Sugar Cube 4,843 April 18, 2013 Share April 18, 2013 Head-canon. Well, let's see... - I think that Applejack's parents must have passed away shortly after Apple Bloom's birth. This is why Applejack and Apple Bloom have such a sweet bond with each other. AJ had to step it up as a parental figure for Apple Bloom as best as she could. She's quite protective of her little sister, very much like a mother would be. While Apple Bloom didn't know her parents, Applejack did, thus it has impacted her more than Apple Bloom, since Apple Bloom never knew what having a parent was like. - Applejack wears her hat quite often, and I think it's a pride thing. I'm guessing that the hat belonged to her mother, or maybe even her father, and so she wears it in loving memory of them, so she'll never forget them or let them down. - Cheerilee and Big Macintosh really do like each other. They can be seen walking together in season 3. I forgot which episode. - Rarity's last name is Belle. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,881 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 -snip- Dear god it took me long enough to track these two topics down </3 Anyway folks, I've merged 'Your MLP Head Canons' with 'What are the 'rules' for your fanon universe?', as they both have ended up garnishing replies that are people's head canons, despite the OP's being worded a bit differently. I've changed the topic title of the combined topics to reflect both titles :3 -- 1: Discord is the embodiment of unnatural chaos, while natural chaos, like harmony, is a non-tangible presence throughout the universe that occurs, well, naturally. Discord has been around since the beginning of time. Discord is immortal through age, and while not completely intangible, is practically impossible to kill due to his reality-warping powers and spirit classification. 2: Discord's species, 'Draconequus', is not an actual species of animal. It is a made up species to describe what Discord's appearance is. Because Discord has been around since the start of time, ponies thousands of years ago began to coin the term 'Draconequus', which means 'Dragon Horse', to describe the creature terrorizing them. The term stuck to legends of Discord throughout the centuries, and is still used in modern day. This is why Cheerliee explained the term to her students. 3: Alicorns are far more magically in-tuned than unicorns, have very long life spans, and after reaching a certain age they grow an ethereal mane, and cease changing in physical appearance for the rest of their lives, up until their death. This is why Cadence aged normally in front of our eyes, and does not have an ethereal mane, while Celestia and Luna, who have been around thousands of years, still look young, and have ethereal manes. They can be killed, and are not immortal. 4: Windigoes are actual creatures, and not simply a part of the Hearth's Warming Eve story. Due to being incredibly dangerous, they have been repressed by Celestia, who keeps them from shrouding Equestria in winter, even when hate sprouts in little, natural plumes here and there. 5: Changelings are a large insect-based species that resemble ponies, but are not directly linked, at least not through any evolutionary connections before thousands of years ago. 6: King Sombra was Celestia's student over a thousand years ago, and was her very first pupil. Being naive and inexperienced in training another pony in the ways of magic, Sombra strayed from the path of good and pursued dark magic in secret from her, which he found to be invigorating due to it's intense nature. It corrupted him little by little until there was nothing but a ruthless tyrant left. He fled Canterlot before Celestia finally grasped what had happened. He took over the Crystal Empire and ruled for a brief period, before his teacher and her sister took him down. Sombra was Celestia's biggest mistake. 7: After saving Fluttershy from the bullies at Flight Camp and winning the race, Dash and Fluttershy's friendship grew stronger, and they became the first pair of Mane Six to become friends. Even though Fluttershy was now very much attached to the Earth below and all its' animal inhabitants that she had found she loved to care for and befriend, she would still fly up to Cloudsdale to be with Rainbow Dash as much as she could. This continued for years, until Dash became a young pre teen, entered the next level of Flight Camp known as 'Junior Speedsters', and befriended Gilda. While still good friends with Fluttershy, the two began to stick to their own domains; Fluttershy on the ground, and Dash in the sky. * When younger, Dash and Fluttershy would have lots of sleepovers, and Rainbow Dad would feed them watermelon <'D Because watermelon is delicious, and Rainbow Dad is Best Dad. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ToxicNinja78 148 May 16, 2013 Share May 16, 2013 Well... ALICORNS -Alicorns are just another race of ponies. An incredibly rare race, and significantly more powerful than a typical unicorn, but just another race. -Celestia and Luna are unique. Most alicorns are not immortal. -Celestia and Luna are gods, but not in the Christian "all-knowing, all-powerful" sense. I'm thinking more Greek. Each have a specific, god-like duty, and, while immortal, they are NOT invincible, and can be killed. (Though this would take much effort.) =Discord was initially one of these alicorns, but due to him being the god of chaos, his body was twisted into the disturbing form we see now. -Celestia wants to increase the alicorn population, but doesn't want to transform a bunch of random ponies. She wants ponies who would use their powers properly, so she mentors potential candidates for transformation. =Sunset Shimmer (Google it) had potential, but Celestia believe she'd end up abusing her power, so she wasn't changed. ROYALTY -While the title of prince/princess can be earned, a pony could also be born into it, explaining why that useless prick Blueblood is a prince. DERPY -Her name is, in fact, Derpy Hooves. -She did, though no longer does, travel with the Doctor. -Dinky Doo IS her daughter. The father is a random pony she spent a night with during her travels with the Doctor. -Ditzy Doo is Dinky's twin sister. (I had difficulty deciding whether I preferred Derpy or Ditzy, so I created a separate character so I didn't have to choose. I need to draw her again.) -Derpy is a mailmare, but also works for a moving company for a couple hours a day, until her daughters get out of school. TELEPORTING -Nothing more than a simple blink spell. Ponies can only teleport a short distance, and only to a location that is in sight, though they can teleport through windows and iron bars and such. THE MANE 6'S AGES -Pinkie Pie is 19, Fluttershy is 20, and the others are somewhere in their 20's. I imagine they're all out of high school. Hell, Rarity owns her own business. As for the specific ages, I'd imagine Pinkie is the youngest of the group, and Fluttershy states that she's a year older than her. Can't remember the episode. VINYL SCRATCH -Vinyl found a baby changeling after the events of "A Canterlot Wedding". She adopted him, and named him Wubzy, because all he can say at the moment is "wub". (This idea was inspired by this pic.) WUBZY -Wubzy is a mutant changeling. Rather than surviving on receiving ponies' love, he lives by giving it. He is also the only changeling capable of changing into inanimate objects. KING SOMBRA -Sombra is dead. APPLEJACK'S PARENTS -Applejack's parents are dead. BATPONIES -Nananananananananana BATPONY! -The batponies are NOT another race. Their armor is enchanted to give this appearance. -They are Luna's personal guards, separate from the normal guards. They only answer to Luna and, if absolutely necessary, Celestia. PINKIE PIE -Pinkie is Celestia's attempt to replace Discord. (Can't have order without chaos.) This is why she's capable of all the strange things she does that nopony else seems to be capable of. Unfortunately, Pinkie was a bit of a failure too, which is why Discord needed to be reformed. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonyPoni 564 May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 Hmmm 1. Magic is not unlike science or math. You can make magic proofs that explain the logic behind what the magic is. 2. Bat ponies are called Malumai, and are sorta an offshoot of Pegasi. I'd explain this in more detail but I imagine most wouldn't care XD 3. I tried to explain how marriage would work in Equestrian Society to a friend, but inevitably I couldn't get him to believe me. Basically, while they probably practice a form of monogamy, they don't actually contractually MARRY each other. This is because that form of full on marriage emerged in patriarchal societies, which Equestria is not. The most they have is probably civil unions. Actual marriage is probably reserved for royalty. Or something. It's a complicated thing that makes total sense in my head but not anyone elses. 4. Ponies are probably omnivores to some extent. Perhaps in the Cities. Or in Cities shared with other fandoms (wooo something I'm not going to explain because Anony logic) 5. Equestria actually has a pretty powerful military. Their land force is mostly reserve, but the rest of it is in their Navy. Again, Anony Logic 6. Equestria is an example of some royal communism thing that actually works and ISNT bad. I'm not a communist or anything but it is sorta that XD 7. Celestia is best princess 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mzukiller 233 May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 1. Changelings were originally extraterrestrials. 