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Alright, I dont need a snobby remark thank you, you dont need to be a little rude about it. Im just answering the thread. The end. Its called stating your opinions, i didnt ask for some ponies to be assholes, no? K Thanks


I apologize if I came off that way, but it was not my intention to put you down. I was simply trying to keep this thread from devolving into what most of the clopping threads become; a nasty flame war between both sides. You say you were stating your opinion, and I commented on the fact that, as time has proven unfortunately, you can't really do that if it's a very strong one, one way or another, and have people take it in stride. You make a comment like "if you clop to ponies, you most be desperate", you had better be prepared to face the wrath of others who take offense to that. (Like I said, adding "no offense" doesn't really work if it's an inherently offensive comment.) I could be wrong, but I think I speak for most of us when I say we don't need any bickering of that sort here.


Again, I do not mean any disrespect towards you, I just want to help keep this thread conflict free.

  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Ok...... then why did you just make a snobby remark? Just saying it kinda destroys the message you're trying to send when you make a snobby remark when telling somepony not to make snobby remarks ;)


Its called defending...aight, im not wanting to fight..im just stating my opinions and some ponies just freak out


I apologize if I came off that way, but it was not my intention to put you down. I was simply trying to keep this thread from devolving into what most of the clopping threads become; a nasty flame war between both sides. You say you were stating your opinion, and I commented on the fact that, as time has proven unfortunately, you can't really do that if it's a very strong one, one way or another, and have people take it in stride. You make a comment like "if you clop to ponies, you most be desperate", you had better be prepared to face the wrath of others who take offense to that. (Like I said, adding "no offense" doesn't really work if it's an inherently offensive comment.) I could be wrong, but I think I speak for most of us when I say we don't need any bickering of that sort here.


Again, I do not mean any disrespect towards you, I just want to help keep this thread conflict free.


Ok, sorry too...but im just tired of people making snobby remarks when I state my opinions. Thats what these forums are for...but some people who do that stuff from the internet CAN be desperate, not all

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Frankly put, the fanfiction is hilarious. If it isn't serious, I mock the fanfiction for how hilariously idiotic it is. If it is, then I mock the author for how hilariously stupid it is.


It's like really, really badly written porn.


Now clopPICS... those I hate with a fiery passion. Why? Because only an idiot spends 5+ hours drawing a vagina on a pastel coloured pony.

Edited by KakeiTheWolf
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Ok, sorry too...but im just tired of people making snobby remarks when I state my opinions. Thats what these forums are for...but some people who do that stuff from the internet CAN be desperate, not all


No need to apologize. You're correct, one of the nice things about internet forums is the ability to state you opinion to a large group of people, and have them respond to it, vice versa. But for touchy subjects like clopping, it really is best to stay on the conservative side when stating such opinions. I'm sorry that we jumped on you for it, we could have gone about that in a softer manner. We just don't want a repeat of previous clopping threads, in which the whole spirit of MLP is pretty much thrown out the window with the horrible arguments and name calling.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Ok...... then why did you just make a snobby remark? Just saying it kinda destroys the message you're trying to send when you make a snobby remark when telling somepony not to make snobby remarks ;)



*jumps off cliff*



But I honestly see no reason to cross that line were the cloppers hang out, just to say "YOU DISGUSTING PONY SCUM, YOU'RE ALL RUINING THIS SHOWWW!!!!1111342221111!!!!!!ONE!!!!"


That just downright pisses me off :


I like to read clopfics, but like any other fanfic, the quality of it is what interests me o3o




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No need to apologize. You're correct, one of the nice things about internet forums is the ability to state you opinion to a large group of people, and have them respond to it, vice versa. But for touchy subjects like clopping, it really is best to stay on the conservative side when stating such opinions. I'm sorry that we jumped on you for it, we could have gone about that in a softer manner. We just don't want a repeat of previous clopping threads, in which the whole spirit of MLP is pretty much thrown out the window with the horrible arguments and name calling.


its cool, i just thought you wanted to start a fight, and i hate that about people sometimes...when they just wanna push it farther, my mistake, i just dont take crap from people

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Its called defending...aight, im not wanting to fight..im just stating my opinions and some ponies just freak out

I appreciate that your sharing your opinions. I love hearing what people have to say no matter which side of an argument its on.


But my point was the way you went about defending yourself. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself... you should but I just think you went about it the wrong way :huh: . You said that you didn't want snobbish remarks made about your views (which is perfectly understandable) but by making one yourself to get your point across, it just seems to defeat the purpose.

Its like if someone hit you and hit them back and said you shouldn't hit people.

So yeah sorry if I'm being a little annoying about this. But I felt like it had to be said.


Made by C.Discord

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its cool, i just thought you wanted to start a fight, and i hate that about people sometimes...when they just wanna push it farther, my mistake, i just dont take crap from people


Well... I do do that sometimes, so I'll forgive you for making that assumption. ;) But seriously, we've got no beef here, let's just let this discussion continue as it was.
  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Clopfiction? I don't really care. If people look at, then look at it. It's none of my business....

Do what you want to do, just don't tell the whole world. We don't need to know what you in front of your PC monitor...


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I find them as being novel oddities at best and just plain trash at worst. However, even in the best of examples of this fiction genre the reader is left alienated, why? you may ask? Simple, inconsistency from the human sexuality norms. If people truly enjoy it, than let it be so and don't question it.

