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The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!

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Steps +11

(Total steps completed: 429)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)


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On 2024-12-15 at 7:18 PM, Starlight Glimmer said:

As the race continued to heat up, Starlight couldn't take her eyes away from the competition. "Anarchylight is catching up with the leaders and is trying to take the lead! However, it looks like Titanium has a thing or two to say about that! Moonlight is not too far behind and is trying to make his way towards the front of the pack! Just when you thought some of our racers were far behind, they just make a turnaround!" Starlight exclaimed, grinning in glee at the turn of events. "It looks like even Shiny is humming a fun tune as she leaps back into the race!" Placing a hoof to her chin, Starlight took the unicorn's words to both heart and consideration. "Hmmm...this does make a fair point. Even so, it's sort of difficult unless you see wings flapping. There's always a technicality on what's considered flying and gliding. Be that as it may, I still can let it slide, but still wanted to give it as a warning. As we wouldn't want anypony else to try any ideas like that, of course." Starlight winked as she understood that the race was kicked up a notch with everything that had happened. She still wondered why and how these obstacles, such as the roadblock of apples and the sinkhole had came to be, but she still couldn't put her hoof on it. As Chatterbox and Kramathia were catching up, Starlight smiled fondly at Kramathia, who looked to have found a friend in Shiny.

"It looks like Felis is having trouble keeping up, but I know there will be an opportunity to bounce back! Our racers are honestly staying strong throughout this race and I know they'll all keep up the great work!" Starlight commentated, trying to encourage the racers to stay strong. "Samurai is finding his footing and is making a good pace in knocking down some leaves. Even keeping a good pace to catch up to the others!" Starlight blinked as she saw what looked like magic coming from Samurai. She was about to call out for the use of magic, but stopped as she saw what looked to be cotton candy. What was one cotton candy was made into many and even in colors of the rainbow. "How do you like that everyone? Samurai is giving out treats for the other racers to keep up their strength! While I would say magic isn't allowed, I can overlook this as I know a certain party planning mare that would approve of some cotton candy." Starlight smiled, taking notice of Silverspark, who had jumped out of the pile of leaves. "I hope that Silverspark had a safe landing as it looks like she and Brightspark are back in this! Roswell is making his way down Sweet Apple Acres and is taking the hurdle route! Meanwhile, it looks like Silver Slate is sprinting down the course to both catch up and keep up with the competition!" Just as Starlight was going to continue, she blinked from the sudden flash of light, before taking notice of the tree that fell upon the course. "Sweet Celestia! What in Equestria is going on!?" Starlight started, before trying to get back on course. "I mean, uh...oh no! Our racers have been stopped by a fallen tree and what's this? It looks like Fluttershy and her animals in the animal sanctuary are turning into a frenzy! It looks like a helping hoof is required in order to move onto the next leg of the race!"

Starlight had to admit that this was one the most perplexing. A fallen tree was not what was to happen with the next obstacle. The group was to make their way towards Fluttershy's cottage to help the animals in the animal sanctuary, but this, along with the flash of light that scared the animals was unexpected. As the racers headed into the animals sanctuary, some had tended to the animals from all different kinds. Meanwhile, some had tended to Fluttershy in making sure that she was okay. "It looks like Shiny is trying to calm Harry the bear and it looks like her soothing voice is working!" Starlight was amazed at how she was able to calm down the giant bear. She remember being pulled into a hug by Harry when she was shown friendship by Twilight. She wouldn't lie that he felt scary at first, but she found Harry was such a lovable and kind bear. So, to see Shiny calming him down so easily like that was truly a sight to behold. "Hold on for just a minute, fillies and gentlecolts! It looks like Saturn is back in this race and caught up with everyone!" Starlight announced, eager to see someone else that was still in the race. As more and more of the racer's stepped in to assist, more and more of the animals were able to calm down. With the combined help of both the racers and the animals, the tree was able to be moved out of the way. Effectively allowing the racer's to proceed. "They did it, everyone! Our racers and the animals from the animal sanctuary have done it! The tree has been moved out of the way and the race is back in full swing! It won't be long now. There's just a small leg of the race left as we head into the home stretch! There's still plenty of race left and anything can happen now! Who will win! Only one way to find out!" 

