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Do you get annoyed when people assume everything from one little canon thing?


I realize that's confusing, so let me elaborate...


Things such as Lyra sitting like a human, so now everyone thinks she is obsessed with humans.

Or the fact that AJ said "We don't normally wear clothes," and now everyone thinks she's some sort of...yeah, I probably shouldn't say it.

Or that Scootaloo can't fly, so everyone assumes she's some sort of orphan.


So, discuss. Does it annoy you?

  • Brohoof 7
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It doesn't necessarily annoy me in most cases. For certain situations, if someone points something out that is different about an event or character, I find it fun to fabricate conspiracies as to why said event or character stands out in such a way.


That being said, there are other moments where people make silly assumptions that I just shake my head at. For example: the diamond dogs episode, when Spike daydreams about saving Rarity, my friend commented on his size and said, "He's probably gonna be that grown up in Season 3." I wasn't annoyed really, just confused as to how he came to such a quick conclusion.

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Yes. If there's anything I hate about this fandom, is how they make dumb fanon for such irrelevant facts.


>Tilt head along with music

>Vinyl must be a wub wub dubstep obsessed mare


>Say muffins along with a crowd

>Derpy must be a muffin addict.


>Play cello

>Suddenly shipped with the wub wub mare because LOL MUSICIANS


>Sit funny on bench

>LOL, GUYS. She must be obsessed with hands and humans


>'I'd like to be a tree'

>LOL, she must be totally serious. Let's spam jokes


>Can't fly

>LOL, chicken

  • Brohoof 10
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The fact that just because Rainbow Dash always flaunts in everyone's face that she's the best doesn't mean she's an arrogant jerk. ;) Actually... It kind of does...


The Scootaloo thing doesn't annoy me. Though I don't think that's where the orphan thing came from. Her parents have never ever made an appearance or even been vaguely mentioned.


The whole Applejack situation? I don't understand why she would even need to say that in the world of Equestria where they are "naked" ponies.

  • Brohoof 3
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Or that Scootaloo can't fly, so everyone assumes she's some sort of orphan.



that doesn't make sense

Scoot can't fly because it hasn't flown once yet and it has been hinted at


the whole orphan thing is due to the fact we haven't seen her family unlike Applebloom and Sweetiebell


now back on topic yeah it does kinda annoy me but not too bad because it allows for fan creativity (both good and bad)


how ever i get more annoyed when people brand an opinion as just Fanon and then consider all point as invalid.

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that doesn't make sense

Scoot can't fly because it hasn't flown once yet and it has been hinted at


She really tried to fly in "Ponyville Confidential" and had an epic fail, so I'm inclined to state that she cannot actually fly at this point... hover slightly, from "Cutie Mark Chronicals" and "Show Stoppers", but that's a far cry from actually swooping around in the air as RD and Fluttershy (among numerous others) have been shown to do. Besides, the chicken remark comes from "Stare Master" where Apple Bloom called her a chicken, and was only enforced by her inability to fly. It's not the cause...


Dear Sweet Celestia, do I over-analyse things. :blink:


>Say muffins along with a crowd

>Derpy must be a muffin addict.


I agreed so much with this, it almost destroyed the universe as we know it... Edited by Full Spectrum

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Yes it does, especially that my classmate is putting these "logical" stuff, like, why don't people show how ponies in MLP how do they multiply. It just really annoys me how some people put logic everywhere. It just makes me want to stop hearing them talking...

  • Brohoof 1

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Do you get annoyed when people assume everything from one little canon thing?


I realize that's confusing, so let me elaborate...


Things such as Lyra sitting like a human, so now everyone thinks she is obsessed with humans.

Or the fact that AJ said "We don't normally wear clothes," and now everyone thinks she's some sort of...yeah, I probably shouldn't say it.

Or that Scootaloo can't fly, so everyone assumes she's some sort of orphan.


So, discuss. Does it annoy you?


I don't think people actually believe/assume those things, they're just there for the sake of fanon.


I think it's either funny or interesting some of the things that are established as fanon, such as lyra's obsession with humans, or scootaloo being associated with chickens.


Again, I'm unaware of people who ACTUALLY believe those things to be canon, and I personally find it all amusing.

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>Tilt head along with music

>Vinyl must be a wub wub dubstep obsessed mare


>Play cello

>Suddenly shipped with the wub wub mare because LOL MUSICIANS



Haha, that's just funny. I don't actually care about all this, I mean, otherwise Vinyl and Tavi would just be more background chars without any personality.
  • Brohoof 1

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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It's kind of annoying, I suppose. I don't really mind the jokes but some people go overboard with them.


The non-canon things annoy me though.




Like..seriously. When you think about it. If they pulled that in season 3 it'd be horrid.

Even worse when they try to convince you it's real.





