Kyubey 60 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I... didn't enjoy this as much as the other recent episodes. Don't get me wrong, it was great, just not quite as good as the others. It could just be that last week's episode gave me higher expectations, or I just don't really like Rainbow Dash, but it didn't appeal to me that much. However, although it's my least favourite episode of the season, I do recommend it to any big RD fans. It's also very useful for fanfics, headcanons and whatnot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cowl 128 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Did anypony else notice that the blonde & pink pegasis must have had her cutie mark changed at some point durring production. Her cutie mark is a sunflower, however there is no sunflower on the cloud tally board (17:14). Instead there is a burining tire paired with her partners telescope. 1 And to all things comes an end. We are no more than pages in a book. Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world. It is a time for acts of despair and of bravery as well. Another turn of the page and countless refugees flee. Is this the end of the story? No. There are countless pages to turn. And to all things comes a beginning! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 (edited) I'm quite liking that this episode actually expanded not only on Rainbow Dash's personality but also Pinkies a little (well at least for me). It showed that Pinkie is actually quite paranoid under all that cheer. As for RD, I like that they showed that she isn't reckless all the time, and even has humility. Also some great Top Gun nods there. Just as an added thought brought on by people taking the military train of thought. I actually think of the Wonderbolts as the Equestian version of the UK's Red Arrows. Yeah trained by the military but they're just for show etc. Edited December 16, 2012 by Fridge 2 Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Two-of-Hearts 168 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Speaking as someone thats trying to join the military this episode had a special significance in that I find myself relating to Rainbow Dash on a deeply personal level. That being said, it was probably the weakest episode of season 3 thus far, but like others have said, even a medicore MLP episode is enjoyable and this was enjoyable. I liked Spitfire's role, I think it was spot on... cause believe it or not, drill instructors have normal lives when they are at home. Up until now we've been seeing Spitfire's 'at home' personality, now we saw her drill instructor personality which was all business... I loved it. I actually am a bit dissapointed that Soarin didn't even appear in this episode. I know the focus was on Rainbow Dashes career dreams, but still, they couldn't have even tantalize us Soarin/Dash fans with something to nibble on? LOL. 2 Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000 You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bunnybuzki 45 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I loooved this episode. And I feel like realistically, to be a wonderbolt you'd have to be in Equestria military and then join a special forces training later...but sure a week long training is cool too. And for people who expected Spitfire to acknowledge Rainbow Dash, yeah I did too and expected her to terrorize her the first day of training to make sure she knows she didn't have favoritism!!! Honestly her comment on "you look weak" for me, as someone who has been in military training, recognition enough. And it's not like she has no clue who she is. The first time RD walks into her office she says her name with some exasperation but also familiarity, and she puts her hoof down letting rainbow know she is the boss. In fact, she may have requested RD be in her unit as a favor, because I think in normal circumstances they would avoid allowing a trainer to have someone they know in their unit. My only problem with the VA is that it was too childish and not nearly as tough and strong as I would like. I LOVED LIGHTNING DUST. I think she was either switched to wingpony or else sent back to the beginning of training. And even if she was kicked out, maybe she can reapply. When you do something dishonorable, you need to prove you really really want it and are willing to start from scratch. This is my first post and I promised myself I wouldn't write a super long one, lol so I will stop myself now. But I am so glad RD is finally moving on her dream, instead of just talking about it! and also, this is an awesome set up. Rainbow a Wonderbolt and Twilight is training to be who-knows-what? Speculation and all, I doubt it's going anywhere huge but this could potentially take the series to a new place with Rainbow and Twilight being Very Important Ponies in Equestria. And yeah I think they saved the wrong Pinkie from the third episode because this one doesn't feel like the pinkie i know and love! