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Why I am a Anti-Brony


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ok i'll try to keep this short and avoid rambling to much, i also have to other thing i would like to get of my hairy chest


ok lets get started

I am a Anti-Brony!! and now i sit here and watch as you get all confused "if you a anti-brony why are you here?" my answer would be i have every right to be on this forum but that would be me being an ass hole so the truth is...


i'm not the kind of Anti-brony that you would usually think of, i like the show, i like talking about it and i like bronies based on a individual bases. I'm against the idea that we all have to conform to the popular opinions of the fanbase and those who don't are looked down upon and branded hater or troll or fake bronies or what ever it called now.


now for a little history lesson

I discovered MLP around October and started calling my self a brony around November i then started to get into the community and some bronies highly recommended My Little Dashie to me calling it the greatest / saddest story ever so when i read it and discovered it was average/bad i decided to point out this fact. this was then followed by people say that if i didn't like/cry though it i was not a 'true brony' then i went else where to talk about and not only was i called a troll but they though i hadn't even read the fan fic then i was dog piled to the point i had to do a full review of the fan fic in detail to prove it.


next was before/ around the derpy dilemma, as some of you may know i found the beginning of the last round up offensive and did email a complaint (and i'm sure i wasn't the only brony to do so) so when it was removed to be edited i was revealed, then i saw all the panic over it then it was change and there was backlash so i tried to calm people down and stated why it was offensive and explained why i complained, which was stupid of me because i became a big red target.... didn't end well


and that's when i packed it n and refused to call my self a brony anymore and did hang out with hater and anti-bronie's who actually started to make sense (kinda) most of them do attack anyone who just watches the show so i stop hanging out with them and lurked and began to notice something.


Love and Tolerance had become a joke and nothing more then people saying " it may appear like i'm paying attention to you but your opinion mean nothing to me" its a shield just like when jerk pull out the word politically correct to defend themselves when people point out the jerks.


also i have a problem with the older Broines mostly nowdays because they seem to think that there superior to the newer bronies and even have the gaul to blame them for basterdising that it mean to be a brony when the truth is its there fault and there not some kind of i figure that every one should strive to be there jerks who just want to feel superior.


ok i'm gonna stop my self now and make my main point before i start ranting about princess molestia something that need to stop dead

the whole "yeah i was a brony during the 4chan war so i know more then all you newfags who just need to stop ruining it for us" need to stop the "hey you opinion i somewhat negative to the brory ideal i'm just gona get some friend and dog pile you then end with a love and tolorate to show that i don't give a fuck about you, your nothing" needs to stop and the "omg did you rely send an email complain about derpy in the last round up, you must be some hater / troll ban him from the forum" rely needs to fucking stop, it all need to stop. we need to hit some kind of reset button on this shit because yeah its not a bid deal and i have to work to point this out because as the fandom grow so does this and then Bronies will end up a carbon copy of almost every other fandom.

and that's pretty much it now i can put the link to this on my signature so people will stop asking


now for some bonus stuff



ok can we stop complaining about people leaving. people leave get over it i know its harsh but it the truth, they leave and you will likely still be in contact with them so its rely no harm also we have more fun people joining the forums then leaving so be happy and start welcoming them.


also can we stop the whole troll leaving thing, it not funny and it over used to the point of annoyance, and if i was able to report people for it i would because it tke the emotion away from when people actually leave, its a dick move cut it out.




also i would like to talk about the Max Veers/ Brony rapist thing (go look it up if you want the details). and i'll admit i jumped the gun because well rape is a serious thing and should never be a fucking joke its one of the most increased crimes of the past decade and some of the rapeist don't get punished due to a lack of genuine evidence so they get off scott free and the victim continues to suffer.


now i did allot of looking around about all this and i can find evidence that show whether he's innocent or guilty so we cant cast judgment and start threatening him nor and we judge people for defending there friend, however they are scum bags for how they have gone about it all so yeah innocent until proven guilty but hes still a cunt.

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 58

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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I call myself a brony, but most bronies I see make me facehoof, especially the ones who get into flame wars with OBVIOUS trolls over some stupid youtube comment. Also, I hate it when someone says that someone can't be a brony just because they're not a certain age. If someone likes the show and considers themselves a brony, then that's good enough for me.

  • Brohoof 24
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Yeah. A big speech isn't necessary, really. You could of status'ed that you were an anti brony and get the same amount of hate love and tolerance as you would of if you had made a thread.

*no comment

realizes I commented



Edit: Spelling errors bug me.

