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food What is your diet like?


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What’s your diet like? Do you eat healthy or are you like me (on a cupcake and donut diet with a side of chips)? What foods do you emphasize in your daily intake and why?




Edited by Dreambiscuit
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It's... especially poor. No sense in being evasive about it. :please: Sugar of course is my obvious weakness, but I have gotten into a wretched caffeine habit as well. I am actively working on the latter at least; I am no longer consuming caffeine every single day any longer, which is a step. My sugar intake is something I badly need to rectify however; I am routinely exceeding my daily intake several times over, sometimes on things that I do not even enjoy. I can even get malaise from eating too much sugar at once, yet I do it anyhow.

I am hoping to incorporate at least small beneficial things into my diet nonetheless; it is just difficult to know where to start, and rather frustrating when the tiny yet necessary steps don't provide immediate results. Oh, how I wish eating a single banana and a small handful of almonds would immediately solve my issues!

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I'm pretty healthy with my diet. I generally stick with fruit + oatmeal for breakfast and vegetables + protein for lunch and dinner. I do enjoy my sugar, but I try to space my intake out. I have hereditary high cholesterol, so I often have to force myself to behave with what I consume. :p

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I usually eat a bowl of rice with a hard boiled egg each day alongside either some fish or chicken. That's more than enough to get me through the day. Although, I do have the occasional snack as well. Occasionally, I also like to make a curry. I haven't had one of those in a while now that I think about it. Admittedly , I don't have the most exciting diet. But, I've just been finding myself needing less and less food over the years to keep me going. :catface:

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I still have some issues especially in regards to sugar, but it's definitely a lot better compared to what it was a few years ago. I've more or less cut soda out entirely. My breakfast mainly consist of bagels and a fruit shake. Lunch and dinner usually consists of some sort of meat but I still need to get more veggies in there

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On 2023-08-26 at 1:28 AM, The Recherche said:

It's... especially poor. No sense in being evasive about it. :please: Sugar of course is my obvious weakness, but I have gotten into a wretched caffeine habit as well.

i actually gave up coffee a few months ago. i was having two cups a day since, like... 2015? 2016? can't remember, but it was a while.

nowadays, i just have one cup of tea. i don't use sugar, instead opting to use splenda - i'm not terribly fond of the sugar rush i used to get, although i can't deny it used to help me through my less productive days.

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My diet is pretty poor. I can't eat a large portion of what most others can eat, and sadly, that includes many healthier foods like nuts. And what I *do* eat turns out to be a lot of junky food. I have slightly improved my diet this year by shifting toward eating a healthy low-calorie yogurt at lunch each day at work, and I try to eat a healthier popcorn for dinner instead of the more fatty microwave foods I ate before. Still, my diet is not great. lol

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Probably pretty terrible, but I eat veggies and don't mind eating salads. Depending on the mood, I sometimes switch sugary drinks for water. When it comes to dieting, I don't put much effort into it as much as I probably should, but I do go on occasional long walks for exercise.

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My diet isn’t good. I’m thinking I don’t eat enough but healthy food is expensive and I like my current weight. It might become an issue when I start exercising again though. I tend to drink water with the skittles drink mix packets. Liquid Death is the only plain water I really love. Everything else I need some sort of flavor to it. I don’t drink soda.

My typical workweek is I have a yogurt and a bowl of honeycomb cereal for breakfast. I drink 2 boost high protein nutritional drinks for lunch. I have a salad for dinner and then I’ll snack on some cheese puffs. 

Today was different. I had a pumpkin spice latte, four slices of pizza and I snacked on some cheese puffs. Every Saturday I get Wendy’s as my meal for the day. What I get is typically around 800-900 calories range and then I’ll typically end up eating half a bag of cheese puffs later in the afternoon when I game. 

Also throw in some tums in there throughout the day.Anywhere from 2-6 depending on how bad the acid reflux is. So yeah.  Not a great diet. 

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