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Missing Coffee RP

Future Allie Way

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(Okay. We are complete.)

(Coffee Bean: Me. Silver Light: Hayze. Midnight Thought: Espionage. Dizzy Daze: Dizzy. Surprise: ThePinkazoid. Violet Velvet: Violet Velvet. The witness is Cherry Powder, also RPed by Violet Velvet. And the villains are Shadow, RPed by PinkiePie; and Gizmo, RPed by Linguz.)

Coffee Bean smiled as she trotted through Ponyville. It was a beautiful day. Everything seemed to be normal.-Seemed-.

Coffee walked over to a pony taking a milkshake near Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey, Cherry. I heard that the bridge at the park is now like 100x bigger! Maybe you want to come with me?" Coffee beamed.

(Guys, don't start yet. The only ponies that will appear right now are Cherry and Coffee. You will all appear after Coffee gets kidnapped, which will happen right now, when she gets to the park.)


(** I said that at the beginning of the thread I'd post a list of places. This places will be found in a list in Coffee's house:

Manehattan, Trotsdale, Everfree Forest, Fillydelphia, Mane (Maine), and Unicornopolis (A place where only unicorns are treated decently.))

Edited by Pastel


Formerly known as Holly Dash or Pastel. I'm the forum's most obnoxious member ;D

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(Hello :3)

"Of course! I've been dying to go there." Cherry threw her milkshake in a nearby trash can and started walking.

(I'm going to use my mom's laptop or my iPod to keep writing this, so if you want Pastel you can control my movements JUST for my next dialogue.)

Edited by Violet Velvet


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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Coffee trotted a little bit fast to keep up with Cherry.

After some minutes of talking, they were already in the park.

Both of them giggled and walked over to the huge bridge.

"It is really dark in there. I think I'll stay here." said Cherry.

"Don't be a chicken." Coffee teased her.

"I am not a chicken. I'm a pony." Cherry smiled.

Coffee giggled and said, "T's okay. I'll go by myself."

Suddenly, Cherry was alone. Coffee was already in the inner part of the long, dark bridge.

Cherry waited and waited for Coffee to get back. Five minutes have passed already, and Coffee was not back yet.


Formerly known as Holly Dash or Pastel. I'm the forum's most obnoxious member ;D

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"Coffe?" Cherry asked.

No response.

"Are you alright? Maybe it is not that dark there. I can go in with you." Cherry nervously asked.

This time a high-pitched squeal echoed in the bridge. It lasted about half second before it abruptedly stopped, as if somepony had shuted that pony up.

Cherry Powder gulped, and ran to the interior of the bridge. It was more like a cave. It obviously was not designed to be inside of it.

Cherry frantically ran from side to side and edge to edge thru the cave. She was about to give up until she felt something hurting her hoof. It was one of Coffee's bracelets! Someone had Coffee, who is pretty easy to ponynap. Simply scare her, wait for her to faint, and ta-da!

Cherry ran out of the cave...er... bridge back to the center of Ponyville. She abruptedly entered Sugarcube Corner, in which all of Coffee's friends were.

"Guys! Coffee's gone!" Cherry was so nervous that she could barely talk.


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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Silver Light laying on the ground with her eyes closed was trying to meditate untill the pony came barging in. She is now slightly irritated.


"What happened? You were there were you?"


*Can't a pony meditate in peace anymore..?*

Edited by Hayze


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Dizzy stood by himself off in the short distance, stretching out his legs and hooves in preparation perform aerial agility exercises, unable to ever stand still for too long. Just as he took off, kicking up a cloud beneath his hooves Violet delivered the news, causing him to stop abruptly in mid-air with wings flapping. "Ponynapped? Who would want to ponynap Coffee?", asked, feeling unconvinced of such a crime, "are you sure you're not just overreacting?"


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"I AM sure. We... went to the new bridge at the park. She peeked in. I waited for her several minutes. She didn't come out, and then I heard some screams. I searched for her in the cave-like thing that is the lower part part of the bridge. I didn't find her. Just her bracelet."


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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Silver Light ponders what was said, then stands up and looks at Violet.


"You didn't see who may of "Ponynapped" her? No tracks leading to where she may of been taken?"