As she mad the announcement, Starlight was surprised as Shiny was riding atop Harry as he charged down the race course. "It looks like we have ourselves a new racer joining us. However, I don't think that anyone can catch a ride with Harry the bear. If you would like to run alongside him, then I think that would be okay." Starlight called out to Shiny and the others that were potentially riding atop the giant bear. 

"Awwww! Come on, Starlight! That's no fair! Silverspark has been ridding other participants from the beginning! And you're saying that I can't ride just one bear?" *Shiny Silvermoon yelled to @Starlight Glimmer with frustration visible in her voice. However, she quickly decided to submit to the rules, since she didn't want to be accused of cheating.*

"Fine..." *She reluctantly said, before jumping off from Harry's back. To everypony's surprise the unicorn was now leaping next to the bear at a similar spead. The totally logic and scientific explaination for this phenomenon was that the excessive leapings of Shiny, through the race, caused the muscles of her legs to reconfigure themselves to acquire a predisposition for bouncing. The result of this adaptation gave her the ability to leap faster than she can run. And somehow, like in every good animes, your brain understood what it just read, even if it didn't make any sense.*


Yesterday's steps : 8 + 75% (permanent bonus from calming Harry the bear who was the secret animal) = 14

Today's steps : 19 + 75% = 33

Total steps : 322

Total leaves : 128

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Previous rolls:





(25% penalty for first two rolls, 50% bonus for third roll)

(3, 8, 12)

Today's roll:


(Totals: Steps: 181, Leaves: 141)

So strange that the squirrel acted like it knew me... Silver thought to himself. It definitely felt like a special encounter, but either way, I'm happy to be able to help even if it was only a little bit. Plus, we got the tree cleared up, so that was the important part.

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Steps +19

(Total steps completed: 448)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)




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For a laugh, Samurai switches things up, rolling down the track on top of a piece of log.



Samurai does this for a while, feeling happy go lucky, when he suddenly hears something familiar. "Eh? Kore ga..."

Samurai hops off the log then looks around for the source of what he heard. "It sounded familiar..." Samurai continues down the track on hoof, but he is also keeping an eye out for what he heard.

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"I have to push myself. I can't stop now, not when I'm so close!" Titanium forces her body to push on, her muscles screaming to stop, her heart pounding in her chest, but the finish line is within sight, and there are ponies catching up with her.


(Total: 489)


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*All of a sudden, Shiny Silvermoon stopped herself from leaping, as she recalled that her goal wasn't to be the fastest but to knock some leaves. The race was just a game to spice up the harsh job that it is to help mother nature by knocking down so many leaves. So, indeed, leaping should come after leaves, since it wasn't the priority. So she decided to spend the next few minutes making leaves fall of the trees to compensate the recent lack of actually doing what needed to be done.*

Leaves : 19 + 75% (permanent bonus from calming Harry the bear who was the secret animal) = 33

Total steps : 322

Total leaves : 161

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image.png.7304cc3b5609e5fdd441bdea0200c9ba.png 242+19 = 261 for Chatterbox


image.png.012267d478c7761caeaf071895de42d1.png 233 + 12 = 245 for Kramathia



Chatterbox and Kramathia kept running calmly, Chatterbox felt a little tired and decided to just slow her steps and Kramathia wanted to save battery so her steps may not be as fast as before



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Apparently, I missed a day somehow, so here is another catch-up roll.



Samurai took a moment to look around, but could not find the source of the sound. "Maybe I am hearing things." He continues down the track as fast as he can. If he is lucky, he'll get to see Chatterbox (@Rethajni) cross the finish line.


