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The Bleeding Effect: Ponies vs. Reality


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I'll sometimes throw a little reference into conversation, but I'm fully aware that I'm doing so and am likely doing so for a specific reason (oftentimes to confuse people, because I find it incredibly amusing).  For example, I was talking to a group of people online and in a moment of awkward silence said, "In other news, I would like to be a tree."  I knew that they had no idea what I was talking about and probably just assumed that I was being random, all the while I laughed internally.  Other than that, I'm pretty decent at separating ponies and reality.  That said, I also have not ponified anything of mine.  In fact, I haven't even bought any merchandise (yet), so keeping the two separate might be easier for me.


I also have to agree with Evilshy that it does come off as unprofessional, and should probably be saved for online/within a group of bronies.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I really can't find myself saying anything that would be related. The only small thing is that my Mom orders stuff from Shutterfly and whenever I go to say it I'll stop myself because I'm going to say Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's started happening to me to. (I wish I was tech-savvy enough to convert my apps and whatnot though.) The first time was at Bronycon. During the auction, an item went up to $50. One of my friends asked how much it went up to.


:lol:  "Fifty bits!" THAT got my friend's attention.  :blink:  "I . . . didn't purposely say that."


My ponysona has even come to occupy the "me" slot in my mental processes. I embrace it! Becoming a brony has generally improved the quality of my life. I discovered what I would truly be happy doing (thus earning my cutie-mark), made the first friends I have in YEARS, and have discovered a drive to actually DO things with myself that I've never felt before!


For you my friend, I say just learn to internalize it. Yes you automatically ponify things in your brain, just take an extra mental step when conversing with non-bronies to reverse the process when speaking to them. I have mental disorder that makes it difficult for me to understand sarcasm or double-speak. I have to learn to stop, think about what the person said, and THEN respond, so neither I nor the other person gets confused. Let it happen, just be conscious that is IS happening. (And don't let anypony tell you how to think!  :angry: We loose enough bronies to stupid social pressure as it is!)


The long term implications are just that you see the world like few others can! It's a good thing, it lends itself to an affable and positive person.  -_- Wear it on your sleeve, not with t-shirts, but with your bearing. A good brony is a good person, first! And during those magical moments when you DO meet another brony, the exchange is made that much more wonderful. It's like you can see your's and their's souls actually connecting on another level of reality. (Which to YOU, looks like to stallions chatting it up in whatever Equestria location is appropriate to your surroundings. A cofee shop would become Sugarcube Corner or an airplane would become Cloudsdale for instance.)

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 1
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as far as everything on your computer goes, thats fine. its always been my opinion that what you do on the computer is your business because the internet is a place where you can do what you please and not have to worry about the real life repercussions because of the anonymity factor. so in that sense, keep doing whatever makes you happy. however, as far as the real life issues go, thats where you may  need to cut back. im not going to lie and say i dont have pony things in my daily life (i.e shirts or a sticker on my ski helmet), but its best to keep it out of places where it would be unwanted. for example, i only wear a shirt when im with friends who like/know about the show. if youre around people who would think negatively about you for it (at least people who matter, like family), then its best to detach yourself from all things pony =p

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as far as everything on your computer goes, thats fine. its always been my opinion that what you do on the computer is your business because the internet is a place where you can do what you please and not have to worry about the real life repercussions because of the anonymity factor. so in that sense, keep doing whatever makes you happy. however, as far as the real life issues go, thats where you may  need to cut back. im not going to lie and say i dont have pony things in my daily life (i.e shirts or a sticker on my ski helmet), but its best to keep it out of places where it would be unwanted. for example, i only wear a shirt when im with friends who like/know about the show. if youre around people who would think negatively about you for it (at least people who matter, like family), then its best to detach yourself from all things pony =p


That advice is . . . of debatable quality. I understand perfectly that he shouldn't rub it in other's faces, but he is a brony. So are you! So am I! Why should others get to say they love Call of Duty, or Avatar: the Last Airbender and yet we are the ones forced to hide our passions because of other's sensibilities? If our material were offensive, containing gore or profanity than I would certainly agree. How is wearing a t-shirt with a purple unicorn that says "Read books" stepping on anyone's hooves?


"detach yourself from all things pony" I SAY NAY! Buck the crowd! If they are angry at you for simply being who you are, then they don't deserve your company. If they are family then they must learn to accept that ponies are a part of who you are, that it makes you happy and isn't harmful. If they can't then I seriously doubt it's a healthy home environment to begin with.


I've been saying "eeyup" lately, and one of my friends (who is a non-brony) knows it's from MLP and he keeps going "stop saying that my little pony crap!"


And this guy is your friend? The least he can do is understand that you like the show. What's he getting mad at? It's barely even a quote!


I used to be EXTREMELY involved with pony.  So much, in fact, that I had to stop it all together because of the emotional baggage it was putting on me.  This was quite a while ago and my reasoning was, as stupid as it sounds, I wanted to go to Equestria too much.  So, I took about a month long break and was fine and dandy after that.

