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gaming Are video games art?


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Good Music Soundtrack,Good enough graphics,Good story line,Epic sound effects,=A master piece worth playing!


Just take a look at Minecraft.Lots of people did fascinating stuff.To me art dosent have to always be a picture.Just take a look of what this kid made on Minecraft.


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Games are a art combining a lot of types, not all of them though, but it also depends on the game, rockband combines performing and music depending on how you play it of course, DDR (dance dance revolution) is performing, and more to put on here, but I will leave it at that.

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  • 2 years later...
post-18984-0-35993800-1414723816.gif Void : alright Everypony, i would like to talk about something that we all like, the videogames, first of all i choose this topic cuz i really want to hear your opinion about it.
Personally i begin to see videogames as a new form of art, in my inner thoughts i see them as the 8th Art in my personal opinion Videogames contain elemants of the other art plus the feature of interaction lets see and example
a videogame contain:
-Voice acting


and am sure there's much more. I would like to share with my fellow bronies a story:

my mother used to told me when i was a kid "what videogames gave you" and i had to admit i didnt have anything to answer, but now i see the truth: thanks to videogames i learned english, i appreciate the intrumental music, i stay away from vices like drugs or alcohol, i got new tastes like the art and the elements i mentioned above, i meet wonderful people online, i know how to work in teams, i got new learnings such as tecnology and art.


videogames helped us phisically, why? i think it helps to our vision, our reflexes, our skills to make decitions, and sometimes and i mark sometimes, is better than a painting or a song cuz the developers now in this era where the technology is a vital part of our lifes, must pay attention to details, like a painter to a draw, like a musician to the notes and like a writee with words, i think is more dificult and obviously require a lot of people to make a game with good elements.


the best works brought us new worlds with a lot of posibilities, a virtual reality where we can be anyone or anything, and this is the moment when i comment my opinions about art.


What is art?

to me art is anything that is made with passion, a work you do when you add feeling so the persons that see the work, have their own feeling as well, am sure there are a lot of definitions about art but to me, thats what art is, the manifestation of a feeling shown in public, a song, a book, a painting, even a movie and now a videogame, some of them make us laugh, other make us cry, other make us fear and feel shock and some of them are really epic and i dare to say, that the videogames are more powerful about awake feelings in us since is more real and awake us our minds and get into the game, for a minute we feel "inside" the game, pretty much like the matrix and i dont doubt for a second that in the future videogames reach THAT level.


I dont see videogames as Video Games, to me is another thing, in my personal opinion videogames are those of 1980's games, the time of Atari and Sega cuz you only play and thats it, when the nes come out and there begin to make argument and the first elements we know enjoy were raising the videogames mark a difference, if you compare metaphorically (IDK if the word exist XD i apology for my bad English) compare i say, videogames with paintings, the first Pong or early Atari games is like the equivalent of a child's draw, a circle for the head, a square with a triangle for the house and green lines for grass, think about it, now if we see the ps4 games, is to me, the equivalent of a church painting or a museum masterpiece, my point is, there are levels of development that can be easly compared to earlier jobs of artists 


maybe there are people that are aganist this opinion about compare videogames with art, i say to those persons: you are free to comment and correct me if you notice something wrong. I must say that all these things are based on my own views and impresions, and i would like to see what am i wrong. What about you? you think videogames are the art of the XXI Century? dont forget to comment to know your feelings and Brohoof the argument you think is the best, thank you for read this

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Many Videogames are just like many wonderful Paintings and Dreams in one Game.I mean, look at Myst or Riven, these Games are literally are journey to many wonderful and well made Paintings of wonderful unbelievable things.


Its like a Journey to a another World, a world which an artist had imagine.I mean they are Games that are based on Books and Movies and sometimes the Games can even show much more, since there not just telling the story, you are part of the Story, the game is the Story.


