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What's your Mom like?

Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

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I love my Mom, but every now and then she can really get on my nerves. But I know she means well.

What about yours?  Is she over protective? Is she just meh about what you do with your life?

What is you Mom like?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
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She's nice but she is kind of nosy and never gives me any privacy and it really gets on my nerves sometimes. She was always overprotective when I was a kid, which was also annoying.

Edited by RainbowDash92
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About mine? She's a very nice person to get along with, she was really never nosy to get into my buisness.

She was protective of me when i was a little kid, but since i'm 15 now, she knows i can take care of my own problems.


Now, she can be racist against those that are black, she doesn't straight up hate them, but when she gets infront of one that is a total @#$% and acts like a total @#$% she will say something very racist. But with those that are Mexican, she gets along with them just fine, except those that are the jealous type and bitch alot.


I did tell her the truth about me Being a brony.. and shes like i don't care what your interests are, not a big deal 2 me(but she did like my drawings alot!Posted Image ) which was a sigh in relief.


Other than that i love her so much (:  Oh and shes a excellent cook... makes the best of everything! i really love it when she grills steak.. my mouth just drools when she grills steak.. just amazing.

Edited by Fluttershy-
  • Brohoof 2


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

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Well, I know she loves me. She has provided me with all of my needs and more, plus feels stressed when she can't do even more.


However, she's quick to anger. And she also has some trouble accepting me. =(

Everything needs more woodwind!

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She's very confused on what she's doing with her life, she has horrible mood swings, she'll lock herself in denial whenever something bad happens. I know she tries to do her best, and I think she does love me, even though she never acts so :L

  • Brohoof 1




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My Mom is a good person but is very misguided, she is awake about certain things like poison in our food, water and air but is asleep about other things like how both parties have the exact same agenda, or that we are living in a police state. Because of this we have had our share of disagreements but she has always been in my corner since day one, I love her very much.

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As an only child, she's always been overprotective of me. Stiflingly so. Despite that, I've never had to do without anything I've needed and to this day she helps me out in times of need, and does far more than she needs to. I love her very much.


On the other hand, she's very duplicitous. One doesn't grow up on her side of the family and not have that sort of mindset to some extent; most are masters of betrayal, trickery and deception. Strangely though, she can be very naive at times. To her credit, she's compassionate and will go out of her way to help somebody she sees in need, which is the opposite of the rest of her (and my) scumbag family. She cries whenever she sees somebody in physical or emotional pain and will do whatever she can to help. Unfortunately, she'll also be a manipulative bully whenever things don't go the way she wants them to. You would have to live with her to know what to expect from her in a given circumstance. Also unlike the rest of the family, I'm a very warm guy who just wants to befriend everybody, but I've also become adept at the arts of subterfuge so to speak, and have to employ it from time to time in order to counter my mom's whenever she's trying to be unreasonably manipulative and cruel in order to get her way.


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My mother and I had no relationship with one another until I turned about 10 years old. She butted into my life, and decided to proclaim herself as my overlord. Though she doesn't have legal custody of me, she still bosses me around. I don't live with her, and thank every deity in the world that I don't. She's about as mature as a fifth year student. She usually sits there on her iPhone that she somehow has even though she says she's struggling to pay the bills, and ignores the fact that her children are playing "fight" where they beat the shit out of each other. She only butts in if they're being too noisy, and the way she does butt in is by either threatening to beat them, screaming at the top of her lungs, or just actually beating them. 


She tries to "buy my love" by buying me things. She just got me an MLP wallet and expected me to go over her house this weekend as a thank you. I'm not going to over her house. It's horrible there. She uses the excuse that "WE R FAMILEE" and that means I have to leave my safe, nice, quiet, peaceful home to go visit her hellhole of a duplex. She had me when she was 19 with a guy that didn't even bother showing up for my birth. She left me with that man, though, ironically. Then she went back to America, where she lived a few years in a fashion that I don't know about, but I've assumed that she slept around, going from one man's house to another, mooching. 


She then had my sister some years ago. Again, with a guy that didn't stick around, really. Though, this time, at least he was mature enough to keep in contact with both the mother and daughter. They just split up from their romantic relationship. He's not that big of a jerk, but he's very stupid, so he doesn't know much about being a good guy. After this new child of hers came around, I coincidentally moved to America, to a location only a few hours drive away from where she was living. I guess she couldn't maintain her "sleep around" life style, now, because of her baby, but I'm not entirely sure, as we were still very very loosely connected back then. I don't really remember much about this time, as I was preoccupied with the move and everything.


