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private Letrix's Romantic Houseparty


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After finding the snack bar and devouring half of the food on the table, he began to get jumpy. ''WOOP! WOOP WOOP WOOP!'' Splinter said while he hopped around. He eventually hopped over to Draco. ''DO YOU KNOW THIS FEELING?! I DO BECAUSE IT FEELS REALLY REALLY GREAT! I SHOULD DO THIS MORE OFTEN!'' Splinter said rapidly while hopping in front of Draco.

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"I'll be good"Draco said as he sat next to Cherry his head bowed low. Yeah he was whipped for her attention all right. He loved her enough to stomp on his pride hard enough then bury beneath a ton of rubble. Draco just looked at her with an apologizing gaze.

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After finding the snack bar and devouring half of the food on the table, he began to get jumpy. ''WOOP! WOOP WOOP WOOP!'' Splinter said while he hopped around. He eventually hopped over to Draco. ''DO YOU KNOW THIS FEELING?! I DO BECAUSE IT FEELS REALLY REALLY GREAT! I SHOULD DO THIS MORE OFTEN!'' Splinter said rapidly while hopping in front of Draco.


"Excuse me friend..." Dimitri taps on the rude guest's shoulder "I don't think you should be jumping around like a fool in front of my friend. Just because I have gooshy feelings for a special somepony doesn't mean that I can't break some bones if the need be."

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Splinter suddenly stopped jumping and frowned. He looked at Draco and Cherry and frowned. He sighed and went to a corner. He plopped down and leaned his head on the wall. ''I need to get some real friends.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes. ''I mean, I thought that guy at the mental hospital was my friend.. But he was just trying to get me to break him out. Plus, I know no one else like me but Pinkie Pie. And she's WAY out of my range. I wish I had someone special. Well, considering my entire family moved to that place in Canterlot and let me live on my own in a cottage.'' Splinter said.

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Draco was glaring at the rude guest with a heated glare. He was tempted to hurt the fellow but he kept close to Cherry to keep himself from hurting the fool.Draco isn't a violent stallion but when mad he will hurt some ponies or just stick a stunk into their mail boxes when on the job.

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Splinter suddenly stopped jumping and frowned. He looked at Draco and Cherry and frowned. He sighed and went to a corner. He plopped down and leaned his head on the wall. ''I need to get some real friends.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes. ''I mean, I thought that guy at the mental hospital was my friend.. But he was just trying to get me to break him out. Plus, I know no one else like me but Pinkie Pie. And she's WAY out of my range. I wish I had someone special. Well, considering my entire family moved to that place in Canterlot and let me live on my own in a cottage.'' Splinter said.


Dimitri rolled his eyes and walked over to the now suddenly depressed obnoxious newcomer. "Need some Vodka Comrade?" Dimitri handed him his flask and felt bad about his earlier comment. "Sorry about the way I acted earlier. I have a problem with rage...."

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''I don't drink.'' Splinter said while looking at Dimitri. ''I'm fine. This happens all the time. Soon I'll be just as obnoxious as you all think I am again. But it's okay. After living in this country for 20 years, I've learned to not mind the hate. And I'm sorry for bothering your friend. It was all my fault. Tell him I'm terribly sorry.'' Splinter said.

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''I don't drink.'' Splinter said while looking at Dimitri. ''I'm fine. This happens all the time. Soon I'll be just as obnoxious as you all think I am again. But it's okay. After living in this country for 20 years, I've learned to not mind the hate. And I'm sorry for bothering your friend. It was all my fault. Tell him I'm terribly sorry.'' Splinter said.


Dimitri put his flask away and nods. "It's fine comrade, I'm new to this country and I shouldn't be so rude. I apologize again for my earlier rude comment. So you've lived here for twenty years? May I ask you a question before you get all crazy again? Just a real quick one..."

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''I don't drink.'' Splinter said while looking at Dimitri. ''I'm fine. This happens all the time. Soon I'll be just as obnoxious as you all think I am again. But it's okay. After living in this country for 20 years, I've learned to not mind the hate. And I'm sorry for bothering your friend. It was all my fault. Tell him I'm terribly sorry.'' Splinter said.


"now you make me feel guilty friend"Draco sighed"no worries i over reacted abit so sorry about that""name's Draco O'mally what is Yours?" Draco looked at the guy with an apologetic look."but hey look at the bright side things are livelier around here with you around"
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''Sure.. But be fast. I'm pretty sure the hype is pumping up again.'' Splinter said while slightly shaking. ''What do you want to ask me? I'm open for all questions.'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. Splinter then looked at Draco and smiled. ''Splinter. Never found out my last name. Draco is a pretty nice name.'' Splinter said.

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''Sure.. But be fast. I'm pretty sure the hype is pumping up again.'' Splinter said while slightly shaking. ''What do you want to ask me? I'm open for all questions.'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. Splinter then looked at Draco and smiled. ''Splinter. Never found out my last name. Draco is a pretty nice name.'' Splinter said.


Dimitri nodded "I'll be fast. Do you know the name of the beautiful Pegasus with gorgeous pink hair that lives near the Everfree forest? I've been dying to find out her name since I moved here." Dimitri waited for an answer with a look of happiness his face.

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Dimitri nodded "I'll be fast. Do you know the name of the beautiful Pegasus with gorgeous pink hair that lives near the Everfree forest? I've been dying to find out her name since I moved here." Dimitri waited for an answer with a look of happiness his face.


