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What's the New Lunar Republic & Solar Empire?


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True, but I never said Celestia had to be bad, either. ;) I don't make things dark for the heck of it, I just go with the explanation that's more convincing to me.

Yet did not my explanation fit with canon, and handled logically and reasonably? I lessened the blame from Luna for the fact of looking out for the obsessive Luna fans that wouldn't like anyone talking bad about her as well as show my support for both princesses. That and Discord is manipulative enough to lead Luna into becoming Nightmare Moon, the type that could place doubts into Luna's mind.


Keeping in mind Princess Luna is my favorite out of the two though I greatly respect Princess Celestia and know her to be good.

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This goes all the way back to Season 1, Episode 2 when people first found out Celestia shipped her own sisters flank to the moon. She used the Elements of Harmony to Banish her sister instead of using them to CURE her like the New Elements did.This lead people to think Celestia wanted to be a lone ruler like a dictator. A lot of hate went out to Celestia for it. There are many reasons this continues but that was the founding issue.




To be fair though, Celestia wasn't near as bad as she was being portrayed. When S1 E1&2 came out, they had NO idea a fandom like this would raise. THey wanted a simple plot easy for kids to understand. It wasn't until more mature minds went "Hey now.....WTF is wrong with you Celstia" did it really get to a "Solor Empire Vs Lunar Rebublic" type thing. Here, though. This isn't canon but its what I choose to believe really happened back then! Enjoy!


  • Brohoof 1

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This goes all the way back to Season 1, Episode 2 when people first found out Celestia shipped her own sisters flank to the moon. She used the Elements of Harmony to Banish her sister instead of using them to CURE her like the New Elements did.This lead people to think Celestia wanted to be a lone ruler like a dictator. A lot of hate went out to Celestia for it. There are many reasons this continues but that was the founding issue.


Simple way to answer that and somewhat annoying so many fans having not thought of this logical reasoning on the 'why'. The Elements of Harmony work through friendship and unity between those that wield the elements, and if this harmony is broken they can not be used the way they should if at all.

Who were the wielders of the Elements of Harmony? Celestia and Luna, as such which Luna was transformed into Nightmare Moon and perhaps a bit even before that there was conflict in the sisters' relationship with each other. To be honest it is impressive Celestia was able to use the Elements of Harmony at all, as such the amount of will it took to banish the evil that threatened her subjects must have been great.

An evil that had taken from Celestia her beloved sister, and leaving doubts of her own in her heart of whether or not she could have done anything differently, whether or not she could have prevented it from happen, of asking herself why she didn't see the sighs.


This song I believe is a wonderful way of looking at what happened in the eyes of Princess Celestia, just discovered the song today and I must say it is absolutely gorgeous in its creation:


One thing I will say is I would place equal blame on both sisters, and one thing people often don't realize is that when there is a loved one suffering what could be called depression is that they often hide their suffering... not going right out and saying something is wrong. Often times they may go in a roundabout way to show they are struggling, then confused the issue by denying it when asked.



Some family could also likely be too busy or distracted to notice, which is possible for Celestia as she would have likely had many duties that took her attention each day. Also if she did notice it would be possible she would suggest that she take over the night for a bit which understandably Luna would refuse... perhaps lead to a paranoia that her sister wanted to take her out of the picture.


Many doubts, fears, and uncertainties could have grown over time which could have lead Luna to seek out a magic or spell to make her stronger. This search would lead her to be taken over by the magic/spell and physically transformed into a mare different from herself… a mare of confidence and willing to do that which Luna would never do.





Here, though. This isn't canon but its what I choose to believe really happened back then! Enjoy!




I have read that comic and I enjoyed it very much. :) Personally though I do not consider that being what happened... how to explain why though I am not sure.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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  • 8 months later...

Ok so the more I delve into brony culture the more ancient artifacts I seem to uncover.

Recently In my travels I've discovered a phenomena that calls itself one of two names( possibly due to a psychosis based schitzophrenia) the new lunar republic( implying there was an old lunar republic) an the solar empire. Now at first I thought it was just some shenanigans that I had long missed out on while I was in basic training an cut off from the outside world. Then as I dig deeper into this seemingly colorful pit I found absolutely nothing at all not even a veritable cult following that can be traced. I did however manage to find a basic backstory in which I will paraphrase most of it*ahem* "all hail the solar empire!!" " for the new lunar republic!!" An that's pretty much all I've been able to find. It's like the entire thing was covered up by the government because "we're not ready for this information yet".

It occurred to me that maybe this was perhaps a fanfiction gone viral in the brony/ pegasister world, kinda like ( and I hate to use this analogy, I died a little inside when I thought of it) the team Edward and team Jacob bullshit that happened with twilight, BUT I CAN'T EVEN FIND ANYTHING LIKE THAT! It's like the whole thing never existed except for the ruins of the entire civilization... It's like going to Detroit, there is evidence that a thriving civilization once lived there but it's all hidden in the deepest part of hell.