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Steps +17

(Total steps completed: 465)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)



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*Shiny Silvermoon knocked a few more leaves to make sure that mother nature would be pleased and that the timberwolves would continue to howl to the Moon with her, before returning to the race.*


Leaves : 15 + 75% (permanent bonus from calming Harry the bear who was the secret animal) = 26

Total steps : 322

Total leaves : 187

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On 2024-12-12 at 4:41 PM, Fluttershy said:

As the racers continued on their path, they would see a clearing up ahead. What looked could be the meetup area could only mean that the finish line was just within their reach. Along the way, they could see a familiar cottage was on their left if they passed it by. The cottage belonging to Fluttershy, as well as her Animal Sanctuary. A place that could be housed to any and all animal that wished to stay for the time being if they ever so choose. If any of the racers took notice, they'd find Fluttershy, sitting on a stool. All arranged in a circle was the yellow pegasus, as well as other animals sitting in their own seats. Ranging from more stools, chairs and/or pillows for them to be comfortable sitting in. These animals ranged from koala's, birds, giraffe's, snakes, wolves, raccoons, mice, elephants, bunnies, squirrels, sloths, and many, many more could be seen. The group would be sitting enjoying delicious cups of tea, while discussing how everyone has been staying at the animals sanctuary. The yellow pegasus could tell that there might have been a disagreement between some animals, but she knew that she would be able to work things out. After all, she had her trusty bunny, Angel, who could help her out if she needed a helping hoof. 

As the racers kept moving, there was a sudden flash of light that came out of nowhere. The sound of cracking thunder could be heard, followed by the sound of something falling. With a sudden sudden crash, the racers were stopped in their tracks as a giant tree had fallen upon the path ahead. The sudden jolt of the crashing tree had caused Harry the bear to suddenly roar out. A chain reaction could be heard as the animals had all began to panic and turn into an absolute frenzy. "Oh, my! E-Everyone! P-Please call down! Everything will be okay! No need to panic!" Fluttershy exclaimed, trying to call out to the animals. Even Angel tried to help the animals, but it was to no avail. The sudden flash and crash had been a bit too much for the animals to handle. If things didn't calm down soon, then the Animal Sanctuary, as well as possibly the race would be in jeopardy. "O-Oh, dear. What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked, looking around in hopes that any sort of help would be arrive. As her eyes darted in all directions, her eyes became trained upon the group of ponies that were stopped by the giant tree.

"Oh! E-Everypony!" Fluttershy called out to them, before flying over towards their location. Angel sitting atop her head to go along with her, while making sure not to fall off. As the two landed before the racers, she had an expression of relief upon herself. The feeling of fear and concern was there, but she was glad that someone was potentially here to help. "I-I'm so glad to see you all. A-Angel and I were discussing to every creature about their living arrangements. Even to make sure that everyone got the food and comfortable spaces to sleep. When all of a sudden, there was a flash and something that sounded like crashing. Harry the bear just went into a rage and it caused some of the animals to freak out just as much." Fluttershy explained, looking over to see that a giant tree had fall upon the path. "O-Oh, no! Now we know what caused the crash, but how did a giant tree fall upon the path!? It must have been from that flash, but there aren't any rain clouds around. Rainbow Dash even stated that there wouldn't be any rain for today." Fluttershy pondered, while Angel hopped down and started kicking the tree rapidly with his foot. The kicking was to no avail, unfortunately as the tree didn't budge an inch. "I really do appreciate your help and concern, Angel, but I d-don't think that's enough. To do this, we'd need much more than that." Fluttershy stated, before a sudden idea began to take shape.