2. There are only two True, fully realized Alicorns: Celestia and Luna. They act as the gods and Guardians of Equestria and beyond. 3. Cadence and Twilight, even though they are Alicorns, are still mortal and weaker than Celestia and Luna. And it will stay this way until the elders step down and elect replacements. 4. Pony blood is pink. 5. Discord is Chaos embodied, which means that while he isn't inherently evil, he can't help himself. Chaos by it's very nature causes pain and destruction. 6. The Elements were forged from the Fires of Friendship 7. Science was created by Non-Unicorns who decided that they needed something to have over them. This has led to much conflict between Science and Magic, but eventually the two practices intermingled. 8. Normal laws of physics apply. For most creatures anyway. 9. Ponies reproduce as regular mammals. But they do have sex for pleasure. And my favorite: 10. Equestria is on Earth, our Earth. But it exist as a hidden land and as such is nigh-impossible to reach by normal means. 1 I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cutelestia 189 June 7, 2013 Share June 7, 2013 (edited) Red Delicious is my favourite background pony. I love him so much that I invented my own headcanon about him. He is my third favourite pony after Twilight and Celestia. Personality: He is kinder than Fluttershy and Celestia, but not very shy. He is very helpful and he takes care of animals, but he is not good at caring for smaller ones as he mostly works with farm animals. He isn't the element of kindness because elements can only be used by mares. Family: Lovestruck (Wife), Fluttershy (Daughter). This is because Lovestruck is loving, and he is helpful so Fluttershy is a mix of him and her. Hobbies: Helping ponies is his only hobby. Likes: Everypony, Apple Pies. Dislikes: Red Delicious doesn't hate or even dislike even his enemies because he is a living embodiment of love and kindness. He doesn't like onions, however. Strenghts: Very kind, helpful, skilled at using tools, caring. Weaknesses: He was bullied because he was shy when he was a foal. He cannot defend himself and he will cry rather then argue or fight. Desire: To make everypony happy. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Weight: 50 kilograms Height: 1.1 Meters Age: 36 years So what do you think? Good or mary sue? What is your headcanon about him? Edited June 7, 2013 by Cutelestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 June 8, 2013 Share June 8, 2013 @@Cutelestia, Hello there. As your thread was based on your headcanon concerning a background character, I have merged it with a topic for sharing, comparing and discussing headcanons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 June 8, 2013 Share June 8, 2013 I'm going through my head-cannon in my blog postings below. I haven't gone that far yet, so I haven't covered all the bits, but I will eventually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cwanky 17,598 June 8, 2013 Share June 8, 2013 (edited) 1. ANYONE (that's right not just anyPONY) can ascend to a status of high authority given the right circumstances and efforts. 2. Celestia uses Discord to troll Luna, Canterlot, the Mane 6 and the rest of Equestria. 3. Twilight, and by extension her friends, are doomed to a Macbethean/Hamlet fate where they are mere actors. Only a few people including Discord know and can intervene and potentially stop it, but few as of yet have come forward. 4. Humans and non MLP realm creatures are regarded as foreign by most of Equestria and the world, but a few leaders like Celestia recognize and maintain diplomatic ties with those that do drop by. Canterlot itself has a research department devoted to studying them and have made contact with our dimension and Earth. 5.All if not most species including the sentient ones, have some innate magic or abilities. 6. Magic can indeed be utilized without a horn but is simply not fully understood by Equestrians. Zecora's abilities are an example of this. 7. Although Equestria is a constitutional monarchy, Celestia intends to further decentralize the role of the alicorns as direct leaders, though still with a lot of ruling authority, albeit more symbolic authority. Luna and her supporters in Canterlot initially a vehemently opposed to the reforms, but later settle for their own faction in the new government. A divide forms between the more progressive reformists allied under Celestia, conservative traditionalists under Luna, and the radical independents under Discord. Twilight is thrust into this as a leading candidate to rule Equestria as its 1st Prime Minister/President and suceeding monarch to Celestia. 8. Creatures without actual hands in the MLP world have some innate ability to wield objects normally, whether via physics or magic. 