My friend, on the other hand, has really fallen down the pit.  He's seeing the Mane 6 as if they were real.  Fully interactive and in character.  Right in his home.  he says he gets a lot of emotional drawbacks from it, but I'm secretly kinda' jealous of it.


I'm openly kind of jealous of it! Being able to interact with them directly would certainly make writing fanfictions easier. However, even I'll say that he miiiiiiiight have a previously existing mental disorder that's become exacerbated. Do you think he should be taking some medication?


I personally don't see a problem with it, you just need to move to someplace with people who will accept you for who you are.There is no reason for you to stay in a community where they want to enslave you by forcing a certain lifestyle onto you.


I'm with the wall eyed one! I've got nothing against "rural" would even like to live in such a place. But if the culture suppresses individual liberty in favor of herd mentality (how's THAT for irony?) then it's not healthy to live there.

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, well I can relate to this. Its actually not hard to put yourself in this position but like most have said, you need to cut back OR you know to draw boundries in your head. You can be a total pony freak if you want just keep it out of work and school. Like me, when I'm at work I'm professional, business like. I have my cell phone with pony themes and pony ringtones, but thats because its MY cell phone. I've heard some pretty odd Ringtones out there and I just refuse to let someone judge me on my own property. But the way I talk, look, act, all professional. I get home and out comes the inner pony. Its like taking off my shoes or taking of my work uniform. I shed that outside skin and slip into a more comfortable one.

If you need to change some things in your life to cut back, do so but don't feel you need to make yourself unhappy in order to make society around you happy. There was a time, years ago I used to believe that making others happy would make me happy but later I learned I have to have a degree of happiness for myself in order to really even want to help people.


Don't feel like you are strange for this, you aren't. Its an amazing thing to be in this community but remember it will all be here when you get home from work or school. *brohoof*

Oh, and in other news, what I just said came from someone who is slated to get her pony persona's cutie mark tattoo'd on her upper arm......But hey, my uniform covers in when I work and I can proudly show when I'm off. Win win!

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Exposing yourself to a certain type of behavior and speech for too long, whether in real life or fiction, and one day subconsciously mimicking those things is natural. The question is whether or not it's healthy, and that all depends on who's sharing your company.


As somebody who doesn't speak much because he hasn't much to say, this isn't a problem for me. However, my thoughts now reflect a number of fictional things. I now "ponify" everything in my mind, wondering how it could be related to something from MLP or adapted to fit. I also have a habit of observing people's actions and words and trying to ascribe a D&D alignment to them (mine is neutral good).


I also have this little, infrequent habit of "coding" some situations. Here's a little VBScript example:



For Each objPost in colUserActivity




I would like to call myself Lawful Good because that's the disposition I would LIKE to hold. But I'm only human, and a saint I am not. And I think most of you are missing the point. It's not about being unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, it's about having a mental predilection toward this phenomenon. Hey! He could do a lot worse! He could think he was in the Matrix or that he was one of the Na'vi on Pandora. 

Edited by Steel Accord
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That advice is . . . of debatable quality. I understand perfectly that he shouldn't rub it in other's faces, but he is a brony. So are you! So am I! Why should others get to say they love Call of Duty, or Avatar: the Last Airbender and yet we are the ones forced to hide our passions because of other's sensibilities? If our material were offensive, containing gore or profanity than I would certainly agree. How is wearing a t-shirt with a purple unicorn 

i never once said that it wasnt bullshit that other people judge us. i just said it was a good idea if he wanted to maintain a "respectable" social status

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i never once said that it wasnt bullshit that other people judge us. i just said it was a good idea if he wanted to maintain a "respectable" social status

 Oh! Well I totally agree with you then, if indeed the intention was to remain incognito. And again, I said "debatable," I could be totally wrong. What do I know?  ^_^

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I use Eeyupp on skype sometimes, or /) too, but these are minor things that people don't and haven't noticed. Using MLP terms on the internet and with fellow bronies is fine, but using MLP terms in regular speech is kind of awkward, especially to those who don't know what you're referencing too. Glad you have noticed this about you, so it's far from too late to change. Also, very bronified laptop, I like it /)  :lol: My skype image is Celestia's cutiemark.

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I really only use ponyspeak outside of the forums when I'm with other Bronies, because they know the language and can relate to it without being the least bit freaked out or annoyed. I sometimes do it with my non-Brony pals, like once when me and my friends were doing a team battle in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, my teammate and I won and out of excitement, I said "YEAAAAH! BROHOOF!" and he said, "YEEEAAAA- wait wat", but I just quickly said that it was from something irrelevant and moved on. My non-Brony friends know I'm a Brony but they don't react to it or criticize me for it (at least, not in front of me >.>) but I don't ponyspeak in front of them unless it slips.


I personally don't find anything wrong with using ponyspeak in public but as long as you're not doing it at every waking moment. It's like wannabe gangsters who use slang and try to be like Lil' Wayne and curse all the time and act thuggish. Gets old and tiresome. My advice would be to just take it a step back and find an equal balance of when and when not to use it.

