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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

well, I drew Luna.

Alex The Earth Pony

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Okay. So. I like the art. A lot. I'm assuming she's listening to music (I am killing myself wondering what she's listening to).

Things it would be good for you to fix:

-the lines. They're a bit wobbly here and there, it looks like your hand was shaking...

-the horn. it looks like it's on the side of her head, versus in the middle of her forehead.

-the wrinkles in her cape/dress/whatever she's wearing (I'm not saying it's so bad I can't tell what it is, it's just that since the whole pony isn't visible, it's kind of impossible to tell either way). The thing looks like it just came out of the laundry - again, wobbly lines. It's not wrinkles in the places that it should be wrinkled.


Things I like:

-the ear. I know it's silly, but it's just so detailed :wub:

-the face expression. you got it JUST RIGHT. I know you traced it and all, but really, if you messed it up at all, even the smallest details would make it not right.

-the shading. Honestly? It's almost perfect. I LOVE when people take the time to shade things.

-lots of other things that I can't put into words, but I know are there.


Ok, well, I'm done here~ :D I hope you actually wanted a critique....it would be bad if you didn't (but it'd be YOUR fault for not saying so).

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice drawing, the lines are a little rough though, I have the same problem whenever I draw in freehand, it can be hard to keep a steady hand and make clean lines, only practice will fix that. I use a similar trick (outlining everything with a pen or sharpee, then erasing the pencil strokes).


I'm assuming she's listening to music (I am killing myself wondering what she's listening to).


She must be listening to the theme song of Sonic X, the picture this drawing is based on was originally from Friendship is Witchcraft, episode 6


The relevant part is at 7:10


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Okay. So. I like the art. A lot. I'm assuming she's listening to music (I am killing myself wondering what she's listening to).


-the face expression. you got it JUST RIGHT. I know you traced it and all, but really, if you messed it up at all, even the smallest details would make it not right.



Thanks, I really hate to prove people wrong, but honestly I didn't trace the face expression. I did look at the picture to sort of guide me.

An for the music it could be anything really for me I'd say Freebird (I could imagine her nodding her head to it ha ha)




I also agree with the hood/cloak, though I'll defiantly add more detail to it an ect.


Alright here you guys go,I re did it on the computer with my mouse since I don't have a tablet. What do you think? I fixed the cloak too :D


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  • Brohoof 3
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Like it has of course been mentioned by everypony, I think it looks a bit rough around the edges. I can see that better after seeing their comments. But I guess I have no right to judge considering I'm not really an artist. Or professional artist either.


Great job though! You look like your well on your way to being amazing :D

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Some rough edges (as others have said) but overall nice job. Practice is the only way to get better. I was going to say she didn't have any pupils, but then I saw her eyes were closed.

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Looks very nice. You made that using a computer mouse? :wacko: That must have been pretty difficult. If I had to criticize it in any way, I'd say the hoodie's hood part is a little wonky. Still, it looks amazing, especially for something made with a mouse. Whenever I try to doodle with my mouse, things just end up looking like this...


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Edited by TheTEChguy27
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Oh this is really good! I love the jump between your sketch and the colour version, you did a great job ~


I know some other ponies have given you a critique and I'm not sure if you want any, so if you don't scroll down now. ^_^


* I agree the lines are wobbly and you improved on the digital version. I have that problem too sometimes, so I try to draw things in long strokes rather than little short ones.

* I think that using reference images is a GREAT way to practice; I've learned a lot about anatomy and different styles by using reference material. There's absolutely nothing wrong with finding a decent reference, in fact it can sometimes help getting hard poses down better too.

* I love the eye, and the general feel of moodiness in this piece. It was really well conveyed despite it only being a bust shot.

* I think you would benefit looking up some fabric and fold tutorials. I struggle so badly with fabric and drawing any cloth ever used to be my artistic nightmare. A good idea might be to practice drawing ponies in different clothes, using tutorials to look at how each garment would fold on different body parts. It would make a really interesting project, you could even use some of Rarity's designs! (Fufufu that's a good idea, I might do that... ;) )


Anyway I really enjoyed this piece! You have a good style, and so much potential to develop it even more. :D

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Well, you drew Luna.





That's one fine-ass Luna, great stuff, truly.


Keep up the good stuff, dude, I'd love to see more.


Thank's I appreciated that. It means a lot to me to hear that people like my drawings. Trust me, they'll be more to come....


  • Brohoof 1
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The earbuds look very off on her. Maybe if you had done some neat interpretations in your own style of some round heads, like how Bose's or Dr. Dre's it could look much better than the little strings of wire hanging from her ear.


When it comes to creasing cloth, try and make it bulge out in certain areas like the back of the hoodies hood, the creases could round outwards from their lines before coming back in.


In the colored version, try not to use that egg white background, it looks very tacky with the blue on Luna. Maybe something to contrast it, such as different shades of red or maybe you could edit in some night background into it, like a lunar eclipse?


These are just some ideas thrown out to ya', hope for the best in improving your art.

  • Brohoof 1
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The earbuds look very off on her. Maybe if you had done some neat interpretations in your own style of some round heads, like how Bose's or Dr. Dre's it could look much better than the little strings of wire hanging from her ear.


When it comes to creasing cloth, try and make it bulge out in certain areas like the back of the hoodies hood, the creases could round outwards from their lines before coming back in.


In the colored version, try not to use that egg white background, it looks very tacky with the blue on Luna. Maybe something to contrast it, such as different shades of red or maybe you could edit in some night background into it, like a lunar eclipse?


These are just some ideas thrown out to ya', hope for the best in improving your art.


I'll defiantly try that out :D I'll see what I can do later some time whenever I get the chance to do so, Thanks a lot for your help


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  • 3 weeks later...

i suggest that adding more value to the picture would improve it lots, since it looks kind of flat to me. and the ears look kind of funny too, just an observation.

Hmm, I guess I'll see what I can do, honest;y though I don't see what is really wrong with the ears though, too me they look fine.


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