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Understandable.  But wait, didn't I see a topic over on the WoW forums about how you were thinking about making a "cowboy" type character who fought fire with fire?  A more mundane example, but still. 


Well yes, I did but you misunderstood the intent. I was kind of opposed to making him a rogue precisely because I find them to be despicable cutthroats. (Nothing against those that play them.) But playing the outlaw spec, I get not only a hip fire pistol shot, which is very "quick draw at high noon" but the outlaw description says they eschew stealth and subterfuge for finesse and style. What I meant by "fire with fire" in that context was use a rogue despite my stated dislike for their overall theme of being sneaky back stabbers.

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@@Steel Accord,


I see, sorry for misunderstanding.


Personally, I tend to see a lot of classes as skill sets.  With the exception of DKs and DHs, I can think of a million ways to play straight and subvert expectations about different classes (a bloodthirsty mage and a calm and composed warrior, for example).  And of course, there's nothing that says that rogues can't have standards (my rogue, for instance, never betrays a contract and would try her damnedest to spare children). 

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@@Steel Accord,


I see, sorry for misunderstanding.


Personally, I tend to see a lot of classes as skill sets.  With the exception of DKs and DHs, I can think of a million ways to play straight and subvert expectations about different classes (a bloodthirsty mage and a calm and composed warrior, for example).  And of course, there's nothing that says that rogues can't have standards (my rogue, for instance, never betrays a contract and would try her damnedest to spare children). 


I know what you mean but some classes are a little more defined just by their nature. Rogues, warriors, and magi, have great amounts of flexibility in exactly what they do and how they behave, while the classes I lean toward, such as Paladins, Monks, or Druids (or Death Knights and Demon Hunters as you pointed out) are, by their nature, a little more specialized. Class lore is a big deal to me and it's a part of why Legion brought me back.


Also, even if your rogue does have these codes (IC) both my main and my alt would still find them to be tolerable at best. Wei Yu and Chulorn both have very little patience for spies, assassins, and the like.


"If you can't do it in the Light, it shouldn't be done at all."

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@@Steel Accord,


That is true.  It's a tad more difficult for those folks to act contrary to what their class entails without the change being incredibly dramatic (such as an evil druid, remember the Druids of the Flame?).  Also, let's face it, the idea of a DH and DK acting like honorable knights in shining armor seems laughable, considering what demonic energies and undeath respectively tends to do to even the most saintly of people.


But, Wei Yu and Chulorn aren't alone in that respect.  Ryung (shaman) and Faellum (rogue) interacted in the past and it was quite... murky, to say the least.

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@@Light of Night,


Which isn't to say one can't get creative. I mean one of my earliest mistakes was defining my characters solely by their class and nothing else, and while it typically remains a major part of their characterization it's not THE ONLY thing about them.


For instance Chulorn's mother was pregnant with him when the Naaru beamed up the Draenei so he was born actually betwixt worlds and is also one of the older of his people. He also feels rather philosophically guilty about using the Light, something that heals and gives grace, as a weapon but he takes it as a cross he has to bear as a Vindicator.


Meanwhile Wei Yu has a brother that took the opposite side that he did when they both left the Wandering Isle. So his preference about not fighting in the faction war comes just as much from fear of running into and having to kill his brother as much as being an outsider who witnesses it all with fresh eyes.


One is a Paladin and one is a Monk and both are important aspects about their personalities, but that doesn't define them totally. In terms of getting creative with classes:


-A mage who is evil but not a warlock, he pursues his villainous goals but steers clear of demonic and fel magic because he views the arcane as universal and fel as being reduced to a mere aspect of that universality. So to have truly ultimate power, he refuses the temptation to become a Warlock.


-A forsaken who becomes a monk, combining the teachings of his Pandaren instructor with the Forgotten Shadow. Leaving him balanced, precise, clear headed, but also ruthless, detached, and terrifyingly unfettered. This was my take on an evil monk, not just "evil guy who knows martial arts" but an evil monk.


-A Blood Knight initiated after the restoration of the Sunwell, who looks down on dark magic with disdain . . . but not because he's a more reformed and mature Paladin. It's simply another form of magical elitism. He didn't go through the actual experience that made the Blood Knights realize what colossal jerks they were being so his thinking is more like someone who thinks being completely straight edge means he's a cut above recreational drug users.


