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What do you love most about being a brony ?

Miss Light Diamond

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Easy, the community, everypony I meet, in reality and on the internet, has been wonderful. It's been a social adventure where I meet new people and developed my skills. Some people I already knew, some I didn't, but it's always been a help to expand my horizons. There isn't much to say, bunch of nice people, new conversation topics... Other than the show and art it's one of the three main pros to being a brony, all of which you can have without even being a brony! You can be a non brony and have brony friends, like the show and art, and as long as you don't consider yourself a brony, you aren't!


Being that nothing is exclusive is a beautiful part of this fan base, it makes it easy to integrator, acculturate, and assimilate. A reason why our fan-base has grown so well, and stayed for the community. I can't really think of any major cons, it's been all jolly for me. New friends is always great. New entertainment is good. Nothing to complain about! Well, there is the r34 community, giving us a bad name, but heck to it, if people can't understand that's a subculture than good day to them!



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What I love the most is that for the most part you are all intelligent people, you guys are nice, and caring, and live by the values that the show itself preaches. I’d say we are a pretty ideal community. We help each other, we support each other, we listen to each other. We are free to be ourselves and we aren’t judged for it. Plus all the fan-made content (especially the art and music) are nothing short of incredible, you guys rock! :D


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I enjoy the community there just a great bunch of people, or pony's I should say, always kind, giving advice to other, its a great fandom. I'm just glad that im a part of it. Here's to all the bronys out there, keep it up, and pony on,(or brony on, which ever works for you).



"I just don't know what went wrong" Derpy


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What I really love is seeing how much this show has changed some people's lives for the better. I've seen a fair few videos on this subject, and read several posts, and they've all been rather touching.


Second thing: The user-generated content is almost unbelievably undeniably fantastically [add more superlatives here] awesomesause.


Third: most bronies and brony communities that I've seen are really loving and caring for each other, and also a rather fun bunch, it seems! That's fantastic, in my book.

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The community is bar none awesome, as many others have stated. Its one of very few communities I know where people are just generally good people. The fan generated content is the dark chocolate drizzle on the already kick ass cheesecake. I usually don't download fan made stuff but some of the Fighting is Magic tracks are too good to pass up, not to mention the numerous wallpapers my desktop cycles through. What's that? There are dedicated sites for this stuff? To say its turned up to 11 is an understatement to the awesomeness. I'm pretty sure the pot snapped in such a way that its just a conductor with a knob on it.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I love the optimistic effect the show and the fanbase has on me. Before, I was generally a pesimistic person, spending time thinking about how the humankind's going to hell, now, I am still aware of the global problems, yet I am a lot more optimistic in general and don't

get annoyed by most things anymore. A Pinkie-syndrome I call it, a great drop in my capabilities of being unhappy with world...


So yea, I love how this fanbase and show made me a better person and how I can meet so many great people on the Internet, which is usually a shitstorming sea, except from the few safe bays (one of them being this forum :) )


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !
Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<--

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I think the thing I love most is how much the show's creators listen to the fans and do things for us. Sometimes, creators of TV shows/ video games/ what have you, barely recognize and sometimes downright ignore what the fans want. But boy, do the show's creators go out of their way to show us love!



Together since October 19th, 2011


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As stated numerous times, the community is very nice. Nice to get away from most A-holes in the world, and talk to nice people.(Though every community has some a-holes) Also all the amazing fanfics, art, etc.


this for me to. On the internet this is really the only place people seem to be nice most of the time.


it's for reason's like this that i also watch the show (i want to get away from all of that crap they put on TV now which is all about sex, drug's, killing people and disharmony.


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Damn, what's not to love? In my opinion, this is one of the best fandoms I've been in for a LONG time. It's nice to be able to talk to bronies and people that have the same interests as me without being bombarded by weaboos and crazed yaoi fangirls clawing each-others' faces off because of some ship. Though I'm still active in other fandoms, I absolutely love how kind and accepting the brony fandom is. I feel at home in here, and I'm glad I can be weird self around other people with out being judged. Not to mention bronies have gotten through so much when it comes to hate. The flame wars on 4Chan, the constant attacks on Youtube and other websites, and yet bronies are still just as kind and accepting as always. Sure, there's always gonna be assholes, but I have yet to find a brony that's like that.


I also love the artwork and music the fanbase produces. There are so many talented bronies in this fandom that is absolutely shocked me when I first joined the herd. I figured it would be like any other fandom, a few amazing artists and some okay ones with possibly a few remixes and stuff like that. Oh my god, was I wrong. There is so much talent in this fandom that I can't even BEGIN to describe.


I have so much fun in this fandom, why would I not love it? The amazing artwork, the music, the show itself, the amazingly kind fanbase, I love it! I have to say, I am proud to be a brony mainly because I'm proud to be a member of one of the most amazing fanbases I've ever been in.

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I really love the content the fandom puts out. The music you see everyday, the writings, and of course the art. Such creativity! I haven't been part of any other fandom so I can't really compare any, but this one is just all around amazing! People are generally nice and cool. No one seems to really be a douche. Edited by Kirby


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There are many things that I like about being a brony. I like the fact I see great art work, being a part of this huge fan base, seeing all the great projects. Mostly I like how everyone gets a long.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I have been in/am in a LOT of fandoms and this is by far the best I've come acroos. Bronies are so friendly, accepting and fun! It's like you can instantly be friends with someone just by finding out they're also a brony! The community is so widely spread and the work it creates is some of the best I've ever seen :D

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Personally, the best thing I love about being a Brony is the how we may be reshaping the way people view gender stereotypes. Other than that...




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Honestly, it's this site. MLP Forums is probably the best forum I've ever been a member of. It has it's downsides, but the community here is just so much better than most other sites.

I rarely even talk about ponies here anyway. Years after the show is over, if this site is still here, you can bet I'll still be chatting about random stuff with whoever else is still here :)

  • Brohoof 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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  • 2 years later...

Senice that "MandoPedo" thing that happend to me and discovering /mlp/ and clop, once my parents found that part of the fandom exist, they deleted all of my social accounts (exept for Skype) and told me that I can't be a part of that fandom and I Tried to convence them that there is a "good" side of the fandom but they didn't believe me and think that the documentaries were all propaganda!

Sometimes I regret being a brony but I want to be a part of this fandom so badly just because this fandom is so kind and nicest people I've known!

Edited by MLG4Ever
  • Brohoof 6

*Boops You Nose!*

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da... becoming a brony is probably one of the best choices I have made in my life.... I have accomplished so much in the past 2 and a half years of being a brony.... hell if it wasn't for the fandom I'd probably be dead like I have said before in the past... when my life hit its lowest point ponies and bronies where there for me


I will never be ashamed to say I like ponies...

  • Brohoof 5


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There's so many great values that the world needs that these ponies express. We need to take rainbows, cupcakes, and the spirit of girls and women more seriously. and this show delivers. We should be proud to show those values.


It's never necessary to feel shame for expressing love, especially for something as mundane as a TV show or pop culture property.


The community is a diverse group and like any other group, there is an unpleasant minority. You need to be aware they're there. Be safe and smart, but don't focus on that element. Instead focus on what you love and share the elements of harmony.

  • Brohoof 4
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