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gaming "Official" MLPForums Pokemon Tournament


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I Recommend the site http://challonge.com/ for setting up tournaments, it's quite easy to use and offer various types of tournament styles.

DE (Double elimination) is recommended though, competitors who fall out on the first match in the winner bracket, still got a chance to get back in the loser bracket in the tournament. The chance to do so is smaller however.


As for the tournament itself... Why didn't i find this thread earlier, i would've signed up for it. x)


Oh thank you this is just what I need. Now the bracket should look like this correct?



Also if someone can;t make it or something then I'll add you in if you want me to. :)



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Oh thank you this is just what I need. Now the bracket should look like this correct?


someone can;t make it or something then I'll add you in if you want me to. :)


It looks fine to me. When I did it, it looked different, but that's fine. It would probably be a good idea to say a time and date, and get everyone's response to it.


BTW, I finally finished creating my team. Woot.

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Oh thank you this is just what I need. Now the bracket should look like this correct?



Also if someone can;t make it or something then I'll add you in if you want me to. :)


Looks good to me as well!

*notices I may have to face Perhaps~* Well, this might end horribly...


Now to just finish my team...


Also, have you decided on a set date? If you haven't, then I say the weekend might be best. Specific time should be the only problem then.


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So...my team is almost finished. Should I replace Magnezone with a Stealth Rocker? Because honestly my Magnezone trapping scheme probably wont work due to the fact that there is only 1 other person here who does Smogon competitive battling seriously.


heres a hint its kirby




Sorry I didn't see this earlier. If the other thread was any indication, I am very much in here, although it's full and stuff why didn't anyone tell me about this gah. I'd like to explain a bit about Wobbuffet and Garchomp, as well as some other stuff, though (Wynaut too, but that's covered under Wobb):


Wobb was Uber in third and fourth gen for a few reasons, chief among them Shadow Tag. It let it trap another Pokemon (regardless of ability, unlike Arena Trap, which couldn't trap Flying types or Levitators, and Magnet Pull, which only trapped Steels) and do one of a few things. Counter and MIrror Coat, combined with very high HP and lowish defenses, allowed it to come in on any attacker that couldn't 2HKO it (which was an inordinate amount of stuff) and CounterCoat to take it out. Additionally, it could Encore weak moves or status moves from things slower than it, and take one of two routes: Tickle the Pokemon to -6 Atk/Def and bring a Pursuit user in (Gen 4 only, since Pursuit became physical), ensuring the Pokemon would be taken out, or switch out to a setup sweeper like Salamence to get a free turn (or two) of setup, which is pretty gamechanging ultimately. The primary issue with it was it could take hits too well. Gen 5 introduced strongth shit like Specs Drizzletoed and other weather-boosted 'mons, along with stuff like Haxorus with insane offensive stats that can reliably 2HKO Wobbufett. It can no longer do its job so easily, so it isn't particularly overcentralizing and isn't Uber. I'm not swaying either way on the issue of its use in this particular tournament, I just feel like you should have an idea of why it's been placed where it has.


Garchomp is the perfect storm as far as physical Dragons are concerned. It has similar bulk to the likes of Swampert, an ungodly Dragon/Ground typing that lets it resist Stealth Rock and hit everything except Skarmory and Bronzong for neutral damage with only its powerful STABS (Outrage/Dragon Claw and Earthquake), and a Speed tier most Pokemon could only dream of, sitting pretty at base 102, enough to outspeed the very large base 100 crew and below given the same boosts. This means ScarfChomp can safely revenge kill +1 Salamence, Volcarona, and Dragonite, among others, as well as naturally fast stuff like Gengar, Starmie, and Lati@s. That's not even close to all that it has going for it, though. 130 base Attack is ridiculous, meaning it hits physically as hard as Latios does specially. It also gets Swords Dance to boost it, allowing it to tear apart even the sturdiest of physical walls. It doesn't even need Dragon Dance, given that super sexy Speed. Other than STAB and SD, it has coverage moves like Aqua Tail, Stone Edge, and Fire Fang/Blast which let it function extremely well in sun, rain, or weatherless. Where it really excels, however, is in sandstorm. Sand Veil makes playing against Garchomp almost entirely luck-based, and if you have bad luck, you may be giving Garchomp a free Substitute with which to do whatever the hell it wants: set up more SDs at the cost of it, or simply keep it as a safeguard from status and revenge killing. Oh, did I mention Garchomp's immune to Thunder Wave? If, and that's a pretty big if, you put it in a checkmate position by getting Ice Shard Mamoswine or Scarf Latios in against a Subless Garchomp, it could very well have a Yache or Haban Berry so it can take out your check and keep on trucking through your team. In Gen 4, sand was the only weather with a halfway decent OU auto-inducer, and in fact it had two, which meant it was quite common. With Gen 5, we now have Politoed and Ninetales giving sand a run for its money, but Tyranitar is good enough to have maintained a position as a top OU Pokemon for all of Gen 5. Weather was simply too good for its own good, so some things were banned to keep it in check...


