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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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(OOC: Until November 8th? Yeah, you got time to get us all! As much as I am looking forward to my Pegasus Alex's story, I can't wait to Morningstar's Love Fic with Princess Celestia. I have a feeling that one is going to blow everyone's minds here. Pwny, you have succeeded in leaving me in immense anticipation. :3 )


I actually will be away from my computer starting November 5th, even though I leave for good November 7th. It's confusing, I know, but that's just how it is. I'm going to crank out these fan fics one way or another. I expect Saturday will be the day I finish everything

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(OOC: Oh... I didn't know that because I couldn't read the story about what was going on with your two year plan due to link problems, but regardless, I shall wait in earnest, good sir. In the meantime, I got RP posts to do.)

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Hehe, you flatter me Wildcard! I must say that I really enjoy coming to formal occasions such as these. The glamor is sooo wonderful! Other than that, I really enjoy the simple things in life like walking down beaches, curling up with a good book, and also going on dates :D


*Just a fast as it begun, the carriage stops at the event. You assist Rarity off the cart and make your way into the prom. Semi-loud music plays at the dance floor with DJ-pon3, pictures are taken at the gazebo, and orderves are served by the wall. Not long after you enter, a slow song starts to play.*


Oh we simply MUST dance! Please do me the honor, will you?


*Rarity give you her trademark eyebatter, and natually, the two of you start dancing slowly with the music. This is, once again, the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with your date.*


(OOC: Sorry for the late reply I was moving in RL and I feel terrible sorry to hear about your leaving)

"Rarity...First of all I must say you are a wonderful dancer, but you are an even more wonderful pony and I'd love to meet you again after this prom. *blushes* You are an attractive mare and I am sure many colts like your looks, but your character is beautiful as well...beautiful like a diamond"


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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(OOC: Sorry for the late reply I was moving in RL and I feel terrible sorry to hear about your leaving)

"Rarity...First of all I must say you are a wonderful dancer, but you are an even more wonderful pony and I'd love to meet you again after this prom. *blushes* You are an attractive mare and I am sure many colts like your looks, but your character is beautiful as well...beautiful like a diamond"


Wildcard... you do know what's happening now, right? Pwny's leaving the forums.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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I know, just read through his entry about it. :(

Sorry, I am in a bit of hurry right now and will be able to get a better overview of everything in the evening


ok, and remember to put in for your space in line to get a fanfic of you and Rarity done. I was first in line (NO idea how that happened) and he wrote something amazing. i bet your's will be awesome, too.
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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ok, and remember to put in for your space in line to get a fanfic of you and Rarity done. I was first in line (NO idea how that happened) and he wrote something amazing. i bet your's will be awesome, too.


OK that sounds awesome and awfully nice of him :)

Where can I sign up?


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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OK that sounds awesome and awfully nice of him :)

Where can I sign up?


well, first you put Pwny's name, like this: @My little pwny, and then you give a short little description of what you want to happen, like you and rarity get married, or you ahe to save her from something or something like that. Edited by Count Ponydox
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(OOC: part 1. You know the drill, read this and respond to situation I give you at the bottom.)


StaticArc X Cheerilee

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom have tried for the past several months to and set up Big Macintosh, Applebloom’s brother, and Ms. Cheerilee, their school teacher. The three young fillies had a fantasy where their teacher could be truly happy if only she had a special somepony. Big Mac seemed to be the only good choice for Cheerilee, and they have planned every day to try and make them love one another.


Applebloom came out of the school house one day when the bell rang with her friends. She said, “Oh, when are we ever going to get Ms. Cheerilee her special somepony?”


“Don’t ask me! Haven’t we tried everything already?” commented Sweetie Belle.


“Maybe we should just give up girls,” said Scootaloo, “Sweetie Belle is right, we’ve tried everything between Big Mac and Cheerilee. Nothing is sticking…”


Applebloom sighed. “I guess we’re going to have to let Ms. Cheerilee be alone forever. Let’s meet up at the treehouse so we can figure out how to get our cutie marks.”


The three young fillies started to walk home to their tree house when suddenly they were greeted by a Stallion sitting on a bench.


He said, “Hello there, I'm really sorry to bother you three, but I really need your help with something important. You don't know me, but it involves your teacher, and I have good intentions. Could you come over and sit on this bench with me so we can talk?"


Sweetie Belle jumped to conclusions and said, “Hey! Maybe you can be with Ms. Cheerilee!”


“Shush Sweetie Belle! Now, what was it you wanted mister?” interjected Applebloom.


The pony who stopped them was named Static Arc. When Sweetie Belle said he could be with Ms. Cheerilee, he couldn’t help but smile. “As a matter of fact, I have heard from a certain somepony that you are trying to play matchmaker for your teacher because you all care about her. Now, I'm not here to scold you, I'm here for... well... I'm hoping that you guys could help me out. You see, I like Cheerilee, a lot. I think she is an amazing teacher and I'm sure all of you care about her as much as I do, and that's why you don't want to see he so lonely, but what I want you to instead forget about trying to match Cheerilee and Big Macintosh up, and instead, help me try and win Cheerilee's heart. Could you three... try and hook up some sort of date for me and Cheerilee? I will understand if you think I'm not a good match for your teacher, but just understand that I want to be there for her, and treat her right, like you guys wanted to do all along. Now, will you help me?"


The three fillies’ jaws were dropped. It was as if Celestia granted their wish for somepony to be with Cheerilee. Scootaloo immediately said, “Are you kidding me? You’re perfect! Come with us, we’ll introduce you right now!” The three of them pushed Static Arc towards the school house in order to meet her.