So yes, of course i believe Video games are art.I mean the Game Makers make drawings, concept art and wrote story books for the games, which is completly different from the past, when only one single person worked on one game. But even back then, there was text Adventures which told completly Storys or the Atari Series Sword Quest, in which many puzzles and mysteries were included and the players needed to solve them to win real artifacts  :squee:


So in my opinion even some of the really old Games could be considered Art and the new games for sure.  ;)

Edited by Dune_Gosbil
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@@Balareth, We already have a very similar topic so I've merged your thread with that one.  In the future please be sure to do a search to see if there's already a similar topic before posting.  Thanks!

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I think judging video-games as art via their disparate parts (visuals, music, story, etc) is not the best way to go about it. For me, art is about expression and emotion, and I think that video games are capable of bringing forth unique aspects of both. They're not art in spite of being a video-game, but because of it.


What I mean is, some of the games that I consider masterful works of art are ones that would not be able to be replicated with any other media. Sure, video games have visuals and music and story, all of which can be considered art in their own right. But the amazing deconstruction of human connection and interaction inn Journey? The amazing sense of place, lore, and adventure that Dark Souls can provide? Or even The Stanley Parable's subversion of player expectation that borders on the existential? That's the "art" unique to video games, and the kind I'm most interested in.


So yes, video games can definitely be art. Even better, they can be a new type of art, one that manipulates and expresses emotion not just through visual, auditory, and literary aspects but also through integrating player agency and everything that entails.

Edited by TenorSounds
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It really depends on the game, in my opinion. Mario I would say no, it's just a simple platformer (well, usually), but a game like The Last of Us, I would say is a great example, because a lot of effort obviously went into making it. But that's my opinion.

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Dark Souls is the Starry Night, the Mona Lisa, the Statue of David of video games.


The level design is completely amazing. You can go through 95% of the game with no loading screens, because everything is intertwined and connected, and loops back on itself. It makes great use of vertical space. Each area feels like part of  world, not part of a level.


Now lets talk about the fusion of themeing and mechanics. In the world of Dark Souls, there are people with the curse of the Darksign, called Undead. Undead cannot die. Each time they are killed, they are reborn. Eventually, Undead will give into hopelessness or despair, or possibly anger, and become hollows, mindless ghouls who feast on souls. You character is an undead. Each time you die, you respawn at a bonfire. Now, for newer players, the game is hard. Very hard. They might get frustrated. They might want to quit. That's where the genius comes in. Each time you the player dies, you feel a little bit more frustrated. If you get angry enough, you'll quit playing the game. When you've given up on the game, when you put it down for the last time, YOU'VE GONE HOLLOW. Truly, Miyazaki is a genius who can never be surpassed.


In addition is the moral ambiguity. Both endings have their upsides and downsides. What may at first glance seem only a monstrous brute turns out to be a deformed younger brother watching over his sister's grave. What at first glance seems to be a cold-blooded murderer is only a guy trying to liberate a martyr from her unending pain. And the most sacred of quests is only struggling to resist change.


As for the gameplay itself... Sure, it's difficult, but not unfairly so. People can struggle to beat this game at level 80, and people can breeze through the game at level 1 without dying. It's all about learning patterns and reacting. There is no single-best weapon. Each have their own unique movesets and can carry you through the whole game. The game is challenging, but it's also fair. Every enemy follows the same rules you do. Most can be bled, or poisoned, or have their poise broken. Some can dodge and gain i-frames too. They can parry you and backstab you, and you, them.


Bleh. I could go on for days, but I've got homework I procrastinating on.

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Shut up, Discordian of the past, we have new thoughts on it. Don't question it.


This topic showed up on another forum I'm on so here's my answer:


I've always considered video games to be the ultimate form of entertainment. They take things from all mediums and put them together to create an entirely different experience. Art is a little too general of a term and leaves things open to debate thanks to it's ambiguity. Rather than putting everything into a vague term like that why not just call them what they are: A video game is a video game. Artistry of various sorts are only a part of it but they are as much the forefront of technological pioneering as they are an outlet for the musician, illustrator and author.


So are games art? No. Games are innovation and tradition, technology and artistry wrapped in one ball of awesome and entertainment.

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Video games are as much of an art form as film, television, movies, books, etc. I don't see how some would see otherwise

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