-A goblin "environmental engineer" who is on balance a pretty upstanding guy. He's not interested in the soul pursuit of profit . . . he has other hobbies to supplement his pursuit of profit. He's characterized with the emphasis of goblins being relatively modern thinkers in a fantasy world, more playing the straight man at the sheer insanity of the magical forces around him. He treats the elements more like "business partners"and writes up actual contracts of service, minutely detailing what they do for him and what they get out of it. "None of this 'interpretational' codswallop."


And so on and so forth. I just like to use the class lore as a jumping off point for backstory and characterization rather than chucking it all together. (Don't even get me started on "street brawler monks".  :baconmane: )

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street brawler monks


I personally see them more as warriors than monks, warriors who use no sword, shield, or axe.  Monks have quite the strong spiritual edge that warriors generally don't manifest in such a flashy manner.


Hm...  My shaman is a healer, but she also itches to use the elements to take vengeance.  Quite the struggle.  Your opinion?

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I personally see them more as warriors than monks, warriors who use no sword, shield, or axe.  Monks have quite the strong spiritual edge that warriors fundamentally (but not always) lack.


I said don't get me started, so I will resist the temptation to vent my frustrations for a second time. (Not on you just the concept.)



Hm...  My shaman is a healer, but she also itches to use the elements to take vengeance.  Quite the struggle.  Your opinion?


Well there are shaman with a less than cordial relationship with the elements. The taunka shaman as a whole more or less brow beat the elements and let's not forget Garrosh's breed of Dark Shaman who outright enslave and pervert the elements.


In the case of the taunka though this is more because they live in a harsh environment. One could say the elements simply aren't as open or willing to help in Northrend unless you "convince them" to do so. Toshe Chaosrender, a member of the Earthen Ring, in particular distinguishes himself from his peers in the ring by being very aggressive during the Vashj'ir story. He was very "kill three of theirs for every one of ours", and "they hit us, we hit back harder" minded. So he might be good inspiration.


If you want that dichotomy of desire to be a conflict or character flaw, there's a couple ways you could play it. Shaman typically heal with water elementals and fight with fire and earth elementals. So it could be that the spirits you call upon for the two tasks don't know and more than likely don't care. Remember the elements have different senses of morality from mortals because they are fundamental aspects of reality, are in constant flux of working together and against one another, and ultimate death is very unlikely for most of them.


As long as the shaman keeps the balance between them and holds up their particular covenant with the spirit, the elemental likely doesn't care what the shaman does with the power lent to them. That being said, the fire elemental might feel underserved if he's not burning things into ash enough, which might incentivize your character into pursuing their vengeance and then just keep going until they're tempted to set people on fire for minor annoyances if only to keep the service of their fiery friend.


See that would be interesting because it would effectively create a feedback loop. The shaman wants revenge, the spirit wants to burn things, the shaman kills one of their targets, the spirit still wants to burn things, the shaman kills their ultimate target, but the spirit still wants to burn things, /shrug there's a goblin bastard coming so the shaman kills him, the spirit still wants to burn things, etc. etc.


Meanwhile the water elemental might not feel "put off" by all this burning as much as ignored. Like the shaman is favoring the flames of vengeance over their flowing revitalization. So this would externalize the internal conflict. The Shaman is pulled between a desire to heal and ease pain and a desire to inflict and enact it, meanwhile the very powerful beings that allow them to do both are threatening to withdraw their gifts if the other is feeling underutilized. 

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Well then, it looks like Kara is back, or rather, will be back.



Now, I remember this raid very well because of my near 500 runs with my Druid to get the damn horse as one of the first things that interested me on WoW, and seeing it come back is kind of a nostalgia hit. I also love how they are not touching the original Kara when it comes to removing it (confirmed by Blizz themselves), and that they are trying to balance the content gaps when you compare it to the disaster that WoD was.

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Which horse was it?  It's been a while.