Panicking, Arc protested by saying, “No no, I’ve already met her. Just try to ‘cloak and dagger’ her into going on a date with me!”


It was too late. The cutie mark crusaders, as they three fillies were called, had already delivered him in front of Cheerilee.


“Oh, Ms. Cheerilee! We have someone for you to meet! Teehehehe.” said the cutie mark crusaders in unison.


“What is it girls?” said the teacher, as she turned around. The instant she recognized Static Arc, she realized what was happening. “So Mr. Arc… it seems as if you enlisted the help of my three best students…”


Arc facehoofed himself. “It’s not what it seems Ms. Cheerilee. You see, all I wanted them to do was to stop them from bugging you and Big Mac!”


“Nu uh Mr. Arc, that’s not all you said!” told Scootaloo, “He also wanted us to set you two on a date!”


“Is this true Mr. Arc? Did you want to go on a date with me?” asked Cheerilee.


Static Arc wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be embarrassed or mad at himself for letting this situation get this far so fast. At this point, he would be doing no favors for himself if he lied.


Arc cocked his head up, puffed out his chest, smiled, and said with confidence, “Yes Ms. Cheerilee. I actually did want to go on a date with you. I can’t think of any better mare than you to spend time with. Would you be so kind to accept?”


At first it looked like Cheerilee was going to say no, but before she could give an answer, the CMC started hopping up and down and saying, “Say yes Ms. Cheerilee! Say yes! Say yes!”


Cheerilee was in a no-win situation. She couldn’t say no, otherwise her students would be out of control. In order to appease them she reluctantly said, “Okay… I’ll come on a date with you.”


“YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! We did it! We did it! We did it!” cheered the CMC. While they were celebrating, Cheerilee asked what he wanted to do and when it was going to be.


Arc replied, “How about right now? Just a simple, no cost, straight forward nature walk through the fields and forest nearby Ponyville? We’ll get it over with and I’ll return you back home tonight. If you don’t like our time together, you don’t have to date me again.”


Cheerilee seemed pretty satisfied with the idea that their date can be over as soon as it starts, and it won’t cost a thing. “I like your idea. We can walk and talk for the rest of the evening.” Cheerilee then looked at the CMC. “Now, about you three; please go home. I know what all of you are thinking, don’t follow us okay? Intervening won’t help you get your cutie marks, so for the sake of your teacher, please go home.”


“Awe! But Ms. Cheerilee! We-“


“No buts! I don’t want to see any of you while Mr. Arc and I are on our ‘date’. Am I clear?”


“Yes Ms. Cheerilee…” The CMC dropped their heads down, and then walk out of the school to go home.


Once the fillies were out of earshot, Cheerilee reluctantly said, “Alright. It looks like we’re in the clear. Let’s get going shall we?”


Looks like I’m off to a bad start... thought Static Arc. I don’t know how I’m going to turn this around before the date is over.


And so, the pair walked out, side by side to the open fields near Ponyville. It was a slightly cloudy day which occasionally blocked out the sun. Since it was towards the end of Spring, the grass and the flowers were at full bloom and color. The temperature was perfect; 76 degrees Fahrenheit. There was also a mild wind blowing through at about 3 wind power south-west. Animals freely frolicked around the field, and birds were flying in formation high in the sky. In other words, Static Arc couldn’t have picked a better day to take Cheerilee on a nature walk.


At least I have nature on my side.


Static Arc started the conversation. “So Ms. Cheerilee, I’ve only heard a little about how those three fillies give you trouble from time to time. What’s the story behind that?”


“Well, it all started on Hearts and Hooves day when I told them I didn’t have a special somepony.”


“Go on.”


“Long story short, they made a love potion that forced me and Big Mac in love. Can you believe we wanted to get married? Thankfully the three of them reversed the potion’s effects and we returned to normal.”


“What did the two of you think after the fact?”


“Once we weren’t in ‘love’ anymore, we remembered all the sappy things we said to each other and were very embarrassed. For punishment, Big Mac made them do his work for the rest of the day.”


“And what do you and Big Mac think of each other now?”


“Well, if you must know, him and I are just good friends. We had a lot in common, but we never sparked like the girls wanted. Is that what you wanted to hear?” asked a slightly annoyed Cheerilee.


“Yup! … NO! I mean no!” panicked Arc.


Cheerilee had a smirk, she had him right where she wanted. Posted Image“Is it, ‘yup’ you wanted to hear that Big Mac and I aren’t together? Or is it ‘no’ you didn’t want to hear that we were good friends?!”


Darn it! Did I have to be so fickle? “Umm… what I meant was, is that it’s good that you and Big Mac are still friends after that silly event!” Great save Static!


“Mmm hmm,” mused Cheerilee, “nice recovery there Mr. Arc.”


Is she playing mind games with me or something? Wait a minute. What’s that on the hill? “Hey Ms. Cheerilee, do you what I see over there?” Arc pointed over to a nearby hill where a picnic area was. “It looks like somepony abandoned all their fresh food and never took a bite?”


Ms. Cheerilee didn’t even take a look. “Just… ignore it Mr. Arc. This is obviously a ploy by those silly fillies again. Let’s just keep walking.” When she beckoned Static Arc to come with her, Arc could hear Ms. Cheerilee’s stomach growl. She realized that Arc heard it, she blushed.


“It looks like you’re not the one to make that decision. Your stomach has spoken!” said Arc, trying to clever. Apparently, what he said worked because she followed him without argument to the neatly arranged food on top of a picnic blanket.


