Soundgarden 2,758 September 7, 2013 Share September 7, 2013 I really like Pablo Honey, and You is one of my favorite Radiohead songs. I don't see why people hate Pablo Honey so much. Because it's ridiculously bland and severely lacks the experimentation and depth that their later work has. That thing has like 2 good songs, but the rest feels like your average, watered down, grunge inspired rock record that doesn't excel in anything. It's also boring. So boring.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le Kvlt Dawn 2,364 September 7, 2013 Share September 7, 2013 Because it's ridiculously bland and severely lacks the experimentation and depth that their later work has. That thing has like 2 good songs, but the rest feels like your average, watered down, grunge inspired rock record that doesn't excel in anything. It's also boring. So boring.... No stahp :,c It's very good poppy distorted alternative rock. I like all the songs off of PH. You, Creep, Vegetable, and Anyone Can Play Guitar are all good songs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soundgarden 2,758 September 7, 2013 Share September 7, 2013 No stahp :,c It's very good poppy distorted alternative rock. I like all the songs off of PH. You, Creep, Vegetable, and Anyone Can Play Guitar are all good songs. nah dudebrah, the production is average at best :V But the biggest complain I have about this record, is that Radiohead just went with the exact same formula for nearly every song on Pablo Honey. It gets boring once you hear nearly the same riff and lyrical value for the fifth time in a row :////// but if u liek it kawaii dawn then i respct that (((: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le Kvlt Dawn 2,364 September 7, 2013 Share September 7, 2013 nah dudebrah, the production is average at best :V Fine you win there. But the biggest complain I have about this record, is that Radiohead just went with the exact same formula for nearly every song on Pablo Honey. It gets boring once you hear nearly the same riff and lyrical value for the fifth time in a row :////// But Stop Whispering is such a good song though :V but if u liek it kawaii dawn then i respct that (((: I'm so kawaii when I have an unpopular opinion <3 But ya know, The Bends was a huge leap forward for Radiohead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Th3 Chaos Theory 89 September 7, 2013 Share September 7, 2013 Alright, here we go with zeh hate comments(MIGHT get hate comments) about me being sadistic. To be honest, I really liked Smile HD and Cupcakes HD. 2 THE MARKER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 September 29, 2013 Share September 29, 2013 Hmmmm . . . . -I'm for a Voluntary or Anarcho-Capitalist society. -I practice the code of chivalry. -I'm a transhumanist. -I support the Second Amendment -I'm pro life. -I believed in President Bush -I think Obama has been a disaster President and is almost as bad as FDR . . . - . . . Who I also think was a bad President. The fact that many of us have conflicting ideas yet both claim they are "unpopular" must say something to either the people, or their environment. My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Haze~ 173 September 30, 2013 Share September 30, 2013 I think that there needs to be a culling of the world's human population, and that people with the capacity or willingness to harm others should be killed before they can act upon it. Anyone with bad morals should be killed or imprisoned. Only those with good morals would remain. Religions and other societies which in any way encouraged discrimination or violence would be outlawed, and all its members destroyed. It's very extreme, and some would say hypocritical, but if it worked, it would be a perfect world for those who simply want to live a life unburdened by fear or those with less morals. 1 Please tell me someone gets the joke? :3 ~ Gilda gets unlimited counterattacks, so watch out! (HOMM3 logic) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 September 30, 2013 Share September 30, 2013 (edited) Well... I don't like Mario or The Legend of Zelda and I don't think they're that good. Not really my style of games, I guess. I can't really enjoy most metal and heavy metal...either because it puts me to sleep or it hurts my ears. I like dubstep and all, but I can't listen to it for more than an hour straight or it will give me a headache. Music > Video Games > TV/Anime/Cartoons > Movies I like Sonic more than Mario...and I barely like Sonic anymore. If I don't like an anime's animation style, I can't enjoy it, no matter how good the voice acting, story, or whatever is. I think watching AMV's is the easiest way to find new music to enjoy. I never liked the Beatles...their songs are okay but I don't think they're god-like like most make them out to be. I didn't like Trevor from GTA V and I prefer Michael by miles... I don't like Futurama... Nostalgia fans of anything (Pokemon, Music, Sonic, etc..) piss me off to no end. Titanic wasn't a good movie... While focusing away from pop culture media such as games, music, etc...: I don't hate Obama..I'm certainly not a fan of him either, but eh... I'm not what you would call...a fan of republicans. Not a fan of dogs...just putting it nicely. I support abortion. Not a fan of religion...that's putting it EXTREMELY nicely. Anything that has to do with Fox News is a big "No" in my book. Not a fan of anything all. (Except The Apple Family) City > Country Red > Blue Eh...there we go...I was much nicer than I could have there's that... Edited September 30, 2013 by WheatleyCore 2 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LazuriteDreams* 136 October 7, 2013 Share October 7, 2013 Okey dokey here I go....