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S01:E15 - Feeling Pinkie Keen

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Title: Feeling Pinkie Keen

Air Date: February 11, 2011

Synopsis: Amazed with Pinkie Pie's ability to predict the future, Twilight Sparkle follows her around in order to uncover the source of her incredible abilities.

Mine would have to be when Twilight's in the bath and she finds out there was an alligator in the tub with her :D

It's so funny when Twily's wrong i must say :3

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  • 4 months later...

Finally an epsiode with some more action! A stupid hydra, Phsychic pinkie and Twilight evolved into Rapidash :P


Really good epsiode!


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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  • 1 month later...

i thought this episode was pretty fun.  i was kinda disappointed to seeing a lot of negative response from brony analysts.  i am somewhat an analyst myself, but i think i let the show get away with more things than other people do.  i thought this was a good episode, it had an entertaining slapstick element, as you can usually expect with Pinkie Pie centered episodes, but this maybe more so in some ways.


Spike getting a rock hit on his head with Twily practicing magic, and all the things that happen to Twily specifically, like the frog on her face, falling into a ditch, got mud on her, door slams in her face, though i think of all the mishaps, the old school cartoon slapstick of an anvil and piano falling on her was my favorite.  also, i like how nonchalant Pinkie was about her pet alligator being in the tub with Twilight  :lol:


Gummy is best pet btw.


as for the debate about the moral of the story, i don't think it's about religious stuff, i think it's more about trying to believe things even if you don't understand or can't scientifically prove it.  like we can't scientifically prove that The Big Bang happened, we can theorize about it, just as much as we can't scientifically prove that the Christian concept of God exists.  sometimes there are just things out of your grasp, but you shouldn't let it consume you.


 you could also see this, in the context of the show, as early proof that Earth ponies can actually possess magic, but since this type of power Pinkie possesses may be rare or unique for all we know, Twilight might not have read it in a book, or maybe doesn't own any books about it (sort of how there's no books about Dragons, ha.. haha... yeah, that is another review for another time).  so even though Twilight may not have the means or research to fully understand Pinkie's power, it doesn't mean that it is warrant to be so doubtful, though free-thinking and skepticism is healthy, you shouldn't close your mind to possibilities of the unknown.

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Favorite episode of season one. Loved it. Pinkie is too cute and I loved the cartoon disasters that Twilight endured. I get such a kick outta a character getting smashed or flattened and then the next scene, there fine. I also love when Pinkie is mysterious or otherwise  intriguing. She's so opposite of me, which is why she is  the best pony! I could watch this one over and over. 

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  • 2 months later...

This is a really controversial episode and i think it's controversial for all the wrong reasons, because this is actually a great episode.


First off, this is one of the most hilarious episodes out there. I love myself some good slapstick and the one Twilight is going through is just great. This is almost Looney Tunes quality of entertainment.


The Hydra was good, but looked a bit too silly for me to be honest. I think the episode would've done better without it, though it dosen't really hurt the episode.


Now, the overall theme and moral of the episode is what go people up in arms. Many people claim that Pinkies unexplainable Pinkie sense, has something to do with religion and just following it blindly, eventhough i never saw it that way. I actually think it's more about having an open mind, instead of just claiming something that seems to look impossible as such. Twilight learns this the hard way.


Overall, also one of the most underrated episodes in the series.

  • Brohoof 3

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Did I never post in here?  Huh.  Sometimes I see these episodes pop up in the recently discussed pane, and I take a gander because I didn't post a review of every early episode.


The moral of this episode was horrible and dangerous.  Sorry to put it so bluntly.  Even when I criticize something about this show, I never do it with such venom, but it's warranted this time.  Many people say that it had nothing to do with religion, and I've heard that Faust supposedly just meant it as a "faith in your friends" type deal, but I'm sorry, there is just no way that Twilight's letter doesn't sound as if it's talking about religion.  How could everyone at the FIM team have missed that?  The rest of the episode is fine.  It's just the letter that's the problem.  It could have been worded much better.  The line that gets me the most is when Twilight says that there are things in this world we need to "choose to believe".  Belief is not a choice.  That is so important that it bears repeating: Belief is not a choice.  It is a compulsion beyond the realm of choice.  We are compelled to believe something based on evidence.  We cannot choose to believe something simply because it is the more attractive option.  This is not a debate about spirituality.  This is about a message that encourages young people to believe illogical things based on insufficient evidence, which is dangerous.  It doesn't matter what your spiritual views are, or what religion you follow, there is no reason that we as a species need to believe anything on insufficient evidence.  We can lead deeply meaningful and indeed spiritual lives without believing anything on insufficient evidence.  To believe things based on insufficient evidence cripples us as a species.


