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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Anime is very enjoyable, english or jap dubbed.
Imo every english dub only serves to make the anime dubbed worse. However i have to say that the Greek Dub of "Avatar the Last Airbender" was better than the english one. I might be saying that because i'm greek but i honestly have sat down and took a look at it.

OT:The true definition of feminism has been polluted by today's extremists, especially some teenagers, that have turned it into a friggin women's movement. IF they look at the definition of feminism they will see it's about deleting all sexism and stereotypes from the world male or female.

I find shippers sometimes obnoxious, and annoying.

I hate the fact that people think of Rainbow Dash as a lesbian because of her tomboyish manner and rainbow mane.

I actually find Yugioh Zexal at times repetitive as far as episodes go. That said i don't hate it.

I don't get why people still play Yu-Gi-Oh! When they hate it... i would like to punch them in the face.

I like Thor more than Loki, or maybe... I like Tom Hiddleston, he is hot. I am a guy...

I believe you can understand and accept another gender's hotness regardless of your own sexuality.

Kath Soucie would make a much better voice-actress for Fluttershy.

I believe the ponies should have lost in "A Canterlot Wedding" the plot convinience and stereotypes were strong in this one.

I actually liked Equestria girls, i just didn't like Brad/Flash Sentry.

I am actually also looking forward to Rainbow Rocks... it's going to be nice i think. I just hope it has good music.

It should be QUEEN Celestia and Luna NOT Princess. Friggin Disney stereotypes.

I may come up with more. 
  • Brohoof 1
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It should be QUEEN Celestia and Luna NOT Princess. Friggin Disney stereotypes.

Blame Hasbro, for once that is a legit reason to blame them. Lauren wanted it to be queen, but noooo, Hasbro said that princesses sell better.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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I believe that everyone should have reasonable rights to do anything that isn't hurtful to others. I would think this should be a more popular viewpoint.


Halo 2 is overrated. It only introduced new weaponry, ALL IT DID THAT REALLY WAS INNOVATION. Online? (Unreal Tournament?) Plus, it's plotline was confusing and extremely... Just... HUH?


Kepora Gebora really wasn't that annoying unless you pressed the buttons too quickly

His theme was the best music in Ocarina of Time, in my opinion.


I really don't find Final Fantasy 7 to be a masterpiece. The only awesome thing in it was Vincent Valentine. Truly amazing character.


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Blame Hasbro, for once that is a legit reason to blame them. Lauren wanted it to be queen, but noooo, Hasbro said that princesses sell better.
I blame Habro for abidding to Disney Sterotypes. Oh btw... good job Disney on making your first Queen in Frozen not be a complete villainous Queen. 
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I'm guessing based on some reaction elsewhere, that the fact that I hate on a mary sue OC even though I'm a brony and the creator of the mary sue is too, I should be supportive and like it...but since I hate it and want it to die in a fire (or be completely overhauled and be original, instead of a mary sue), I'm an asshole.


If having the opinion that mary sues should burn in a fire makes me an unpopular asshole, then so be it.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Somepony to Watch Over Me was one of the best episodes of the season. 


In the aforementioned episode, Applejack wasn't out-of-character. At all.


The aforementioned character is also the most interesting character in the show, not to mention best pony. 

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm not very fond of the brony Facebook community. The pages that I follow will either share content that they know will irritate everyone, or pick some small little detail from an episode and complain about it for 3 days.


I love the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy and Lightning is my favorite Final Fantasy character.


I don't know why people got so riled up when Flash Sentry showed up outside of Equestria Girls. I know they said he wouldn't be in Season 4, but just let it go.

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Somepony to Watch Over Me was one of the best episodes of the season. 


In the aforementioned episode, Applejack wasn't out-of-character. At all.


The aforementioned character is also the most interesting character in the show, not to mention best pony. 




Furthermore, it is one of the best episodes of the show, on par with Hurricane Fluttershy in quality.

  • Brohoof 3

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Furthermore, it is one of the best episodes of the show, on par with Hurricane Fluttershy in quality.

Me three. "Somepony to Watch Over Me" is now in my personal top 5. Edited by Rainboom Dash
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I agree with what's being said about Applejack. She really needs more attention, instead of just being a dues ex machina plot device when she's needed.

  • Brohoof 2

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I flatout HATE the U.S military.


Soldiers are not "heroes"; they're simply pawns in a rich man's war.


I support abortions.

I supoort gay marriage, BUT I hate homosexuals that wave around their sexuality and demand special treatment because of it.


That's all I can think of at the moment.

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I believe the constitution and bill of rights are law of the land. (can't regulate rights)


Everybody (no matter gender/sexual preferances/religion etc ) has the same rights as me no matter what.


I'm against any form of gun control.


100% religious freedom.


100% against preferential treatment.