  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I honestly don't care at all if people like it and make it. I personally don't take part in it, but I don't care if others do at all :3

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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There is nothing wrong with cloppers, or cloppfics. The Human mind expanded into ways that we could never imagined. Making a show for little kids turn into a adult show has no problem. The people are always doing Hentais of everything, so it is the same thing, or like parodies of movies. There is not a big deal on it. It is actually healthy to do it some times. There is no problem on it. At ALL.

Edited by Devious Detonation
  • Brohoof 1

Support Apocalyptica!!! Visit the official Apocalyptica website: http://www.apocalyptica.com/us


Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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I am a clopper. I don't think my opinion will matter. But i have something to say.

For you, guys who are complaining about how "desperate" we(cloppers) are to fap for ponies: It's our life. Are we violating corpses?No. Are we doing "things" with kids?No. Are we doing "things" with real animals? No. So, whats's wrong with this? I want to clop, so let me clop. Are you really judging people by their fetishs?

  • Brohoof 5
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I am a clopper. I don't think my opinion will matter. But i have something to say.

For you, guys who are complaining about how "desperate" we(cloppers) are to fap for ponies: It's our life. Are we violating corpses?No. Are we doing "things" with kids?No. Are we doing "things" with real animals? No. So, whats's wrong with this? I want to clop, so let me clop. Are you really judging people by their fetishs?


Soon this will be a revelation of all the other people who said that didn't cared about it at all will show themselves disaproving. Human beeing is so naive. I am with you, btw. Clop. But clop under control.

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Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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I'll read anything and I'll watch anything. I may not like everything, but I don't "hate" anything. If clopping is anyone's thing then "that's their thing". I don't like haters and I don't like extremists, but for both sides, I've heard the arguments and seen the rants. Here's a little list on what points I consider valid:


- "The show is for little children, so at the very least try to put it in a place that is out of the target audience's reach."


- "Warn the audience beforehand of whether or not it's porn and what kind of porn it is."


- "Don't reflect your hate for the genre on the people who like it, and don't search for it only to post something negative in the comment section, it just makes you look like a sorry excuse for a person."


- "Not all clop-fics and clop-pics are raunchy porn, so don't judge everything like it is."




I may have forgotten one or two points, but I think this should paint a picture on my opinion.

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26. Clopping happens, get over it.

3. If you come across porn, you choose to ignore it or enjoy it... no exceptions

If you don't like clopping pics, fanficition or roleplays then you choose as a person to avoid them... getting mad or starting up major rage isn't going to get rid of it... Ignoring it and moving on seems to be the best option here.


If you like them and read them in any extent then that's your own personal thing.

Edited by Ethan Pow
  • Brohoof 1


I Run and Operate Alicornradio

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Meh, I've read a few. Some I like to read, and some I don't. Personally, I think it's based upon the parameter of describing a coherent storyline to fit the characters, from how the author wants them to interact with one another.

  • Brohoof 1
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Clopfiction to me is pretty much like any other erotica-fiction out there. I don't read many fanfics anyways like I used to years ago in different fandoms so it's never really bothered me. I don't mind cloppers or the clopfiction and I have skimmed through some clopfics but it just never really interested me.

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I do not like clopfics, but I think It depends on what your definition of what a clopfic is. A clopfic to me is Pornography. What do I define pornography? Dictionary time!



1. Creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire.


In other words; an unrealistic sexual situation, It doesn't happen out of love for one another, they just do it because they can and just to get the reader turned on. No story, no meaning, it's just because. (And I don't like that.)


However, just because there is sexy time in the story, doesn't instantly make it a clopfic. If there was actual romance and confession of feelings and, ultimately, meaning before smexy time happened, that would just be a romantic love story.


I admit, I have read at least one or two romantic fics that have those kind of scenes involving our ponies (Damn you Crowly!), but I don't like reading the kind of fics that make the characters out of character and treat their other like a breathless sex doll, that's not romantic, that's just pornography. And for me, pornography is a big turn OFF for me.


If the clopfic has a realistic reason as to why they are in that situation, it's not really a clopfic, it's a romance.


But that's just my opinion.

  • Brohoof 4

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I dont really like it, but i dont have anything against it. I am sure that i myself will never clop, and as long as i dont read or look at any rule 34 stuff theres no problem. the only thing i have against cloppers is that some Haters think that since some of us clop then all of us must clop even though we dont. So I dont really have anything against cloppers so much as i dislike being mistaken for a clopper.

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However, just because there is sexy time in the story, doesn't instantly make it a clopfic. If there was actual romance and confession of feelings and, ultimately, meaning before smexy time happened, that would just be a romantic love story.

I understand your perspective perfectly well, a clopfiction is a tale with a more mature ideal within it. For example, Spike confesses his love for Rarity, yet after some time has passed after hearing this, she invites him over one night to express her love for him with physical contact. Meh... not my best example there lol. But you get the idea.

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I may not agree with it, but "hate the sin, not the sinner". As long as you keep it filled where it belongs and don't rub my nose in it, we can still get along fine.

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I don't get into it. Never been interested. but if other like it its cool.


My only thing is i've always hated the term clopping used in this way. to me clopping is and will always be pony clapping. it just fit too well to use any other term.

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Now you guys don't tell me that you don't read clopfics and things like that because it is about ponies? Most of you guys watch* pornography. Everybody already did. And Hentai too, maybe. There is barely a diference between all these three. But since they are clopfics, it is like an erotic romance. There's no problem with it. And it may inspire you into great feats. I already composed some songs after getting inspiration in clopfics. It is actually cool. And there is no problem. At all.

Edited by Devious Detonation
  • Brohoof 2

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Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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