Anyone care to help me with this?

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First of all, this took place a few decades – 58 years, actually – after the coronation of Princess Twilight, where Equestria was in the Progressive Era and developed a feeling of national exceptionalism. Ponies believed that Equestria was the best, Equestria was a world power, Equestria beats everything else.


Which, sadly, leads to the downfall of the Empire.


Funny part: Luna was NEVER in the Lunar Republic. The Republic was technically a bunch of rebel ponies who wanted to secede from the government, and though they offered Luna to become their ruler and take down Celestia, Luna refused. Then they wrote their constitution, got other regional areas to secede with them, and they created their own republic. 


The reason? During these 58 years, Equestria expanded their land by purchasing or driving out the natives by force. After these territories were annexed into the Empire, it caused some problems, which goes from bad to worse. Finding it difficult to keep order with the natives and the ponies, they set up rules and such. 


Thing is, some ponies disapproved of the government's actions. It surely suited the North, but not for the South, which was an industrial and agricultural area. Tensions increased in the last ten years before the conflict, from failed compromises to unpleasing amendments and ordinances. 


Even a party was formed in all this mess; the Radical Equality Party. They wanted to form an "equality for all" government; though it was formed 23 years before the conflict, the last few years before the civil conflict they grew to a membership of two million. After the South seceded to created the Lunar Republic, the REP technically governed it, even having the power to create a paramilitary force and military police force to enforce their laws of total equality. Which contradicts the Equestrian Solar Empire's views of absolute monarchy.


The Lunar Republic was renamed the Federal Egalitarian Republic, or the FER, and later in the Equestrian Civil War, was called the Union of Equestrian Egalitarian Republics, or UEER. Their flag is a blue and grey flag with five stars in a white background on the hoist. Their military color is blue, though paramilitary officers sometimes wear brown. 


I'm just explaining it to you, though I don't know what you're saying at all. People don't make sense sometimes. 

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It's just a bunch of fans showing their support for different sides. Princess Luna fans calling Princess Celestia evil and a tyrant and saying Equestria would be so much better with Luna was in power blah blah blah. Princess Celestia fans feed the fire and speak out against the Lunar Republic (I will never add New to the front of it) creating one big stupid civil war, dividing the royal sisters, and creatine bad blood.


it was because of these two groups that I took a third option and creating what I call the Guardians of Harmony to oppose these two groups.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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It's just a bunch of fans showing their support for different sides. Princess Luna fans calling Princess Celestia evil and a tyrant and saying Equestria would be so much better with Luna was in power blah blah blah. Princess Celestia fans feed the fire and speak out against the Lunar Republic (I will never add New to the front of it) creating one big stupid civil war, dividing the royal sisters, and creatine bad blood.


it was because of these two groups that I took a third option and creating what I call the Guardians of Harmony to oppose these two groups.

I think what I'm getting at here is that I want to know if this was an actual fanfiction or not? I just wanna read the damn thing. But it's like finding the goddamned burial place of jimmy Hoffa.
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Recently In my travels I've discovered a phenomena that calls itself one of two names( possibly due to a psychosis based schitzophrenia) the new lunar republic( implying there was an old lunar republic) an the solar empire.

Anyone care to help me with this?


I've merged your topic with a past topic that also asks what the two mean :3 I'll also leave you guys a relevant link to our thread for choosing one or the other.


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Look, all I wanna know so that I can actually sleep tonight knowing wether or not there's something worth reading eluding my grasp, is is there a goddamned fanfiction that started this whole damnable shenanigans or not?

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All I can say is, join the New Lunar Republic! It's clearly the better choice of the 2(or 3) factions.



(It's all just a silly thing that started)


Nothing against Celestia, she's awesome and hot. It's just fun being on the rebel side.

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Friends, fellow ponies, don't be blinded by the falsehood of our beloved princesses opposing each other.


Have we not been taught of Harmony and its virtues, have we not lived in peace for a thousand years?


We must be Guardians of a Equestia, protectors of unity and friendship. Together we must stand with both the Sun and the Moon... anything less would be betrayal, against ourselves and of Equestria.


Join the Guardians of Harmony and know... that we are everywhere. Hidden among you ready to protect and ready to defend.



There is my addition to the conflict that is the Solar Empire and the Lunar Republic.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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But the fact is it is essentially Celestia fans and Luna fans fighting each other, it did not start as a fanfiction but more of a meme.

Thank you that is all I wanted to know! Now that I've gotten an answer as too the life question I was searching all of 3 days for, I can go back to doing productive things. Like sitting on my couch and eating crisps.

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