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S01:E16 - Sonic Rainboom



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My 2nd favorite episode ever!

The "Yay", the legendary Sonic Rainboom, the Rainbow Factory, but especially the end when Rainbow Dash saves the Wonderbolts and Rarity, everything's perfect.

I just find Rarity a bit annoying, but she gets her lesson at the end.

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The "yay" part is funny and the sonic rainboom is awesome! And I like the end when she says "best day ever!"

It's a AWESOME episode B)

Edited by ZooZLight
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  • 2 months later...

I honestly didn't like this episode that much.


See, my problem is that it's pretty much "The Mysterious Mare Do-Well" for Rarity fans.


It made Rarity look terrible, which caused trouble among Rarity fans.


Like Boast Busters, I think it could have worked better as an episode if they decided to AVOID making Mane 6 Characters look bad.


However, out of the 3 episodes I don't like, this is the one that REALLY was close to being great, but.. yeah, I already gave my two cents.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, to kick off my review system, I've decided to review this episode simply because I just watched it, and well... Let's just get to the review.


Chrgan's Review of Sonic Rainboom


Plot Summary/My Opinion: The episode starts with Fluttershy cheering for Rainbow Dash, which is both adorable and hilarious. It turns out that Rainbow Dash is entering the Best Young Flyers Competition, and is gonna try to perform the Sonic Rainboom (which she hasn't done since she was a filly). The rest of the Mane 6 want to cheer for Rainbow Dash, so they give Rarity wings and use a cloud-walking spell for themselves. Why did no one notice that they are not pegasi and are walking on clouds? Oh well. That's probably the only flaw with this episode. Then, some guys suggest Rarity join the contest, which she does. While Rainbow Dash is nervously cowering and Rarity is getting ready for her performance, all the other ponies go. Rarity and Rainbow Dash end up having to go out at the same time. When Rarity enters the final phase of her performance (posing in front of the sun) her wings disintegrate, and Rainbow Dash has to perform a Sonic Rainboom to save her. She does, and trust me, it is oh so satisfying.


Good Stuff:

  • Fluttershy's hilarious/adorable cheering (+5)
  • Stage fright is very relatable (+6)
  • Ending was epic for me, even though I knew how it was gonna end (+10)
  • For some reason, the weather factory was pretty cool (+4)

Bad Stuff:

  • No one noticed earth ponies and unicorns on clouds (-4)
  • Rarity being a tad unlikable (-4)

Minor Good Stuff:

  • Pinkie tasting the rainbow was hilarious (+1)
  • Rainbow changing the numbers was pretty funny (+1/2)


  • The weather section could be considered filler, but it's pretty good filler nonetheless. (-1/2)

Final Verdict: After watching an episode I didn't particularly like, I started to doubt my own brony-ness. But then, I watched this episode. This confirmed that I was a brony. Everything from Fluttershy's adorable cheering to the amazing ending was epic, and I have no reason to doubt myself here. Even before I watched this, I watched MrEnter's review, and so I wasn't surprised about Rarity's wings burning or anything. But I WAAS surprised at how satisfying something that you know will happen can be.


Overall, this episode gets a 43/50. There were a few flaws, but overall, IT. WAS. AMAZING. Originally, I thought that all the love this gets was due to nostalgia, due to it being many people's first episodes, but I was dead wrong.

Edited by Chrgan
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This was a really good episode. The only problem I have with it is, well.


Rarity looks sosososososososo ugly in this episode.

I agree, I hope we'll never see a pony with lipstick again. :eww:

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Oh! I forgot to mention the funniest moment EVER in MLP:FiM (in my opinion) I laughed for a good 5 minutes when Fluttershy tried to cheer 'Yay' at the start of the episode, this is the 2nd episode I watched and it made me become a brony forever.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This was a great episode. It involves Rainbow Dash trying to do a Sonic Rainboom at the Best Flyer Competition. My highlight for this episode was the part where Rarity shows up at the competition but the Sonic Rainboom came very close.

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Although this is not one of my favourite season 1 episodes, I still liked it. This episode had a two of my favourite comedy moments which were Fluttershy's yay scene and Pinkie tasting the rainbow. I also liked how it showed a different side of Rainbow Dash as the episode went on.


Although Rarity is now my favourite of the mane six, this is one of the few instances where I disliked her actions. I liked that she volunteered to be the test subject for the wings spell to provide support for Rainbow Dash despite the possible risks but it was irritating that she eventually let the admiration of her wings get to her head. At least she learnt her lesson in the end.

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  • 1 month later...

The episode that made me first see the show, cause I absolutely misread the short synopsis from Cox on demand when it said " twilight gives her friend Rarity wings" in the info box... So I wanted to know what "Rarity Wings" ( take note of the capitalization) were...... Apparently I liked it and saw that twilight gave her friend "Rarity wings" . So I went back and watched the season 1 first episodes which were also on demand... Straight to youtube I went after that.

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I won't go as far to say that they butchered Rarity in this episode, but I'd be lying if I said I liked her in this ep. I loved RD though, this is one of the episodes that made her my favorite Mane 6 pony, as it actually added some more dimension to her character rather than just being the pony that never worried about anything and could handle absolutely everything Equestria has to throw at her. Fluttershy was also just perfect. Unfortunately she forgot how to be assertive after this episode and took an entire season to remember again. Then forgot completely after that episode.


Signature and profile picture made by yours truly.  :P


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  • 1 month later...

I love this one!!  It's awesome.  Seeing Rainbow's vulnerable side was brilliant, and also how she proved her devotion towards her friend by pushing so hard to rescue her that she created the Sonic Rainboom.  I didn't love Rarity in this, but given that she almost died, I kind of have to forgive her.  She clearly learned her lesson. :D 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Good episode. Fluttershy sounded like Pinkie Pie while cheering.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is definitely my favourite episode so far. always been a fan of rd even with all the hot headedness there was just something i liked about her.

img-31490-1-img-31490-1-sig-31490.sig-31You know. I was once 20% cooler. ONCE! It was pretty awesome... You should try it sometime :P.http://mlpforums.com/topic/123295-ask-nuclearburg-stuff-p/ ask me random stuff...

Signature made by Starlight Glimmer. Thanks a bunch!

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Okay, so this is probably my favorite episode!!! I loved everything about it :) Plus it introduced me to The Offspring thanks to the YouTube video so I'm thankful for that as well ;) I could list everything I liked about this episode but I might as well say EVERYTHING

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Title: Sonic Rainboom

Air Date: February 18, 2011

Synopsis: When Twilight uses her magic to give Rarity wings so that she can watch Rainbow Dash compete in a race, Rarity is so taken with her new ability that she disrupts the competition.

I remember when I first started watching the show, this was the turning point for me truly becoming a fan of Dashie. Before-hand I sort of liked her, but she began to grow on me as a character after this <3

This ep made the winged wonder ccg card so i'm greatful for it :) it's great to give Dashie more bragging rights :D

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This episode also contains one of the most unforgettable Fluttershy moments of the show:


Also Rainbow Dash's reaction was priceless.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Who keeps clicking on I hated it on every episode I see? How can you hate episodes like this? :okiedokielokie:


Anyway, It was winter wrap up and this episode that made me love the show so much! One of season 1's best episodes. B)

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