(I think I probably posted on here once but ...oh well) Mary Sue is an overused word. I don't understand why people use that word for characters they don't like, especially if they don't know what it means. I liked Equestria Girls. Magical Mystery Cure is one of my favorite episodes. I think Twilight, Pinkie,and Rarity is more adorable than Fluttershy (please don't hurt me) I have a sudden interest in Lolita/Victorian Fashion, I think the dresses are cute. The only pony pairings I like is Flash x Twilight, SoarinDash, and Pokeypie. I like Jpop and Kpop I like orchestra music. It relaxes me while I'm drawing. Princess Celestia is my second favorite princess, and I think she is underrated and needs more appreciation I'm not really into a lot of mainstream gaming, (seems like I need to catch up don't you think? xD) I liked Flash Sentry, but I think he needs more character development I like Rainy days. They're really calm and sometimes put me to sleep lol I like both Studio Ghibli and Disney movies. I think Autumn is a beautiful season. MyTumblr~! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponyvangelist 732 October 9, 2013 Share October 9, 2013 And Now, For Science... - Lieutenant Mary Sue was the best darn commander the starship Enterprise ever had. - Luna's cool, and I like her, but she really isn't all that. - Rainbow Dash IS Best Pony, regardless of what those rigged, ballot-stuffed, 4chan-punked "fan polls" say (no offense, Fluttershy). When I say Rainbow is best, I'm simply basing my well-informed, unbiased opinion as a highly-acclaimed and widely-celebrated analytical poniologist on what the science tells us. - My scientifically-correct opinion that Rainbow Dash is Best Pony has been peer-reviewed by other Dash fans, which means it's irrefutably and unquestionably true, just like Global Warming. The debate is over. Dash-deniers are worse than Holocaust deniers, and are destroying the planet. They should be ashamed of themselves and ridiculed by right-thinking pony fans. And heavily taxed. - While Sonic Rainboom is undeniably amazing, as are all Dashie episodes by virtue of her being featured in them, my favorite Rainbow Dash episodes are May the Best Pet Win! and The Mysterious Mare Do Well. Brash Dash is Best Dash, and yes, I like Merriwether Williams' writing (even if the comedic tone of Hearth's Warming Eve seems a bit off at times). - My favorite episode from the entire series is nonetheless still Magical Mystery Cure. Morning in Ponyville shimmers. - Though he tends to be (sometimes necessarily) derivative, Daniel Ingram is all that. And William Anderson. Pure geniuses, the both of them, which is why the show's music rocks the casbah, despite what some critics may say. - I HATE the premise of Equestria Girls. It's like everything Lauren Faust stands against rolled into a single, cynical, soulless commercial spin-off. And yet... - I LOVE Equestria Girls. They took the most godawful premise imaginable and made the movie awesome anyway, just to piss me off. It's like everything Lauren Faust stands for standing on top of everything Lauren Faust stands against, and somehow it works. - That's right. You heard me. I LOVE Equestria Girls. Abandon all hope. - Rainbow Dash is not only Best Pony, she is also Best Equestria Girl. Just ask her and any other Dash fan for a peer review if, in the face of undeniable scientific proof, you don't believe me. Settled science. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The 2nd Mass 28 October 9, 2013 Share October 9, 2013 Doctor Who is better than MLP (but they are very close) Adventure Time is just a more successful and not as well done knock off of The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack waffles are better than pancakes I believe in a the flat euclidean universe theory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
34908734bdjofh73 61 October 9, 2013 Share October 9, 2013 - Nvidia is horribly overly priced. - I find Protestantism extremely pointless, but you don't see my saying that. - I don't like Call Of Duty. - Nvidia is horribly overly priced. - I find Protestantism extremely pointless, but you don't see my saying that. - I don't like Call Of Duty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 October 10, 2013 Share October 10, 2013 Here's some of mine, if I can even think of them... Twerking is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, I really don't want kids, rather have a wife and a car collection, I hate Toyota, I actually kind of like Diamond Tiara, she's cute when she's not being a brat, Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke was one of the worst songs I've ever heard, The people that run MTV need to be smacked with a lightning rod, I rarely ever use the popular weapons whenever I play CoD (for example, while everyone else is running around with AN-94's, I'd be using an SVU-AS with a silencer, acog, and fast mag.) Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the_pony_element 5 October 10, 2013 Share October 10, 2013 The Nintendo Gamecube was awesome. Pop music is the worst music genre ever. Movie licensed games can be pretty awesome. I like old games far more than new games. Orange soda is terrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cynical Lone Wolf 615 October 10, 2013 Share October 10, 2013 I disklike Pokemon becuase I fell like it should end I liked Dexter I like the classic Doctor Who I HATE GTA because of the racism and rap I HATE Rap becuase of the racism and how people speak in it I hate modern television (SSeries are okay,but I hate how TV channels are going away from thier goal. Case A: Syfi Channel. Also that more and more ads on TV compared to 10 years ago.