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mega thread What game are you playing right now?

Mint Petal

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I am playing Civilization V and Minecraft.


Civ5 can be a bit overwhelming at first, but I am starting to get the hang of it and it has grew on me :pinkie:.


Minecraft is simpler, but has much more depth than what it looks at first. The lack of an in-game tutorial might make difficult to get started, but a friend has helped me, plus there is the Internet to search for info :P.

"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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Persona 4 Golden. I'm so darn close to beating it.


Then I have to replay it on New Game+ like 3 more times so I can date all the girls. Ugh.

My friend is playing that game currently she's close to beating it too.


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Well, with my lack of funds and getting bored at my Steam games, I've been playing Earthbound and it's hack, The Halloween Hack, A.K.A. "Press the B Button, Stupid!".


It's a pretty weird game, but I'm enjoying myself, aside from the deaths. What really gets me is how hard it can get sometimes. There would fights in which I would insta-win (a nice feature that I wish some other RPGs would put in), while the next fight I got in my Guts would fail and I'd get floored. It can get pretty frustrating.


As for the Halloween Hack, that game is pretty damn dark at times, and even more difficult than the original Earthbound. Another interesting fact about it is that it was made by Toby "Radiation" Fox for a hack contest. Toby Fox was the main music man for Homestuck, and more recently the developer and musician for Undertale, a game I strongly reccomend picking up.

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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Starting up Banished for the first time.

Might also try to get in some Secret World this weekend.


Also been playing Hex: Shards of Fate, and Hearthstone.

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Space Engineers has been taking up the most of my time as of late. I stopped playing it for a while, but I felt like picking it up again after I heard that planets were supposed to be coming soon™.


Planets still haven't arrived (surprise), but I'm having plenty of fun either way. ^^

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Splatoon- splat splat sploosh, I really like it :lol:

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles- one of the first RPGs I ever played, reliving my childhood here man... don't even care its look wasn't all that much updated, the artstyle is timeless to me. :(


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With the release of Halo 5.....well, that's what I am playing. XD The multiplayer in that game is incredibly addicting. That is the main thing I am playing, but I am also playing Forza 6 of course and some Magic Duels Origins as well despite that game still being not very good. Hopefully they will update it soon.



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Been playing Destiny a lot as of late. Also been playing GTA: Online....working towards a cool $1,000,000 this time next week. And I've been getting back into Fallout to get ready for Fallout 4. :squee:

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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Animal crossing happy home designer. But I traded it in due to boredom. 

Everything I love about this franchise has been destroyed by this game. Don't buy it.

Really?! I wanna buy it so badly because I've been hearing nothing but good reviews.  :ooh:  :o


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