I hate the way people use their religion/sex preferences/gender etc as a way to get quick money. 

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I don't usually "choose" favorites, whether they're MLP episodes, characters, etc. I don't have this list of qualifications that I use to figure out my favorites. Taking the time and effort to do so just seems like more work than fun if there's too many candidates. Picking from small groups can be fun though. :3

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I believe the constitution and bill of rights are law of the land. (can't regulate rights)


Everybody (no matter gender/sexual preferances/religion etc ) has the same rights as me no matter what.


I'm against any form of gun control.


100% religious freedom.


100% against preferential treatment.


I hate the way people use their religion/sex preferences/gender etc as a way to get quick money. 

finally, another person who shares the majority of my opinions! i find it interesting that a lot of the opinions on this forum are actually popular.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hey, everyone! Less than a month ago, we gave you a reminder about the purpose of this thread. Here it is, for your convenience:

Just a gentle reminder: This thread is for stating unpopular opinions. Further discussion should be done in other threads or via PM. At least add a new opinion to your post if you must discuss someone else's post, mmkay?
attachicon.gif bscap0015.jpg

SolarFox's post is far from the first warning made in this thread. The thread is for posting unpopular opinions. Discussion should be made elsewhere. It's fine to disagree, but please disagree through PM or some other means of communication.

The next time something like this happens, the thread will be locked. Thanks for your cooperation! :)

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, I hate all the new shows on CN and to me they all seem to be the result of drug abuse.

"Kyoshi is Oprah, but with med kits. You get a med kit! You get a med kit, everyone gets med kits!"-Metal

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  • Princess Celestia is second best pone.
  • Rarity is second best of the main six.
  • Luna is not overrated.
  • I hate Coke.
  • Mountain Dew makes me sick.
  • Sports are overrated.
  • Fluttershy is the worst of the main six
  • 88% of the music today sucks.
  • Loki is kinda overrated.

BRB watching Iron Man 3~

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Hey, everyone! Less than a month ago, we gave you a reminder about the purpose of this thread. Here it is, for your convenience:


SolarFox's post is far from the first warning made in this thread. The thread is for posting unpopular opinions. Discussion should be made elsewhere. It's fine to disagree, but please disagree through PM or some other means of communication.


The next time something like this happens, the thread will be locked. Thanks for your cooperation! :)



Your avatar creeps me the hell out.


Bet that's unpopular :P

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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1. People that use marijuana aren't idiots

2. Newer pokemon are ugly

3. The Walking Dead is boring

4. Sex is a private subject

5. Movies/shows should cut down on nudity/sex scenes

6. Not all people that cut are attention whores

7. People should be allowed to show their emotions without other people looking down on them

8. Being mercilessly cruel online isn't funny


There's probably more

I tend to have a lot of unpopular opinions 

  • Brohoof 1
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Using the phrase "in my humble opinion" is pretty odious. To me, it's like the person is saying, "Here is my opinion, and it's great because I'm great, but I'm going to try to pretend that I don't think it and I are great." Just say "in my opinion", no need for false modesty.


Grammar and spelling DO matter. If you can't be bothered to use English correctly, how can we trust that you won't have the same lackadaisical approach to everything else in life? If English is not your first language, that's fine, but at least take the corrections with good grace and learn from them. And I don't appreciate being called a "Nazi" for caring about the issue either, because that's not very fair. So their. 

Edited by SolarFox

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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Using the phrase "in my humble opinion" is pretty odious. To me, it's like the person is saying, "Here is my opinion, and it's great because I'm great, but I'm going to try to pretend that I don't think it and I are great." Just say "in my opinion", no need for false modesty.


Grammar and spelling DO matter. If you can't be bothered to use English correctly, how can we trust that you won't have the same lackadaisical approach to everything else in life? If English is not your first language, that's fine, but at least take the corrections with good grace and learn from them. And I don't appreciate being called a "Nazi" for caring about the issue either, because that's not very fair. So their.

While I completely agree with you, I find it ironic that you typed "their" instead of "there".

  • Brohoof 1

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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Inb4 edgy

inb4 "ur saying taht to git ppl mad"


I do not like rarity. Like at all. 

I do not like FoE, I dislike the whole "take already existing franchise that has a large fanbase, and add pone" genre that seems to be sprouting up more and more.

I do not endorse a head canon that scootaloo is an orphan. 

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This relates to my opinion of the whole "ban bossy" campaign going on. 

This is the future we will head into. 14 trillion dollars in debt, on the verge of another brush fire war in a 3rd world country, close to economic and social collapse, and what do we americans do? Focus on banning a word so un-married 30 year old women don't get their feelings hurt. 

America is lost. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Here's one: Eugenics is not a very bad idea.


It's not a very bad idea. it's a VERY very bad idea.


OT, the NBA is the worst national sports organization by a long shot

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