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movies/tv Best movie you've ever seen


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This is my top 12.


1. Barry Lyndon


2. Dr. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb


3. The Shawshank Redemption


4. Iron Giant


5. A Clockwork Orange


6. Modern Times


7. Eyes Wide Shut


8. Lord of the Rings (The whole trilogy)


9. Metropolis


10. 12 Angry Men


11. The Dark Knight Trilogy


12. Saving Private Ryan

  • Brohoof 2
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The best movie series for me probably has to be the SAW SERIES.


Now I could sound like some teen-age goreporn movie addict for saying that is my favorite series, which I'm not really into all those blood and guts. It's just the series amount of twists and turns in it that really makes me like it, and the finale for me at-least was a mind-blown moment that I stood up out of my seat in the theater (I was in the back row alone so I didn't look awkward)


Really Saw is the only movie that's selling point is on death that I truly like.


If it's not saw then I guess... Equestria Girls.   :muffins: 

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Equestria girls or inception or almost any disney movie. i just feel that they are all very well written. and EQG is just plain catchy.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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i rarely watch movies now a days, but i still have a few...


Batman: the Dark Knight Rises - i like this movie because it has several action scenes. my favorite scene in the movie would have to be the ending, because i honestly thought Batman died, and i honestly started crying... then i continued to watch the ending, and found out something awesome... i'm not going to say what because some people might not have seen it!


Percy Jackson: the Lightning Thief - i like this movie because it is lightly based off of the book... the reason why i say lightly is because when Percy gets to Camp Half-Blood, he doesn't fight the daughter of the God of War (i forgot her name) but instead he fights Annabeth, which is completely wrong but that's in my opinion.


there are a few others, but it is very hard to pick them out. mainly because i rarely watch movies now-a-days

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ahh only five huh? damn ok I can make this work, ok lets see..


-Pulp Fiction

-(MLP) Equestria girls

-The invisible man(1933)


-Army of darkness(along with all the other Evil Dead movies)

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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To be fair, I'm not much into movies these days. I look back at my old favourites and think "ok what was I thinking? This is horrid."


Anyway, there is one movie I just can't help but love: 'Waterloo'.


Really, the producers worked their arses off for this one. 20000 extras on screen, all uniformed in reenactor-quality clothing. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Truly, The Crow is the greatest film I have ever seen. Motion picture perfection. Amazing adaption of an amazing comic. Everything about it is awesome. The quotes, the characters, the acting, the setting, everything. You can really feel Eric Draven on every sentence he talks. It's so sad Brandon Lee had to die though, really, a tragedy. They are doing a remake of it. It will not, can not, possibly capture the greatness of the original. Nothing could.

Edited by BronyWithRage
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I always loved a Clockwork orange. i cant really explain why but people that have seen it know what im talking about.


Another favorite of mine is the Godfather movies, the first is the best.


Scarface even though there is alot of laughable cuban  impressions, I love the idea of one man kind of talking over his world and making alot of money, not knowing all along he is setting himself up to fall. (literally)


Pulp Fiction (starting to see a theme here) 


And last but not least Goodfella's Because i love Mob movies and its got Jimmy Two times LOL


Im gonna go get the papers, Get the papers. XD

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I've seen some great films over the years.  Here are some selects:

  • Citizen Cane
  • Ten Commandments
  • The Dark Knight
  • Lord of the Rings
  • The Day the Earth Stood Still
  • Forbidden Planet
  • The Avengers
  • Spirited Away
  • Finding Nemo
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Ben-Hur
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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The straight answer: I can't give a straight answer.


I can give subfavorites, though.


Cutest movie I have watched: Fantastic Mr. Fox. I love this movie with a passion. I have watched it dozens of times.

Runner up: Milo and Otis (Its controversies hurt its image for me, now.) or Fox and the Hound (I haven't seen it in a long time).


Most nostalgic movie of all time for me: The Land Before Time. You have no idea.


Most impressive series I've watched with little lore knowledge: The Dark Knight trilogy. I really really enjoyed the whole series.


Best modern take on an old story: Alice. I LOVED the new alice.


Most potential: Suckerpunch. I really think Suckerpunch was really enjoyable, and if you can get over the exploitation-filmery of it, it really is an enjoyable movie.


Favorite video game themed movie(s): Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Wreck-It Ralph. I loved both of them SO much.


Favorite movie that probably makes me emo: Adventureland. Watch this movie. You may have trouble with Kristen Stewart being in it, but I LOVED this film.


Favorite musical movie: RENT (Runners up: LBT sequels barring 11.)


Favorite "original concept" film (insofar as something can be original in the 21st century, I am aware it pulls from a great deal of things.): Inception. I was really gripped by this one when I finally got to watch it.


