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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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Mr.Snow stuck his head into the class room and tossed the love poiton at pinstrype

It had a note that said

"Good job, you did the best on the test! so you can have this"

"P.S if you give this to a pony, the first pony that they see they will fall in love with"

"Good luck, Mr.Snow

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Musical got an iPod and some tiny headphones out of her bag, put on the headphones, plugged them in the iPod, and then turned on one of her favorite songs.


Mr.Snow then walked over to musical and gave her the same thing with the same notes he then left Edited by embers1
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''Oh, Wow! I have so Many People to chose from! Should I chose the cruel Tough guy? Or the one with the Laptop?'' Said Splinter sarcastically as rolling his eyes around.

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Sky raised his hoof "Sir if there is 5 guys does that mean one of us get a.room to are selves?" Sky asked.

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Musical slightly turned up the music on her iPod and got a book out of her bag to read.


Mr.Snow walked over to her and tapped her sholder, he asked her to follow

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Alexandrite rushed into the school, he stopped for a second to get his pack straight and then walked into the hallway.

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Alexandrite accidentally bumped into a pony, "Oh sorry." Said Alexandrite nervously.

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"Pleasure to meet you as well." replied Alexandrite picking up one of the books that fell out.

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"Well it seems to all be figured out." He said writing down names next to each other.

"Sugar, your with Krystal."

"Pynstrype and Splinter."

"Quill and Musical"

"That leaves Clyare with Ivy."

"That means... Lockhart, Sky, ummm new pony, whats your name?"

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"Oh, um... my name is Alexandrite" replied Alexandrite putting the final book back in his bag.

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