All that aside, I really didn't care for Pinkie's power at all, because it was just too specific.  I could have reconciled some sort of vague power bordering on precognition, such as a spidey-sense, but Pinkie Sense is just ridiculous.  A spidey-sense warns of impending danger as it's happening, faster than any normal person could respond.  It doesn't predict a door flying open long before anyone even approaches it.  I know this is a magical world, but it's a magical world with enough lore and continuity that something like this just doesn't fit, and is quite frankly damaging to the show.  I can completely accept Pinkie having some type of latent magical ability that differs from a unicorn.  Totally believable.  But not the way it was it done.  If only they'd kept it at a spidey-sense level, and had the moral be about trusting your friends, even when you don't understand them, then it would have been great.  Looking at it that way reminds me of Kurt-051 and his strange intuitions and "feelings", which the rest of blue team never understood, but just accepted anyway.  That would have been perfect.  Instead, they made Pinkie into the friggin Oracle.


Which brings me to another point--An Oedipus Rex story?  Really?  And before everyone flies of the handle, let me explain something.  An Oedipus Rex story is not about being romantically in love with your mother.  It's about the paradox of causing the very thing you're trying to prevent, specifically because you were told it would happen.  The Oracle's vase in the Matrix was the Oedipus Rex story in a nutshell.  If you were not told it would happen, then you wouldn't have tried to prevent it, and it probably wouldn't have happened.  That's the paradox.  If Pinkie had not said anything about the doozy, then it wouldn't have happened.  Her prediction is what directly caused it.  Again, this is just insane and too far fetched.  In my opinion, prophetic abilities like that belie the lore of the show.  Furthermore, Twilight had it directly in her power to prove Pinkie Sense false.  If she had simply walked away, went home, went ANYWHERE else after being told about the doozy, then it never would have happened.  The way they did that just irritated me.  Paradoxical stories like this can be good, but it doesn't have a place here.  Twilight was right--magic makes sense because it's something you learn and practice.  You need to be born with magical potential, but you can learn spells.  Magic is, in this world, a science.  Pinkie Sense, to the degree they portrayed it, is just bogus.  Here, look at it like this: in Star Wars, you have the Force.  It's a real thing, you have midiclorians and the Force is explained to be an energy field created by all living things.  Those born with enough ability can learn to control it.  This is like unicorn magic.  They can't just throw in random magic that makes no sense with no explanation.


I'll add that the way Pinkie Sense was portrayed in Mare Do Well was perfect, because it was just a spidey-sense.  She was able to sense and react to the danger of the falling objects faster than other ponies.  She wasn't a frigging Oracle.


I also didn't care for the slapstick.  This episode went way overboard with it, and it felt horribly out of place with the rest of the entire series.  It's like the whole show is Hey Arnold!, but this one single episode is Roadrunner & Coyote.  Nope.  Just nope.


I've tried to like this episode.  I've tried really hard to reconcile it different ways and looks for other ways to interperate the message.  I've compared it to different other stories.  I've tried to find some way to give it a pass.  Sorry, I just can't.  It's really the only episode I strongly dislike.


I do not like Pinkie Keen.

I do not like it on Blu-Ray.

I do not like it in the month of May.

I do not like it in 1080p.

I do not like it even for free.

I do not like it with green eggs 'n' ham.

I do not like it, Sam I Am.


Luckily, Dr. Hooves completely made up for the Pinkie Keen letter with his speech in Slice of Life:)

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 3


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I have watched most of the first 3 seasons before looking at any Internet discussion about the show, but even then I was able to presume that this episode would stir up controversy, by knowing how militant juvenile atheists work: they worship reason instead of using it, they take everything too seriously, and they thing anybody else cares about what they think :lol:. But I have to admit that maybe (just maybe ;)) I had a bit of schadenfreude by seeing their reactions :D.


I, personally, do not place much importance in show's morals. MLP's morals are fairly basic, and are the sort of thing that should be common sense when it comes to morality, but I understand that for people who do not know any better those lessons might look like a big deal. Personally, I look for my morals in my Catholic faith, and I don't really think that a fictional story needs to have a moral or a message to be good. Even if it has a moral, the story's quality should come first and its consistency must not be sacrificed for the sake of having a message (like, for example, having a purple spellcasting unicorn being skeptical about magic :P).