Looking back to the racers, the yellow pegasus had a pleading look upon her face. "E-Everypony? I could really use your help! We can't leave this giant tree along the path. This would block anyone going from here into town and vice versa. Even if you are a pegasus, this is still pretty dangerous. I also really need your help in calming the animals down. I know I could use The Stare, but I don't think I could use it on so many animals at once. Not only that, but I don't want to scare anyone either when using The Stare. I want to help calm them down in case I have to use The Stare as a last resort. M-Maybe if you can all help calm the animals down, then that would mean we could get some help in moving the tree. W-What do you say? I-If that's okay, of course." Fluttershy stated, looking towards the group to see what they think.

OOC: Welcome everyone to your third and final obstacle! A giant tree has blocked the path of the race and animals of the sanctuary are running rampant in fear and panic! It is up to you to help Fluttershy in calming the animals down! To overcome this obstacle, multiple D20 rolls will decide your fate! Your task is to help three animals from among the list above! A roll of a 10 or below will result in a penally of 25% decrease in your next roll. An 11 to a 16 will proceed as normal. A 17 or above will be rewarded with a bonus of a 50% increase on your next roll! However, it might not be as simple as it may appear. Each roll you make to help calm the animals will affect your roll upon getting back into the race! Your rolls might not be the best when trying to calm them, but you'll still pass. However, the rolls that you get in trying to calm your three animals will be your effects when getting back onto the race! Upon helping the three animals, you'll also be given three more rolls to use upon the fallen tree. The goal is to roll up to 100. So, the three animals that you help will be more rolls to make to help get the tree out of the way. It's all about working as a team, so everyone should do their best! 

There is also a hidden objective when taking part in this obstacle! There is an animal among the list above that will lead to a special reward. If you manage to help calm that specific animal, then all shall be revealed in due time. Good luck to you all and may the rolls continue to be in your favor!

(OOC: somehow i rolled 4 twice XD T_T but then i rolled a 20 O . O so idk what that means, i'm not good at reading comprehension most times, but i know 4 is extremely abysmal.)

for my three rolls for Fluttershy's event: 4, 4, and 20

leaves: 8
steps: 2 XD

total leaves: idk where my last post was. same result will be for total steps, i just don't know. it's been too long since i last posted

I take one of the cotton candies offered by Samurai.

"Arigatou, Samurai-san! Itedakimasu!" I take a bite. "Oishii!" I give a grin to Samurai and finish my cotton candy by the time Fluttershy needs our help. My player is assuming that b/c she rolled 4, I did not calm 2 animals, but b/c she rolled a 20 on the last roll, I did excellent calming the third animal. It seems I learned from the first two XD

Screenshot 2024-12-19 221524.png

Screenshot 2024-12-19 221534.png

Screenshot 2024-12-19 221547.png

Screenshot 2024-12-19 222542.png

Screenshot 2024-12-19 222447.png

Edited by Lucky Fire
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Felis didn't stop, she knocked off leaves as she ran.
She still missed that chocolate cake and @Samurai Equine's cartoon candy and the snowpony she had built with @Shiny Silvermoon.
She relished it... :nom:


Total Steps: 211 + 13 = 224
Total Leaves: 98 + 10 = 108

Edited by Felis Amafeles
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Titanium pushes her body further and further beyond its limit. She can barely stand, wobbling left and right, gasping for air.


(Total: 501)

(Is that it? Should I RP crossing the line?)


Titanium sways from side to side as she finally crosses the finish line, she staggers and collapses onto the ground, gasping for air and clutching her sides. "W-water... I need a drink." She stammers from the grounds, rolling onto her back to stare up at the sky above, trying to control her breathing. "Did... Did I win? I'm just... Going to lay here a while."

