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If you owned the Earth.

The Razor Wing

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If I ruled the Earth, I would keep most everything the same. The only thing that I would change would be that I'd make it a crime for anyone to attempt to wake me up before noon, punishable by banishment to a distance at least five miles away from me, to last until I feel like waking up.

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i believe in freedom - that 6 billion people can make better decisions than me alone


I would remove the corrupt and negligent from positions of power, set a minimum tax on multi-millionaires dedicated to repairing environmental problems caused by their greed, and turn the world back to the people. the earth belongs to all of us.

  • Brohoof 1
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If I had my own planet I would just let it be, let it float around and evolve by itself, with non-intelligent species on it, and I'd just live here on Earth, occasionally visit my wild and space-exotic planet. Because I don't want to own an entire planet full of intelligence, or else I'LL be responsible for everything. EVERYTHING. And that's waaaaaay too much work.


Wait for it...

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I would outlaw pop music and declare global martial law.


I'd just return the planet back to the people, too big of a responsibility for me.


Or I'd join the Galactic Empire and have the death star destroy this planet.

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I would be a horrible, ruthless, bloodthirsty dictator. I would out-do Big Brother, I would not let anyone think what they wish, and I would control everything. The people would not be allowed to know there is any life but this, so they would accept it as the perfect life.


Everyone would be the same, no one would know happiness or sorrow, it would all be perfect...


Just kidding. :3

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I'd have a planet and populate it with primitive humans that have the same understanding of science as the people of 20 B.C. I would then do something very simple that they have no explanation about then I'd become their God.



And when you're God, you can fool people. And when you can fool people, you can make them do funny things, and when you make them do funny things, you laugh, and when a God laughs, it means to the people to do it again, and when they do it again, you laugh even more, you become so happy you go back to your drab and wretched Earth but then you get sad again so you go to your little planet and make them take over Earth for you amusement.



This planet shall be called, Hue hue 51.


And it will be pink.


And it will have cotton candy clouds that spew chocolate milk.


And it will have baklava, lots and lots of baklava.


I guess there is more stuff in the planet but I'm much too lazy to type it all, perhaps I should get a minion to do it for me...

Don't Punch!



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In the year 3023, a giant solar flare had destroyed Earth's ecosystem. It burned down most of the forests, and most of the water evaporated instantly. Without water, a massive extinction plagued the planet. Thousands and thousands of species had gone extinct in a matter of weeks.


This crisis caused all of the countries and nations of Earth to unite, and form one single nation. All resources were pulled together, and it built an army of massive space ships. They filled the space ships with as many people and food as they could. Hundreds of thousands of people had left everything they had in a search to find a new planet to call home. However, not everyone was able to fit onto these space ships. These people had been left behind, as the rest of the human race abandoned the planet. They referred to themselves as "The forgotten."


Not much was left after the solar flare had ravaged Earth, but before the humans had left, they salvaged as much resource as they could, and either used it to build space ships, or brought it with them to assist in the long journey ahead of them. Almost nothing was left.


The Forgotten wandered the wastelands, searching for food, water, and building material. It was a long struggle, thousands had died on the journey. However, after 12 years, the Forgotten had found pockets of the wasteland that were still inhabitable, and had resources they they could use to rebuild. They begun to rebuild on the ruins of the former Earth.


Despite their constant fight against predictors, low morale, and harsh weather, the Forgotten had pushed on. Eventually they established villages. Which grew into towns, which grew into cities. After 12 years of rotten luck, things finally started to look better for the Forgotten. That was until the bandits made their appearance.


The bandits were selfish, cruel, and merciless killers who raided innocent villages and cities, and stole their valuable food and water. The bandits were so fierce, they had destroyed entire cities, and ravaged countless villages. To make matters worse, their attacks rendered the land the settlement was built on inhabitable. Settlements were disappearing off the map at an alarming rate. Without any more fertile land, the Forgotten were doomed to starve to death. Something had to be done, before it was too late, but the settlements are too busy farming to build defenses. Eventually, one man had had enough. That man was Urdnot Shepard.


Urdnot Shepard had been wandering the wastelands ever since the solar flare had erupted. He had been searching the wasteland for resources to put his plan into action. After 6 months of searching, he had uncovered a massive cache of metal and silicon; the resources he had been searching for. Now that he had what he was looking for, he put his plan into action, keeping it secret from the wasteland.


After 2 years of hard work, Urdnot Shepard had finally done it. He had built a massive robot army, capable of destroying the bandits, and establishing order to the wastelands. He quickly sent his army to destroy all bandits, and to protect the settlements that had not been destroyed yet.


