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Bronies and Masculinity


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I think that masculinity has a variety of definitions for a variety of different people. I guess some view masculinity as "chopping wood and slaying the dragon" and some view it as "being yourself." 

Edited by ~Vallo~
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All I can say about masculinity is that society has warped it into something it is not. Masculinity should be being confident in yourself, no matter what you do or watch. it has nothing to do with being gay.

Masculinity is defined as:
1. The quality or condition of being masculine.

2. Something traditionally considered to be characteristic of a male.


it says nothing about being gay, homosexual or anything else for that matter.

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I'd either ignore her, or say something along the lines of "says the girl who is watching a movie about robots that turn into cars". Probably the former. I sure wouldn't grace that bitch with a handshake :P



Also, as far as I'm concerned, things can't detract from masculinity (or femininity), only add to it or be neutral. So you can be a football player (pretty manly, unless you're really bad), and then go to a party full of pink lacey pillows, appletinis and gay sex (none of which are manly), and you'll still be manly because you're a football player.

Edited by Evilshy
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I think people are maybe uncomfortable with others stepping out of what is consider the norm, it's just society these days, be different and watch out! Follow what everyone else is doing and your just fine, that seems to be the mentality these days.


 Honestly, I think we are more masculine by liking ponies and going out of our way to actually enjoy something that we truly like, no matter what others say about it, we are content and proud. 

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People are just really dumb about the whole masculinity thing.. I don't see why people can't just accept that people can watch MLP, it sounds weird at first I guess, but its not really.. They never tried it in the first place, and of course don't judge a book by its cover.


So just ignore that type of thing, society's views on masculinity are just screwed up, being masculine actually has nothing to do with being gay, I know alot of people who aren't even masculine and they aren't gay. And theres plenty of masculine people who watch MLP.

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Aaaaaah, welcome to society my friend!

Society can be so stereotypical these days cant it? :P


And one thing, ignore them if they call you stuff like gay and other bad things. Because one doesnt become "gay" if they like My Little Pony. Its like last time when somepony called me gay cuz I liked it. Lol joke was on him cuz he was a real one ;P


And I just hate how society can be. Just like with the song Gangnam style. So much hipocrisy.

Before it aired on radios and tv >>> Society: Gangnam Style is stupid.

After it aired on radios and tv > Society: OMG I LOVE GANGNAM STYLE!!!


Even if it aired on radio, internet, and tv, I still think its dumb xD Especially the music video LOL at the elevator scene xD

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being male isnt hard, but living up to the unrealistic model of masculinity is almost impossible. be your own man instead of the preconceived notion of what an ideal male is suppose to be. all the "manly" things come off as homoerotic in the first place, and thats not much better then being viewed as a sissy. being a man is more then doing manly things or trying to be a tough guy. its how you handle yourself in the world, the values you hold dear, how you treat others, and the respect that other males give to you. you can watch MLP and still have the respect of your fellow man, just by being a decent person. 


embracing feminine things isnt bad for you, and you shouldnt ever be ashamed of liking something thats not 100% manly. nor should you be bothered by the critisim of others based on your interests in a tv show. thats not going to make you a better or worst man, its what you get out of the show that will improve your character, not the show itself. ive been questioned myself, such as "why do you watch a show ment for girls?" and the answer is simple. i enjoy it and it makes me happy. i dont have to explain myself beyond that, nor justify my manliness to anyone else. 

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yea theres alot of biased jerks out there, but the way i see it is you dont need to win over their approval anyway. the people with worthwhile opinions are the ones who wont judge you for silly stuff like enjoying a cartoon with cute horses

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Masculinity (unless you mean it as a muscular male person) is just an antiquated social construct that never really was accurate and it sure as hell isn't accurate now. If you want to apply masculinity, you should also consider what is feminine and what the traditional gender roles are. Ergo, if man watching ponies is violating masculine behavoiur and it is wrong, that also means beating your wife for not having a dinner ready is right.


So yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and you should be proud for not contributing to the gender role stereotype.

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let me ask you this: who does society say is more masculine: the guy who strips naked in front of 40 other guys and showers with them, or the guy who gets to stare up a girls skirt all day? Thats right they choose the the football player. but the Male cheerleader gets to hang out with hot girls all day... society is messed up!

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As mentioned above, the masculinity stereotype has changed somehow over the years.

I'm afraid that the current society just tends to think that part of being masculine is being as sensitive as a stump.