Fast forward four years, and now she's having another kid. With a different guy. However, at least this one stayed around. They actually married, too. He's an absolute bum, though. He has a job that pretty much any high school goer can get, and he blows off the money he makes on video games and Blu-Ray movies. Because, you know, the bills can wait for a few years. Fast forward another year, and now she's having her fourth and "final" kid with the same guy (surprisingly). It was also around this time that she decided to start nagging me to come over and join her "big happy family". Gag. Times twenty. To be fair, things weren't as bad back then. She had some control over her oldest daughter, and then the two little ones weren't that bad of kids, back then. I didn't absolutely hate going over, during these years, but still, I never really wanted to. 


After these kids started to grow up into the toddler years, though... Shit gets crazy.


She let her 3rd born, a son, play Call of Duty at the age of three. As well as Halo and pretty much every shooter game out around that time. The eldest daughter was pretty much tossed around like a baseball between the mother's parents' house, and her house. The eldest daughter has grown to have the attitude of a middle school girl at the age of 7. She claims that her mother doesn't love her, because she's not getting a present every day. She's asking for an iPhone for Christmas. And an iPod. And. A. Thousand. Dollars. yea idonteven... The youngest one of my mother's isn't as bad. She's pretty neutral on everything, really, but I think that's because she's been to hell and back at the age of one. This one, I predict, will be a disturbed little kid in a few years. I swear. 


Now, what really gets me is the fact that she complains about the fact that she has kids to begin with. 


like wat


if yew didnt want babiez y dafuq did yew sleep around wit all dose men i meen srsly did u not take sex ed i meen watdafuqwoman


She complains that she can't go out and have a good time because she has her brats. She usually begs me to come over, using the family excuse that I said before, but really just wants me to watch her kids while they're sleeping so she can go out and gamble and drink with her hubby until 4 in the morning. She takes no responsibility for her children. She says she's not to blame for their shitty... ness. I just. Don't even. She's literally moronic. She texts me, again from that iPhone of hers that she has, somehow, something like this:


"Hey r u comin over this weekend!!"


"No. I've made plans, sorry."


"Oh its O.K. I was just wonderin!!! We were having ur favorite meal too!!!"


To be honest, I cannot capture the stupidity of her texts, and I don't want to look at my phone for them, as they will only make me want to kill myself even more. :J 


Alright, to end this bigass wall of text, I'll just recap, now, I guess:


  • She's as good of a parent as a 10 year old
  • She is unappreciative of the luxuries that she shouldn't even have
  • She's a slut/whore
  • She's a selfish bitch

And etc. Too lazy to list all the names I could call her. 


So yeah, that's just a brief touch-up on my mother. I can pretty much sum up my opinion of her with this simple image:


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  • Brohoof 5


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My mum loves cooking. Not your usual "I like to cook delicious things", but the "I will cook anything that even remotely edible"

If she wants to, I bet she can write like three or four cooking books just from her decades' worth experience


While she is a very caring, loving mother, she kinda hate my father for what he had done in the past, and often deliberately tries to screw things up. Fortunately she stopped doing that, at least I hope so


She loves sweets and spicy stuffs, but thanks to her diabetes she could only stares longingly whenever I brought ice cream or things like that. She couldn't even taste most of her own cooking anymore. She kinda grumpy about it.

  • Brohoof 2


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My mom is a very kind, good-hearted woman, but she is incredibly oblivious and inattentive. She never really knows whats going on, she's always behind in the conversation, and she usually misses the point of whatever I say. She can also be a little overprotective. As a result, she can get on my nerves a lot. However, she loves me, she does a lot for me, and she is a very good woman. Overall, I love my mother, though I feel there is a sort of disconnect between us.

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My mother is not overprotective, but she is very detail-oriented and organized (a trait I've inherited from her myself), and that's usually not a problem, but sometimes she just worries too much about things, and she can be nosy at times.  But above all, she is the strongest, most loving, caring, kind, determined, and persevering person in my life, and I owe everything to her.  I am the young man I am today because of her and all the ways she's worked good into my life, and I thank God for giving me such a wonderful mother as her.  Love ya mom; I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today without you!!! Posted Image


Posted Image

  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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My mother is calm (as long as she's not driving... Then she's like "Aggressive mother: ON!"), and supporting me (and my two little brothers and my little sister) almost no matter what... Like when I told her about me being a brony (and what the hay bronies were) and then showed her my drawings, she was happy that I had found something to do, as well as a new talent/hobby of mine...