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nah 3,182 October 10, 2013 Share October 10, 2013 (edited) "Pro-lifers" are hypocrites, Pro-choice is pro-life because it gives the woman the option, come to think of it, it is something that the government shouldn't be restricting based off the twisted morals of a book written by a bunch of men during the bronze age. Plus the Bible actually condones abortion, don't believe me? Read Hosea 9:11-16. Homosexuality isn't a sickness, homophobia is. I do support the 2nd amendment, but some restrictions need to be put on it. I support Communism and socialism. I'm neutral to Call of Duty. Rabid Bronies will be the death of the fandom. New World Order is a load of bullshit. Conspiracy theories are interesting. Edited October 10, 2013 by Starbucks Hipster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abstract 832 October 10, 2013 Share October 10, 2013 I vote for a self-enacted extinction of the human race. Basically, we all need to come to a decision as a whole species, that the absolute best thing we can do is kill ourselves. This Earth's flora and fauna has endured cruel, despicable torture at the hands of the human race for far too long; their health, well-being, and chances of continued existence are simply an unimaginable number of times more important than our own. We truly should do our fellow inhabitants of this planet the ultimate favor; permanently end our species, so that we can truly end, once and for all, the selfish reign of destruction and sickening justification for such abominations that we have wreaked upon this world. ...So yeah, there's that. "Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miygaiya 138 October 23, 2013 Share October 23, 2013 Huh. Let's do this :3 -Moderate Independent in terms of politics -Call of Duty is a fun series, not good, but fun. -I like indie games a lot more than most AAA games -Battlefield 3 and 4 are not actual Battlefield games. -I don't like the Beatles. -Electronic music is going to become the new pop music in the next decade or two -College isn't the most important thing in the world -I want a libarts degree -Hail nah to John Green. He writes Tumblr: The Novel. Repeatedly. -Tumblr is half trash, half overzealous fans -Having strong opinions/obsessions/strong feelings for TV/books/music/movies/etc is kind of a waste of time and brain power -You don't need to hang out with someone every day to be their friend -Also, gay, so I kinda gotta support gay marriage (gotta = I want to get married at some point, tyvm) -Marijuana should be legal -2nd Amendment is correct, but should have strict gun control laws -Fluttershy is my least favourite of the Mane 6 *cue the angry crowds* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,783 October 23, 2013 Share October 23, 2013 Even though Godot's my favorite character in the Ace Attorney series, Franziska Von Karma is actually my favorite prosecutor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ianpiersonjdavis 513 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 I know I'm going to get a LOT of hate for this, but... The Big Bang Theory is criminally overrated. Just because I have autism doesn't mean I'm ANYTHING like Sheldon Cooper, just because of him, most people assume that I'm some sort of unfeeling jerk with no empathy. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KikiTwilight 90 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 I would love to destroy humanity, and possibly keep a few people, a few. I hate people in general. I don't believe in utopia, even though I wish it was possible. I'm not religious. Pinkie Pie and Rarity are my least favorite ponies, they just don't appeal to me like the rest. I often admit I love the animals WAY MUCH MORE than I'll ever love people, ever. Scar is my favorite The Lion King character. I don't find Disney sequels bad, aside a few. I often dream of having magical powers. I'd much rather spend a day reading the book than hanging out with my friends, even though I love them a lot. I don't hate e-books. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 - Aqua is best colour. (Specifically #1bf8a7) - Cool colours > Warm colours - Simplistic/Minimalistic > Crazy effects (I prefer art that doesn't hurt my eyes). - COD is a decent bunch of games, though Black Ops 2 and MW3 are a disappointment to me. - EDM > All other genres of music. - Just because you went to/attend University doesn't mean you're better than me... - GTA IV Multiplayer > GTA Online Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawk Moth 390 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 Things that are overrated: -Anime -AC/DC -The Rolling Stones -Dubstep -Rolling Stone Magazine -Shakespeare -3D films -Rainbow Dash (JUST KIDDING!!!) -Star Trek the Original Series -Oliver Stone -Jon Stewart -Holistic medicine -Activism: Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous, anti-frakking, global warming climate change, gun control -Obama -Michael Bay 1 Original Fiction: לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ. אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koelath 445 November 8, 2013 Share November 8, 2013 RWBY is terrible. The animation is below subpar, the character designs are so miserably uncreative and bland and generic that I've found numerous look-alikes just by entering random anime-related keywords into Google. And the plotlines aren't exactly award-winning stuff either but I could forgive that if any other part of the show had a modicum of quality. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derpaholic 1,155 November 8, 2013 Share November 8, 2013 -I hate PewDiePie.-Adolf Hitler was a fascinating individual.-Birthday and Christmas presents are perfunctory.-Video games, and television are a waste of perfectly good time that could be used in creative pursuits, and self-betterment. -Nirvana is the most overrated band ever. -I actually like episodes I and III of the Star Wars prequels.-I don't understand how anyone could possibly listen to and enjoy dubstep without being whacked out of their fucking minds.-American exceptionalism is a myth.-I advocate people's right to take their own life if they so choose. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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