(-> not finding enjoyment in ultra-kind world of colorful ponies)

It's quite retarded, but a load of people around me view it the same way :/

Edited by Nouth
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Real masculinity is dead, and "machismo" is the box it's been buried in. Machismo is the corrupted standard that society judges what it means to be a man. Machismo is the reason violence, judgementalism, and overall what used to be labeled "douchebagery" is now considered what it means to be a man.


Case in point, a recent AR-15 (the same type of AR-15 used in the CT shooting) advertisement had the tagline "Consider your man card renewed." Now, I'm no gun control advocate or anything, but if you need to brandish an assault rifle to consider yourself a man, you really need to redefine the definition of manliness. A gun is simply a tool, not an existential definition.


Real manliness comes from the inside, not the outside. Manliness comes from who you are, not what you do or own (the exception being how you conduct yourself as a person, but not things like what you like). And manliness used to mean qualities like kindness, generosity, honesty, loyalty...(sound familiar? ;)).


And if we ever want to make the world a better place, nothing is going to get done until we get 50% of the world's population out of this identity crisis.


On that note, here's an interesting fact: In the early part of the 20th century, pink was considered a masculine color and blue a feminine color. Had there been MLP in those times Pinkie Pie would've been considered a more masculine pony. :)

Edited by StratoPegasus
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Let me throw a hypothetical at y'all...


Alright, so you're in a theater watching a movie or something. You open up your phone to keep yourself entertained while the previews play, and some random girl walks past you. She sees you have a pony wallpaper and says, "Wow, ponies? You must be gay or somethin'." You sit there thinking about what you just heard as she walks to her seat. You're feelings are hurt, but then you realize something: She's a girl attending a showing of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon." How come she watch a movie mainly "aimed at guys", while I can't watch a show mainly "intended for girls"? . You walk up to her, and give her a handshake. She gives you a confused look as you start to walk out of the theater.


Why are bronies typically branded as "gay" or "wusses." I mean, I'm a starting lineman on the football team, and after a rough and painful game, I take off my pads and go home to watch ponies. What's so wrong about that?  :huh:

Slap her face Dorito bag. (Lol that sounded little pervy) .Masculinty is a f...... some weird thing that the society has invented for themselves. I think everypony should do the things they like

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Case in point, a recent AR-15 (the same type of AR-15 used in the CT shooting) advertisement had the tagline "Consider your man card renewed." Now, I'm no gun control advocate or anything, but if you need to brandish an assault rifle to consider yourself a man, you really need to redefine the definition of manliness. A gun is simply a tool, not an existential definition.


off topic, but i hate when people refer to AR's or any sort of "black rifle" as an "assault rifle". that term alone is whats damaging the firearms community, and its an inaccurate description of the firearm in question. companies like Smith and Wesson are marketing their AR line as "modern sporting rifles" and its a much better description of the type of gun it is, and how its used. theres MILLIONS of ARs out there, and most of them arent being used for an assaulting role, unless its paper targets and aluminum cans. the majority of AR owners are using them for hunting, target shooting, and defending their loved one. 


i dont mean to single out your statement and im sure you know all of this already, its just one of those things that bothers me and it gives the anti-gun people some solid ammunition to use against us when theyre trying to get certain firearms banned. the more people that can be retrained to not use the phrase "assault rifle" the better. 


but getting back on topic, shooting guns doesnt make you a man either. what happens when you cant shoot anymore? will that make you less of one? not at all. i think ive said all i can say about this subject in my previous comment, and whatever i left out has been said by other. do your modern duties as a man and care for those who need you, support your friends, walk with your head held high and your confident in check, then just do the things that make you happy. your'e all entitled to that. man on? lol. 

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Well... I'm a girl, but if I was a guy I would just ignore her completely, she isn't worth a response.


I hate how the society has stereotypical moulds that "every person should fit". I personally think it's ridiculous, and that's one of the things I love about MLP - it breaks the boundaries and will hopefully loosen the tight expectations society has on each sex.


When people find out I like things like COD, they freak out because I'm a girl and "flimsy delicate girls shouldn't play those sort of things".


It's unfair on both accounts and I wish this line between what girls should like and what boys should like would just break away. :mellow:

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Let me throw a hypothetical at y'all...


Alright, so you're in a theater watching a movie or something. You open up your phone to keep yourself entertained while the previews play, and some random girl walks past you. She sees you have a pony wallpaper and says, "Wow, ponies? You must be gay or somethin'." You sit there thinking about what you just heard as she walks to her seat. You're feelings are hurt, but then you realize something: She's a girl attending a showing of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon." How come she watch a movie mainly "aimed at guys", while I can't watch a show mainly "intended for girls"? . You walk up to her, and give her a handshake. She gives you a confused look as you start to walk out of the theater.