The food they found was amazing. Full blown cakes, Apple pie, cupcakes, muffins, and purple colored punch was lying on the blanket.


Static Arc was impressed. “Wohh! If those fillies really did do this, they must really want you to have a special somepony!”


Cheerilee was surprised too at the fancy food. “It seems like so, does it? Well, since they went to all the trouble, let’s sit down and eat.”


Both of them sat down at the same time to have an early dinner. The food really was delicious, and neither of them could decide on what to eat first. “How about we be rebellious and have some cake first?” said Arc.


“Sure. It looks good anyways.”


Static Arc grabbed the knife and started to cut into the cake. First he sliced a piece for Cheerilee, and stopped before he got one for himself.


“Don’t you want a piece, Mr. Arc?”


“In a second. I wanted some of this drink before I ate.”


As Arc proceeded to pour a glass of purple punch into a glass, Cheerilee was studying it closely. Something about the color was awfully familiar to her.


“Wait Static! Don’t drink that!” warned Cheerilee right as he was about to take a drink.


It was too late. Static Arc had already swallowed a sizable gulp from the glass.


“What are you talking about?” asked Arc, “it tastes and feels fine to me!”


“Whatever you do, don’t look into my eyes!” pleaded Cheerilee, “If you do, you’ll fall madly in love with me!”


“Wait, you think this is a love potion? I already got a glimpse of your eyes, and I don’t feel any different, honest!”


Cheerilee was less tense after hearing him. Arc continued, “Trust me, it tasted just like grape punch. It’s pretty good, try it!”


She was hesitant at first, but after Static Arc poured a glass for her, she went ahead and took a very, very small sip. Just as Arc said, it did taste like grape punch. She was no longer worried that it was any kind of poison or potion. “Thank goodness it’s just a normal drink! I don’t know what I do to those girls if they forced me to love again…”


It almost looked like Cheerilee was about to scream at the top of her lungs, she was so mad. When Static Arc saw her like this, he tried to calm her down.


“Did you have a rough day today Ms. Cheerilee? You seem very stressed…”


“Stressed?!? What gave that away?!!!” yelled Cheerilee. The moment her voice was raised, she realized how rude she was being, and calmed herself down. “I’m really sorry about that outburst… Yes, I have been stressed lately. Working at school this year has been very interesting to say the least, and I’m not getting any younger. You didn’t deserve my pent up rage right there…”


“That’s okay Ms. Cheerilee. Teachers like you do a lot of good work without much praise. I understand. And about you not getting any younger? What are you talking about? You are very youthful still!”


Cheerilee smiled and blushed briefly. “That’s nice of you to say, but it’s true, those children get younger and younger every year and I get older and older.”


“That’s not true! I’ve seen you outrun those fillies and colts easily when they get out of control!”


Oops. Before Cheerilee could process his last statement as something creepy, he quickly tried to change the subject.


“Anyways! Ms. Cheerilee, if you don’t mind me asking, you said earlier that you wouldn’t know what you would to those fillies if they forced you to love again. Stop me if I’m being so personal, but I get the sense that you don’t want a special somepony?”


Cheerilee gave a similar smirk that she had earlier. “Nice recovery once again Mr. Ark! No, I don’t mind if you ask. It’s really simple why I don’t have a special somepony. I haven’t met anypony that has really sparked my interest!”


Ouch… that one hurt. I can’t believe she’s this cold to trying out dating! She’s said backhanded comments, been closed off, and seems to be two steps ahead of me with her mind games! This isn’t the Cheerilee I have feelings for… Ugh. I need a piece of cake.


Arc asked another question as he reached to cut another piece of cake. “Okay then Ms. Cheerliee, what does spark your interest?”




“AHHHHHHH!” screamed Cheerliee and Static Arc, together. A sensitive wire attached to a trap door below the picnic blanket was severed when Arc cut the cake in the exact right spot. The wire which was inside the cake was the only thing holding the trap door from collapsing. Both ponies and all the food dropped into a hole in the ground, which was, ironically, very crudely dug.




Both Cheerilee and Static Arc were barely conscious after they hit the ground hard.


“I told you a pony would take the bait!” said a very raspy voice.


“You were right. And it looks like we got two for the price of one.” responded a deep voice.


“This one looks hurt. What should we do?” asked a higher pitched voice.


“Let’s just put them in the dungeon until tomorrow, then we’ll put them to work.” said the raspy voice.


Two of the mystery voiced picked up Cheerilee and Static Arc and then threw them in a cell. The two of them laid there still trying to recover from the fall. Arc finally woke up, however, he was in pain. He saw his left hind leg was broken from the fall which would make walking a difficult task. Trying not to panic, he woke up Cheerilee.


“Ms. Cheerilee, are you okay? Are you hurt?”


*Moan* “Ugh. Where are we…?”


“Somewhere underground, but I’m not sure where exactly, other than we’re in a cell as prisoners.”


Cheerilee blinked her eyes in order to wake up totally. She looked around and saw that Arc was right. Very surprisingly, she began to smile in a classic Ms. Cheerilee way. “Well, the good news is I’m not hurt. What about you?” She looked at Arc from head to hoof to see if anything was wrong, where she noticed that his hind leg bone was broken. “Oh my… Mr. Arc, you need medical help!”


“Yeah, well, it looks like we’re all out of options. We can’t escape that fast if I can’t use one of my legs!” said Static Arc. He then gave Cheerilee a puzzling look when he asked, “Wait a minute, why are you smiling? This is a very dire situation!”