I don't think that however the episode's morals may be interpreted it is not going to change anyone's view, whichever they might be, but it still befuddles me how some people take it too seriously. Anyways, seeing their reactions was already pretty fun :D.


Even more fun is to see how different groups of people can behave very differently. just a couple of episodes before, in Bridle Gossip (the one in which Zecora was introduced), this time supernatural was placed in a negative light. The word "supernatural" has quite a few different meanings and some of them might refer to faith/religion. We have another maybe-yes-maybe-not faith related morals, but this time it was a negative message. Yet, I have not seen any religious people (myself included) throwing a tantrum that the morals supposedly insulted their views or something :).

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but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

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  • 3 months later...

This is by far in my top five of episodes of all time!!! "Party of One" is problem my favorite! But i love her quirkiness nd he little tells in this, her personality jsut speaks to me :) lol

~*~*~Pinkie Shy~*~*~


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  • 2 months later...

You know, between this and Brotherhooves Social, what is it with Dave and incredibly controversial, but otherwise great episodes?

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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You know, between this and Brotherhooves Social, what is it with Dave and incredibly controversial, but otherwise great episodes?


In what way do you consider it controversial?  I can't tell if you are responding to someone else's post or not.

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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In what way do you consider it controversial?  I can't tell if you are responding to someone else's post or not.

This episode is said to have atheist vs. religious connotations. Brotherhooves Social is said to be transphobic.

  • Brohoof 1

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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Sure, I guess you could read those sorts of things into those episodes.


But isn't it more likely that its just a thinking vs feeling episode, and a brother wants to play with his sister episode?

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I guess as of Gift of the Maud Pie we can confirm that Pinkie's Pinkie Sense runs in the family since Maud has her own Maud Sense to help track down stuff like Pinkie's Party Cannon.


As for this episode, I give it a 8/10 myself, though it was nice to see Celestia at the end as the latest result of the twitchy tail of the Pinkie Sense. Talk about a surprise appearance!

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Funny episode, though the fact that twilight simply couldn't accept the fact that pinkie had the ability to predict the future was quite annoying at times, it made the episode more enjoyable actually. The ending was intense aswell, loved it.

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  • 1 month later...

I still have no idea what the moral of this one is supposed to mean, and I worry that it's easy to interpret as advocating for faith over reason. I just don't know how else to interpret it except as effectively endorsing pseudoscience and "belief." There's nothing wrong with spirituality or religion if you're not hurting others, but while I'm all for finding emotional truth in it, that's no reason not to exercise skepticism and critical thinking. More importantly, though, I have no idea what else this moral could possibly mean, and the pro-religion angle doesn't feel like what they're going for. I do tend to weigh what I can discern of a work's intention pretty highly, and if I can't work it out on any level, then I feel like that's a failure of the work itself. 


The rest of this episode is one of my favourites of the entire show. It's a rough contrast between the poorly-delivered moral and the utterly delightful barrage of nonsense slapstick which precedes it, but this is one of the show's funniest episodes, and a large part of that is its rapid use of cartoon tropes. Having Twilight endure what would be unspeakable physical abuse were she not animated is a great match for Pinkie's completely absurd "Pinkie Sense," and Twilight's increasingly aggressive and stubborn refusal to believe what's increasingly right in front of her eyes makes her just unsympathetic enough that said physical abuse is comedic rather than appalling. It's arguably one of the most cartoonish episodes of the show as well, and that's all for the best - that it goes so over-the-top is exactly why it's so funny. I love it. 


I just wish the lesson were worded better. 


Also: I wonder if Twilight ever figured out how the Pinkie Sense works? 

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  • 2 months later...

I'm........ not sure how to summarise my feelings on this episode.


It wasn't good. In fact it was quite sloppily written and very out of character for Twilight and Pinkie sense in itself is an anomaly which we never get an explanation for.


That being said, it was funny as all hell in a lot of places.