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cantankerous 106 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 (edited) Merriwether Williams is... not so bad. As contemptible as Mare Do Well is apart from that she's done little to earn my scorn. I don't like Hearth's Warming Eve either, it had good ideas but was executed in a way I found inane. But that's the extent of the bad, she co-authored Putting Your Hoof Down and wrote Dragon Quest, both of which are great. I must question the wisdom of handing her such an important episode and I wonder how much better it could have been in the hands of another writer but I've little cause to complain seeing the resulting episode to be solid. About Spitfire I'm alright with her portrayal here, I get that there's a difference between who she on the job and off. Just be sure we get to see what she's like off hours next time she appears (and make sure she has a softer voice). About Pinkie Pie part of me is upset she was portrayed as stupid and part of me is happy to see a return to the paranoia of Party of One. I'm rather conflicted on the matter. Edited December 16, 2012 by ByTheTides Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEngineer 188 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 (edited) I personally really enjoyed this episode, especially seeing Pinkie Pie show herself a bit more and Rainbow Dash is also portrayed as having more than one dimension to her. I would have liked to have more coverage of the mane six as a whole, but it wasn't too bad. Personally, though I wish there could have been a little more emphasis on Spitfire in the show. As a pony who represents the military, I'm glad they accurately show how the military always ends up making the right decision, even if they may make some mistakes. It's like with the phillip...erm vietna....erm Ira...oh never mind; but you get my point. In any case, I enjoyed it; though it needs some improvement and it wasn't my favorite of Season 3. Edited December 16, 2012 by TheEngineer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiderpony14 2 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 (edited) Holy dang. I specifically avoided the internet to avoid obsessing over the episode before it came out, so now everypony's got the drop on me. Oh well. Anyway, as I watched, I started to wonder about the whole militaristic aspect of the Wonderbolts as they're portrayed in this episode. It definitely adds depth to Equestria as a country. Surely if there was no exterior threat, there wouldn't need to be a military would there? But then, season three has expanded the Pony universe already! The representatives of Saddle Arabia in Magic Duel served to broaden horizons drastically. Perhaps in the future we'll see travel outside of Equestria? Definitely want to resolve that open ending of this episode in the future. WILL RAINBOW BE A WONDERBOLT OR NOT?! I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. Edited December 16, 2012 by spiderpony14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I must say, I was actually quite surprised when I saw that Snowflake/Roid Rage was actually able to use his wings as tiny as they are I think I actually lol'd a bit when he actually started flying Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akihiro 90 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Well, the Wonderbolts went from 3 ponies to a whole military thing. I'm not sure about the continuity in this episode. And if steroid pony can fly, why wouldn't Scootaloo be able to do so ? But this apart, it was a very entertaining episode. And Rainbow Dash was awesome. Again, we've got neat backgrounds and scenery, I love that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One 498 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Well I watched it. It wasn't that bad, but Pinkie Pie was highly annoying throughout the episode. She seemed a little over protective and way to worried about Rainbow Dash. Other than that, the episode was decent. I do see a problem that if Pinkie wasn't so worried about Rainbow Dash, then she wouldn't of gone to the academy and then we have plot holes. It still felt that something was missing from the episode, but I don't know what. This is a signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,005 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 A few more thoughts on Wonderbolts Academy. Here are three things I expected to see... 1. A dual sonic rain/tealboom. Didn't happen. 