That question made Cheerilee give an even bigger smile. “They don’t call me ‘Cheer’ilee for nothing! I try to have a positive outlook in every situation.”


Every situation? Like our date just a few minutes ago?


Arc decided to keep that thought to himself, for now. Instead, he was more worried about his broken leg. “What should we do with my leg? It looks like it’ll take more than a week with heavy magical treatment, but months if it heals by itself.”


“I have good news for you then, Mr. Arc. While I was in training as a teacher, they had us take some nursing courses since most small schools like mine don’t have a nurse. I learned how to treat everything from a tummy ache to a broken bone! Just give me a moment here…”

Cheerilee looked around the cell again. It was a sizable dug out inside the tunnels underground. The only way out was through the bars since the ceiling, the floor, and the three other walls were made out of hardened dirt. There were roots coming out of the wall, indicating that they weren’t very far from the surface. Cheerilee bit off several of these roots and twisted them together to make a rope. Next she tried to find something to use as a splint.


Nothing but dirt covered the walls of the cell. When she looked closer at the details of each wall, she noticed something green peak out. She dug it out to reveal a pair of long emeralds. Cheerilee took them out, placed them on both sides of Arc’s broken leg, and tied them together to immobilize the leg. “There! This way, you won’t hurt your leg more on accident.”


“Thanks Ms. Cheerilee. That was very nice of you…”


“It’s… no problem. And please Mr. Arc, you can call me Cheerilee. The ‘Miss’ part makes me sound old.”


“It’s a deal only if you call me Static instead of Mr. Arc.” said Static Arc. The two of them chuckled.


“First name basis then? I’m beginning to understand what’s going on here…” wondered Cheerilee.


“What are you talking about?”


“This is just one giant hoax you’re putting on to ‘try and get the girl’ huh? I mean, that picnic and this huge tunnel and your ‘broken leg’? You’ve gone farther to impress me than any other stallion before!”


She must be joking right? She’s very intelligent, that’s for sure, so I’ll just go with that.


“So you like it eh? It took me months to dig out those tunnels and set everything up perfectly. You should have seen how hard it was for me to set up the picnic trap.”


This made Cheerilee smile. “I can only imagine! So is this the part where you save me in heroic fashion and we live happily ever after?”


“As soon as I fix my pretend broken leg, Cheerilee.”


That statement made both of them laugh again, but it also underscored the real trouble they were in. They didn’t know who was holding them captive, and they didn’t know for what, either. Static Arc saw the concern on Cheerliee’s face and tried to get her mind off the situation.


“So Cheerilee! I have another question for you…”



“You said that you always try to look at everything in a positive way.”


“I did.”


“Then how come you, um, weren’t so ‘positive’ when we were on our date?”


Cheerilee was silent. It was obvious she was trying to find the right words to say. “I think it’s time I tell you the truth about that, seeing how we’re in this pickle. I was mostly honest when I said I try to be cheerful with everything, but there’s just one thing about life I dread…”


I hope it isn’t what I think it is…


Cheerilee continued, “I had a nasty experience with a stallion, back in school. He was my boyfriend, but in reality, we were just trying to fit in with the crowd at the time since everypony had a special somepony, a pressure thing. Long story short, we were completely incompatible, other than the fact that we thought the other was ‘hot’. The worst part was…” She paused for a moment to try to push back her tears. “No. Never mind. Forget I said that part. All you need to know is I never wanted a relationship after that. I figured I’d be able to have a family anyways, with my students.”


While Static Arc sat there listening to her story, he couldn’t help but feel very bad for Cheerilee. Something horrible happened to her in her past, and yet she was still cheerful with her life. This beautiful, intelligent, kind, and cheerful mare was way more complex than what he had thought. It was incredible to Arc that she could suppress that dark history of hers, and still be what she is today.


“I’m… so sorry you feel that way Cheerilee…” Arc started tearing up himself, “I don’t want you to have to relive that memory. Let’s just… try and focus on something else.”


“What should we do instead?”


“How about something productive, such as getting out of here!”


(OOC: Before I post part two, you must come up with an escape plan to get out of your imprisonment. The more detailed you are, the better chance you have. Make sure you have backup plans. I'm looking for a list of steps from (1) how you get out of your cell, (2) how you deal with your broken leg, and (3) how you avoid from getting caught fleeing for the exit. Good luck!)


@@StaticArc, @@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,@@StaticArc,


post post post!!!

Edited by My little pwny
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(OOC And yet again Pwny continues to impress with his writing ability. Boy am I nervous what will mine be, Twi.....)

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Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Alright, alright! I'm thinking of a solution! I'll post here when I think of something!


This is amazing by the way, im on the edge of my seat thinking up an escape plan

Edited by StaticArc
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(OOC And yet again Pwny continues to impress with his writing ability. Boy am I nervous what will mine be, Twi.....)


(You should be nervous ;) )

Alright, alright! I'm thinking of a solution! I'll post here when I think of something!


This is amazing by the way, im on the edge of my seat thinking up an escape plan


I'm looking forward to it!

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(You should be nervous ;) )


Oh no... Twi.... Please....... :o

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Alright, I got this. This may not be what you wanted, but here it is:


For my plan, I will ask Cheerilee to make a lot of noise drawing the attention of the captors. My broken leg will help here, as I can use it so they can look at it. I can make something up saying that it's infected and they need to fix it straight away. I can also use the fact that they want us to work for them, so if my leg is broken and infected, I'll be useless to them. Also, I hope this won't be a problem, but Static is a pegasus in my head, so using my wings instead of my bad leg, I'll fly up to the guys and ward them off, giving Cheerilee a chance to escape. I think it would be more heroic to sacrifice myself for Cheerilee if it comes down to that. If I manage to get away, I catch up to Cheerilee and find a way out.