Which brings me to my next topic, Drizzle + Swift Swim. By the rules in the OP, it's not banned in this tournament yet, although it is banned from OU. Allow me to present a compelling argument. With Politoed and Ninetales now in OU, it makes sense that once-overlooked weather abusers, namely Swift Swimmers and Chlorophyllers, would suddenly get a lot of attention. Early BW weather teams were full of these Pokemon, and they kicked ass. They were overcentralizing, and everyone knew it. Eventually, in the first complex ban in Smogon history (I believe), Aldaron's Proposal was implemented, and they were banned. By they, of course, I mean only the Swift Swimmers when paired with DrizzleToed, not the Chlorophyllers when paired with DroughtTales. Think about it: most Swift Swimmers are Water-types, a great type both offensively and defensively, which also happen to get a further boost to their STAB by the favored weather condition. Shit like Swift Swim Kingdra and Ludicolo ran around, outspeeding all but the fastest Scarfers and assailing everything with double-STAB Hydro Pumps with coverage STAB like Outrage/Draco Meteor and Giga Drain. One of the few decent Pokemon capable of taking all these Hydro Pumps and Waterfalls, Choiced or otherwise, was Gastrodon...yeah, Ludicolo eats it for breakfast. Compare all this carnage to that of Chlorophyllers, like Venusaur, Lilligant, and Sawsbuck. Sure, they can use Solarbeam, but should another weather inducer switch in, it has to take two turns to charge, only to do half damage. Otherwise, their STAB stays the same, with the only difference being that the specially oriented ones can use pseudo-STAB HP Fire to help get by Steels. It's still kinda weaksauce, though, and Heatran and Dragonite completely wall Grass/Fire coverage. Grass isn't even a great type offensively or defensively, and all Chlorophyllers are part Grass. In conclusion, DrizzleSwim is ridonkulous and ChloroDrought is good, but not that good.


If anyone wants me to build a team for them, then you know~

  • Brohoof 3


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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If anyone wants me to build a team for them, then you know~


Well for those of us who already have our teams built [or most of it] maybe you could rate them. Because I have no idea if the Pokemon in my team work together. Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Before I build my team, three things.


1. I didn't see an answer on the item question. Can we have multiple pokemon with the same item?

2. Showdown isn't working for me. It gets to the "Connecting to Showdown server" and then stops.

3. I think we should PM our teams to Red, and then when ALL the teams are done, he posts them. That way we can all know what the teams are, but we can't hate-build against other teams.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Before I build my team, three things.


1. I didn't see an answer on the item question. Can we have multiple pokemon with the same item?

2. Showdown isn't working for me. It gets to the "Connecting to Showdown server" and then stops.

3. I think we should PM our teams to Red, and then when ALL the teams are done, he posts them. That way we can all know what the teams are, but we can't hate-build against other teams.


1. Yes of course you can. If you want all your Pokemon to hold a Life Orb then you can do that.

2. Ermm....I can't help you there. Just keep trying and try to make a thread on the forums about it. Remember it's still in Beta so it has a few bugs.

3. Yeah I suppose that's the best way of doing it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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2. Ermm....I can't help you there. Just keep trying and try to make a thread on the forums about it. Remember it's still in Beta so it has a few bugs.


Lol I wasn't expecting you to fix it. I was just making sure you know that regardless of my schedule, I can't participate until the bug is worked out. Are you sure we can't use pokemon online?

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Lol I wasn't expecting you to fix it. I was just making sure you know that regardless of my schedule, I can't participate until the bug is worked out. Are you sure we can't use pokemon online?


Well we could but Showdown looks better. There are actually animations for attacks etc. I didn't even realize anything was happening on Pokemon Online until my health randomly went down. Just make a thread on the forums and ask.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Aww shit, I totally missed this.

Well, I'll just keep training my super EV pokeymanz until I get a chance to be the very best.

And even If I had a finished team I don't have time.

Stupid school.

Edited by Teh Boi

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maybe you could rate them


I think we should PM our teams to Red, and then when ALL the teams are done, he posts them. That way we can all know what the teams are, but we can't hate-build against other teams.