Movie series I liked more than people give it credit for: The Matrix. I found the whole trilogy ( I still have never seen Animatrix :( ) quite enjoyable.


Movie I enjoyed more than critics give it credit for: Ultraviolet. I really liked this one, too.


Other movies I REALLY enjoyed: Underworld series, Iron Man films, Avengers films (I haven't had a chance to watch Captain America, yet, but I am sure it'll be here, eventually, too.) Freedom Writers, Finding Forrester, Pokémon First Movie, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Movie, Toy Story 3... I really really like a lot of movies.

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Best (overall) movie I have ever seen?  Inception.  If you haven't seen it, then you don't know what it feels like to have your mind blown.  And have it blown again, and again, and again.  I had to do an essay on that movie for English Composition II, and the discussions I and the class had before we even began writing was mind boggling.  A word of warning, the movie might confuse you the first time you watch it, but that is because it intentionally leaves you with questions after viewing.

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Back To The Future

I mean, come on.. I don't think I've ever met anyone who DOESN'T like this film.
It's a teen movie, a sci-fi, an action movie, a comedy, a drama, and adventure movie all rolled into one.
It's well directed, it's got a great and a rather complex (in a way) storyline, it's got memorable characters, and Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd bother give great performances and work off of each other brilliantly.


Oh, and that soundtrack.. That soundtrack, man... Me gusta, indeed.

Edited by Broseph

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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I am Legend. Still to this day I regard it as my personal favorite movie ever. It's just so darn awesome. I love Will Smith's acting, the setting/atmosphere and the sacrifices he has to endure to stay alive. Great movie.



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Toy Story 1 - One of the first 3D movies. It's just so beautiful. No words.


Meet The Robinsons - No words, again. Robinson is my last name. :D


Harry Potter - Any kind of Harry Potter movies. I love them all. :D


Igor - Idk why. :3


Last one: Legend Of The Guardians - NOT THE SANTA ONE! THE OWL ONE! ;3

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Unpopular opinion, but Saw 3.


The way they manage to weave together the stories of 4 different main characters along with all the minor characters, all while making it plausible, entertaining, suspenseful, emotional, and with a lot of character depth added within the time-frame of 2 hours, it's just brilliant. And even if the plot twists in the Saw films are always great, this twist is probably the most brilliant one of them all (so don't spoil it for yourself).

Even if one of the main character's acting is a bit meh (though to be fair I guess it's possible he have a foreign accent that makes it sound worse than it really is), everything else is so good it's easy to excuse it. Of course you would have to watch Saw 1 and 2 to understand anything that is happening here, but I highly recommend any fans of psychological horror, thriller and character driven tragedy to check out the first trilogy if you can stomach the gore.


Other great films would be Pink Floyd's The Wall, The Matrix, Wreck-It Ralph, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life and A Nightmare on Elm's Street (the original obviously).

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Oh Dear! I need to take a lot of you to the golden age of films 30s-50s


some of my most favorite movies are



Gone With The Wind

All About Eve


Citizen Kane

Mildred  Pierce

Roman Holiday

Streetcar named Desire

Suddenly, Last Summer

Imitation of Life(Saddest Movie Ever)

  • Brohoof 2





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Well, there was Gran Torino, 9, and plenty of movies.


But the greatest will always be the Barbie movies. Seriously, they were freaking great! xD

Also Disney movies. They always put something for the adults to think about, a moral.


But people just seem to screw the moral of the story. Wall-E was talking about how the technology was destroying the society, not about how the robots could have emotions. Silly people...

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I highly recommend that anyone interested in "serious" film watch Andrei Tarkovsk'y Stalker if they can get their hands on it. I know I've talked about it before around here but it is still the greatest movie of all time to me and it is an experience in and of itself if you are interested in movies that are commonly called "art" and can stomach subtitles. 


Seriously, this movie outclasses even Kubrick. Not joking.

  • Brohoof 1

Applejack > Fluttershy > Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash


"The fun has been doubled!" and "My sister is speakin' in Fancy!"

f(x)= Cax  where a=(y2/y1)1/(x2-x1and also Vf2= Vi2 + 2a(Δs)

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My favorite is Children of Men. It's a movie set somewhat into the future, based on a book, in which quite simply, no woman has been able to get pregnant for around 17 years. The movie opens up with a news story on the death of the "youngest person in the world".


It's got quite a lot of "Long-Take" moments, as well as one very emotional segment towards the end. Don't watch it for the storyline or a definitive conclusion, as it's really a lot more about the characters and interactions. Oh, and it's a pretty horrifying movie at times - shows a lot of war going on, not for the glory of it.