9. Some unknown Earth Pony as of yet becomes an alicorn. Yay for progress. Edited June 9, 2013 by Cwanky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkane 270 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 (edited) Some of my headcanons: Immortality and Love Being immortal, as a member of the royal blood, can only be nullified if you marry/copulate with a chosen mate.Twily does not have royal blood. She is not immortal. Her royal bloodlessness is pretty obvious. She was just a student who have exceeded the standards of her academy leading her to be as Tia's student.Cadence has Shiny. She is not immortal. Whether or not Cadence has the royal blood is unclear. But still, her immortality is nullified because of Shiny. The Daughter of Cadence and Shiny, Skyla, will be immortal. Until Skyla finds a mate whom she'll marry and copulate with.Celestia and Luna do not have husbands. They are immortal. Celestia and Luna must have parents. Their Mom and Dad are not immortal because they are married and have copulated resulting to the birth of Celestia and Luna. This is backed up seeing as we cant find their parents in the show nor are they mentioned in any way. They have lived out their lives. If ever the husbands cheats, the wife will regain her immortality since there is no real love present in that relationship.Basically, love is the core soul of the bloodline. It is real, genuine, faithful love the continues the legacy of the Royal bloodline.Its kind of beautiful and poetic if you look at it. Would you give up your immortality to be with the one you love? Or would you uphold the family duty of overseeing and protecting your subjects despite being loveless? As for origins, The Royal sisters are no one special. They are just daughters who carry the burden of leadership through the power of elements (Which is inherited as well through bloodline). This means that there have been a lot of prince/princesses/kings/queens in the past.Alicorns =/= power:Example: King Sombra. He was not an alicorn yet he possesed tremendous power. He was able to enslave the Crystal Empire.Queen Chrysallis: She was not an alicorn aswell. Yet she had under him an entire swarm ready to do her bidding. She even managed to out-power Celestia!That said, alicornhood is not a guarantee of power unless you are a member of the royal bloodline.The Elements of HarmonyI would like to think that the Elements is the cause of a cataclysmic wide dilemma back when Equestria was young. Like Something near-apocalyptic happened that led to the formation of the Elements.As for their actual origin, I would like to think that the elements came from souls/spirits of ponies that represented the Element. Like they willingly let their souls be transmuted into the elements.I want to elaborate that even more but I think it'll become a fic rather than a headcanon xD Edited June 26, 2013 by Arkane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jadefire 2,797 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 * Rainbow Dad and Night Light (Rainbow Dash and Twilight's fathers) are both bisexual and used to be in a relationship back in college. They broke up at some point, and later in their lives met their respective wives and had their much more famous children. They know their daughters are friends with the other one's daughter, but Twilight and Rainbow Dash don't know about their father's history. *The bat ponies (the bat-winged royal guards from the beginning of Luna Eclipsed) are another race of pony. They are fully nocturnal, have excellent night vision (thanks to their cat-like eyes), and they come from a gothic Transylvanian-esque culture. But other than that, they are pretty much pegasai with differently-structured wings. *Caramel (famous for being shipped with Big Macintosh) is one of quadruplets. He has an identical twin brother (who lives in Appleloosa and later moved to Canterlot, as seen in Over a Barrel and A Canterlot Wedding), a fraternal twin brother (who looks like Big Macintosh, as seen in the Season 1 opening), and a fraternal twin sister (who lives in Appleloosa, as seen in Over a Barrel). Their father is Doctor Stable (the unicorn doctor from Read It and Weep). I have more, but those are the first three that come to mind. Ponysona bio, here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikahlee 12 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 (edited) My headcannon is that Discord is a lot more child-like that he knows. Remember how he treated the ponies like "dolls" to make himself laugh or whatever instead of making them obey his every whim or work like most villains? Trixie, Chrysallis, Sombra, they all had different motives. Discord only wanted to make Equestria his magical playground, it seems. So, when he was banished, it seemed that all his little tricks and such were harmless until it got out of control. I think he treated them like real-life "dolls"(in a sense) to amuse himself with and stuff when