The Fiery Warhorse

I have farmed many raids before, but that horse still evades me to this day, and I had many streaks of luck like getting the Flametalon of Alysrazor on my third try(it happened last week, in fact! ...i didn't really try firelands farming until last month, i blame that) or the Grand Black War Mammoth on my first try, but the damn horse still avoids me! that and the stupid Vitreous Stone Drake, i keep wasting my instances trying to farm it 10 times per hour, but no luck

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So am I the only one who thinks it's bullshit we STILL can't talk cross faction? I mean in this case, particularly at the order halls. The whole idea is the various classes flipping off their respective factions in favor of banding together and I even heard that Blizzard was trying to make communication between Demon Hunters possible. So of all places that it would be possible, why not at the order halls if nowhere else?

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If you guys want to get more alts to max before the xpac launches next Tuesday I recommend you farm invasions as not only does each stage give good XP, but each stage boss and the green skulls in the zone give massive XP, I was getting 50k+ and it scales with your level.

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If you guys want to get more alts to max before the xpac launches next Tuesday I recommend you farm invasions as not only does each stage give good XP, but each stage boss and the green skulls in the zone give massive XP, I was getting 50k+ and it scales with your level.


I've been running all over the place fighting the invasions. Both to power level up to 100 on my main, but also because they are friggin' BADASS!  B)


I mean maybe this is because I missed that whole Scourge invasion for the most part pre-Wrath but this is all something else. So many demons, heroes of the locals cheering you on and directing you, tons of us running back and forth fighting the demons. And, of course, always blasting the appropriate music in the background.









Take your pick, I got more!  :idea:


Yeah if it's not clear, a massive and diversely skilled army of heroic badasses fighting against an equally massive army of pure evil and destruction is one of the meta-narrative fantasies of my life.

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@@Steel Accord,


I know, right?!  It's just a shame I'm not going to be home to enjoy it, since I'm going to be away from my computer for about the next six days.


I also came up with a story were my rogue managed to get together enough money on her end to pay for the rest of her brother's education as a mage.  She decided to personally deliver it herself, but then the demon invasion happened and she and her family were right in the thick of it, her mother getting injured in the chaos.  With the help of a mage acquaintance, she managed to get them through a portal to Dalaran, giving her brother her portion of the money and saying,"This should be the rest of what you need."


"Wait, sister!  What is-"


"Fulfill your dreams, brother.  For me and for our mother."


She wanted to add more, but a demon appeared and tried to give chase.  She shoved them and her acquaintance through the portal and didn't expect to live another day.

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I'm curious if there's any active guilds kicking around in WoW. While I've found one on Moon Guard (where I happen to be on for my Horde character), it seems to be dead. Or if there's any on Alliance on Wyrmrest. 

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I started a guild a long time ago with my warlock character that I would love to get rid of. It's just me and I can't leave my own guild until someone else joins so I can promote them. If anyone wants to be a guild leader and plays on the Nordrassil server let me know. I called my guild TheMythicDawn. I named it after the faction from Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.


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I was thinking on playing WOW, but it still doesn't convince me.


The things that I like of WoW are the flying mounts, the battle system, the community and the art style.


Things I don't like: When you are on battle there isn't any soundtrack in the background and graphics aren't so amazing (Compared with TERA) (please don't hate me  :( )


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I'm curious if there's any active guilds kicking around in WoW. While I've found one on Moon Guard (where I happen to be on for my Horde character), it seems to be dead. Or if there's any on Alliance on Wyrmrest. 


Plenty of alliance guilds on Wyrmrest.

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Plenty of alliance guilds on Wyrmrest.


@@Steel Accord


Well, I've got 11 Alliance characters on Wyrmrest. If anyone knows a popular MLP guild there, let me know (because we all know Guild Finder is absolutely HORRID). 

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The things that I like of WoW are the flying mounts, the battle system, the community and the art style.


If flying mount is a major goal, prepare to do a looooooooooooot of grinding.




Things I don't like: When you are on battle there isn't any soundtrack


You can always alt-tab out and put on your own battle music. That's what I do sometimes.




(please don't hate me  )


Why would we hate you for a mixed opinion? 

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If flying mount is a major goal, prepare to do a looooooooooooot of grinding.



Flying is actually relatively easy to get. Just get to 60 and quests and dungeons give lots of gold in TBC zones and dungeons.
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Why would we hate you for a mixed opinion? 



Becuase almost everyone LOVES Wow, and probably someone will start arguing with me because of the graphics and stuff.


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