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Whats the most trouble you have gotten in school?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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In 4th grade I arranged a full-scale national Pokemon TCG tournament at my school through the official website, without telling anyone of course. Luckily my principal managed to cancel it, but I still got suspended for a week.


Was hilarious, though.

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking:

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I got lunch detention for (playfully) throwing a cookie toward a friend sitting across the table from me. lol


Pretty much everything I got in trouble for at school was really dumb like that.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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In 4th through 8th grade I was in a Lutheran school that had a pretty flexible dress code. Then in 8th grade, they started making the dress code way more strict. It was winter time and I was wearing a hoodie that had one very small nike symbol kind of near my left nipple ^_^ . The teacher tells me to take it off because that logo is showing. I tell her that I am cold and that I would gladly turn the hoodie inside out. She says no. I tell her I'm still freezing cold and would like to wear it. She then goes on a huge rant about how I need to respect my elders and follow her orders, and that my opinion or feeling didn't matter. I told her that was a good point, and then followed with my rebuttal which was plainly, "go fuck yourself".


I got detention for a week, but only had to serve two days because my mom gave the teacher a what for about telling a cold student to take off a hoodie.

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
― Christopher Hitchens

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I got suspended at my home school for acting out once.




For content: Back when I was young I went to a Christian middle school. Shit sucked, especially since I got in trouble alot since I liked to run my mouth. Well what they would do is sit you in a tiny little cubicle and make you write bible passages for about 4-7 hours straight depending on when you got in trouble. So if I did something stupid in the morning I would have to do that shit until 5 pm. This is like half the reason why I dont give a shit about Christianity anymore.

PC Supremacy

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I was also the baddest girl in my second grade class, in my old Christian school.

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Funny thing about Pinkazoid, she didn't get any friends until she was in middle school, and a girl in 5th grade just loved to make Pinkazoid mad, one day when Pinkazoid tried to stand up to her (even though Pinkazoid is kinda short) the girl hit Pinkazoid, Pinkazoid hit her back, and then both of hem were in the ground and the other girl's friends were there, and in the end, a teacher saw them, and sent them all to the principal's office, and when they got there, all of them said it was Pinkazoid's fault, so Pinkazoid was suspended while the other girl got 2 days of detention, and when Pinkazoid got back to school they were all made at her because poor and innocent Elizabeth (I think that was her name xD) got punished unfairly and the teachers didn't trust Pinkazoid no more and that mad the rest of 5th grade hell to her and to make that even better, it happened while her parents were planning on getting a divorce, and that was the Psychiatrist's excuse to Pinkazoid's "anger" issue.... but yeah 2 weeks suspended was the worst trouble I've gotten xD

Edited by Pinkazoid
  • Brohoof 1




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The only trouble I get into now really is not doing my homework, you spend less time in detention for not doing the homework than you would have spent on the homework, so I just tend to not do it. In primary school though some guy decided it was a good idea to walk past me, punch me in the gut, and walk off like a boss, shame he didn't know I don't really feel much pain, I got quite annoyed at him for thinking he could go around doing that, so I slammed his gut with all the force I could. He cried, I walked home, I got a call and the teachers got really pissed off at both of us, that's about it :/. We're actually pretty good friends.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I got suspended for 1 week for holding a kid who I hated, down and just punching him, while pulling out his hair, in elementary school.


Woah, what did he do?

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Multiple suspensions for getting into fights.


Got falsely accused of vandalism. Didn't get punished for it but had to get yelled at by some people before finally being considered innocent of it.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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He called my mother a whore...

I hated him.....


Well than he desreved to get his ass beat.


If it where me I probably would have cut him...I can get a little violent sometimes.

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Funny thing about Pinkazoid, she didn't get any friends until she was in middle school, and a girl in 5th grade just loved to make Pinkazoid mad, one day when Pinkazoid tried to stand up to her (even though Pinkazoid is kinda short) the girl hit Pinkazoid, Pinkazoid hit her back, and then both of hem were in the ground and the other girl's friends were there, and in the end, a teacher saw them, and sent them all to the principal's office, and when they got there, all of them said it was Pinkazoid's fault, so Pinkazoid was suspended while the other girl got 2 days of detention, and when Pinkazoid got back to school they were all made at her because poor and innocent Elizabeth (I think that was her name xD) got punished unfairly and the teachers didn't trust Pinkazoid no more and that mad the rest of 5th grade hell to her and to make that even better, it happened while her parents were planning on getting a divorce, and that was the Psychiatrist's excuse to Pinkazoid's "anger" issue.... but yeah 2 weeks suspended was the worst trouble I've gotten xD


2 weeks for a fight? :o Edited by Angel of Death



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Probably my earliest was when I shot a kid in the face...



With a rubber band.