Edited by Wizard
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Steps +20

(Total steps completed: 485)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)


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*In the distances, Shiny saw the finish line and Titamium @Wizard who just crossed it. The unicorn was very happy to see that all the harsh efforts that Titanium did through the race paid at the end. She also noticed thst Harry the bear, her new furry friend, had also been knocking leaves to mimic her. However, the amount of leaves that he accumulated beneath the trees was far more impressive. Shiny couldn't help but jump into one of the many stacks of leaves that the bear created. The animal did the same and, after a few minutes, they decided to get back into the race.*


Steps : 10 + 75 % (permanent bonus from calming Harry the bear who was the secret animal) = 18

Leaves : 5 + 75 % = 9

Total steps : 340

Total leaves : 196

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*Anarchylight stopped next to @Wizard Titamium.
"Is this the finish line?"
*Anarchylight looked at Titamium and asked
"Hey, are you okay?"
*Anarchylight scanned her. She used magic to restore Titamium.
"You should be better now."

Steps +15

(Total steps completed: 500)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)


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For not posting yesterday:



Samurai was doing a good job, but he could see ahead. It looks like they may have seen the first racers to cross the finish line. He smirks. After another step, he stops where he is. "I think my job here is done."

Here, Samurai decides to spend the rest of the race guiding other ponies to the finish line. He might even walk backwards to greet the racers he past. "Somehow, I passed Chat-chan without even noticing.... I hope she is not upset."

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Upon hearing Moonlight response, Starlight couldn't help in giving a sheepish smile. "While it is probably simple by levitating them and teleporting them back to Fluttershy's animal sanctuary, It looked like a good way to go about the obstacle at hoof." Starlight responded, but a concerned expression was soon forming on her face. "What I want to know is why did that even happen in the first place. Sure, that was the goal that was planned. Even then, that flash of light and rumble to scare the animals wasn't in the description of the plan." She spoke softly to herself. The only one that could hear her was Trixie. As the two floated along in the balloon, Starlight tried to make heads or tails on the matter. This was the third time that happened and this wasn't just a coincidence. While she tried to figure out what was going on, she got back to her position in the balloon basket as she continued to observe the race. "It looks like everyone is starting to lose some steam in their run as everyone looks to be slowing down. From all of these obstacles to even moving that tree. It looks as if the fatigue is finally catching up to everypony, but nobody is daring to give up yet! The finish line is just within sight and it's still anypony's race!" Starlight grinned as she watched Samurai go for a jumped in an attempt to do a flip. At the same time, taking notice of Moonlight, who was admiring the leaves around him. 

"Anarchylight is just a few feet away from taking the lead, but Titanium isn't planning on stopping just yet!" Starlight commentated, taking note of Shiny's remark of Silverspark, who was riding on the back of other participants. "Hmmm...it's kind of difficult to say. It could be that Silverspark and Brightspark wanted to hitch a ride or be near their friends. So, I'm not entirely sure how to go about this. Wait...was there any rules in the rulebook of that?" Starlight wondered, looking through their supplies in the balloon basket to see what they had a rulebook. Even though Shiny jumped off of Harry's back, Starlight was impressed that the unicorn was now leaping next to the bear. "It looks like Shiny and Harry are keeping pace, while it looks like Shiny has a spring in her step. Sounds like she's got herself a fun running buddy." Starlight smiled with a giggle, while taking note of Silver Slate catching up with the racers. "Samurai looks to be rolling down the track as he's balancing on a piece of log. I guess this would be a sort of Rolling of the Leaves." Starlight laughed as she took the opportunity of the pun. 

"Chatterbox and Kramathia are both starting to slow down and are feeling the exhaustion, but they're still staying strong. Don't give up, everypony! You're almost there!" Starlight commentated, giving the racer's the encouragement to stay strong. "Princess Lucky Fire has managed to get through the third obstacle and is heading back onto the course to catch up with the others. It looks like she managed to reach Samurai as the two are conversing in their trot! Felis is trying to knock even more leaves down, while Moonlight looks to be feeling the burn!" With Shiny still in her run, Starlight gasped as the finish line was inches away. "This is it, fillies and gentlecolts! We're right there! The home stretch! This is getting close and it's a true nail biter of a finale! It could be...yes, I think! The winner is...it's!" She watched as Dynamo waved the checkered flag in his hoof to signal the winner of the race.

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