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How open are you about ponies?


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I'm really open about it basically everyone in my year knows I watch the show. I used to only have the odd comment saying that i'm queer or gay and stuff  but no one really cares anymore. I have even got some people to start watching :D

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I told my friends and they rolled their eyes at me and said "that's ridiculous!" but now they all love it and I've created my own mane six lol

I want to create my own mane six so bad... But I only have four friends who I know in person that are bronies (So close... Just one more person... :()


Signature made by Kyoshi

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Well a strange thing happened to me yesterday. I went to a comic shop called Forbidden Planet with my friends in Manchester and when we went in I saw the MLP comics which a few people on these forums are going on about. I really wanted them but at the time was too embarrassed to get them. And as you do when your in that situation you go looking around all the other comics on the same shelf but you deliberately walk past the one you want so you can glance at it. Then my friend went to pick up the MLP comic and had a look at it. Confusingly I asked if he was a brony, and he replied with "yes". I didn't know how to react, really confused or overjoyed that my best friend was a brony. When he asked me if I was it took me about 10 minutes standing there until I confirmed that I was a brony. His reaction was the same as mine. Then a pegasister who I didn't know went and asked if we were bronies. We replied with yes and then started a 3 way conversation about MLP for about 15 mins. It felt so strange yet so satisfying at the same time that at the start of the day I was a closet brony to somebody who was openly talking about it with people in real life. I then got the confidence to buy the comics myself as well as a couple of blind bags. And it felt so strange how the shop owner didn't give a sh!t about me buying it. When my other friends saw what I bought I was skeptical of their responses at first but they didn't care either. It was a very good day :)


My family still don't know and I don't want them to as there very traditional and closed minded people when it comes to things which aren't mainstream they'll try to poke fun of and claim me to be mentally unstable, (that was their genuine response when I came in on day with an angry birds hat on). I asked my mum a few months back about bronies and her response was "mentally disturbed sex offenders", this is why I don't really want to tell them and hopefully you could understand why :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to create my own mane six so bad... But I only have four friends who I know in person that are bronies (So close... Just one more person

Well, what I did with some of them (that I haven't brought to the herd yet ;)) is go ahead and make them ponies anyway because they're my close friends.

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And as you do when your in that situation you go looking around all the other comics on the same shelf but you deliberately walk past the one you want so you can glance at it.


You know, I do that all the freaking time and it's nice to hear someone else finally say that, because it literally feels like I'm the only person who does that.


It's one of those things where I know everyone does it at some point, but it feels so awkward when I'm the one who keeps walking past something I really want to pick up, examine, and buy...


Basically what I'm saying is: thanks for showing me I'm not the only one!

  • Brohoof 1



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I was just curious how open other bronies are about their brony-ness. Do you walk around proudly displaying it or is it on a strictly need-to-know basis?


Personally I'm completely open about it. I'm wearing a Princess Luna shirt from WeLoveFine right now (it was a gift from my little sister. She's so sweet. tongue.png ). I don't randomly bring it up or try to shove the show down other people's throats or anything, but I'm not afraid to say I like it if it comes up or someone asks. How about you all?


I'm not open about it. Just because I'm in a fandom doesn't mean I'm gonna go buy some pony T-shirts and show off to the world that I'm a brony and a fool.


Besides, most of the merch sucks anyway. I don't like Hot Topic and shit stores like that. I don't even like buying clothes. So I rather just be a normal person, just keep being a brony just a personal thing for me. Its not like its bad but I'm pretty sure that most fans do not go out in the open world and display their love for the fandom they are in.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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 Its not like its bad but I'm pretty sure that most fans do not go out in the open world and display their love for the fandom they are in.


Eh... where do you live?


Cause most people I know are pretty big about whatever they're into.


You know, such as sports fans.


But that's culturally accepted and normal, I suppose, but besides sports fans, that doesn't change the fact that most people I know are pretty quick to shove what they love down each others throats. It's not just a Brony thing, contrary to popular belief.



