure Princess Twilight Sparkle should be taller than Pinkie Pie. So they share more than just wings in this instance, back legs and height as well. This is an event in an alternate future, where Twilight doesn't exist.

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1 hour ago, Splashee said:

And I am quite sure Princess Twilight Sparkle should be taller than Pinkie Pie. So they share more than just wings in this instance, back legs and height as well. This is an event in an alternate future, where Twilight doesn't exist.

Hey, that's right!

You know? The more I think about this crazy connection between Twilight and Pinkie during that short animation, the creepier it gets and the more I freak out. IDK why, I always feel scared whenever I discover interesting details and things hidden in other usual things from my life (like video games, My Little Pony etc.). And yeah, this connection between Twilight and Pinkie really scares me for whatever reason, even though it's just an animation error!

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On 2022-10-21 at 5:22 PM, LCpony417 said:




What is he??

What is he made up of? Why is he so happy? :wacko:


Is this the building blocks of all the ponies before/after, as they are constructed. Past->Present->Future on one axis, and the perpendicular axis is defined as another time line where if disrupted can lead to ponies existing before or after how they are perceived by the world. Is this stallion from before he was, or after he was? I say, after because he is smiling.


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10 minutes ago, Splashee said:

What is he??

What is he made up of? Why is he so happy? :wacko:


Is this the building blocks of all the ponies before/after, as they are constructed. Past->Present->Future on one axis, and the perpendicular axis is defined as another time line where if disrupted can lead to ponies existing before or after how they are perceived by the world. Is this stallion from before he was, or after he was? I say, after because he is smiling.



Or... maybe that stallion just got infected with errorius animatinum.

Who knows? Maybe Derpy is right behind him and we don't even know it, since half of his body is off-screen.

But still, what you said is also really funny! Especially the smiling part!

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