Why are bronies typically branded as "gay" or "wusses." I mean, I'm a starting lineman on the football team, and after a rough and painful game, I take off my pads and go home to watch ponies. What's so wrong about that?  :huh:


First "Transformers: Dark of the Moon." not for any gender of humanity , going to the rainbow factory may be more fun :(


i think the prablem is that most girls show and movies try to be for girls to mach  (talking about guys, make up ....) AKA thing that we hate

Ex : sex in the city , twilight , hana montana and My little pony G1-G2-G3-G3.5 :huh:


there are test writers and critics use to review a good women character (i see a video by extra credid talking about it)

what you do is think of these female charcter as a male character :blink:


is these these character still good character?


if not you have bad female charcter if yes these is good charcter ! -_-


you see the definition of good female character is (good character that happen to be a female) :wacko:

all MLP:FIM charcter can be good male characters B)

yes FS ;)  more girly thin the other and R :D  is all about fashion but still these is not her character but what she like

the shy guys like FS and guys who like fancy things like R :D


so what ?


most other girls show don't do that so the steriotype of any girls show is it only for girls


MLP:FIM is new thing


most guys show try to get wilder audience so there things for girls (romance :wub:  , cool loking guys :unsure: )



there are that other thing


lots of guys not that secure about the manliness


last thing

someone tell me real man wear pink

i didn't believe him :lol:

there are guys who wear black , put tatos and play havey metal music so you see them and say that a man

but real man don't gave a DAME B)

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"I'm not gay, look, let me show you."



Oh man, best come back EVER! 


I-I need help or something. :3



Witty comebacks that are very uncomfortable is the best way to prove your points and or go to jail! Usually the latter! 

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I would turn that insult right on its head by saying "really, and you are here watching a movie about robots that transform into cars and questioning a man's sexuality because he likes ponies, a man you don't even know which ones of us is really gay?" Seriously I am not gay but have nothing against people who are but that "bronies are gay" insult is just so weak.

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some stupid kid in Starbucks (I like coffee so sue me) was looking at my laptop screen while I was browsing the forum and called me gay, I calmly stood up and threatened to cut his head off with a chainsaw I dont know why I said that but its what came out. Him and his friends left shortly after. I dont know why men are branded as gay but a girl seeing a "boy" film would be more accepted but this is the world we live in. Remember we are talking about a planet where in certain places you can get the death penalty for being gay, Its a messed up world we live in.

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Masculenity nowaday's is falling asleep with your shorts half off at a frat party after a game of beer pong,liking thing's that are all about senseless violence,being an insensitive jerk,dribble on about sports non-stop,and treating women like objects.

If you do not do any of these things, you like the same gender

If you do anything that is for women,you like the same gender and are to be shunned and insulted no matter what.

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I would turn that insult right on its head by saying "really, and you are here watching a movie about robots that transform into cars and questioning a man's sexuality because he likes ponies, a man you don't even know which ones of us is really gay?" Seriously I am not gay but have nothing against people who are but that "bronies are gay" insult is just so weak.

Stop calling me gay or I'll hit you with my purse.


Either way, the worst part is that it's not even offensive. You can call people so many names, but they choose the one that isn't offensive. What the heck does that tell you about the people who use that? That they are some sort of fundamentalist rednecks who just discovered the internetz?


Also, when people watch Transformers, it's dull to question their sexuality, you should question their sanity.

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You know, anytime someone has to lower themselves to insulting my 'masculinity' when I tell them I enjoy ponies, I just laugh. At the point it's brought in to an argument, at least as an insult mind you, it just means their discussion has ran out.


You know, their are a LOT of manly bronies. Plus I have to say, many Bronies are more secure with their masculinity than many 'typical' men. You know who I'm talking about, the ones the stick around a certain group, and follows said group around, even though they may not enjoy it they do it so they have some sort of 'friend' or just a group so they aren't alone. At least Bronies we are secure, and it's hard to be a 'forced' brony. Who we are is legit, true and certain. 


So, going back to the asshole in the theatre, I would have shrugged her off as just another lonely, outcasted person that really can't fit in to anywhere specific so she'll probably follow a specific crowd for a while, then lose herself until she can pull a minimum wage job in which she'll work for the next 40-50 years.

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