Idea: Teams are PMed to me if you want a rate / suggestions (I will rate and give suggestions based not on what I see from other teams, but on the BW2 metagame as a whole). People who don't want suggestions can PM directly to Red. Once I work out a finalized team for anyone who wants my help, they can PM their team to Red then. To make sure we're using a consistent format, make the team on Showdown/PO and export to text. It should be somewhat like


Nickname (Pokemon) @ Item

Trait: Ability

EVs: A HP / B Atk / C Def / D SpA / E SpD / F Spe (only listing invested stats)

Nature: G Nature

IVs: (only list if imperfect for reasons other than Hidden Power, such as Trick Room Pokemon)

- Move 1

- Move 2

- Move 3

- Move 4


If you send me your team, try to also tell me your ultimate goal (for example, SD Scizor sweep) so I can help you achieve that. I'm not going to completely redesign your team just because I don't know what your goal is / you don't have a goal. Every team has (or should have) a goal, even stall teams (who aim to not lose [which is different than aiming to win, notably], or to implement a win condition of some sort).


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Well since nopony's saying anything, how about we play on August 19th at 8 PM GMT? If you're on the east coast, that's 3 PM, I believe.

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Well since nopony's saying anything, how about we play on August 19th at 8 PM GMT? If you're on the east coast, that's 3 PM, I believe.


Hmmm maybe. What about Sunday? [August 12th] Meh I don;t know it all depends on who can make it. If it works for everyone then we can do it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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I did not suggest August 12th because I will be busy that day playing DnD with a few local friends between 1-6 PM my time.

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Do we really need an official start date? I think, once we have our teams in, it should be up to the two players to figure out when to play.


Btw, showdown is working now, but I'm having trouble importing my Pokemon Online team :/

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I figured we'd just all do it at once, but that'd actually be better.



I'll talk to the person I'm battling, see if they're willing.

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Do we really need an official start date? I think, once we have our teams in, it should be up to the two players to figure out when to play.


Btw, showdown is working now, but I'm having trouble importing my Pokemon Online team :/


What exactly is the problem that you are having that is related to the importing of the teams from PO to Showdown....


yea, I typed it liked cause of the limit.

Edited by Kirby


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Ughh... Showdown is really annoying me. I made a team in Pokemon Online and I cannot for the life of me find out how to transfer it. I click load PO team and it just gives me a blank team... Its been way too long since I've played around with Team Creators but I'll find a way to get this all working by whatever start date you decide...


...well except next week. Next week I'll be in New Hampshire and probably won't be able to battle anyone! :P

EDIT: Oh how silly of me I JUST solved my own issue!

Alright now that I can make myself a few teams I've gotta work on a winning strategy.

Edited by Colon Leftbracket

[New siggy in progress!]

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Ughh... Showdown is really annoying me. I made a team in Pokemon Online and I cannot for the life of me find out how to transfer it. I click load PO team and it just gives me a blank team... Its been way too long since I've played around with Team Creators but I'll find a way to get this all working by whatever start date you decide...


...well except next week. Next week I'll be in New Hampshire and probably won't be able to battle anyone! :P


When you export from PO it should open up a window with some text in it. Copy all of the text and go to Showdown. Click Import from PO and when it gives you a text box, paste all that you copied into there. Give the team a name if it didn't already. Hit save and it should be good from there. Edited by Kirby
  • Brohoof 1


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Yeah like I mentioned a bit above I answered my own issue! But thanks anyway!


Now if only I could fix my connection issues. My ISP hates me and disconnects every 10 minutes so its hard to finish matches! :(

I'll give them a call tomorrow and give them a piece of my mind. I'd hate to battle one of you guys just for my connection to cut out in the middle!

[New siggy in progress!]

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Yeah like I mentioned a bit above I answered my own issue! But thanks anyway!


Now if only I could fix my connection issues. My ISP hates me and disconnects every 10 minutes so its hard to finish matches! :(

I'll give them a call tomorrow and give them a piece of my mind. I'd hate to battle one of you guys just for my connection to cut out in the middle!


Aah, I didn't catch that before I posted. Aaah well, hopefully it will help anyone else who can't figure it out.


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What exactly is the problem that you are having that is related to the importing of the teams from PO to Showdown....


yea, I typed it liked cause of the limit.


I thought I could just point it at the text file and it would read it. Didn't know I had to copy/paste it in. Just being an idiot :P

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Well if all goes well, the battle between Ynomir50 and Chysonallite shall be on August 19th. I'm looking forward to it!

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Just being an idiot

Someone should document this moment for posterity, since it's not likely to happen again.


It's good to hear that you guys are doing this. You are MAKING THIS HAPEN. Quick question, though: will you be setting a time and linking to the battle (likely in a group message or on Skype, something lacking a character limit) so people can watch? Everything's more fun with spectators, not to mention I'd love to see what teams you came up with.


On another note, it seems like nobody took me up on that team-rating thing. The offer still stands if things aren't finalized yet (and since I got to the party too late, I may be totally out of the loop and PTR may already have everyone's finalized teams in a group message, which is understandable I guess).


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Aw man it sucks that I missed this. I guess I'll just challenge the Battle Subway or play on Pokemon Online, might check out pokemon showdown. If this ever happens again I'm in.


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