That's actually what the teacher wrote on the referral slip. "Shooting a fellow student in the face*"

And then at the bottom in tiny writing:

*with a rubber band


The detention people got a laugh out of that and said I didn't have to stay the whole time, so I didn't even miss my bus home. So, punishment avoided.



However, I was unable to avoid punishment several times in my tech classes. I always finished my projects early (because they seem to be designed for the computer illiterate, and I was always done like a week before it was due), but the teacher had this stupid rule where you still had to work on the project even if you were done. But, me being me, I didn't of course. I would just browse the web, read webcomics, look at random funny stuff, play browser SHMUPs, things like that. I know for a fact that at least 6 websites were added to the schools block list because my teacher caught me on them. Each time he caught me, I was sentenced to a day or two of not beig allowed on the computers. Well, not being allowed on the computers makes it difficult to do any work in a tech class, so I spent those days playing Fire Emblem on my GBA (kickin it old skool).

After awhile, the tech department installed this thing called Vision, which allowed the teacher to see everybody else's monitor from there's. This was accompanied by a re-arrangement of many of the tech rooms; after all, why have the computer arranged so the teacher can see them all if he can see them all with Vision?

So they were re-arranged to fit more computers, and I got one that teacher couldn't see from his desk (which he never liked to leave), and my challenge was clear: defeat Vision.


Took me like 2 class periods XD




But the best of all was when I trolled my English teacher senior year.

For Christmas, I got this little pocket device that said various Mr. T phrases when you pressed the buttons. So I took it to school and started messing with people. The English teacher nobody liked was priceless. I did all the responses with the Mr T gadget, I never had to talk once. It went something like this:


(teacher droning on about something)


"Shut up, foo'!"






"Shut up, foo'!"


"who's doin that?"


"first name Mr, middle name Period, last name T!"


(now she knows it's me)

"(name), give that to me right-"


"quit yo' jibba jabba!"


(walls over to my desk and tries to grab it. I hold it away from her.)


"don't make me mad! GRRRRR!"


"Okay, (name withheld), give it to me and enjoy your detention."


(I hang my head)

"I pity the foo'."


And then I gave it to her. And I fully enjoyed my detention, because there were quite a few people in there who were way worse than me, so I was overlooked and just read for an hour.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 3

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I was suspected by some of my class mates to have a hit list, the rumour got out of hand and a few days latter nearly everyone in the school knew about it. Various of my peers inquired about it and from what I heard some of the juniors were terrified of me. In the end everyone just forgot about it.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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I would get detentions for being late to class (late being 30 seconds to 5 minutes late), I was late because my locker was on the other side of the school and I couldn't get to it because the people near me wouldn't let me get in for a few seconds, and I got so many that I couldn't handle them and got an ISS


Really stupid

Edited by RaiynSuarez


-Insert some funny line or quote here-

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Well, I actually have never been caught for anything so....


I skipped my study hall for 5 months straight and I got called down to the office for why I wasn't there on one day, and I said I forgot to check in.


Also I skipped my calculus class and supposedly they gave me a detention, but I never served it because I graduated the next week.


I gave a kid a concussion, but he couldn't remember what happened so I said he slipped and fell.


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

V Check out my Artwork at V

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In 4th through 8th grade I was in a Lutheran school that had a pretty flexible dress code. Then in 8th grade, they started making the dress code way more strict. It was winter time and I was wearing a hoodie that had one very small nike symbol kind of near my left nipple ^_^ . The teacher tells me to take it off because that logo is showing. I tell her that I am cold and that I would gladly turn the hoodie inside out. She says no. I tell her I'm still freezing cold and would like to wear it. She then goes on a huge rant about how I need to respect my elders and follow her orders, and that my opinion or feeling didn't matter. I told her that was a good point, and then followed with my rebuttal which was plainly, "go fuck yourself".


I got detention for a week, but only had to serve two days because my mom gave the teacher a what for about telling a cold student to take off a hoodie.


Oh man, that reminds me of another story...


So I went to Catholic high school, right? And we had to wear uniforms, right? And we weren't allowed to wear anything other than the uniform stuff we had to buy, right?


Well, I was sitting in chemistry class, and one of my friends wasn't WEARING his bright blue non-uniform fleece, but it was sitting on his desk. At the end of class, my teacher was ranting about how kids don't have respect or whatever, and then yelled at my friend with the bright blue fleece, saying that he can't have that stuff in school. My friend was like, "But I'm not even wearing it!"


And she's all like, "It doesn't matter! When people break dress code, it's like having an abortion! You can't break the rules!"


Right after class, I went to my locker, and the girl (one of the few non-Christians in the school) whose locker was right next to mine was also sitting in class. She went up to me and asked, "How the hell is having a fleece like getting an abortion?" I simply told her, "I have no idea..."


Oh the things that could only happen in a Catholic school...

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