It was a long and bloody battle, but after 3 months of fighting, Urdnot Shepard and his loyal robot army had destroyed all bandits, and anyone who stood in his way. He united all of the settlements, and everyone began to search for a way to reverse the damage that the solar flare had caused.


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After 15 years of searching, Urdnot Shepard and the Forgotten had made a chemical that reversed the damage that the solar flare had caused. He gave it to his robot army, which sprayed the chemicals all over the wastelands.


2 weeks later, the chemical had worked! Water and life had flown back into the wastelands, and Earth had finally been restored to it's former glory. Earth was teeming with life like it did before the solar flare.


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The Forgotten stopped referring to themselves as the "Forgotten," and started referring to themselves as "Human."


The Humans' population exploded, and after a few years, began to build space ships and go into space, using the chemical to terraform new planets just as they did to Earth. Their solar empire of peace and prosperity spread from to planet to planet, and star system to star system.


Intent on discovering the fate of the old humans, and to find new intelligent life and possibilities, the solar empire grew bigger and bigger. All thanks to Urdnot Shepard.


The End.

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, the planet is now mine?


First order of business, you may defecate yourselves.


Second, my title is Supreme Overlord. I am to addressed as such at all times.


I forbid anyone to breed until a certain matter is taken care of. Violators will have their children taken from them and then imprisoned

I will create certain ministries to serve me and this world.


Ministry of Truth

To go over our history and record the full and complete truth. Separate lies, myths and propaganda from what really happened in our past.

Ministry of Justice - Go over every court record, and insure that people who have gotten away with crimes are recorded (and have their information passed unto the Ministry of Information) and that everyone who has been let down or betrayed by the law is given satisfaction


Ministry of Information

Record everything and have files on everyone. Every single human is to be recorded and have their history and personality traits evaluated.


Ministry of Balance

To be activated the day the Ministry of Information has finished their record making. They are to kill undesirables. I mean real scum like rapists, but also people without any true value who make the world a worse place (I mean the arseholes who break no laws, but make life hell for those around them). After the cull, the Ministry will regulate human breeding to stop overpopulation (but will store genetic material from every man and woman (unless they decline).


Ministry of Advancement

My science people. Advance our race and make this world a better place. Your other mission to get us off world so that we can take our place among the stars


Ministry of Conflict

I will allow people to settle their differences any way they see fit. Either through legal matters or via duels (to first blood or death). The Ministry will oversee these matters.


Ministry of Nature

Responsible for all flora and fauna. Manage them, stop over population and bring endangered life up to safe levels. Police against any who would pollute or illegally hurt or kill.



As long as my laws are upheld, people may do as they wish. I have no desire to be loved or feared. I will be respected.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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Firstly I would somehow with science put a lot of giant pop tarts and pickles in orbit around the Earth so that if aliens come to invade they will be so busy staring confused at the pickles and pop tarts that they'd crash into the moon, invasion over. Secondly, I'd make sure smooth jazz is eradicated from this world never to be heard again. Then I'd be too busy laughing at the pile of destroyed space ships on the moon and enjoying the wonderful smooth jazz free air that I wouldn't notice an angry mob coming to my palace to take control.


Oh, and I'd rename the planet to Steve.

Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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First it'll be:


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Okay then it'll be my own vision of a world in a not-too-distant future in which hobbyist and artisan technology has advanced far beyond normal boundaries. Think of that with what I love about Sci-Fi, a united government with advancement of human/ and pony kind!


The future is in the past! We will be unstoppable!


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Awww yeah! I want to be on your planet. But what u really need is cryogenic and holographic technology. BRING TEH PONIES!

PS. Gravity Falls FTW.

  • Brohoof 1

Please visit my Serbia Floods blog to see how you can help




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Wow!!! If i were to own a Planet..

here's what i would do.

First off have a Government that is chosen by the people(like america but not any hidden deals...)

Douche bags and Haters can stay off.

Schools would be focused on more of what you want to pursue such as Arts or Film.

the whole planet would be based on Fun,creativity,arts

and of course a special location to rebuild Equestria! >:D

it would be amazing.

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Then last 3 names are planets from Dr. Who, but it would be cool if I really name a planet using one of those names. :lol:


Hmm. I wanted to use Raxacoricofallapatorius (love that that word btw). I'll own the twin planet...Clom.

It shall be bountiful.

There will be ponies...

and the name will just be there because Doctor Who is an awesome show.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here is is a picture of my dream planet if I ruled.




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And this is what it woud end up looking like under my rule.




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Long story short, I am vastly unfit for rule.

0417_clip%20e.gifI am the Moth of Mystery. Fear me. =3
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Earth ruled by me? Now where do i begin...