If that fails, if somehow I can't fend off the captors or we both get cornered, I will sacrifice myself for Cheerilee, selling myself out and asking the captors to free Cheerilee so I can work for them twice as much. I don't want Cheerilee to suffer slave work, I want her to make something of her life. I like her so much that I want to give up my life so Cheerilee can keep hers. I can tell them that I'm a better worker, and I'll work twice as hard if they let Cheerilee go. As long as they heal my leg, I can help them with whatever they want.


To make it short, I beg them to let Cheerilee go, and sell myself out and make Cheerilee sound bad to keep as a slave. If they help my leg, I can work much better than just two ponies. I would sacrifice myself just for Cheerilee.


If they accept, I confess my feelings for Cheerilee. I tell her how much I think about her, her kindness, her positivity, and how much it means to me, how her attitude makes me get out of bed for the day. How much she brightens my day when I see her smile. I want to share that with other ponies, I want to see her show that positivity and kindness to others, at her school and with her friends instead of keeping it bottled up underground. That's how I want things to go for me.


She wants to see something heroic, that's exactly what I'll give her.


(OOC: I am completely blown away from the first part, it was AMAZING! There are just no words for what I just read. I laughed, I smiled, and I felt emotional for both my character and Cheerilee. Bravo. I can't wait for the next part!)

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“Help, help! Somepony help! We need help! HELP!!!!” screamed Cheerilee for a whole minute.


Eventually, they could hear someone coming. When it was revealed who it was, one of the diamond dogs came out from behind a corner.


“What is it, pony?! I’m trying to sleep!” said the big Diamond Dog.


“I-I’m not sure! Static was unconscious and he hasn’t woken up yet! I think it has something to do with his broken leg!”

“Sush pony! Or I’ll make you work to the bone!”


“But I can’t work! He’s sick! He needs help!”


“*Sigh*… fine, I’m coming in to take a look. No funny business, pony!” The big Dog grabbed his keys and opened the door to the cell. He walked slowly up to Static Arc, who appeared to be at least asleep. The Dog used his paw to try and wake him up. “Wake up pony! Wake up!” No response.


“Hmm. Looks like I’ll have to get the boss. Be right back.”


The moment the Dog turned his back on Static, he woke up and jumped him. “Now Cheerilee!” Cheerilee then went straight for the keys on the Big dog’s belt and stole it while Static pushed the dog to the back of the cell.


“Let’s go Arc!” yelled Cheerilee. This gave Static the cue to stop attacking and retreat out of the cell. Before the dog could catch up, Cheerilee locked the cell door and trapped him.


“Come back ponies! Bark! Unlock me right now! Ruff Ruff!” pleaded the big dog.


Static looked around frantically, trying to find a way out. “Now for phase two, let’s find a way out without getting seen!”


Since his leg was hurt, Static used his wings to keep weight off it. Luckily his wings were very strong and had a lot of endurance. The two of them wandered for what seemed like hours, trying to find an exit. They even accidently came across the dog they trapped.


“We have to keep looking, don’t give up!” said Cheerilee, encouragely.


A few minutes later, they found something that was very promising. Either it be by luck or divine intervention, they finally saw some sunlight. When they looked up, they saw a big enough hole for one pony to fit through at a time.


“Here’s our chance! Cheerilee, grab onto my front legs as I fly us out of these tunnels. Quick!”


Cheerilee did what she was asked and held onto Static. He wasn’t used to carrying extra weight straight up in the air. Usually when he carried heavy things, he’d have a gradual incline out in the open space of the outside. Here, however, there wasn’t enough room to build up speed, so he had to use pure muscle instead of momentum to lift Cheerilee up.


The hole in the roof of the tunnel was about 30 feet from where they stood. When he was about 20 feet away, they heard voices in the distance. “They’re getting away! Get them back!”


“Hurry Static!” pleaded Cheerilee.


15 feet. Static was getting tired, but he had a lot left in him before he’d give out. Every second that passed, the closer and closer the voices got.


10 feet. Static was breathing heavy through is mouth. The tension between pushing himself this hard and the voices getting closer was making his heart pump faster than he ever experience.


5 feet. Just a few more flaps of the wings! The voices had arrived. They belonged to two other diamond dogs, a small one and a grey one. They growled and started to crawl up the walls to try and stop them before they got to the hole.


Almost there… I’ve gotta save Cheerilee! With the rest of his strength, he swung his front legs over his head which tossed Cheerilee through the hole, outside. It was too late for Static though. The dogs overtook him only Cheerilee could escape.


“Static?” She looked down the hole. “Static? Where’d you go?” At this point, Cheerilee was getting teary eyed. This stallion who all he wanted was to date her had sacrificed himself without even hesitating. It was early in the morning, almost time to go to meet her class that day. She laid there with tears flooding down her cheeks. “How am I supposed to go to school after all what happened? I have to go back for him!”


Then Cheerilee remembered what Static Arc said when they were planning their escape. “If you happen to escape without me, don’t worry. Don’t even get help. I’ll fine, trust me. Don’t tell anypony and whatever you do, don’t come back for me! Promise me that you will do this!” Cheerilee wasn’t sure why he said not to help, but she was going to keep that promise, even though she felt very, very bad for doing so.


Cheerilee then decided, even though she wasn’t cheerful, to go to school to teach her class for the day.