Double Edit: This is still getting brohoofs what the

Edited by A Shift Makusu2
  • Brohoof 29

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I just have interject in that it's common sense the 4Chan portion of anything are going to be a bunch of morons. Also, the MLD part looks like: "You like something I don't like, so you suck."No offense, I just wanted to state my opinion.

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 13



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I honestly appreciate your honesty here PonyEcho, but also... People now adays are thinking twice...

You say that you call yourself a brony and then maybe a year has passed and you aren't one.. shit like that happens to people all the time.


Now about my little dashie story, in my opinion, i loved the story.. but i will say that it touches peoples hearts in a way that relates to them in that sort of direction...to me, it is a very sad story(i have cried plenty of times while having the story read to me via youtube)


But agreeing to Royal Muffinz that a long speech(Paragraph) is unnecessary cause i think you've gone with the point of it..

so i'm just giving my 2 cents.

  • Brohoof 3


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It's a pity that people are attacking you for your views. Even more so since we are meant to tolerate and accept everyone. But I guess there isn't a group on earth that doesn't fall victim to clichés (except we Goths. I'd tell you why, but you wouldn't understand).


It really sucks that you had to deal with crap like that PonyEcho. You have said some stuff I don't agree with, but you still have the right to say it. My Little Dashie is a fanfic, most people hate fan fiction on principle and given that it's hardly cannon to the show, I don't see why loving it (or even liking it) should be essential to being a brony.


I hope you stop getting abuse for having a mind of your own.

  • Brohoof 5

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the point of this is i'm tired of repeating my self so having a link here from my sig make things easier also you say i dont need a big speech but every time this get brought up it sparks a huge ass conversation.

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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man i can't believe you were partly responsible for them getting rid of derpy. major non-cool points bro.


and i wish people would stop generalize about this and that. why dont you just say you don't like some bronies and find them elitist and leave it at that. otherwise it's really inflammatory.

  • Brohoof 32

S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation,

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I don't see why you see us as being a community that conforms to one belief. I too did not cry at my little dashie. I am neutral on the Derpy issue. So what?! Just because I have different opinions,mwhat makes me not "one of them/us?" I still consider myself a brony. How I see it, a brony is simply a fan of the fourth generation of My Little Pony. Here are some more things that I feel are examples of diversity:


* Cloppers: yes, I said it. You know they are there. Don't try to to make yourself seem innocent. Some bronies clop to R34 and the like. Some appreciate the artistic side of that style of art. Other, like myself, respect their decision so long as they do not shove it in our faces and such. And then there are those who fully disagree with the concept.


* how one expresses his or her enjoyment in public: I wasn't sure how else to word it, but here's what I mean. There are those who go to bronycon and other conventions wearing full costumes of the ponies. There are those who go to maybe one convention wearing a simple t-shirt or something that relates to the show. Then you have the people like me who you MIGHT see wearing something small, such as a brony bracelet, to show that we are fans. You have bronies who simply just watch the show and talk about it if asked. And last but not least, the "closet bronies."


Now, I understand I may not have hit all the diversities of the fanbase (and I HIGHLY doubt I even came relatively close), but the point of all this is to show that not everyone has the same opinions in this fanbase! You don't have to "conform" or anything just because the mass agrees with something. Aren't we supposed to love and tolerate? That phrase doesn't apply solely to how we should act with the parasprites and those who have not seen the show, but are neutral. This phrase applies to how we should treat everyone. This is all I have to say on this topic for now, but if you wish for me to clarify something or discuss another point, I will be more than happy to. Nonetheless, I hope I have at least made some impact in this issue and I am glad that I am able to put my opinion in this. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

  • Brohoof 21


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

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I sympathize with you and into making this thread.


Even before I accepted to being a brony I always felt the notion that the fandom integrity was already deteriorating. One thing that I have to point out and cannot be denied, "Love and tolerate" has been fully demoted to a plain brony variation of YOLO and this saddens me. I could be wrong, but the phrase was possibly meant to be kinda like a philosophy in that in situations where most people would spit more than a spitting cobra yet a brony would handle in a completely mature and manly manner, kinda like chivalry. However, now that the phrase is easier said than done, it lost all meaning and again, fades into a YOLO.


I also agree with your complaint in how most people are forced to conform to the majority opinion of certain topics and things. Even I thought MLD was written pretty poorly in substance and fully understood those that had the same opinion. However, those who rather conform seem to majorly outweigh those who criticize something not to demean it but rather as a way to see it improve better, grow bigger.


I want to state though that the behaviors of bronies also seems to be deteriorating. I'm not trying to insult anyone here in the forum, but after witnessing several other bronies throughout the internet, their personalities and social behaviors seems subnormal and I have to admit, insufferable.