  • Brohoof 4
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My favorite is Children of Men. It's a movie set somewhat into the future, based on a book, in which quite simply, no woman has been able to get pregnant for around 17 years. The movie opens up with a news story on the death of the "youngest person in the world".


It's got quite a lot of "Long-Take" moments, as well as one very emotional segment towards the end. Don't watch it for the storyline or a definitive conclusion, as it's really a lot more about the characters and interactions. Oh, and it's a pretty horrifying movie at times - shows a lot of war going on, not for the glory of it.


What a great film. Those long takes are actually some of the world records!


The war bits are truly horrifying, one of the most effective anti-war parables without beating you over the head with it. Just showing the brutality of the violence itself, regardless of the intention or goals of either sides.


I'm waiting for Alfonso Cuaron's next movie Gravity, though word through the pipeline says it's going to suck, which is kind of sad.

Applejack > Fluttershy > Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash


"The fun has been doubled!" and "My sister is speakin' in Fancy!"

f(x)= Cax  where a=(y2/y1)1/(x2-x1and also Vf2= Vi2 + 2a(Δs)

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Children of Men is an excellent film and easily makes my top 5. Not much else needs to be said about it; if you haven't seen it, see it!


Other films I particularly enjoyed by some random categories -


Strongest Impact: Hotel Rwanda - It gets a bit dramatized but really goes into how absolutely horrifying GENOCIDE is ("How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?" - "How can the world see such atrocities and do nothing?" - (from a journalist's perspective) "I think people will watch this on the evening news while eating their TV dinner and say "Oh my God, that's horrible"; and go right back to eating their dinner"). Schindler's List is the other side of the same coin and fantastic in that respect, but IMO doesn't hold a handle to the sheer brutality of this movie.


Comedy: Pineapple Express - It gets excessive with the action but that doesn't particularly bother me. I love how it portrays stoners; fancied it as a flick before I was even one myself, lol. Reflecting on it, I can definitely relate to some of their actions, lol. The Great Dictator is my favorite as far as oldies go. Great parody with an amazing speech at the end. Easily Chaplin's best!


Drama: Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood makes for a hilarious/badass grandpa. Coming from Detroit myself, it was nice to see how well they portrayed it.


Action/Mystery: Source Code - Cliche in many, many ways, but that doesn't stop it from being enjoyable! One of the more recent films that definitely got close to jerking my tears. Kinda of a mindbuck too. I also enjoyed Inception quite a bit, especially as someone who was once heavily into lucid dreaming. It incorporated many of the concepts very well.


Trilogy: The Lord of the RIngs? Original Star Wars trilogy? Back to the Future? Can't decide, all are fun rides in their own regard!


Animation: Wall-E by far. Love the first 20 minutes in particular; absolutely no dialogue. About as desolate as it gets. Afterwards it's pretty much a romance flick in space, but all the little gags makes it very entertaining. Define 'Earth'

Edited by K.K. Slider


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What a coincidence! I actually came back to this thread because I'd just been set an assignment for Spanish - describe your favourite movie scene. And my favourite movie scene, by far, is from my favourite movie by far - Children of Men. I might as well quote my earlier post in this thread about the film:




Children of Men, by Alfonso Cuarón. It's a film about global infertility turning the UK into a police state as influxes of immigrants seek asylum there after every other nation collapses. This film boasts thrilling cinematography and amazing acting, exploring and fully tackling the ethical issue of global infertility with a dark yet wholly inspiring edge. The themes of hope, faith and resilience were, considering that in 2006 when it was released ethical issues of similar severity were impending, perfectly imposed. There were long-shot sequences that were absolutely masterful, and the script gives you the atmosphere of political struggle and suppression not by handing you some tyrant, but by countrywide chaos that would be expected. Clive Owen played the leading role superbly, bonding with each character is easy... and it contains my favourite scene out of any film, ever, which is the ending ceasefire, the most dazzling, touching and smile-inducing scene I've ever watched as the sanctity of life is unanimously recognised.
(I'm beginning to sound like an IMDb consensus...)
Yeah, I damn loved Children of Men. You are missing out on so much if you don't see it. Check Netflix or your movie channel.


And yeah, the ceasefire. That was absolutely god damn frigging incredible. It should be illegal to be that good at camera work.

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Ok, UPDATING MY POST from exactly a year ago (about).

It is now easily the LOTR Trilogy + The Hobbit Films.

I'm annoyed that it took me 12! years to finally watch Lotr, and wow, was I missing out. Easily the best films I've ever seen. Although I'm assuming the books are better, as that is usually the case.

Can't wait for new Hobbit Film!

Edited by Raritas


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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