She wasn't tipped off or anything by the fact that it was ponies~


Recently she's started smoking though (I can smell tobacco-smoke at a LONG distance, so it's a little annoying), most likely because of the stress she's going through, like the fact that she just got divorced for the second time (and she's got children from both), and had to move for like the 6th or 7th time in about 7 years... She seems to have cut down on the smoking though, which is nice~


All in all, she's one of the persons in my life I love the most, and I know she loves me back... Though we're both a bit too quiet to show it sometimes~

  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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My mom, I feel, is really nice, but I feel like at times she can be quick to judge. But she has done a lot of nice things for me over the years, and I love her.

Edited by Betez
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Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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My mom, she's great


She always there when I need her. But like most moms, she is very strict about grades.....when I brought in a C....It didn't end well

But I understand that because she didn't finish high school and she just wants me to finish with good grades. She cares.

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My mum? She's nice only thing is we're really similar so we used to argue a lot. In the end I moved away (actually I was kicked out) and since then my mum and I get on much better. We just can't be around each other for more than a day or so without arguing and with her blood pressure its better for me to be a 'visiting son'.


If there is something I get irritated by its the fact that she was a special needs teacher (now retired) and I was a guenia pig for every psychologic test she needed to learn to become one. It was kind of benificial because I learned that I'm dyslexic, dyspraxic and dyscalculic and now I have learned how to compensate for those failings. But still hundreds and hundreds of tests and if it wasn't tests I was getting compared to her students all the time.


Also she likes to distance herself a bit when it comes to my... political views. We have very very different opinions on things like property etc.

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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My mother is a very nice woman. She provides for me, feeds me, takes me places, and all that good stuff. She never really yells, but that's because I'm usually a good son. it feels kinda bad to see that some people have not-so-good relationships with their parents.


I do not have a mother, and I have never really had one. She left when I was about 4 years old, and after that I have never seen or heard from her again.

That honestly sucks man. You have my everything.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I was raised by my paternal grand parents, so the women I called mom was really my grandmother.  My grandfather and her took care of me until I was about 13.  At the age of 13 or maybe 14 I started taking care of their finances.  I became an "adult" at that age and had to worry about the finances of a family.  Life's a bitch, then you die.


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I love my mom. She accepts me for who I am and dad doesn't.

She's kinda random. Sometimes she runs around and sounds like a sheep or something.

She's usually in a good mood, but she has her days. She's bipolar and depression runs in our family.

She's a brutal metalhead. She only listens to death metal and black metal.

She's always there for me :wub:

But when she's angry... I can't talk to her. She's so scary when she's angry. It feels like she's going to kill someone if you look at her.

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I love my mom so much. She has always been there for me. As a family, she is definitely a rock.* She's part* of the reason I am who I am today. She's an amazing chef, and she has an amazing work ethic which she imparted on me. And she's always there if I need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. I love coming home from campus on the weekends to spend time with my family. I'm thankful everyday for my parents.


Oh, and she is also an extreme animal lover. Fluttershy-esque levels. We have feeders all over the yard and she calls all the birds her babies. When the squirrels came around she put out corn cobs just for them. She also has become almost like a nurse for our 18 year old Australian Shepard, and a lot of things that come with taking care of old dogs (helping them up stairs, picking them up if they fall, etc) he only trusts her to do. She's still unsure about the whole Brony community (but at the same time, she's completely supportive :)), but I'd love to sit her down and get her to watch some clips of Fluttershy. I'm sure she'd be her favorite pony. Shouldn't be too difficult, she's a fan of Faust's other works.


Even with the occasional spot of anxiety, she is a gentle soul whose not quick to anger, but is always quick to love.


*trying not to steal away any of my dad's thunder in this. :P

Edited by Captain Cirrus


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  • 5 years later...

Hard to say ... I haven't seen her in over three years now, not since my grandmother's funeral.  We had a conversation the next day that I'm still trying to process, and which explains a lot about my childhood and whatnot.  I guess, at the moment, I'd say it's a neutral relationship at best.

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She's very headstrong and combative. Easy to piss off and annoy. She's physically strong for her age and won't hesitate to say what she wants. She set some strong rules for me when I was a kid and I am glad that she did.

Edited by Califorum
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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Mine is a very soft person, honestly. This has its ups and downs, really; on one hand, she's a great person to speak to if I'm ever feeling troubled, but at the same time... she gets provoked kinda easily, and when things get ugly anywhere, she doesn't like to get involved, regardless of whether or not it's a good thing. 

She's a good person, all in all. :grin: She has her drawbacks, but that's only human.

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