he was bored, and when he did get bored and tired with them, he probably tortured them more or messed up Equestria badly in a fit. Something big happened to make them banish him for 1000 years. If we only knew what..... And if Discord never had a friend, maybe it's because he never grew out of something-- he never learned to empathize with ponies and see them as "people" instead of just toys. My other headcannon is, like Discord, the Elements of Harmony can "poof" to any place in Equestria when used. Like, when Twilight and the Elements used it against him, it didn't matter if he was on the other side of the world or anything, the magic used to stone him was powerful enough to travel wherever the magic was focused on by Twilight Sparkle (which was Discord) and stone him. My other headcannons include: Discord has some sort of physic mental power, Discord/Celestia never happened (or at least he broke her heart so bad that he was stoned for 1000 years), Discord had a jacked up childhood (why he's so unsympathetic to the ponies as individuals), Discord won't fall in love/at least won't notice any mare's feelings for him in that way. So, I have a lengthy blog post on it as to why I believe these things, if you want: Edited June 25, 2013 by Mikahlee - Charries: Dr. Grayburn (based off my real unpony-related grass creature charrie) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 @Arkane Your head canon thread has been merged with this older head canon thread. Just letting you know. Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mood~Whiplash 63 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 1. Alicorns are not actually immortal, Celestia lived for 1000 years because she magically extended her lifespan waiting for Luna. 2. Becoming an Alicorn only means you grow wings/a horn, no magical power boost. 3. Nature is capable of moving on it's own without assistance, Ponies just manipulate it to suit their environmental needs. 4. Pegasi aren't magical, their skin naturally repels water vapor. 5. The equestrian Sun is not a real star, it is as large and as close as the Moon. 6. When it boils down to it, Unicorn magic is nothing more than the push and pull of matter via telekinesis. "What's that guy's problem?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHatter42 3 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 I'm curious to see what various theories and ideas people have about the world of Equestria, facts not given by the creators but imagined to fit in the minds of the viewers based of information gathered from the show. For example, I believe that, due to magical health care, ponies can live for hundreds of years. Why? Because in Winter Wrap Up, Twilight claims that "For hundreds of years, [Ponyville's] never used magic to clean up winter", but in Family Appreciation Day, we learn that Granny Smith was among the founders of Ponyville. Ergo, Granny Smith must be hundreds of years old, and we can assume it was thanks to magic being able to cure most ailments and injuries. I'm also fond of the idea that the Flim Flam brothers are actually Changlings who go from town to town, trying to settle a new colony for the Hive. First off, their magic is green, like changeling magic. Second, their cutie marks are apples, but I'd say their special talents are more suited to swindling others, or even engineering (they built a car!), and they merely adopted the apple marks to convince the townsfolk of their "skill" in cider-making. Third, if they succeeded in kicking the Apple Family out and established themselves as Ponyville's chief apple-sellers, they'd begin to win the love and affection of the town, which would make it easier for the other changelings to come in and take the rest of it by force. Those are my two pet theories, but I'd love to hear what others think, so feel free to include your own ideas on Equestria's inner workings, or criticize mine. They more ideas we have, the more detailed our map becomes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 @@MadHatter42, Hello there. We already happened to have a thread for the purpose of sharing and discussing our various headcanons surrounding the show, and as this was the subject of your thread, it has been merged with the older one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jalaton 155 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 (edited) 1. King Sombra was regular a unicorn that was skilled in dark magic and enchantment magic. For whatever reason he headed up to the crystal empire but became corrupted by some dark force. This lead to him enslaving the crystal ponies and eventually being defeated by Celestia and Luna. Being trapped in ice for 1000 years did not help his sanity. He was more intelligent and clever before he was defeated by the princesses. 