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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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Cigarette smokers.

Every time I see one in the area, smoking, I get worried that I will second hand smoke.


Seeing annoying jokes or memes on every site I go

I have absolutely no problem with people finding them funny, but when they are on nearly every website I go, it is just entirely annoying. People always say "just ignor it" but it's impossible to ignore it WHEN IT'S ON EVERY. SINGLE. WEBSITE. I'm talking about you, Doge and Sanic.



Luckily, this isn't so common on my computer since I have Ad-Block on both of my main Browsers (Chrome and Firefox), but whenever something pop-ups on a computer, it is rather annoying.


People that hate you for not agreeing with an opinion

It's childish and rather stupid.


Anyone that tries to be gross on purpose.

Whether it be through spitting on someone or farting at someone, it doesn't make you funny, in fact, it makes you look childish, and it's especially bad when I'm trying to eat.

Edited by Peter Sam
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So, what are your biggest pet peeves? Mine are -


1. When one of my friend's had braces, and also had to have rubber bands, and she would leave the rubber bands in for DAYS and not take them out, and eat with her mouth wide open....EWWWWW!!!!!!!!


2. (no offense to anyone who has this problem) Holding hands with people who have naturally sweaty hands, not trying to hate on anyone with sweaty hands, just saying.


3. Water bottle sweat. 'Nough said. :P


4. When people don't wipe the toilet seat off after they peed on it.


5. People NOT flushing the toilet!


6. People who hate on bronies or people that like to watch kids shows. Who cares?! It doesn't affect you!


Hmmm, that's all I can think of right now, I'm sure I'll add on later though.....

  • Brohoof 3



Here's a HUGE thank you to the make of this gorgeous signature!! Credit to Pinkamena Dianne Pie


My Johari window - http://kevan.org/johari?name=kelseymarie805

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DVD's and Blu Rays that won't let you skip straight to the main menu. Hate sitting through all that copyright crap 


Noisy eaters 

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DVD's and Blu Rays that won't let you skip straight to the main menu. Hate sitting through all that copyright crap 


Noisy eaters 


Ugh me too.....


Yeah, noisy eaters can be frustrating too, but I can't complain too much about that as I happen to be a noisy eater (I can't help it though, I try to eat more quietly but I just CAN'T....)



Here's a HUGE thank you to the make of this gorgeous signature!! Credit to Pinkamena Dianne Pie


My Johari window - http://kevan.org/johari?name=kelseymarie805

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People who point at a thing off in the distance without specifying what they're pointing at, and expecting that everyone can easily see and understand what they're referencing. There is no laser pointer at the end of your fingertip. Why does nobody understand this?


People who don't double-check their posts to the point where it looks like they're not even trying. At all. A single typo is one thing. Changing the entire meaning of their posts is another thing. That's my onion, and I'm sticking to it. ... hahaha.


People who simply claim "because" as the entirety of their logic and rationality behind their argument. You know what I mean. It's horrible, isn't it. It's like besieging your well-composed argument with purposeful ignorance. It's awful.

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The toilet seat being left up. My brother does this all the time and it drives me nuts.


Drivers not signaling when they're turning.


People that laugh loudly and obnoxiously at the TV even when someone else has asked them several times to stop or told them to shut up several times.

Edited by MidnightFire1222
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And speaking of DVD's and Blu Rays I really hate the whole Region crap that they have . If I want to buy a perfectly legal DVD or Blu Ray from another country then I should be able to do that


I know that you can get region free Blu Rays and DVD players, but all of them should be region free

Edited by Phill
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And speaking of DVD's and Blu Rays I really hate the whole Region crap that they have . If I want to buy a perfectly legal DVD or Blu Ray from another country then I should be able to do that


I know that you can get region free Blu Rays and DVD's but all of them should be region free


Hmmm yeah I've never seen that, that's kind of annoying though yes.


Flat pillows. Another pet peeve.



Here's a HUGE thank you to the make of this gorgeous signature!! Credit to Pinkamena Dianne Pie


My Johari window - http://kevan.org/johari?name=kelseymarie805

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Well this ones school driven but, people who constantly ask for directions right after the teacher just explained it, LIKE AGH LISTEN! :angry:


aside from that i dislike

People who don't clean up after themselves

people being stupid just for the sake of being stupid :okiedokielokie:

Immature jokes

People that are wayyyy too into their significant other, like PDA, baby talk in public, like please. I dont wanna hear or see any of that :eww:

Edited by Mixbeat
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The word ''hipster'' 


Everyone and everything is called hipster now a days. The word is so overused.  I'll probably be called a hipster for hating the word hipster 


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I hate it when people instead of being straightforward start being verbose.


Why say so much when you don't say the important stuff?


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This, and I've also heard people say "my face when" and other internet phrases that don't even make sense in real life.

this one in particular I know someone and they yell that at everyone for no reason at least a few times a day. It's so anoying

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Ok, I'm going to add to my list....


I hate it when people get mad at you for how you're doing something b/c they do it a different way. Really?! I don't have to do it your way!


Snapchat is kind of a pet peeve, it's really stupid I think, I may really, there's a thing called picture messaging......


People who post pictures of themselves they DON'T like, if you don't like it, don't put it online for everyone to see and complain about it.


When people say "New hair don't care" yes you do, shut up.


People who bash people b/c they like something they don't like, really, REALLY?!?! Just b/c you don't like it doesn't mean we can't like it, and does it affect you? Not particularly.


When people are listening to music/watching something/gaming in a public place (or just in general) and they don't use headphones, I'm sorry but, I'd prefer not to hear what you're doing......


When someone has a screaming child/baby at a church/restaurant/etc and they won't leave, they just sit there with their SCREAMING child, I mean really, if your kid is crying then get them out and try to calm them down please!


When I'm trying to lose weight, and I go to eat something and I have to listen to crap about why I shouldn't be eating it. Leave me alone and let me eat it, it's my body anyways, plus, you eat whatever you feel like.


Scratched dvds.


Slow internet or electronics.


Adding sugar to food where it doesn't believe (deviled eggs, chicken salad, bread, etc.....) Ewww.


Seeing a bunch of hair on someone's back but you know you can't pull it off......


Bossiness. If you want me to do something, fine, but don't be bossy about it (and if I get annoyed or have attitude when I do it, don't get mad at me). I'm much more willing to do what you want me to do with a good attitude if you're not bossy about it. Of course I know at jobs this is something I'll probably have to deal with.


People who don't let their kids paint their nails colors besides pastels....I don't get that, there's nothing wrong with darker/brighter nail polish. Unless it's a young child and they wanna wear a really dark color such as red, black, etc, I don't see a problem with it.



Here's a HUGE thank you to the make of this gorgeous signature!! Credit to Pinkamena Dianne Pie


My Johari window - http://kevan.org/johari?name=kelseymarie805

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-People who drive anyway when the pedestrian isn't even halfway across the street.


-Bias people


-People who think that rap is actually a talent.


-People who listen to dubstep and say it's the beat way to start looking like you're having a seizure.



-People who think Windows 8 IS better than 7.

No. Just stay away from me of you want to live.


-People who think stand up comedy is laughter gold.


-People who are Homestuck fans and say it's the best comic ever.


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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Click pens that lay clicked (writing mode) when not in use. I feel a mild OCD need to click it "closed".


But by far the most irritating thing to me is, I can't stand smacking (sound of people chewing food.) I have to leave the source, or I start to literally go insane. I despise Thanksgiving for this reason. Unreasonable hatred, but I broke a dinner table one year cause it wouldn't stop, needless to say, the fam wasn't thankful for that.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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