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Eh... where do you live?


Cause most people I know are pretty big about whatever they're into.


You know, such as sports fans.


But that's culturally accepted and normal, I suppose, but besides sports fans, that doesn't change the fact that most people I know are pretty quick to shove what they love down each others throats. It's not just a Brony thing, contrary to popular belief.


I live in San Diego, a hellhole that I really wish I can move out of.


Yes, sports fan might of show their love for a certain team but however I have never seen anyone that wore anything brony-related at all except for some of my friends at school.


Eh to you too. Washingtonians always use Eh due to the proximity of Canada's closeness.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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I live in San Diego, a hellhole that I really wish I can move out of.


Yes, sports fan might of show their love for a certain team but however I have never seen anyone that wore anything brony-related at all except for some of my friends at school.


Eh to you too. Washingtonians always use Eh due to the proximity of Canada's closeness.


Eh, I hope you succeed in your quest, my friend.


Eh, that doesn't really prove your point, though. You said that you are pretty sure most people who are in a fandom don't go around flaunting it, but that's not true at all. Most people I know do just that, even people I just know in passing.


Eh, I live nowhere near Canada, but nice guess I suppose?



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Eh, I hope you succeed in your quest, my friend.


Eh, that doesn't really prove your point, though. You said that you are pretty sure most people who are in a fandom don't go around flaunting it, but that's not true at all. Most people I know do just that, even people I just know in passing.


Eh, I live nowhere near Canada, but nice guess I suppose?


Eh, I've been to Canada a couple of times during my lifetime. The recent was back in 2010 when I went to the capital of British Columbia, Victoria. It was quite fun there, seeing the 2010 Olympics on the TV screen of the hotel just miles away from Vancouver.


Eh, its not like I'm living in San Diego for a long time. Sure, you get all the amusement parks like Disneyland and Universal Studios Hollywood etc but I don't like the climate and how people drive here. I really like speed, so I feel like I'm more connected to Rainbow Dash.

Edited by Yesfan90125
  • Brohoof 1

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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I feel a bit bad saying that I try to keep it a need to know basis, but it's the only way I would live through school. I have been beaten up, pushed around, teased, and in general, just plain broken because someone at school saw my cell phone wallpaper was picture of AJ. For me to be on anything more than a need-to-know basis would be suicide.

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AJ20, just stay strong buddy. Once you get to college everything improves so much in terms of respect people have. At this point, most of my friends know I'm a brony due to the fact that I keep a Vinyl Funko Rainbow Dash on our coffee table in our dorm common room. It's hilarious to get initial reactions and have to explain myself, I love doing it. 


My parents also laugh about it as well, and totally understand that I like the show. 


I'm even considering buying a shirt at this point. laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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I feel a bit bad saying that I try to keep it a need to know basis, but it's the only way I would live through school. I have been beaten up, pushed around, teased, and in general, just plain broken because someone at school saw my cell phone wallpaper was picture of AJ. For me to be on anything more than a need-to-know basis would be suicide.


Sorry about that, man. I've seen your posts in other threads, and I hope you stay strong. I understand, especially in high school, wanting to keep something like a love for ponies under wraps. Public school can be harsh to anyone who doesn't stick to the norm, so only wanting to share with a select few who need-to-know is perfectly fine.


I hope everything works out, man, cause you're a cool bro.



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Pretty open, I dont go around asking casual friends, sooo you ever watch My little pony? Cuz I do!!


But I do have some MLP merch that i wear, shirts, buttons etc. I dont mind if someone knows or not, I'm just not in anyone's face about it :P

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I'm not very open about it at all! None of my family or friends know about it, and i plan on keeping it that way. I am not ashamed about being a brony, but i don't think others would understand it if i told them.

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I am still a closet brony (I have yet to tell my internet friends or my best friend, my family found out by accident, but their reaction was pretty much :l about it). I don't have any mlp swag, mainly because of low quality of official figures.