2. Lightning Dust and Gilda would totally be best buds if they met. 3. Lightning Dust was demoted from lead pony not removed from the Wonderbolts Academy. 4. Trixie is from Manehattan. 5. Luna is better at using telekinetic magic than Celestia. She can grab things from a further distance for example. Edited June 27, 2013 by Jalaton Legless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anadu Kune 668 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 Cant say I have any concrete rules to the ways I think the Ponyverse works. I have/had preconceptions yes some of which are confirmed, some are not. Luna's appearance in Luna Eclipsed is an example of both. I had kinda thought Luna would talk differently, and had always thought she'd be out of touch with current times. I had always thought she'd remain small and the flowing mane was a surprise. I was uncertain of alicorns though in the beginning I had leaned towards them being born. I take what comes along to change those preconceptions. I dont rage that my head cannon is destroyed, on the contrary Im excited to see the world the creators continue to build. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 (edited) I'll list what I can think of off the top of my head. When I have more time to think about my headcanons in-depth, I'll adjust my list accordingly. 1. There was a thread about this that I'm yoinking a lot of this info from, but alicorns come in two varieties: A.) Greater alicorns: God-like in their immortality and the ability to control at least one major aspect of nature. They have ethereal manes and are much taller in proportion than all other ponies, with much longer horns and wingspans. They are typically recognized as the ultimate authority throughout any land, and many pony kingdoms that have been around since ancient times will have a Greater alicorn in power. B.) Lesser alicorns: Demigod-like, mortal, were not born alicorns; ascended to their status through self-actualization after reaching the pinnacle of their special talents, or alternatively, were granted their status by a Greater alicorn. On both intrinsic and extrinsic levels, they're basically nothing more than winged unicorns / horned pegasi who excel in one skill. They're usually given varying positions of power once ascended. 2. Though Greater alicorns are immortal in the sense that they are immune to death from old age, sickness or starvation, they are not invincible, and can thus be slain by a powerful enough adversary. 3. Aside from their ability to control a major aspect of nature, Greater alicorns are only marginally more skilled at general magic than the average unicorn or Lesser alicorn. Conceivably, there can and do exist unicorns / Lesser alicorns whose prowess in general magery surpasses that of some Greater alicorns. 4. Octavia plays a double bass, not a cello, I don't care what the creators said it was. A double bass by any other name is still a double bass, dammit. I've seen the apple measurement's a double bass. Trust me on this one. 5. If MLP ponies existed in the real world, they would be an entirely different species than horses (Equus caballus). Their sapience and ability to communicate through complex language would likely land them the taxonomical title of Equus sapiens, in acknowledgement of their intellectual equivalence to humans. DNA-wise, E. sapiens would probably be as closely related to E. caballus as humans are to chimps. Edited June 27, 2013 by Lowline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 June 27, 2013 Share June 27, 2013 (edited) 4. Octavia plays a double bass, not a cello, I don't care what the creators said it was. A double bass by any other name is still a double bass, dammit. I've seen the apple measurement's a double bass. Trust me on this one. Octavia + Double Bass... Octobass.... the 12-foot tall version *grin* Yes, this thing exists: I don't think the guy playing it in the video is as 'expert' as they say. Either that or it really does sound that bad. Edited June 27, 2013 by Fhaolan 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverStarApple 849 June 28, 2013 Share June 28, 2013 - A pony becomes an Alicorn when they become their Cutie Mark, and fully master their talent. - Star Swirl the Bearded isn't dead. - Horns and Wings are VERY sensitive to touch. - In Equestria, gems are so common, they are thought of as nothing more than relatively pretty and shiny rocks. Hence why Rarity can cover an entire Elvis-style outfit in small gems without bankrupting herself. - Rarity and Spike might get together, but their organs will be completely incompatible. - Either Sweetie Belle and Rarity, or Applebloom and Applejack, aren't technically related. - The Apple Family secretly functions as an italian-style mafia mob. - Berry Punch is a depressed alcoholic. - If Cranky had not become her friend, Pinkie Pie would have done something terrible to herself. - Zecora gets hate from other Zebras for living near ponies. - Every Zebra's name must start with a Z, NO EXCEPTIONS. - Granny Smith is over 135 years old, and nobody wants to know why. 1 I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,881 July 2, 2013 Share July 2, 2013 1: Discord is the embodiment of unnatural chaos, while natural chaos, like harmony, is a non-tangible presence throughout the universe that occurs, well, naturally. Discord has been around since the beginning of time. Discord is immortal through age, and while not completely intangible, is practically impossible to kill due to his reality-warping powers and spirit classification. 