"fluttershy""yeah i know her i make deliveries to her all the time fresh food for her animals, make a book or two from the library or the news paper"Draco looked at dimitry"you could have told me that dimitry my friend I go on that route all the time except i fly" draco said to dimitry.
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"Fluttershy....a perfect name for a angel." Dimitri stared at the ceiling for quite a while with a huge smile. He whispered some more foreign words to himself and stroked his beard. "I can't wait to see her again, this party was definitely worth coming to. Fun, friends, food and now I learn the name of that angel."

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''You mean Fluttershy? Yeah, I know her. You two trying to hook up or something? Nice, man.'' Splinter said while smiling. ''She lives with too many animals. But she cares for all of them. Even in one of them get a paper cut, she acts like its a broken hoof. Don't worry, I still respect her.'' Splinter said.

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"I'm sorry Dimitri, but I must disagree on that. Violence shouldn't even be a choice, even in the most dire situations." Cherry Blossom put a worried look on her face, but turned her attention to the other stallion. "I haven't q-quite gotten your name," she said to Splinter.
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''You mean Fluttershy? Yeah, I know her. You two trying to hook up or something? Nice, man.'' Splinter said while smiling. ''She lives with too many animals. But she cares for all of them. Even in one of them get a paper cut, she acts like its a broken hoof. Don't worry, I still respect her.'' Splinter said.


"Oh 'hooking up' with her will make me the happiest Stallion in the whole entire universe. Happier than I've been in a long time that's for sure. Nothing but bad things, but now I got cool comrades and something more.." Yet again the strange foreign stallion talked to himself quietly and seemed to zone out.


"I'm sorry Dimitri, but I must disagree on that. Violence shouldn't even be a choice, even in the most dire situations." Cherry Blossom put a worried look on her face, but turned her attention to the other stallion. "I haven't q-quite gotten your name," she said to Splinter.


"Even in a life or death situation? I was being tortured to death and if I didn't resort to violence I would be dead."

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
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"Fluttershy....a perfect name for a angel." Dimitri stared at the ceiling for quite a while with a huge smile. He whispered some more foreign words to himself and stroked his beard. "I can't wait to see her again, this party was definitely worth coming to. Fun, friends, food and now I learn the name of that angel."


"AH HA"Draco jumps up with an idea forming in his head"dimitry do you want to meet fluttershy?"Draco smirked mischiviously as he knew a way for his new foreign friend to meet the shy mare.Draco chuckled slightly as he had a plan forming in his skull at the moment.
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"AH HA"Draco jumps up with an idea forming in his head"dimitry do you want to meet fluttershy?"Draco smirked mischiviously as he knew a way for his new foreign friend to meet the shy mare.Draco chuckled slightly as he had a plan forming in his skull at the moment.


"You mean, like right now?" Dimitri tensed up and began to hyperventilate. "Uh...I....I...don't know if...I can...." Dimitri started to freak out a little bit. "I need some Vodka, I can't handle meeting such a beautiful angel right now!!" Dimitri whipped out his flask and started to chug, completely emptying it.

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"You mean, like right now?" Dimitri tensed up and began to hyperventilate. "Uh...I....I...don't know if...I can...." Dimitri started to freak out a little bit. "I need some Vodka, I can't handle meeting such a beautiful angel right now!!" Dimitri whipped out his flask and started to chug, completely emptying it.


"no not right now tomorrow she's my only route tomorrow"Draco said to calm the hyperventilating stallion."you see i have a plan and that includes hiring you as a courier pony which i'll need to teach you the ropes don't I"Draco chuckled"calm down dimitry calm down"
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"Even if you are about to die, there would always be another solution." Cherry Blossom turned her head in disagreement, but she was feeling bad for Dimitri. "Torture? That sound terrible. Did you do something bad or were you just put into prison?" a worried look sprang over her face.
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"Even if you are about to die, there would always be another solution." Cherry Blossom turned her head in disagreement, but she was feeling bad for Dimitri. "Torture? That sound terrible. Did you do something bad or were you just put into prison?" a worried look sprang over her face.


"cherry you were quiet for awhile are you alright my dear friend?"Draco asked as he put a comforting win on her back gentlely. He didn't know what to do to win her heart but he would always try the traditional routes of courtship. "Cherry such a beautifull name for a beautifull pony like you"Draco said honestly.
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"Even if you are about to die, there would always be another solution." Cherry Blossom turned her head in disagreement, but she was feeling bad for Dimitri. "Torture? That sound terrible. Did you do something bad or were you just put into prison?" a worried look sprang over her face.


"It's a long story. Back in my homeland of Sovestria I had everything I wanted. Loving parents and a awesome teacher. It was all taken away from me by a cruel dictator who overthrew my teacher. He despised me because I was a unicorn and I was his master's protege. He killed my parents and brutally tortured me. I was a fugitive as well for he blamed me for my parents deaths. It is very hard to think about....I try not to bring up the past very often." Dimitri started to tear up and look at the floor.

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"Thanks, but I prefer Cherry Blossom and not just Cherry." She giggled and finished her cup of punch. "Well I had nothing much to talk about, so I just chose to stay silent." Cherry Blossom said to him as she took a mall bite out of her cupcake.


She gasped when she heard what happened to Dimitri. "I-I'm so sorry, but please forgive me. I shouldn't have said anything." she spoke in a soft tone as her ears drooped.

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As Wind Melody finally broke her record for how long she could play nyan pony, she huffed and set her flute on her lap, the music around her still going on. She tiredly placed it back in it's case, which she put in her bag, and she proceeded by standing up and heading behind the couch. Hoping nopony was looking, she curled up and began to rest against the structure, not fully asleep though...

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Draco put a comforting wing on dimitry as he looked at Cherry and smiled"hey dimitry want to know what my father once told me when bad things happen to me?"Draco asked with a serious tone in his voice as he looked at him friend.He lived by those very words his in tire life.

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