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Who here dislikes the "other" bronies?

butter scotch

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There are the normal bronies who mind there own buisness, come on the forums and watch the show. Then the others: They go on somewhere like youtube and say something like "I'm a brony and I think this is shit" then it ends up in a massive argument, they also try and force others to watch the show! The point is it gives the normal bronies a bad name which is why we get hate!

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There are the normal bronies who mind there own buisness, come on the forums and watch the show. Then the others: They go on somewhere like youtube and say something like "I'm a brony and I think this is shit" then it ends up in a massive argument, they also try and force others to watch the show! The point is it gives the normal bronies a bad name which is why we get hate!


Well, do what those bronies don't and Love and Tolerate. Just ignore them and tolerate them if you hate them and they annoy you so much. Not all that much can be done about it really, it's their choice.

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I find this a petty reason to hate someone, but I sometimes this does get very out of hand. The problem with joining a pop-culture society is that we have "those people" who are the ones who misrepresent us. The best we can do is show others that we are fair mined and lax individuals who should not be classified by the vocal minority within the fanbase.

  • Brohoof 6
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I don't hate, but they annoy me. It's 'those' bronies, the ones who go on non-pony sites and forums and NEVER shut up about the show to those who aren't interested in it, that turned me off to the idea of the show for a while.

  • Brohoof 3
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These people have made it so we have become a very defensive community in arguments. Those bronies are the people with less internet training than most of us here, yet we still have to accept that they are apart of our community and convince others that though we are in the same fandom, we are not responsible for their actions.

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In truth, they are reacting the societal pressure to extremify. If they do not shout loudly, they fear they may not be herd (ha-ha, lame pun). So, while oftentimes in any movement, the majority are good, decent, lovable people, eventually the loud, obnoxious, hateful ones come to dominate the images of the group. I don't blame them, but I do wish they would shut up. Just try explaining to them that there is a better way to brony and show love.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't hate them, but I can't stand them, they're just to idiotic to follow the rules of love and tolerate.
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Those "other" bronies fall into a far larger category that I refer to as "stupid people," meaning, quite obviously, people who simply, yet knowingly, choose not to use the rational, fully-functional minds that God gave them and instead say or do something incredibly stupid. I don't hate these people, mind you, but I find them more vexing, annoying, irritating, idiotic, and down-right frustrating than any other group of people in the world, and no other group of people can really put me into quite as bad a mood quicker than stupid people. But hey, love and tolerate, right? :)


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Doesn't mean I have to listen to whatever stupid crap they're saying, though! :lol:

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't hate, but I dislike the attitude of them. I also dislike the ones who just shove it down your throat, overreact to R34 and Cupcakes.

  • Brohoof 2
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It annoys me when people are over the top about their MLP fandom; the kinds of people who will remind you they're into MLP every chance they get and act like you're pure evil if you dislike the show. I also don't like that people tend to use these folk as the "face" of the fandom, but what can ya do? The unfortunate truth though is that every fanbase is gonna have bad eggs, so I do my best to focus on the positives and brush off the "in-your-facey" side.

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Ok, I want to point one thing out. A comment that involves pony can be posted as long you can find a GOOD link between what you are saying and the video. The antis thinks its just pony can't relate to anything which is untrue.


If the comment is pony but not related to the video, then the antis should at least tell them what they are doing wrong.


As for comments that say "I'm a brony and I think this is shit" are bad, but very few.

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I say let these 'other' bronies do what they want- if they really do watch the same show that the rest of us do, then hopefully they'll eventually take a page from it and learn a lesson. ;)

Edited by SBB64
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I'm...not sure if I read this correctly, or if I know how to react to this.....


I am a member of this other forum that's non-MLP, and not everyone there likes the fact if the topic being brought up. I'm one of the only few bronies there, and whenever the topic suddenly appears, it doesn't turn into a war, it justs brings out the bad sides of some of the people, and I try to enlighten them about the show whenever they see the negatives in it. I don't...well, I don't think I do what would be considered shoving it down their throats, I discuss what I need to discuss, they disagree like always, and I just continue on. When it's dropped, it's dropped, I don't endlessly torture them with it.


I'm not sure if I qualify as an “other” brony, but I wouldn't like to be, based off how it appears they act.

Edited by NASCARFAN160licious
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Brony in the most general sense of the word simply means you're part of the fandom. (I'm not going to debate whether it refers to one gender or not, so don't bother telling me).


There are no "true" or "other" bronies. And no, people who adhere to the internet meme "love and tolerance" are not somehow "truer" bronies than those who realize it's little more than a fan made creation and not some set of supreme objective moral laws that we all must abide by to avoid be ostracized from the fandom.


Everyone has their own personality. Not every one in the fandom will be the same.

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I believe they only act that way because some people are complete pricks and will judge something before even watching it. But what can you do? It's a human-like thing to do.


My friends will call me gay for drawing a picture of fluttershy, so it goes to show you there are all kinds of people around the world. That is my input on that.

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I dislike people you try to use the fact that they are a brony to get attention.

If it's something that has nothing to do with ponies, let sleeping dogs lie.

That said, I see no problems having a name, avi, or siggy that refers to ponies on a non-pony website.

I mean, I could change my avi to be Pokemon related here and there would be no problem, why should there be one if, on a Pokemon site, I change my avi to be pony related?


Brony haters often say, "I only hate bronies who shove ponies down my throats," which, I can partially agree to. You aren't going to post "Vinyl Scratch is best pony" on a IT thread are you? Some haters, however, go on to say "You shouldn't be proud to be a brony, you should be ashamed. So stop using your pony avatars and get a real one," this coming from people who previously claimed to only hate one type of brony. Basically, they like closet bronies, and to them everyone else is an overzealous, pony loving maniac like the Pyro who don't deserve access to the internet.


People who try to get something simply for being a brony really irk me. It is pointless and offers nothing to the topic at hand. As such, I sometimes consider them trolls and ignore their further activity.

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