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"Marco23p ~ Ace Attorney" data-cid="986349" data-time="1355116403">

I always say "New Vegas" insted of "Las Vegas"

I do the same thing :3


There was a point when ponies had invaded and conquered almost every thought of my mind outside of schoolwork, but I'm almost a year out of that phase. Thank God, it's not healthy. There should be other things that you focus on besides one single show.

Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I don't see any problem with being a unique person  :wub:

Some pony words have slipped into my speech a few times, and I have ponified my computer. With the high-five thing, I say 'brohoof' on purpose to mess with my non-brony friends xD.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

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I dont want to pick up the everypony habit, and I don't incorprate anything other than saying my eeeyups and nopes in a Big Machintosh Voice. My voice is about that deep, so, no one actually cares. But, I really want to change my boot logo to something awesome. I run mac, so, I have to look up the video tutorial

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Unlike many other fandoms, we really have evolved from a Fandom INTO a community. We are just the same as any other community of like minded individuals that come together for a common interest. Its actually pretty amazing. I hope it stays around like Punk, Goth, Steampunk, etc.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hm, I think I've almost said "brohoof" a couple of times at work when fist bumping a friend. They'd probably have a laugh and think i was being ironic or something. And I'll let go with the occasional eyup but that just sounds natural for me.


If you use a word a lot, it is part of your common vocabulary so there's nothing strange (from a psychological standpoint) about using it, either in written form or verbally. It happens all the time -- that weird word you see again and again in books but never hear in real life. One day you decide it's the right word to use in a spoken sentence and THEN realize you don't actually know how it is pronounced. Same thing. Migrating your vocabulary from written to spoken, that's all.


Anyway, it's slang and whenever you use slang it's good to be aware of who you're around. I use very different language when I'm at work vs. playing mk with friends. I don't say 'hell' or 'damn' when I'm around my grandfather. It takes a little effort and occasionally things slip (generally cursing) but you gotta do it for the sake of fitting in. And it's not just Bronies who have to do it, either. Everybody does. We bronies just like to paint big targets on ourselves ;)


If you're wondering if you're becoming too obsessed with mlp, just ask yourself if you're happy, healthy and productive at work/school/whatever. If the answer to any of those is 'no' then you should change something. Whether that's ponies or something else, I can't tell you.


What I can tell you is that I appreciate how much it sucks to be stuck in a place where you have no peers. I have yet to actually meet another brony in real life. My advice is to keep calm and brony on. We'll find our places.

Edited by decoherence
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Sometimes when I'm reading a book, especially after watching an episode of mlp, I'll picture the characters as ponies. Occasionally I'll use language such as "brohoof" or "20% cooler" just to piss my non-brony friends off.


Usually after a long break off school with more free time than usual, I'll come back to reality and realize that not everyone watches My Little Pony. But other than that I don't really have much of a bleeding effect.


Rarity is best pony.

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For ponyspeak--I really don't do it outside of this website. I mean, on occassion just to mess with people, I will. Otherwise "brohoof" I'll just do with a friend of mine who isn't a brony (though I forced him to start watching the show, and he said 'you tell my wife, and I'll kill you' lul) and his wife I'll do that to. I'll be like "Pound it~" then we do "brohoof." Now me and him joke and just use "Everypony" and such but not anything to the extreme. Otherwise--since I've always played games I know when to control myself. If I get extremely delirious it could be different, once I was playing the .hack//games so much--I actually said "I need to log in" when I meant 'sign in.' 

Otherwise--find a good outlet, I have ponyhoof, and it's fine. I like Ponies--but otherwise I just keep everything centralized to broni-certified sites. Like this.

#1 Flutterfan has and plays:
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I have caught myself almost saying everypony instead of everybody but other than that I haven't really used the pony lingo all that much except for saying eeeeeyup or nnnnnope a bit more than I used to. Not a day goes by where I don't picture all sorts of characters from other shows, video games ect as ponies and thought about which characters in MLP they are most like and I keep coming up with more and more ideas for fanfics I even had a dream about one of them the other night. I am experiencing a bleeding effect but not nearly as much as you, the pony talk is okay but there is a time and a place for it after all there are some people that don't really even know or understand the fandom that might wonder "what the hell are you talking about?"

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I was reading my book today, and i read manhattan as manehatten, i dont know if this is the first time i have done something like this but it is the first time i have noticed doing it, hopefully it wont happen during other things like when i am chatting to mates.



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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  • 8 years later...
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On 2012-12-09 at 10:51 AM, jackleapp81 said:

Have you ever had trouble separating aspects of the show or fandom with your daily lives?

Let say yes on this one, so I can answer the next one...

On 2012-12-09 at 10:51 AM, jackleapp81 said:

If so, what are the implications?

Not a problem!
It is part of being alive, to find stuff to be obsessed about.

On 2012-12-09 at 10:51 AM, jackleapp81 said:

Is this bleeding effect something to be concerned about?

No. Nothing to worry about. It is fun, right? Why not having fun?

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