2: Discord's species, 'Draconequus', is not an actual species of animal. It is a made up species to describe what Discord's appearance is. Because Discord has been around since the start of time, ponies thousands of years ago began to coin the term 'Draconequus', which means 'Dragon Horse', to describe the creature terrorizing them. The term stuck to legends of Discord throughout the centuries, and is still used in modern day. This is why Cheerliee explained the term to her students. 3: Alicorns are far more magically in-tuned than unicorns, have very long life spans, and after reaching a certain age they grow an ethereal mane, and cease changing in physical appearance for the rest of their lives, up until their death. This is why Cadence aged normally in front of our eyes, and does not have an ethereal mane, while Celestia and Luna, who have been around thousands of years, still look young, and have ethereal manes. They can be killed, and are not immortal. 4: Windigoes are actual creatures, and not simply a part of the Hearth's Warming Eve story. Due to being incredibly dangerous, they have been repressed by Celestia, who keeps them from shrouding Equestria in winter, even when hate sprouts in little, natural plumes here and there. 5: Changelings are a large insect-based species that resemble ponies, but are not directly linked, at least not through any evolutionary connections before thousands of years ago. 6: King Sombra was Celestia's student over a thousand years ago, and was her very first pupil. Being naive and inexperienced in training another pony in the ways of magic, Sombra strayed from the path of good and pursued dark magic in secret from her, which he found to be invigorating due to it's intense nature. It corrupted him little by little until there was nothing but a ruthless tyrant left. He fled Canterlot before Celestia finally grasped what had happened. He took over the Crystal Empire and ruled for a brief period, before his teacher and her sister took him down. Sombra was Celestia's biggest mistake. 7: After saving Fluttershy from the bullies at Flight Camp and winning the race, Dash and Fluttershy's friendship grew stronger, and they became the first pair of Mane Six to become friends. Even though Fluttershy was now very much attached to the Earth below and all its' animal inhabitants that she had found she loved to care for and befriend, she would still fly up to Cloudsdale to be with Rainbow Dash as much as she could. This continued for years, until Dash became a young pre teen, entered the next level of Flight Camp known as 'Junior Speedsters', and befriended Gilda. While still good friends with Fluttershy, the two began to stick to their own domains; Fluttershy on the ground, and Dash in the sky. * When younger, Dash and Fluttershy would have lots of sleepovers, and Rainbow Dad would feed them watermelon <'D Because watermelon is delicious, and Rainbow Dad is Best Dad. RainbowDadWatermelon.png 8: Spitfire enjoys teasing and playing around with her teammates when they're not practicing or doing shows. She especially likes to flirt with Soarin' for pure fun, because, being his best friend, she knows how flushed and bothered he gets when she puts him on the spot. A little lack of personal space and some innuendos, and she gets him on a hook. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chamber Check 1 October 17, 2013 Share October 17, 2013 (edited) Hi all, Great to see everyone again. Looking foreword to the new season this winter. These are the things I believe to be true or at least are not contradicted by the show. Equestria possesses airplane technology. Jet Set’s name had to come from somewhere, and it would make sense to have military planes, if not for their powered flight capabilities, than as armor for pegasi in warfare, powered by magic and possessing heavy cannons and missiles. Scratch42’s picture of Rainbow Dash in a plane is one of my favorites and is currently my desktop background. Furclothing: a term I came up with for the fact that the show portrays the ponies not wearing clothes inconsistently. I believe that innate to everypony is the ability to use their coats as clothing. When