2. Rainbow Dash would learn a harsh lesson about recklessness and a lack of discipline. I was right about the recklessness and lack of discipline lesson, but wrong about who would be learning it. 3. Rainbow Dash would give up her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt for some reason. She made a decision to do that, but reconsidered once Spitfire clarified that Lightning Dust’s way is not the Wonderbolt way. So...will RD become a Wonderbolt or not? Will Lightning Dust get another chance, or has she been expelled? Stay tuned. The outcome of this subplot hinges on whether there is a season 4. And because a season 4 is highly likely, RD will either postpone or forgo joining the 'bolts. Becoming a Wonderbolt outright, on the other hand, would be a logical part of a series ending story arc. Is the change in Wonderbolts Academy's ending Meghan referred to related to the series being extended? I was surprised to see so many non-elite fliers getting a tryout. They're still good fliers similar to the thousands of humans who run in marathons or swim endless laps. More athletic than average? Yes. But they would never make the cut for an Olympic team. RD and LD were the only Olympic level fliers in this competition. Snowflake is a bodybuilder and weightlifter but he knows his destiny is not to be a flying ace. Instead, he shows the willingness to try new things in life that we all should. It was still as funny as hell to know that he can fly at all with those tiny wings and to hear his “YEAH!” again! If the Wonderbolts ceremonial flying team is only a small part of the whole Wonderbolts organization, they need to be specific when talking about them in the future. The other pegasi in boot camp may qualify as privates even if they're not good enough for the elite stunt flying squad RD wants to be on. What about the tactic Rainbow Dash uses to break her friends' fall? Creating a hyperdense cloud to save them makes me think that all ponies share all traits on some level. A cloud, no matter how dense, could never stop a falling solid object in real life. So the only way this could work is if earth ponies and unicorns have enough pegasi genes in their lineage to walk on clouds IF they are dense enough. But considering Equestria's physics are more cartoonish than earth's to begin with, I suppose a hyperdense cloud would stop pony sized objects. One more thing...they didn't need to make Pinkie Pie look stupid. Her normally funny, random self should've been enough incentive for them to take a balloon ride to Cloudsdale. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Did somebody say shipping? I'm not into any kind of shipping but I find the touchy-feelyness of this episode very cute and heartwarming. Oh yeah, one more thing: I LIKED THE MYSTERIOUS MARE DO-WELL. Ooooooooh, now what?! I was actually excited to see her name though, as Officially-the-Only-Brony-Who-Was-Not-Bothered-By-RD's Characterization-In-The Mysterious Mare Do Well. I also belong to the species that actually liked The Mysterious Mare Do Well, both analytically and normally.Oh... alright. Cool. Now we have a posse. Also, Meaghan Mcarthy tweeted that the episode originally had a different ending. We have no clue what this ending was like yet, but maybe it was due to time constraints (or maybe Rainbow was going to actually become a Wonderbolt. That would probably butcher the moral then, because it might be translated into "tell on your partner and all of your dreams will come true.")My guess is the episode ended with Rainbow Dash leaving the academy because Spitfire never ran out to stop her. It also seems that there is still no consensus on the body builder's name. I thought Roid Rage was generally agreed upon, but I'm still going to use it unless something else becomes canon. (And I admit there is no way Roid Rage can become canon.)Most people call him Snowflake. Sorry, the encyclopedia of memes that is my brain just couldn't pass that upJust FYI, I tried licking to the center of one of those many years ago and it took me 574 licks. I don't know about you guys, but bad ego/attitude or not, Lightning Dust is downright gorgeous. She was a real sight to behold with her own flight trail (yellow lightning with some texture, it seemed like) and all those flight tricks. Her mane fit perfectly with her colour scheme and her eyes were downright cute! Every time they introduce a new, significant character they have something distinguishing about them. Little animation errors are inevitable but they obviously give a lot of attention to detail. Trixie still tops her for my favorite secondary/recurring character in terms of appearance, but LD easily makes it into my #2 spot. 3 Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XrosOver 613 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 This was definitely an interesting episode and very much with the wait. Spitfire's voice actor did quite well for her performance and I can definitely respect the amount of character development put into Rainbow Dash. The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Oh yeah, one more thing: I LIKED THE MYSTERIOUS MARE DO-WELL. Ooooooooh, now what?! I dare you to read Friendship Is Empathy without bawling your eyes out and changing that opinion... or at least agreeing that what the other 5 did was horrible. guess is the episode ended with Rainbow Dash leaving the academy because Spitfire never ran out to stop her.Yep, that felt like the natural ending of the Wonderbolt dream, and the solution to the problems it brings for the group. But then all of a sudden, here's Spitfire to say "nevermind, we're still as awesome as you thought". I much prefer this, as long as they do it in a way that where Dash being a Wonderbolt doesn't involve being away from her friends most of the time. Otherwise she'll probably end up giving up the dream anyway, which would be no better than ending it in this episode.Just FYI, I tried licking to the center of one of those many years ago and it took me 574 licks.AWESOME! That's an academy record. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I loved the episode and I usually despise RD centered episodes because I don't like RD's character but this one was awesome! It was really good at showing the finer points of Dash's personality and for once she wasn't being a complete jerk. I kind of think Lightning Dust's character was not very developed. I mean in the beginning she was kind of nice if a bit headstrong and overly competitive, but she didn't seem mean. And then at the end she suddenly got all snotty. I think they should have made her unaware of what her actions did without making her into Gilda's long lost sister. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I'm with others on this topic in that I don't find Pinkie acting like she has mental problems particularly entertaining. Isn't Pinkie at least smart enough to wait for the mailpony, rather than opening and closing her mailbox every second as if a letter from Rainbow Dash will magically appear inside? Where did Pinkie get the idea that Rainbow Dash will completely forget her friends after spending a few days away from Ponyville? This episode seems to lower Pinkie's intelligence too much in order to get cheap laughs and a plot device to get the others to go to the Academy. Is she smart enough to wait? Sure! DOES she want to wait? HELL NO! Pinkie lacks patience for TONS of different things! OF COURSE she wants to get the letter as inmediately as possible! And why does she worry so much? Well...this is Pinkie Pie. THe one pony who cares about her friends more than anyone. And as a plus, she's not totally used to her close friends leaving for long. And as someone else said, Pinkie had a sad, lonely past back in the rock farm. Of course she's worried she might lose her friends in the same way she did in "Party of One". That paranoia that takes over Pinkie over her friends sometimes is part of her character, in my opinion. Furthermore, when Rainbow Dash tells Spitfire that Lightning Dust used a tornado to clear the clouds, Spitfire, before knowing that the tornado endangered anyone, says that it was a bit excessive but effective. Then Rainbow Dash tells Spitfire that the tornado endangered her friends and that if that's what get rewarded, then she doesn't want any part of it. Spitfire, who is probably still taking all of this in, doesn't even get to respond properly before Rainbow Dash then quits. At no time did Spitfire endorse winning no matter who gets hurt or anything like that, yet Rainbow Dash acts as though she did. After seeing that, I was glad that at least Spitfire was able to correct Rainbow Dash's misunderstanding at the end of the episode. The thing about this, is how entusiastic Spitfire looked. She didn't willingly endorse it, but her face and tone made it seem as if more things like what was recent was good. Rainbow was so pissed off at Lightning Dust she never really gave a chance for Spitfire to mention her feelings. And like you said, I was also glad Spitfire got in time to correct Rainbow over this. In yet another case of ponies using things made for humans despite being ill-suited for ponies' bodies, the sunglasses of the staff at the Academy all have the two long pieces on both sides that would go behind/on top of humans' ears and help support the glasses. In this case, however, those pieces did not go behind/on top of anything, so they are completely pointless. This also apparently means that their sunglasses are being supported solely by their noses, so the sunglasses must be clamped on their noses pretty hard not to be blown off by all of the wind gusts from speeding ponies, etc. Well, to be fair on this, the ponies have muzzles which are longer than our noses, and hence would have more support for the glasses, even without the support of the ears. Plus, for all we know, they are special glasses Spitfire had made for herself. We can't really be sure on that regard. Spitfire tells the cadets not to worry about winning the obstacle course, because it's not a race. But then when Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust finish the course, they were being timed by Spitfire and she tells them that their time is an Academy record. Doesn't racing against the clock still count as a race? Nope. A race would mean beating other competitors, hence the worry of Spitfire not to hurt others just to "win". So long as they did it in a good way, it was valid. If they could do it fast, then it was okay. The