*I don't remember hearing of any crime related histroy in this town since I've arrived...*

Edited by Hayze


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Surprise put her hoof under her chin as in thinking something "So, how do you know she was ponynapped? or maybe she just got lost"

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Silver Light cocked her head back and answered Surprise.


"She apparently screamed, and was not found. She would of kept screaming if she was lost...but still...why would somepoy want to ponynap somepony?"

Edited by Hayze


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(I just realized "Violet" was supposed to be Cherry... Whatever haha let's keep it like this.)

"There's this creep. Shadow. When they were fillies, Coffee used to be Shadow's only friend. One day, for no reason, she turned her back on him. He has a minion or something. He is called Gizmo. Gizmo is... an alicorn. He was born as a unicorn, but later on built his own wings. They are some of the most powerful Equestrian duos. You can call me crazy, but I think Shadow wants revenge."


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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Silver Light a little skeptical of the story replys back to Violet with what she was thinking of.


"Well she didn't stop hanging out for no reason. Something must of happened between them to cause the...rupture of the friendship."


*Either she doesn't know, or she isn't telling us something...*


Silver Light starts to walk around in the room towards a table as she continues on about the story


"And for this..."Gizmo" Unicorn or False-Alicorn...well I honestly do not believe there is a pony who made his own wings, and is able to use them. Wings are something you are born with..not made...and how would you make them anyways, or even work? If you are this concerned for your friend though, we should go check out where she was ponynapped."


*I've never heard of these ponies before..*

Edited by Hayze


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Dizzy quickly zooms toward Violet in almost a blur of speed, asking to see the bracelet from Violet before raising it up into the sun, viewing it as if for some kind of clue. "If this is all true, it sounds like this Shadow guy has no idea who he's messing with!", Dizzy scratched his head with one of his hooves, still studying the bracelet like it'd give him all the answers. "I wonder, if we could use some pony's dog or something with a good nose to help us track down Coffee with this?"


Dizzy returns the bracelet, still thinking to himself as he starts pacing back and forth. "It might be good to check out this bridge you're speaking about too."

Edited by Dizzy


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Violet scratched her head with her hoof. "Coffee told me Gizmo made his wings and was able to use them. That is what scares me the most about him. I never heard about somepony being able to do that. We NEED to go and check out that bridge. Perhaps I missed something."

*Violet is suspecting that there is something that Coffee doesn't want to tell her about what may have broken her friendship with Shadow.*

"Let's go to that bridge."


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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"Let... Me... Go!" Coffee struggled to get out of the ponynapper's trap.

The ponynapper, whose identity was still unknown, didn't reply.

There were two ponies. Both of them had their faces covered with a dark cloth, as well as their body.

Neither of them replied.

Coffee tried to break the ropes attaching her to a chair. No luck.


Formerly known as Holly Dash or Pastel. I'm the forum's most obnoxious member ;D

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"We should pack everything we need. Oh, the bridge is at the Ponyville park." Violet walked to the door, but suddenly an idea appeared in her mind.

"Maybe we should go to Coffee's house. Maybe, I don't know, there is something that can help us. A clue. There's a tiny possibility."


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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"Hoofstone Avenue."

(BTW, Pastel told me to tell you that when you finally get another clue, the "villain" will hide her in yet another place so it is almost impossible to find her)



This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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Dizzy follows the group in the air, his wings flapping slowly to try and keep at the same speed, his eyes constantly scanning the horizon around them as if expecting the dark duo to appear out of nowhere. "I still think that bracelet might be our best clue, but I wouldn't mind checking everything out. Lead the way!"


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After arriving at Coffee's house, Violet knocked on the door.

None opened.

*What was I expecting, Coffee's ghost to open the door?*

Violet tried to open the door. It was open. This made her a little nervous because Coffee never left her house unlocked.

When they entered the house, Violet gasped. Everything was a mess. Most of the things were broken, and most of the papers were torn down.

It seemed as if our bad duo had been here.

And they probably were.

She sighted a paper─one that was not torn down. She looked at it, and it had a list of places. (The places are in the first dialogue of the thread.)

"Guys, I think I found something."

It didn't look like Coffee's hoofwritting.


(I'm gonna take a shower. See you in some minutes :) )

Edited by Violet Velvet


This signature is just perfect :wub: Made by my awesome sister, Allie Way (Holly Dash)

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