needed, their coats cover them like clothing, and when needed, can be “turned off”. This is why fluttershy, for example, reacted with embarrassment when Rainbow Dash pulled her out of bed in the Cider episode. The coat has about as much formality as a T-shirt and jeans (a nice t-shirt and jeans), however, and as such, they dress up for formal occasions. Telekinesis fingers. This is how non-unicorns manipulate objects, applies to the hooves and mouth, with a barrier on the mouth to prevent them from breaking their teeth when lifting heavy things. They know of the concept of fingers (Equestria Girls notwithstanding, which I plan to ignore if possible) Pinkie’s foam finger and the fact they have base-10 math suggests something similar, if not fingers, than at least tactile-TK manipulation of some sort. The Cry of Fear campaign Scrolls of Shaimoon (1.2, not the one with all the annoying jumping puzzles and exploding floors) is an unofficial Darring Do adventure. Firearms, in roughly the same shape as ours, exist. The Old Ways: much of Equestrian technology, especially that of the Ponyville region, is focused on preserving The Old Ways while making life easier. Thus, things such as weight-offset carriages (the more expensive, the more weight is magically removed), and magical-scouring washboards are far more common in the region than automobiles and other such overtly hi-tech gadgets, which can be found more often in cities such as Manehattan and Canterlot. Thus, carriages are seen more often in Ponyville while gadgets such as the Flim-Flam brothers’ cider-making car are much less common. Aethertronic is my term for magical-electronics, such as Twilight’s EKG machine, the hospital’s x-ray machine and other such things. There are non-sentient cows/pigs/chickens ect. as well as sentient/semisentient ones. Vegetarianism is not universal. Only the Ponyville area has a dearth of served meat. This is due to the large number of sentient cows and such living in the area, the non-sentient versions of which are eaten. The ham sandwich served at Celestia’s party in the bird episode is my evidence. As for the manipulation of firearms or other such military devices, a rig similar to the ones used for cameras is used, allowing Earth Ponies and Pegasi to extend their tactile TK to the weapon. Anyway, these are my fanon opinions, and will appear, at least in the background, in my stories, and in my understanding of the series. Feel free to disagree, respectfully, of course. Thanks. Chamber Check Edited October 17, 2013 by ~Chaotic Flipturn~ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Rose 3,216 October 17, 2013 Share October 17, 2013 OOH FUN!! I'll update with more later, but these are what I can think of for now. Alicorns are not really immortal Celestia and Luna, because of their control over the celestial bodies, simply live longer than other alicorns (Twilight and Cadence) Earth ponies do have magic, and have superior physical strength than unicorns and pegasi. Their magic can't be physically shown as an aura, or used like a unicorn's, however it's expressed in their abilities to plant and harvest (Applejack), crazy random shenanigans like Pinkie Pie, or in other ways. Pinkie Pie may have unicorn ancestors or distant family members and is the bearer of powerful magic that can not be exerted through a horn since she is not a unicorn Fluttershy may have earth pony ancestors or distant relatives which may explain her limited flying abilities (speed) and fear of heights Queen Chrysalis was actually an alicorn that experimented with dangerous magic like Sombra and got transformed into a changeling Sombra tampered with dark magic and that corrupted his brain turning him into an evil ruler who forced the Crystal ponies into slavery Windigos may or may not still exist (this doubt was brought to my intention while reading Anthropology) Each princess has to symbolize a certain type of magic or celestial body which is why alicorns are so rare (Cadence-Princess of Love, Twilight-Magic of Friendship or Princess of the Stars, Celestia-Sun, Luna-Moon) Alicorns can be both born and made And here's a crazy random one- Humans really do exist in Equestria and Lyra will find them one day Hope you guys enjoyed my headcanons and I may actually make a video out of some of these Let me know I'll come up with more and post them here as I think of them 1 My OC: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!! Want a sig like this? Check out my thread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 October 17, 2013 Share October 17, 2013 Alicorns can only have a limited amount of magic. Pinkie Pie has ancestors that possess experienced magical abilities Earth ponies have their magic in their strength. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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