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Lol, I am so open, and I totally shove it down peoples throats. Not proud of that but sometimes its alllll that  i can talk about, lol. 


You know, I'm not that type of person, and I know a lot of Bronies look down on that since that's one of the stereotypes that people try to hit us with, but I think it's funny and I'm glad you recognize that. Cause seriously, everypony does it, not just us Bronies; can't tell you how many times my friends have shoved World of Warcraft down my throats.


Finally caved in and I'm going to play it, but I probably won't like it. But if I do...


Curse my friends. Been resisting for four years...

  • Brohoof 1



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You know, I'm not that type of person, and I know a lot of Bronies look down on that since that's one of the stereotypes that people try to hit us with, but I think it's funny and I'm glad you recognize that. Cause seriously, everypony does it, not just us Bronies; can't tell you how many times my friends have shoved World of Warcraft down my throats.


Finally caved in and I'm going to play it, but I probably won't like it. But if I do...


Curse my friends. Been resisting for four years...

And you know, I do do it tastefully, such as when somebody says they are interested in beginning the show and im just like


As for WoW...Well you know how to get back at them right? Make a gnome. Make it OP. Kill them in THEIR FACE.

And thats how equestria was made! Yay!

  • Brohoof 1
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And you know, I do do it tastefully, such as when somebody says they are interested in beginning the show and im just like


As for WoW...Well you know how to get back at them right? Make a gnome. Make it OP. Kill them in THEIR FACE.

And thats how equestria was made! Yay!


Great way to get them into the show!


And you know it's hilarious, because one of my friends really hates Gnome Warlocks, and I was tempted to make one, but one of my other friends beat me to the punch.


I already have plans on how to troll them back...


Gonna make a female Draenei Priest. If that's not enough, I'm going to name her Trixie Lulamoon if it's available and talk like her.


My revenge shall be swift. And very, very annoying.

  • Brohoof 1



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Great way to get them into the show!


And you know it's hilarious, because one of my friends really hates Gnome Warlocks, and I was tempted to make one, but one of my other friends beat me to the punch.


I already have plans on how to troll them back...


Gonna make a female Draenei Priest. If that's not enough, I'm going to name her Trixie Lulamoon if it's available and talk like her.


My revenge shall be swift. And very, very annoying.

I'm punching the Brohoof as hard as I can, oh Celestia, we are a damn funny pair. I have a gnome hunter thats only like, lvl 6, and a Tauron thats lvl 60 something, but i haven't played in....gosh, maybe five years?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm punching the Brohoof as hard as I can, oh Celestia, we are a damn funny pair. I have a gnome hunter thats only like, lvl 6, and a Tauron thats lvl 60 something, but i haven't played in....gosh, maybe five years?


Yes, quite the dang funny pair.


*Takes a puff on pipe*




Wow, five years? I'm not a World of Warcraft expert, but I think a lot has changed since you've played... maybe not by a huge amount, but I believe at least two expansions have come out since you've last played. I'm sure with Mists of Pandaria, not sure about the others.

  • Brohoof 1



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Completely open about it, everyone who knows me knows that I'm a brony. :) Sure, I get judged all the time by random people, but do their opinions matter to me? Not in the slightest. If someone doesn't accept you for who you are then they're not a good enough person to have an opinion worth anything, as far as I'm concerned. I'm completely open with pretty much everything. laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, quite the dang funny pair.


*Takes a puff on pipe*




Wow, five years? I'm not a World of Warcraft expert, but I think a lot has changed since you've played... maybe not by a huge amount, but I believe at least two expansions have come out since you've last played. I'm sure with Mists of Pandaria, not sure about the others.

Yeah I was quite the little mmorpg girl back in my day. But, my dad totally bucked up my account and stole it from me lol. I'm thinking of restarting when i have the extra cash to buy all the expansions and the subscription. Right now though, I'm a steam fanatic.

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