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Mane 6 favorites in order

Twi Rubix

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Basically, list the Main (or Mane) 6 in order from favorite to least favorite. And, if you want, give a brief description why. (Apologies if this is too similar to Your Favorite Pony.)




1: Twilight ^_^ (She's just the normal one of the group, and I like her.)


2: Rainbow Dash :wub: (Cocky, and funny, yet loyal. Shes just really cool.)


3: Applejack :huh: (The accent and her sarcasm makes her great.)


4: Fluttershy :angry: (The shy ones are always liked... I guess.)


5: Rarity :D (Not much too her, but funny when she gets dramatic. Also the prettiest looking.)


6: Pinkie Pie :blink: (Party lover, but not much of a wide personality.)

Edited by TwilightRubix

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This will be tough for me....


1. Rainbow Dash

2. Fluttershy

3. Twilight

4. Applejack

5. Rarity

6. Pinkie Pie.


But I mean really, the first five could all be tied for #1.

Edited by D1SC0RD
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1. rainbow dash

2. Twilight

3. pinkie pie

4. Fluttershy

5. rarity

6. applejack


:) i love them all equally! I wish I could put derpy on the list! :derpy:

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This is going to be tough, but here goes:


1.Rainbow Dash (she's always 20% cooler)

2.Fluttershy (cute, and I tend to like the shy ones)

3.Twilight (Smart, bookworm, and who I'm the most like)

4.Pinkie (can be funny when her personality works, but annoying when it doesn't)

5.Rarity (doesn't really have anything that I can get into)

6.Apoplejack (can be the most boring pony on the show)

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1: Fluttershy, I relate to her best and I love characters I can relate to. Not to mention she is the cutest pony I have seen!


2: Pinkie Pie, She entertains me most from the mane 6, but doesn't relate to me as much as Fluttershy. Always makes me laugh in every episode.


3: Twilight Sparkle, she relates to me a bit, but only with the love of reading and the use of logic. But she does show the most growth, which I love to see. She also sings awesomely!


4: AppleJack, She's alright. Loyal and dependable, but stubborn. I tend not to like "country characters" as much, but she pulls it off well for me. I like her analogies.


5: Rainbow Dash, I don't like her that much. She is athletic, and determined which I like, but she is too...self absorbed at times, and just brags too much for me personally. (partially why I don't like Trixie either, as she brags much more.)


6: Rarity, I personally don't like her at all. She is way too selfish when the opportunity to better herself arises that she puts her in front of her friends like during the Pegasus competition for example, (She is learning not to do that as much though, so she is getting more likable as she grows) and doesn't connect with me personally at all. Her singing is great though! And I love her sister.


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  • Rarity :D (She's fashionable, elegant, and whiney yet she's so generous and supportive.)
  • Fluttershy :wub: (Loving and caring. I wish she was my mom.)
  • Pinkie Pie :lol: (Who wouldn't want to hang out with Pinkie? She's fun and funny.)
  • Applejack ^_^ (The most hard working, honest pony around. Okay, so she's not always honest.)
  • Twilight Sparkle :) (She's so well organized and smart but not really a pony I can relate to.)
  • Rainbow Dash B) (She's cool and "awesome" and a good prankster but a little too egocentric in my opinion.)
Edited by Apple Bloom
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Fluttershy (I think I can relate to her the most. Most of the time I'm really quite)

PinkiePie (I try to act out like her but with my shyness it can be hard.)

Rainbowdash (I really like her mane. Also she's really cool)

Twilight (I can kinda relate to her being a book worm)

Rarity (Shes kinda... uhh.... yeah...)

AppleJack (I think it's the accent. But I do respect her determination)

Edited by Blank Flank
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1. Rainbow Dash: She looks the coolest plus I love the tomboy, tough girl personality. I'm also like her when it comes to being competitive.

2. Applejack: I love the accent plus she has the best overall values of the mane six IMO, being the most down to earth and honest of the group.

3. Pinkie Pie: Of course I love her randomness an she's so halarious.

4. Twilight Sparkle: She actually used to be my favorite of the six but soon I started to find her to be kind of bland in terms of her personality.

5. Fluttershy: She's cute but that's all I can really say about her.

6. Rarity: I love the way she looks and actually kind of like her personality, but sometimes she can get to be a little annoying.

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1.) Fluttershy - Adorable, the nicest of the ponies, very pleasant voice, wonderful design, her mane is so silky and pretty.

2.) Rarity - Very stylish, love her dramatic hamminess, and her voice. She also is quite well-spoken and one of the more intelligent ponies.

3.) Applejack - Her calming demeanor and accent. Oh and her hat and ponytail.