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Ah, yes, definitely a trend I've noticed running rampant through the fandom. Does it annoy me? No. Does it confuse me? Sometimes, yeah. It kind of depends. Overall, I think it's kind of silly to make headcanon stuff on such irrelevant details like that. Like Lyra and Bon Bon getting shipped just because they have been seen by each other more than once. Because, you know, it couldn't be they're just friends who spend a lot of time together. That kind of goes along with the whole "Rainbow Dash being a lesbian because she's a tomboy and rainbow colored" sort of thing. Like...that doesn't mean anything. if that were the case for Lyra, Bon Bon and Rainbow Dash, I'd be cool with it. It does get a little out of control sometimes.


...I'm not entirely against it, though, because...I gotta be honest, some of the comics and drawings I've seen that stemmed from Lyra and Bon Bon shipping have been pretty amusing and/or cute and adorable. So. I don't know. I'm okay with it in small doses, but some people go a little too crazy with it sometimes, I guess.

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As Mich as I can agree with this about the main 6, I have to disagree about cannons about background ponies. We know almost NOTHING about background ponies, so we need these rumors for any reason there is for them. Art, fanfictions, comics, etc. The only thing we TRULY know about any of the background ponies is that Derpy's voice is a little unusual compared to other ponies.

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Honestly, I completely don't mind the jokes, assumptions, and whatevers regarding the fanon content. In fact, I think it livens up the community as a whole.


I really don't understand why people get so angry towards that. They are nothing but inoffensive memes, or completely far-fetched theories. There's nothing irritating about that... In my view, that is.

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Some cannon things just start a lot of bull. It really gets on my nerves when people keep shipping Vinyl and Octavia.

Come on people.


They are funny though I have to admit. lololol

Edited by ~Wubs~


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Not really. I mean yeah at first it might be annoying but eventually they just become jokes. i don't mind the jokes. Like Lyra obssesion with humans or derpy and muffinss or anything we came up with. They are just harmless jokes. And its fun to joke around with other Bronies about those things.


Now if anyone actually thought those were real it can be annoying but i have yet to meet someone dumb enough to confuse canon and fanon. Or i what i should say, dumb enough to confuse canon and just mere jokes.

Edited by AnonBrony
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It could be annoying, but there are always people who look way too far into things. It's best to just humor them, and maybe they won't do it as much. Wait... then they'll do it more... DON'T HUMOR THEM!

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>Tilt head along with music

>Vinyl must be a wub wub dubstep obsessed mare


>Say muffins along with a crowd

>Derpy must be a muffin addict.


>Play cello

>Suddenly shipped with the wub wub mare because LOL MUSICIANS


>Sit funny on bench

>LOL, GUYS. She must be obsessed with hands and humans


Okay, I guess these ones make me kinda annoyed. I wasn't thinking of these. It's just assumptions that irk me. I am glad that the Tavi and Vinyl rumor made them prominent in the community. The muffins thing kinda confused me. :/
  • Brohoof 1
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When I think about it... yes.


And when I think more... no. How boring would the fandom be if we didn't take small stuff like that and made it funny and interesting. It's way more fun saying "Hahaha Lyra is sitting like a human! She must be obsessed with them!" than "She's just sitting a bit weird, big deal."

So no, I appreciate the (even sometimes weird) things the fandom comes up with.

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Yeah, I get annoyed sometimes. I mean, it's a TV show. One can dissect it to understand the plot, characters, etc. Understanding a character is important as well.


But these, these little, minuscule details of no real importance, or just a line meant to provide comedic relief are not meant to be obsessed over.

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I like to be annoyed and upset about things that are actually worth getting annoyed and upset about.

If you don't like it, ignore it.

Some people like it so let them be.

Chill pills for everypony.

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Well for me it depends on what it is. Otherwise, I could really care less. However, I sometimes hate the pointless and stupid rumors or theories people make up (Rainbow Dash being lesbian, ect.). That kind of stuff kinda irks me.


Lyra and humans....doesn't bother me in the least! Kinda funny, in a way. It's what makes us bronies laugh. Having brony-related memes make our world even more funny! But I understand what you mean. Some rumors and stories people make up are just so unrealistic and stupid sometimes it makes me want to puke. Or scream. And those pony shippings with two of the mane six....why can't it be with a stallion and mare? :huh:


I don't mind that kind of stuff with the fandom, unless it's something stupid or whatever. I could care less with anything else.

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Not really, plus most of the things said here are little jokes that people have made. I honestly love some of the things, such as Lyra being obsessed with humans, and Fluttershy being a tree. People have their own jokes, and some of them are quite funny


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i dont hate any of this at all, infact i like it because it gives me an idea of the background characters' personalities, but the scootaloo being a chicken and applebloom and sweetie belle being dictionaries is just a silly joke that i love


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I dont find it annoying. I just kinda find it silly.

The only thing I find stupid is how people think Applejack is... well you know... Anyhow, I just find it stupid how people think that about Applejack because she said ponies dont wear clothes... its just stupid and immature.

Something something something something


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