main point was "Don't do anything reckless just to win something that doesn't need to be won" When Rainbow Dash is diving to save the rest of the Mane Six, what exactly was the point of the convenient tunnel which Rainbow Dash flew through on her way down? I THINK it was that she could fly with less obstacles and being able to reach below the ponies faster. What about the tactic Rainbow Dash uses to break her friends' fall? Creating a hyperdense cloud to save them makes me think that all ponies share all traits on some level. A cloud, no matter how dense, could never stop a falling solid object in real life. So the only way this could work is if earth ponies and unicorns have enough pegasi genes in their lineage to walk on clouds IF they are dense enough. But considering Equestria's physics are more cartoonish than earth's to begin with, I suppose a hyperdense cloud would stop pony sized objects. You know, maybe the ponies already had that spell Twilight used before in Sonic Rainboom that allowed them to step on the clouds, so maybe that helped as well (the interesting thing is, this only needs to be applied to Twilight, Rarity, AJ and Pinkie, as Fluttershy is already a pegasus...). As for another theory...well, I think maybe both of us should study "Cloud density in Equestria science" or something like that XD. Maybe a hyperdense cloud IS dense enough to hold earth ponies and unicorns. I can't really tell other than what I said before. 1 My OC Arcanel: My OC Xiomara: ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bunnybuzki 45 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 I know I already responded to this, but I wanted to add my thoughts on RD giving up her dreams to spend more time with her friends. I think if they are true friends they would never accept that she gives up her life's ambitions just to spend more time with them. It would be difficult for the show to incorporate her as a main character, but friendship doesn't mean holding your friends back! It involves sacrifice. That will be a great lesson for Pinkie Pie to learn! If she's really Rainbow Dash's friend, she won't let her quit the Wonderbolts or give up on the track to becoming one. And besides, that could be a terrible lesson to give (quitting the Wonderbolts)! There needs to be a healthy balance between choosing what is right for you and making your friends happy/giving in to peer pressure. It reminds me of being way way back in high school, and being shocked that some girl really wanted to go to one college, but was enrolling in another just to be with her boyfriend. True love sometimes means distance and sacrifice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DND 2,355 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Not much to say here, but I loved the episode, Rainbow Dash, ect... But anyone else found Spitfire's actions... peculiar? We all know we first met her, in Sonic Rainboom, when Rainbow dash saved her life, and won the 'Best Flyer's Competition'. And she definitely showed that she was great full afterwards by tapping her shoulder, and asking to hang with her. And again, in the 'Best Night Ever' episode, she asks Rainbow Dash to hang with them again, all in respect. And in 'Hurricane Fluttershy', she seems to show the same for her as previous episodes. And in this one, she acts like she just met Rainbow Dash. And the way she underestimated Rainbow Dash after all she's witnessed... is just weird. Anyone else think so? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaotic☆Cupcake 24 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 Whoa, we only got 6 more episodes left, what madness is this?! Normally speaking though, I was not expecting the outcome to this episode at all. I find it shocking how they already wrapped up Rainbow Dash's dream to be one of the Wonderbolts so early in the fandom. I hope this isn't hinting that there will only be one more season, because that will be a cruel joke on Hasbro's part. That aside I really liked this episode: Pinkie Pie is an inspiring animated GIF in every episode she appears in, and it was great to see that muscular pony that said "YEAH!" back in S2. And Lightning Dust, I LOVED Lightning Dust. This is where I come to the point that I didn't like about this episode: why did she have to get kicked out by Spitfire? Granted, she made a mistake, but so did Rainbow Dash in a few episodes, yet the episode acted like Dust was worse than Trixie. I mean Dust wasn't a stuck-up egomaniac Snitch; she had every good quality that RB had, and I can't think of one part of the episode where she was ever mean to RB or to anyone. She was just overly competitive; how is that implied worse than enslaving an entire town? It's a terrible reason to end the show like it did, without any form of forgiveness or even a hug. What kind of message is this supposed to imply? I'm feeling lukewarm about a lot of these S3 episodes, so hopefully we'll get another bright and goofy episode like "Too Many Pinkie Pies", because we really need one. DON'T PANIC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maxos 84 December 16, 2012 Share December 16, 2012 (edited) Rainbow Dash's royalty was absolutely amazing. Not too often you get to see that Rainbow pony show off her Element. I just can't decide which episode I like the most this season! - Maxos Edited December 16, 2012 by Maxos Knowledge is power. But in unity there is strength. Come Join the fun at New Equestria! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mile high 61 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Why do thay have roads in the sky, And also why don't thay not have those kind of roads on the ground. I was hopeing for a police Academy joke and if there was one I missed it :/ but this episode was not good but not bad ether But I think rainbow dash ruined that ponys dreams of being a wonder bolt even thou she was a @$$ hole Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Glow 40 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Not much to say here, but I loved the episode, Rainbow Dash, ect... But anyone else found Spitfire's actions... peculiar? We all know we first met her, in Sonic Rainboom, when Rainbow dash saved her life, and won the 'Best Flyer's Competition'. And she definitely showed that she was great full afterwards by tapping her shoulder, and asking to hang with her. And again, in the 'Best Night Ever' episode, she asks Rainbow Dash to hang with them again, all in respect. And in 'Hurricane Fluttershy', she seems to show the same for her as previous episodes. And in this one, she acts like she just met Rainbow Dash. And the way she underestimated Rainbow Dash after all she's witnessed... is just weird. Anyone else think so? I don't think she underestimated Rainbow Dash--she knows quite well what she's capable of. She ALSO knows that while Dashie is growing up and is ultimately very loyal (that being her element and all), in the past she's been stubborn, arrogant (to cover her deeper insecurities) and reckless. That's the kind of hot shot behavior that can cause major problems in the air while flying in close formation. Ergo, Spitfire likely made her wing pony to see how she could cope with a situation where she would NOT be the hottest thing in the air (and possibly wanted to make Lightning Dust lead pony in order to see if the honor of being ranked over the sonic rainbooming, element of harmony wielding, thunderbolt rescuing best young flier would go to her head). Rainbow Dash rose to the occasion, Lightning Bolt didn't, and the rest is history. 4 Librarian, Ph.D Student, Fan Read my Pony (et al.) ramblings at Fandom Lenses. Like it shorter? here's my Twitter. Like it sillier? Here's my Tumblr. Finally a word of advice: marry a Brony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Why do thay have roads in the sky, And also why don't thay not have those kind of roads on the ground. I was hopeing for a police Academy joke and if there was one I missed it :/ but this episode was not good but not bad etherBut I think rainbow dash ruined that ponys dreams of being a wonder bolt even thou she was a @$$ hole Lightning Dust ruined her own dreams through her own recklessness and lack of remorse for her negative actions. Rainbow doesn't deserve blame for what happened to her. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Glow 40 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I dare you to read Friendship Is Empathy without bawling your eyes out and changing that opinion... or at least agreeing that what the other 5 did was horrible., that felt like the natural ending of the Wonderbolt dream, and the solution to the problems it brings for the group. But then all of a sudden, here's Spitfire to say "nevermind, we're still as awesome as you thought". I much prefer this, as long as they do it in a way that where Dash being a Wonderbolt doesn't involve being away from her friends most of the time. Otherwise she'll probably end up giving up the dream anyway, which would be no better than ending it in this episode.AWESOME! That's an academy record. First, THANK YOU for linking to the above fic! I just read it, and it's wonderful. Not only is it very well-written, it helped me put words to why I, possibly the hardest-core Twilight lover around, almost always hit skip when I get to this episode on a netflix watch-through. And I didn't get the vibe that Dash is now a Wonderbolt--just that she aquitted herself very well as a leader and flier at the Academy. nobody handed her a uniform or called her a Wonderbolt, and I would hope that the selection process is a lot longer than a week-long camp that hadn't even weeded out some VERY weak fliers. 2 Librarian, Ph.D Student, Fan Read my Pony (et al.) ramblings at Fandom Lenses. Like it shorter? here's my Twitter. Like it sillier? Here's my Tumblr. Finally a word of advice: marry a Brony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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