4.) Twilight Sparkle - I really enjoy her rational-sounding voice and just how intelligent she is.

5.) Pinkie Pie - Crazy and fun, although I don't like her as much as the other ponies.

6.) Rainbow Dash - Whilst I still like Rainbow Dash since I like all of the main six, she doesn't stand out to me as much as the others.

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Basically, list the Main (or Mane) 6 in order from favorite to least favorite. And, if you want, give a brief description why. (Apologies if this is too similar to Your Favorite Pony.) Mine: 1: Twilight ^_^ (She's just the normal one of the group, and I like her.) 2: Rainbow Dash :wub: (Cocky, and funny, yet loyal. Shes just really cool.) 3: Applejack :huh: (The accent and her sarcasm makes her great.) 4: Fluttershy :angry: (The shy ones are always liked... I guess.) 5: Rarity :D (Not much too her, but funny when she gets dramatic. Also the prettiest looking.) 6: Pinkie Pie :blink: (Party lover, but not much of a wide personality.)

I'm 100% with this.

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Let's see here:



1) Twilight Sparkle: Just. . .duh, Best Pony

2) Rainbow Dash: Though I love her cocky attitude, I feel that there's a deeper personality behind that "tough girl" exterior

3) Pinkie Pie: I think everypony would want a friend like Pinkie Pie

4) Rarity: She makes me laugh with her dramatics and I can relate to her attention to detail

5) Fluttershy: Wouldn't mind having her being my nurse (not like that, silly ponies)

6) Applejack: She hasn't really stood out to me, but I love her work ethic

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1. Rarity :D : even though it can seem like she's really selfish sometimes, she always comes around and will put her friends before everything (telling Twilight to give her ticket to somepony else, making them personalized dresses and re personalizing them when they hated them and not hating them for hating them, sacrificing her fashion reputation to make her friends happy, possibly sacrificing her Canterlot reputation for her bids etc) even if it is after learning a lesson (like with Rainbow and Sweetie). She has good intentions and I can relate to her analness, artisticness, and I like watching her dramatics. And you can still be fashionable and glamourous while taking care of yourself (not that I am...) Her with Tom was funny.


2. Twilight Sparkle :P : she ties for first with Rarity in my head. I like her booky anti-socialness (like me). Lesson Zero was me to a tee. I have nightmares about assignments and lateness and the human equivilant to magic kindergarten. She's also kind and practical which I love. And she's great with magic and can't do normal pony things too good (like me!).


3. Fluttershy :blush: : I like how she's sweet and an animal hoarder. I've seen her farm. Waaay too many pets. She'd be on the pony version of Hoarding: buried alive. And I like her squeeky scared of everything ness. We both have this trait where we're all meek and quiet until something sets us off and then we're scary. She's a cool pony.


4. Pinkie Pie :blink: : crazy nut. I love her randomness and how the rules of normality (the laws of physics probably wouldn't apply to her either). She's all over the place, usually perky, has hair with a personality, has an alligator for a pet, does not follow the rules of conversation, is not normal at all, and was a rock farmer in a past life. Go Pinkie!!


5. Applejack :huh: : I think she's underrated but I think she's the least pony of all the ponies. I like how she's honest, sensible, loyal and a workaholic. Don't rest until the job's done! If I had to be a buddy with any of the ponies it'd be Apple. I think she'd be the most likely to feed me lunch too.


6. Rainbow Dash http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png : I like her but I think she's overrated sometimes. For some reason, even though Rarity's amongst my top favorites I think she and Rainbow have similar personalities but one's girly and one's a tomboy. I think that they are both selfish at times, obnoxious, overdramatic, overly concerned with how they are perceived, overacheiving etc, but Rarity just seems more welcoming, friendly, polite and well generous. I think Rainbow's learning and hopefully after the episode MMDW she'll learn to be less self obsessed and stop trying to be so cool and maybe be a bit more sensitive to how her friends are doing (not very nice about Fluttershy in Dragon shy).

But I like when I can see her heart, when she stops being so tough and is just a regular pony. Like in MTBPW when she's stuck, and when you can tell that she really respects Tank, or in TSRB when she's nervous before her performance and saves Rarity even when she's being obnoxious. I think she's the cutest pony.

One thing I'd have to ask is if she's a better flier than the Wonderbolts, has saved them on many occassions, and is the only one who can do the SRB why haven't they asked her to join them yet? Are they scared of her?


K... I'm done with my 8 page pony thesis paper :blush:

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Her name's Fluttershy, Lady Overrated Pony ;) (CwatIdidthere?)


I am just teasing, no pony war this time kay? :3


Prepare to fire the cannons!- oh I mean, sure no war here ;-)
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