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  • 1 month later...

this twilight is my favourite. the cientific, skeptic, sassy, easily gets annoyed and angry because SIENCE, the voice of reason.

ah, i surely miss old twilight </3 her peak was at lesson zero S2 xD


I liked the episode, had good humour, plus as i said on another S1 episodes: they resolved the (hydra) problem without magic so we got a pretty intense scene instead of just "POOF *magic* problem solved".


about the pinkie senses, i would like an explanation and some cameo about them in other episodes (dont remember if this happens)



the lesson "have faith in what you dont see" yeah i can see why its seen as "have faith in religion". I would change the ending of the episode with twlight still believing their things (that theres gotta be a reason for that) but accepting pinkies believes. so the lesson would be "i have my own believes but i accept yours" 


that would be a sooo much better lesson for kids 

Edited by Tropico
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  • 5 weeks later...

Did not like.

No one should ever question out Pony Lady Twilight Sparkle. ~Holds up hove~ "ALL HAIL PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"
it does not matter that she had not asended to Mare-Goddessdom yet.

The Pink would should be banish to 1000 years dungeon no trails.

Moral of story: If there is no god then why are they Horses.. and a Pony? ~Holds up hove~ "ALL HAIL THE ALICORN PRINCESSES!"

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  • 2 months later...

It's funny how the main reaction to this episode is the discomfort with the delivery of the moral regardless of whether or not the episode itself was enjoyable before that ending. I'm in a different camp. To put nicely, I found this episode to be fucking terrible while not having much of a problem with the ending itself. I'll just get the stuff about the moral out of the way as that is the least of this episode's problem. While the wording was questionable, it's pretty clear what the creators were intending just based on what came before. Some things don't make any sense, but if the nonsensical thing clearly exists anyways, denying it won't do any good.

On paper, that moral is fine. What isn't fine is the conveyance, i.e. the Pinkie Sense. What was the point of giving Pinkie Pie that ability? From what I've gathered, they wanted to somehow present this moral, and the Pinkie Sense was the best method they could think of. This just means that they didn't have an actual story to tell, which already makes this episode a waste of time. All Twilight does is try to figure out this power prove that the Pinkie Sense doesn't exist but hits a dead end for whatever reason, and she only gets frustrated while being in denial. That's it. We learn nothing about her other than being a dick if she isn't in the right. That's also not a mark of a good scientist without a reason, by the way.

What's also stupid is that Twilight wanted to explain the Pinkie Sense with "science". That's fine and dandy, but she apparently forgot that magic is also a thing and doesn't follow the laws of science. She even converted one set of objects to another at the beginning of the episode, as in changing their atomic properties. Unless her spell happened to apply some law of chemistry, this was just another instance of the creators being stupid. Expanding this stupidity is that Twilight never considered using magic to explain Pinkie's power. Sure Pinkie tried to compare the two, but Twilight quickly brushes that aside, and this comparison is immediately forgotten.

This power of Pinkie's is strange and unusual even in-universe, so what does this mean to her or anyone else? Except for Twilight, I have no clue. This is a major problem for Pinkie because she does very little in here despite being a major character. All she does is say what will happen according to her sense and tell Twilight that the Pinkie Sense is real. That's it as well. In other words, the Pinkie Sense means nothing to the bearer in-universe and out-of-universe.

As for the Pinkie Sense itself, it's full of shit even from an out-of-universe perspective. So it can detect a bunch of different situations right before they happen, but why are they so specific? Why can she detect one kind of danger but not others? There's literally an infinite number of things that can happen, so the Pinkie Sense would need that many reactions. I doubt her body can handle that, so again other events are excluded for no reason. Also, Pinkie knew that Twilight would be safe when jumping over the cliff, but there was no physical reaction. All Pinkie said was to "take a leap of faith". Great. The writers threw out established rules just for the sake of having Twilight accept the Pinkie sense. If Pinkie knew what was going to happen, then I also don't know why she couldn't have directly said that Twilight was going to be safe. The worst part about the Pinkie Sense is that it was given to the respective pony because she's "random" and "weird", which implied that the writers thought they could do whatever they want with Pinkie without giving much thought or reason.

I really don't know what Lauren Faust saw in this episode.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Well, i dont like Pinkies Humor and find her Character to be annoying, so...i really disliked this Episode, i dont hate it though, because i liked Twilight and found her research cute.

Also im not sure what the lesson even means in real life...so, there are things that your friends do, that makes no sense, so you should accept it, because trying to think about it, is wrong? What could someone actually do in real life, that would be as weird as this? What is the real life version of Pinkies sixth sense? People who predict the future as well? Im not sure that any normal Person would do it, since most of them do it professionally and want money for it.

Uh, whatever.


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