A week passed after the date. When her students were having recess, Cheerilee was sitting at her desk, sulking at the events of the previous week. When the CMC asked her how their date went, she gave a broad and non-specific answer. “We… lost touch. That’s what happened in the end.”


Half way through recess, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo came running in with muddy feet begging Ms. Cheerilee to come outside.


“What did I tell you three about tracking in mud? What’s so important?” asked Cheerilee.


“Just come outside! There’s somepony here to see you!!”


Cheerilee reluctantly walked over to the playground where a very dirty and very muddy Static Arc stood. He had dug his way out with a shovel the dumb Diamond Dogs gave him to dig gems with. When they weren’t looking, he simply dug his way out.


The teacher ran up to Arc and gave him a big hug. “How did you get out so soon? What happened?”


Static replied, “It went a lot quicker than I thought it would. I had a plan to dig my way out of they gave me a shovel.”


“You already knew that? Then why didn’t we just do that plan instead of running?”


Static smiled. “There’s a simple answer to that question. I know how important your students are to you, and I also knew my plan wasn’t fast enough. The way we did it saved your beautiful mane from betting dirty, and you could teach your kids!”


Cheerilee didn’t know how to react to Static’s bizarre thought process. At a time when their lives could have been in danger, he was kind enough and foolish enough to think about Cheerilee’s teaching job and her cleanliness. She honestly missed his tender kindness, it was something that made her very cheerful.


So without hesitation, Cheerilee gave Static a big 5 second kiss in front of the whole class. The CMC cheered while the rest of the class said, “Ewww!” It didn’t matter to Cheerilee though, because she finally discovered what sparked her interest in Stallions.



“Now class, I know graduation is coming up soon, but I’m going to need to take a short vacation for my foal.”


“Awww!” said the class. “But we love you! Does pregnancy really have to be lame that you need to leave?”


Cheerilee smiled, she still hadn’t taught them all facts about where foals come from, yet, it was cute that they wanted her to stay there anyways.


“Don’t worry everypony, I have a very capable substitute that will teach you until the last day of school.


“Who will it be Ms. Cheerilee?” asked Applebloom.


“Oh, you already know my husband, Static Arc, right? He’ll be your teacher!”


The class was happy from the news that their favorite stallion was going to teach them, but what nopony knew was what was going through Cheerilee’s mind.


I have never been more cheerful than I am right now. My class loves me, I’m going to have my own foal soon, and I get to come home to very own special somepony everyday for the rest of my life.



(OOC: I hope you enjoyed this fan fic. It took me a while, but I hope you liked the ending. Mal, your fan fic is next.)



Edited by My little pwny
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It was beautiful Pwny. However, as Mal's friend, that's the one I'm most excited for. Especially since I got AJ XP)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Now that was a story. I'm still getting over the fact of how it ended! I thought that my writing waasn't going to cut it, but I'm glad I get to have a family with Cheerilee, and I'm able to make her happy (Now if only it could happen in real life :( )


I can't tell you how grateful I am for how much time you put into my fan fic and I can't tell you with words of how much I loved reading it!


All I have to say, is thank you for everything you're doing for us before you leave. I'm sure to remember you and for what you did for the years to come.


Once again, thanks for writing my fic, and good luck on the next two years!

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Mal, your fan fic is next.

I am both happy and nervous right now.....

Oh dear.....

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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wow... that was another great story, pwny


also, @My little pwny, @Page Turner, I'm going to go ahead and honor My little pwny's story by leaving it like it is and not continuing on with Tavi. Instead, I'm going to go ahead and give Pageturner something fresh to work with, and go for the mare that I was originally wanting to chase after. I'm glad no one took my advice and went after her, because now I can go for Vinyl Scratch myself. So, just so you know, I have dibs on Vinyl when Page starts.

Edited by Count Ponydox
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(OOC: part 1... yada yada yada, follow the instructions at the bottom, yada yada yada, then I'll post part 2, yada yada, good luck! and enjoy!


Mal X Twilight Sparkle

“… and then, we kissed!” said a very excited Twilight. “And it was amazing! He’s a very good kisser.”


“Awww!” said Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy in unison.


“Yuck Twilight! Do you have to share things like that to the whole world?” said spike.


The group giggled at Spike, who of course was still naïve about love. “Whatever. I’m going to bed. See you girls in the morning.” Spike grabbed his pillow, and walked out of the room where the mane 6 was having their slumber party.


Not even bothered by what Spike did, Rarity asked, “So what happened next dear?”


Twilight stopped smiling and instead rolled her eyes. “What did you think I did, I started to ramble again. It’s what I do when I don’t know how to express my feelings.”


Rarity interrupted her, “Twilight, let me tell you from experience. The one thing stallions want to hear the most after a kiss is telling him the same thing you told us. Say he was a good kisser!”


“Next time I’ll do that, but I don’t know if I’m a good kisser! I’ve read every book about the subject and I rehearsed what they said on my pillow.”


“Will you keep it down Twilight?” said Spike in the next room. “I can still hear you and its gross!”


“Anyways, I know this is a kinda awkward question, but how do I know I’m kissing okay?”


The least likely pony to respond in the room spoke up. When Fluttershy started talking, they all paid close attention. “Um, Twilight… um, I think I know what you should do.”


Twilight’s eyes got really big. “Fluttershy?? What do you know about kissing?”


“Um. Well, I don’t anything about kissing, but, I think you should do what I do when I’m unsure about something. Just copy what everypony else does.”


“You’re saying I should copy how he kisses?”


“Oh, uh no… not if you don’t want to, I mean. I’m sorry…” said Fluttershy in a very small voice.”