Other than that, the last thing I have to add is your comment on the people reacting to the "I'm leaving" threads. Now, I'll admit if it was say someone who only lasted a good 3 months, I wouldn't react much. Not to be rude, but they probably leave little impact on the forum from their departure. However, if someone significant say a high ranked member decided to leave after years of being a member, then I'd say it would be rather appropriate to react that way.

Edited by talkingmuffin
  • Brohoof 2
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i love the show and its characters. now haters and trolls can do what ever they want like insult me and maybe beat me up for it but i dont care thats just showing me that they are little kids who cant let others alone just because of a show and community. but i will say this the touch me or any other brony/pegasister im ganna leave em bleeding and crying for mercy

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the only people i look up to in this community is Feld0 and all the people how make all our amazing music and fan-animations but not because of how long they have watched the show but for their talent in either web-design re-mixing or animation

  • Brohoof 1

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the point of this is i'm tired of repeating my self so having a link here from my sig make things easier also you say i dont need a big speech but every time this get brought up it sparks a huge ass conversation.


You could've made this a blog then. Ya know, it sucks that people are disrespecting your opinions but the people you describe aren't really model bronies. To put it politely, they sound like douche bags. And douche bags are going to exist in any fandom because they are, in fact, everywhere. That's no reason to generalize all of us in the same boat with elitist jerks. From the sounds of it you're not anti-brony. You're anti-jerks. And, let's be honest, who isn't?
  • Brohoof 21

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

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I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't mean that every brony/pegasister is going start being mean. And I know that brony vs hater wars are as pointless as religious conflicts, but not everypony is going to be like that. Some people may be rude, but everypony can change and not all of them is going to believe in the same way. I feel your strong heart for the symbol of justice and your devotion to strongly care for the crippled and disabled. I did find the Derpy episode okay either way in change, but Hasbro isn't purposely trying to offend anyone. I'm not defending Hasbro or anything, but I'm saying they wouldn't want to show content without approving it for children to be able to watch.


Just because a teddy bear lost its stuffed heart, doesn't mean you should throw it away.


I only trust in Karma to punish the ones who have done bad things. I would also agree with you with all the horrible things that are happening in the world. I find emotions to be very scary in reality. The use of crude humor is also very horrible to everypony. But you definitely deserve a brohoof for being the angel of justice.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
  • Brohoof 7

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
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You could've made this a blog then. Ya know, it sucks that people are disrespecting your opinions but the people you describe aren't really model bronies. To put it politely, they sound like douche bags. And douche bags are going to exist in any fandom because they are, in fact, everywhere. That's no reason to generalize all of us in the same boat with elitist jerks. From the sounds of it you're not anti-brony. You're anti-jerks. And, let's be honest, who isn't?


Can I just keep brohoofing this? Please? Because you took the words right out of my mouth. Some bronies annoy the shit out of me too, and I'm quite possibly the most pony-obsessed person I know. While I do disagree with the original poster's opinion of the Derpy change, I completely understand why he feels that way. I am also an "anti-jerk" person. Not all bronies are the same. :) And to quote a really old book(sorry, 'tis the Twilight in me talking) "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Try not to paint everyone with the same brush, my friend, no matter what the situation.
  • Brohoof 6
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You could've made this a blog then. Ya know, it sucks that people are disrespecting your opinions but the people you describe aren't really model bronies. To put it politely, they sound like douche bags. And douche bags are going to exist in any fandom because they are, in fact, everywhere. That's no reason to generalize all of us in the same boat with elitist jerks. From the sounds of it you're not anti-brony. You're anti-jerks. And, let's be honest, who isn't?


yeah but is just eg-knowledge make it ok for it to continue or should we come to terms that we all equal and stop trying to make ourselves look like were better then others and why i picked anti-brony was because its always like a pissing match of who is the better brony.

and i do not put all bronies on the same boat and i don't judge people i have never met its all on a individual basis and then i separate it into two groups awesome bronies i.e. you guys, and Canterlot bronies i.e. the snobby asshole who think they are superior and i cant rely call my self a anti-canterlot brony because no one would know what the hell i'm talking about (more then usual)


so yeah this whole thread was just to explain my motivation and why i'm sticking to what i say.

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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So you wrote an angry email to Hub about Derpy? Let me guess, you wrote Cartoon Network letters because of Ed from Edd, Ed, 'N Eddy and a letter about Cheese from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.


Also, Princess Molestia is just a way for weirdos to get off. I honestly don't give a shit. They can do whatever they want, you know why? AMERICA IS A FREE COUNTRY. I'm also sure that no other countries have laws against what you can and can't masturbate to. No offence, but I feel you should REALLY tolerate people more.