First, there should only be shown MLP: FIM on television with some few exceptions.


Secondly, i should have an awesome theme song so when people would hear it, they would know that their ruler was coming


Third, the statue of liberty should be replaced by a statue resembling the mane 6


Fourth, i sould be the leader of every goverment on earth.


I think i would make a great dictator. :lol:

Edited by MKT_707Z
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I guess if that ever happened I'd just sorta keep the world the way it is. I'm not sure I'd be able to make the right choices to make it any better and not worse. I can safely say that I would make an absolutely horrible world dictator. I'd probably run everything straight into the ground.


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  • 3 weeks later...
if i owned the earth, first of all, id get all the money i can, then id buy everthing i want to, live in a mansion, and i can have all the candy and food i want,whenever i want! i would make some people have a way to make poemon exist, including blastoise.and i would have a gigantic tv where i can watch mlp all day,inside a gigantic hot tub next to a pool with a water park :) -_- B)


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I would terraform my planet with a nice simple ecology. Nothing fancy. But no parasites , or cockroaches. Even the bees would be genetically modified to have no stinger. No poisonous plants. Far more wild plants would be edible, a person could live in the wild and not really have to work at gathering food. Food would be all around him.


The animals would all be based on earthly animals. Cattle would be the largest animal on the planet. and they are food animals. the rest of the fauna would be small. A fox would be the largest predator. Human hunters would keep the large herbivores in check, so no natural predator would be needed. Likewise the oceans would be kept very simple. Tuna and the like will be stocked but no large man eating sharks, will be needed. Seals will be the predators to balance out the fish.


The infrastructure would have been built by robots long before the colonists arrived. It would be a small colony, about a million strong. I would ensure we all had the same political philosophy to ensure the dangerous early years of the colony would run smoothy. Diversity in politics will come naturally in time, but those first years are crucial. It would be a capitalist society.


Robots would be as common as seen in Star Wars. They would do a lot of the grunt work. This would leave more leisure time for the colonists. The mining would be done by robots in an asteroid belt, and brought back to the planet. Robot run multi-facs would be built, These are factories that can make anything as long as you feed in the required raw materials.


The colony would be secret and likely illegal. We would not be part of any galactic government. Trade would be through independent colonists with the "scruffy nerf-herder" personality (read as smugglers. again the colony is secret, don't need Imperial attention). The very nature of our colony would mean we would be far from any official frontier, and far from help if we needed it. As such we would need a small space fleet. But mostly we would need an early warning system of scanners that could detect incoming ships.


---the cheapest defense is attaching a small rocket engine and a computer brain just smart enough to guide it to an asteroid. Even the best shields cannot withstand the bombardment of a million rocks. A robot factory in the asteroid belt could complete this in a couple of decades.


Small probes would be sent to neighboring star systems to discover possible resources, aliens, or other secret colonies. The colonies would not necessarily unite, but trade would be much easier since we both want to remain hidden.


The colony govt would be based on the constitution of the US. The rights guaranteed therein are not granted by the govt (who could take them away), but are natural rights that can never be taken away. The understanding is that the constitution limits what govt can do, not what the people can. Seeing that the colony is small. Every man and woman will be part of a militia and train to use a variety of military grade weapons. At least one weapon will be stored in every home. The people themselves are the first, last, and best line of defense we have.


So there you have it. my personal little planet. I'll call it, Columbia.

View of the capital city, New York (ever planet needs a NY)



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and Columbia herself...



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Edited by Silverhoof
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I would establish a socialist Earth. I'll allow the countries to be the same but everybody must follow the strict socialist guidelines that acts more like social democracy. There must be an equal distribution of wealth. There must be legalization of gay marriage and marijuana, and religion may not interfere with the government. Presidents may not be allowed. A certain group of appointed citizens must dictate what is best for their country.

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My Single view of life makes "owning Earth" pretty hard. But If I do. One new rule will be the ideas of peace, a world without differences, a world where everyone is different, yet the same. A place with no religion, wars, delusions, violence, a place where all things, living and non living can coexist, and to stop being the cancer to our host. I want a place with no discrimination, where everyone is free. And no politics, and all of those imaginary lines we call borders will be erased. All the time and resources we have wasted foolishly in our own needs in the past will be devoted to development in society and scientific advancement.


My incredibly impossible Utopian dream

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Yea. I just did some random shit planet name.

If any war was started, a wall would be built up seperating the two who are fighting.

I would put the best scientists I could find on a quest to create a portal to Equestria.

Oh, and hover cars.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I owned the world I would get myself a fairly large island, Put all of my favorite stores on the island, and then give the earth back to the rest of the world. I couldn't control that much even if I wanted to.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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