“No Fluttershy, that’s actually a good idea! I’ll make sure to do that.”


Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight again. “So when’s the next time you see Mal anyways? He seems like a really nice find!”


“I see him tomorrow, as a matter of fact,” answered Twilight. “We’re going to the museum of magic in Canterlot.”


“Ouch Twi,” commented Applejack, “won’t that bore Mal? Not that I’m saying don’t go, but isn’t there somewhere more romantic you two can go?”


“Actually, he says he can’t get enough of my knowledge. He also told me that he loves to hear my voice. Honestly girls, he’s not just being nice, he’s a very honest and well meaning guy! I really, really love and trust him.”


For the rest of the evening, the mane 6 played games and did each other’s manes for their slumber party. Spike was woken up several times during the girls’ laughter and loud music. Eventually, all the ponies in the room fell asleep.



She’s supposed to meet me here at 2! Thought Mal. I’m not worried about her not showing up, but every minute she’s late is a minute less I get to be with her.


Mal stood in front of the door to the “Museum of Magic”, which was located only a block away from Canterlot Castle. Before he arrived at the museum to wait for Twilight, he took the time to buy a bouquet of purple daisies and a case of magical caramels. Mal was so in love with Twilight, he just couldn’t contain it. He only wished he could do more for Twilight just to show his feelings more proportionately. For now though, the flowers and chocolates would have to do.


A few minutes pass by when finally a purple figure wearing a cloak was walking towards Mal. There she is! My heart feels like jumping a beat whenever I see her! I get butterflies whenever I see her coming! I… I’m just going to run towards her so I can see her quicker.


Mal cut the distance in half by running towards Twilight. Without even greeting each other, Mal hugged Twilight tightly and said, “I missed you so much Twi! I just couldn’t wait for you to come close so I…”


“Excuse me?? What are you doing?” asked Berry Punch.


Uh oh. The purple pony that had a cloak was actually a similarly colored Berry Punch. Trying to recover from the awkwardness, Mal said, “I… uh, oh! I’m sorry, you, uh, looked like somepony else! I’m sorry about that… I was just looking for, um, Twilight.”


“Oh… you’re looking for Twilight Sparkle? She’s over there.” Berry Punch pointed over to a plaza where Twilight was standing, waiting.


“Thanks!” said Mal gratefully. He ran over to Twilight as fast has he could with his gifts on his side.






The two collided into a massive hug. They embraced so tightly, as if they hadn’t seen each other in years, but in reality, it only was less than 24 hours.


“I missed you my love!” smiled Mal. “I got you some presents I think you’ll like before we go into the museum.” He pulled out the flowers and chocolates out of his saddle bag and handed them to her. “I got these purple daisies because they reminded me of your purple beauty. I love everything about your appearance! The bangs of your mane, the color of your coat, the cuteness of your smile, the uniqueness of your cutie mark, and especially the love in your eyes! I love it all!”


Mal then gave her a kiss and spoke again. “Next, I got these caramels because they are very yummy on the inside. It reminded me of you because everypony knows it’s what’s inside that matters the most. Everything about your character is amazing to me. Your humor, your hard work, your kindness, your talents, and especially your personality is all incredible!”


“Wow Mal, you’re giving me so much love! I-I don’t know what to say! I wish I had something to give you…” Twilight looked a little sad.


“All I need is your love, Twilight. There’s no material thing in the whole world that can match anything close to that.”


Twilight smiled in an uncharacteristic, yet cute, way. She asked, “What should we do next?”


“We’re going to the museum of course! By the way, I don’t care or anything, but didn’t we agree to meet by the front door of the museum?”


Twilight nodded. “Trust me when I say I’ve just been thinking about a lot of random stuff lately. I remembered to come at least, right?”


“Honestly Twilight, I don’t care where we met as long as I get to see you and bond.”


Both of them walked together to the museum. Mal paid for admission for the two of them, and proceeded to walk from exhibit to exhibit. Artifacts, books, and paintings of famous ponies of legend littered the building. This kind of stuff about magic always got Twilight excited and got her regurgitating information about them out loud. Everything about the date was going well for them. He would get the door for her, she would smile at each exhibit, and the two of them held hooves when they were sitting down. There was only one problem however; Twilight was hardly talking!


What is going on with her today? First she forgot about where to meet and then she’s not telling me everything there is to know about the artifacts? I think it’s nothing to be worried about… for now.


Mal was concerned, but he decided not to ask Twilight if anything was wrong. Besides, it could be one of ‘those days’ mares have from time to time, either because they got up on the wrong side of the bed or somepony along the way rubbed off wrong on her. At least she was reciprocating his feelings back at him.


The museum had two floors full of exhibits, but Twilight wanted to sit down for a minute. She looked very tired and wiped out.


Oh! It must have been that slumber party she had last night. She probably stayed up really late! That explains a lot.


“So Twilight, how was your party last night with your friends?” questioned Mal, while stroking his hoof through her mane.


“It was very fun. We did pretty much everything one could do at a slumber party. We even talked about you!”


Mal blushed for a second. “What did you talk about exactly?”


“Girl stuff,” smiled Twilight, “I can’t tell you, but trust me when I say it was all good.”


This relieved Mal from worrying what it was about. Maybe all they talked about was what we did together or something. That’s stuff mares can do with each other but not stallions.


Once again, Twilight wasn’t talking that much. The two of them were sitting on a bench, looking at the nearby exhibits while holding hooves. About 5 minutes of sitting later, Twilight finally spoke up.


“I know you paid for the whole thing Mal, but do you want to get out of here so we can be alone?”