No wonder you say people "attack" you so much

  • Brohoof 16


Signature By PixiGlow


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God loved you so much he sacrificed his only blood son to right YOUR wrongs

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So you wrote an angry email to Hub about Derpy? Let me guess, you wrote Cartoon Network letters because of Ed from Edd, Ed, 'N Eddy and a letter about Cheese from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.


Also, Princess Molestia is just a way for weirdos to get off. I honestly don't give a shit. They can do whatever they want, you know why? AMERICA IS A FREE COUNTRY. I'm also sure that no other countries have laws against what you can and can't masturbate to. No offence, but I feel you should REALLY tolerate people more.


No wonder you say people "attack" you so much


That was a little harsh, but I have to agree with the main point you were trying to get across, it's a bad sign when something as tame as Derpy offended you.

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I agree, although there's plentiful bronies who're not like that, I honestly hate the guys who say you need to like ______ to be a brony. (you shouldn't even listen to them) But you're not an anti-brony.



See, Anti-Brony is given to those who disrespect the Brony community as a whole, which ranges from the ones who say that bronies are ALL gay, and the ones who say that they'll kill everybrony.


And frankly, you're not like them, you're mature enough to know that there's only certain bronies who're well, annoyign.


Saying you're an anti-brony means you're going against the whole community of bronies.


So you wrote an angry email to Hub about Derpy? Let me guess, you wrote Cartoon Network letters because of Ed from Edd, Ed, 'N Eddy and a letter about Cheese from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.


Also, Princess Molestia is just a way for weirdos to get off. I honestly don't give a shit. They can do whatever they want, you know why? AMERICA IS A FREE COUNTRY. I'm also sure that no other countries have laws against what you can and can't masturbate to. No offence, but I feel you should REALLY tolerate people more.


No wonder you say people "attack" you so much


Eh, I kinda agree with him, the bronies did take it a little bit too far, she WAS a background characters, bronies wanted to make her a secondary character that was too much of a longshot.


Ed = One of the Primary Characters which was in every episode


Cheese = Important Secondary character which received mulitple episodes



  • Brohoof 5




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if i wasn't a immature jerk of a teenager back then no because those were intention and always had a layer of explination that fitted into the story

the issue with derpy was not with derpy herself it was the use of the work derpy and rainbowdash's attitude and tone of voice, also the concern that children with lazy eye would likely be teased and called derpy (which is still slang for stupid) and since i know exacly how that feels of cause i don't want that happening to a younger generation

i never sent a angry email it was a letter of concern


as for Princess Molestia, it joking and also encouraging rape culture and pedophilia and its used as a ok for CMC rule 34 and that's sick

  • Brohoof 5

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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I am a Anti-Brony!! and now i sit here and watch as you get all confused "if you a anti-brony why are you here?" my answer would be i have every right to be on this forum but that would be me being an ass hole so the truth is...

Well, This is where this can be confusing, being a anti-brony, which is a fan of MLPFIM. Would in detail say you hate the fanbase and the show if read wrong.... but being a fan yourself... would make you against yourself... so in a way confusing.


i'm not the kind of Anti-brony that you would usually think of, i like the show,

the terms you have used it counteracting each other... CONFUSING!


My Little Dashie to me calling it the greatest / saddest story ever so when i read it and discovered it was average/bad i decided to point out this fact. this was then followed by people say that if i didn't like/cry though it i was not a 'true brony' then i went else where to talk about and not only was i called a troll but they though i hadn't even read the fan fic then i was dog piled to the point i had to do a full review of the fan fic in detail to prove it.

Well I am a brony and it wasn't a real interest to me. Normally the bronies I ran into never 'forced' me into reading it. I told them I wasn't interested if they continued to peruse the matter I would launch them to the moon.


also i have a problem with the older Broines mostly nowdays because they seem to think that there superior to the newer bronies and even have the gaul to blame them for basterdising that it mean to be a brony when the truth is its there fault and there not some kind of i figure that every one should strive to be there jerks who just want to feel superior.

Oh the G1 vs G3 and such... that is a real pain and annoying to see.


and that's when i packed it n and refused to call my self a brony anymore and did hang out with hater and anti-bronie's who actually started to make sense (kinda) most of them do attack anyone who just watches the show so i stop hanging out with them and lurked and began to notice something.

Well I agree in a way, though I do have friends that are anti-brony and "haters" I still have as friends that have their own opinions but we still hang out.. it may not be about ponies but the natural guy stuff. the herd isn't for everyone and the everyone not good for the herd.


Humans can't live off live and tolerance, only a faction of them can and wish that to be the case... others use it a exuse to force their opinions on others... which I have seen inside and outside of the brony community... people need others to agree with them that's why to use peer pressure to get what they want.


in the end, (In my opinion) your still a brony, but a brony that isn't going to agree with everyone else... and honestly I can respect that and brohoof you on that.



as far as the spoiler things... there are those that are very unstable and need to seek mental help... I rape outright disgusts me... and seeing that doesn't change that I am a brony, it only means that you can like the show doesn't mean you will follow the theme of the show. You let pleasure take control over better judgement. That being said, there are those that need a balance to control themselves.



The Adult content is out there but If you get angry at it, move on, Ignore it... It will happen but if you just get pissed off over such content and not take a logical thought into account, you only going to get pissed over something that can't be controlled.


next was before/ around the derpy dilemma, as some of you may know i found the beginning of the last round up offensive and did email a complaint (and i'm sure i wasn't the only brony to do so) so when it was removed to be edited i was revealed, then i saw all the panic over it then it was change and there was backlash so i tried to calm people down and stated why it was offensive and explained why i complained, which was stupid of me because i became a big red target.... didn't end well

The issue with the derpy dilemma, If it was posed to be fixed why wasn't it fixed ages ago in like G1?


Derpy could have been a hero than a problem if they did a episode on it, because people liked derpy, she was a background pony with a lazy eye with comical parts. Now, yah things broke way too easy around her... or maybe the town hall was poorly built and needed to be rebuilt better... that building should be condemned.


ON THE OTHER SIDE: I do agree that derpy would be a window that would make kids get bullied and there are parents that want their children with mental or physical disabilities. It should have been done better. It was fan-service that came with mix results maybe they will use derpy again and give her more positive roll. I hope anyway.



but to keep this too long or didn't read.


A brony is a fan of mlpfim, yet there are those that should be more respectful of other opinions. I agree that moving away from the subgroup of the community will be better for ya... but I know that it doesn't make you a anti-brony.

  • Brohoof 3


I Run and Operate Alicornradio

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if i wasn't a immature jerk of a teenager back then no because those were intention and always had a layer of explination that fitted into the story

the issue with derpy was not with derpy herself it was the use of the work derpy and rainbowdash's attitude and tone of voice, also the concern that children with lazy eye would likely be teased and called derpy (which is still slang for stupid) and since i know exacly how that feels of cause i don't want that happening to a younger generation

i never sent a angry email it was a letter of concern


as for Princess Molestia, it joking and also encouraging rape culture and pedophilia and its used as a ok for CMC rule 34 and that's sick


But they're cartoon characters. Let's say I'm attracted to Scootaloo. I FUCKING LOVE SCOOTALOO. I'd shove my chicken up her anus so hard she would scream and bleed. Now, would I rape a little girl if I'm attracted to a HORSE? A CARTOON horse, at that?



How was Cheese NOT mocking handicaps? He was THE handicap. Nobody cared about him.

Edited by Master Chief
  • Brohoof 1


Signature By PixiGlow


Check Out Ponies At Play! We Do Gaming Videos and Podcasts! http://www.youtube.c...r/PoniesAtPlay1

God loved you so much he sacrificed his only blood son to right YOUR wrongs

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I completely and utterly agree with you. Not to be rude, but I feel annoyed by some bronies. The way they say MLD is the greatest story kind of puts me off. I've read it, shed very few tears, and generally found it below my tastes. Not necessarily the best, but not horrible.


Now, onto to the Derpy issue. I certainly found the voice unpleasant. Perhaps that sounds harsh, but it just doesn't fit. And she's simply a background pony. What makes her so special? What about ponies like Lemon Hearts and Sea Swirl? They deserve just as much love. They've been there in the background for as long as ponies like Derpy and Lyra. Though, Derpy does represent Hasbro taking notice of us, the name Derpy isn't really that great a name for a pony. I liked when they called her Ditzy Doo. Sounds a little more Equestrian.


Also 4chan is lame. It's our ancient home and should be left behind.

  • Brohoof 3


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Man, just don't care about it... Ignorant people who stick to their opinions being the best and 'whoever disagrees is stupid' are everywhere. :|


One very important thing I've learned recently is to respect others opinions. In fact, having different opinions and point of views is something very good, and everybody should have one. For instance, I enjoyed very much the My Little Dashie fanfic. But I know some other people might not like. I can assure you though that you won't see me complaining about how these people are heartless and can't be called bronies.


You don't have to like nor accept cloppers, crazed fans or anything else you disapprove. Just say "meh" and walk away. Keep being your very own "kind of brony", with your very own thoughts.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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