The word ‘alone’ really got Mal’s attention. She was right about how he paid for full admission to the museum while they only went through half of it, but he didn’t really care. “Why do you want to be alone?”


“It’s going to be a surprise! Trust me though; you’re going to like it.”


“Okay… let’s go!” said Mal still mildly confused. This date is going bad and good at the same time. Plus she’s saying ‘trust me’ a lot. Whatever her surprise is though, I’m sure it’ll be great.


Both Mal and Twilight exited the museum and walked around for a place to be alone. They wandered around Canterlot until they found an alley between two tall buildings with no windows and no ponies in sight. “This is perfect. There’s even a bench! Let’s sit down together.” said Twilight.


This isn’t the most romantic place to be alone together, but she picked it!


The two of them sat down and Twilight started to give Mal a big smile while staring at him.


“What’s up Twi?” asked Mal, “What’s the surprise?...”


The split second Mal finished saying the word, ‘surprise’; Twilight went straight for his lips. Wow! Where did this come from? Twi was very aggressive with her kissing. Her mouth was open very wide as she puckered in and out. It seemed to Mal for a time or two that she was trying to suck his face inside herself. She also used her tongue very liberally. As deep as she could reach it, Twi licked the roof of his mouth all the way to beneath his tongue.


This is NOT like Twilight to be kissing like this! What is going on in her head?


Mal moved his head back away from Twilight to ask her what was going on. Before he could get a word out, Twilight pinned Mal down to the bench. She was on top of Mal and he couldn’t move. Okay, this is going way too far, way too fast. I like our small intimate kissing, not this barbaric stuff. Mal tried to push Twilight off of him has hard as he could, but Twilight didn’t budge an inch. She was uncharacteristically heavy and strong and continued to dive deep into Mal’s mouth, deeper and deeper.


Mal tried to speak while they were kissing, “Twi-…. Stop…. Plea….se.” She wasn’t listening. Obviously something was very, very wrong wrong here. Not only was Twilight doing something he wasn’t comfortable with, but there had to be something wrong with Twilight herself. Twilight’s tongue was going so deep at this point, he was almost to the point where he was gagging.


The next moment, he feels something very distinct and evil inside of him. The feeling was something he had never felt before, but if Mal had to describe it, it felt like something was eating his emotions and replacing it with negative ones. The pain was unbearable. He felt worse and worse by the second as Twilight was still kissing him. First it was like he lost his best friend, then it was like he lost his parents, then it felt like he lost Twilight, and finally he felt… suicidal.


The moment the suicidal thoughts reached his mind, he opened his eyes to see a black changeling standing above him. The changeling spoke in Twilight’s voice and said, “Thanks for all that love Mally boy! We haven’t seen this much love inside somepony like this in our lifetimes! Now my whole herd will be able to feed!” The Changeling then headbutted Mal until he was unconscious, and kidnapped him.





“Wake up Mal. It’s going to be alright.” Twilight was sitting next to Mal who was sprawled out and barely conscious. She had a damp wash cloth, trying to cool him off. “Don’t move, don’t talk, don’t even think. I just want you to listen.” Requested Twilight. “We’re captives of the Changelings. Queen Chrysalis who leads all of them will be coming soon. They want to use us as a source of love in order to feed their herd. The only way we’re going to get out of this is if we don’t love each other anymore.”


Mal was in rough shape, but he managed to interrupt Twilight saying, “No… I-I love you… I told you th-that nothing can change that… I p-p…promised… *cough*”


“I know you did. But nopony could have predicted this. If we continue loving each other, they will just suck it out of us again and again until we’re just a couple of husks.”


Twilight could hear female voice in the distance coming their way. “Be still, Mal. Pretend you’re asleep. Chrysalis is coming, I’ll handle this.”


The owner of the voice was a complete surprise. Mal saw that Twilight was running towards them with magic blazing! He looked back at the first Twilight, who was still sitting down. Twilight one said, “Take off your disguise Changeling! You’re not fooling anypony!”


The second Twilight replied desperately, “Mal! Thank Celestia you’re alright! They captured me last night at the slumber party and they forced me to tell them where you were meeting me. I said the plaza was where we were meeting in hopes you would catch on that something was wrong.”


Twilight one interrupted, “Don’t listen to her Mal! She’s an imposter trying to trick you!”


Twilight two said, “What?? I’m an imposter?? You are obviously the fake one! I fought through a dozen of these Changelings to fight my way out of my cell, and now I’m being accused of being fake?”


Posted Image


Twilight one and Twilight two started to fight each other with magic. With equal power, the two of them shot out a beam of magic at each other which collided at the midpoint between the two Twilights. Mal had to make a judgment call to which Twilight was real or not. All he had to do was tackle one of them and the magic on the other side would destroy it, or her if he made the wrong choice. Mal had to make a decision quickly though, because the magic was getting more and more unstable by the second.


(OOC: This is unlike the other fan fics I've written for the others. Instead of a long drawn out plan and creativity being used to advance the story, I'm asking you to make a simple choice. Which Twilight is the fake? All you have to do is choose which Twilight isn't real, and the story will continue. No one can choose for you, not if you let them.



I advise you DO NOT rush into choosing one way or the other. Make a very calculated decision, and read every little part I wrote. There might be a hint in there. Speaking of hints, I have one for you: it's not what you think. One more thing... if you choose incorrectly, there's no going back. In other words, your ending won't be what you wanted. Why am I doing that? The risk will make the reward so much more sweet. Read what I wrote, including the OOC parts.)




Edited by My little pwny
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