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I have a complaint towards *some* Bronies


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 and I do not wish to join the Brony community anyway since I am a Pegasister.


Bronies and Pegasisters are the same thing... they arn't different communities, i dont get why people think they are, yes Brony was originally the term for the male fans but i think its just for everyone now rather than just the male fanbase.

  • Brohoof 1



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Yeah I understand, but what I mean is because I'm a girl I might just be a big old wuss because I don't like all the violence. Not because we are different. I just think the fans should love the show for what it is, not make horrid things out of it. (that is my opinionated horrid, at least)

It's not because you're a girl it's because you're a normal, mentally stable person. All the gore fics out there are disgusting whether they have anything to do with mlp or not. I try to keep an open mind but when it comes to this stuff I have to draw a line. The unhealthy fascination with violence and gore is becoming increasingly more mainstream, and it frightens me when I think of where society is headed. 

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I don't necessarily care about people having gory stories. I do, for one, dislike NSFW images.  How could you take something so innocent and corrupt it with the most vile type of humanity's imagination; that is something I will never understand.


But I am curious to why you say this is a brony community, but you are a pegasister and that makes it so you don't want to join? (Am I reading that correctly?) The brony community isn't just for males.  It is a universal term for any gender.  And this community specifically isn't allowed to have NSFW images so I don't know why you wouldn't care to join.  (Then again, maybe I am misinterpreting.)


But I do agree with a few of your points.  That is why the dark side of the fandom, to some extent, is filtered.  On fimfiction, stories are labeled to let you know what is coming ahead of time.  Unfortunately, images on search engines are not so easily avoided.  It is those that really tick me off in a sense.  I wish those would stay at respective websites for that side of the fandom to enjoy, and for the rest of the fandom to avoid. 


All in all, I don't think they are reasons to not want to join or enjoy the fandom.  They represent a small, minimalist side of the Brony demographic.  Most people really do just enjoy the show.  Not everyone can draw, write, or play an instrument.  This is why those people stick to enjoying the show for what it is and just enjoy telling the good people of this community what their thoughts are on certain episodes and fanworks. 


Sorry for a Tl;dr response.  So to summarize it all I'll just make way with this.  "Most people do just enjoy the show, the unfortunate side is that at some point, most everyone will stumble across a fanwork that hey didn't necessarily want to see.  But I do believe they do show respect in the sense that a young child will most likely not see any of this work unless they know of sites that are directed at the fandom."  So for now the world is safe.  The key to keeping those eyes clean, is to avoid looking for fanworks, that's all there is to it.


Sorry about the Tl;dr everyone :P


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Well, I don't write horror stories involving ponies that often. But I like to read some. 


Personally, I like stories that send a chill down my spine. Such as Slendermane and the Rainbow Factory. 


Yes, some stories are just plain gruesome. But, I like dark things, somewhat. I don't know. I like action and horror stories that just get me caught into it.


Guts and blood don't really make me flinch or anything. Sometimes they will if they're really descriptive. 


I've nothing against horror fanfics or any other kind. As long as they're not making people read them. 


If you really don't like it then you can always really not read it. It's your choice to read it or not.


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Personally I have no interest what so ever in gore or grimdark stuff - I don't read super dark and/or violent fanfiction, and have no interest at all in art of the same variety... that said, I see no reason why that stuff would be considered 'disrespectful' to the show.


Why would it be? Nobody is passing it off as anything other than fan labor, and in most cases it isn't exactly being shoved down anyone's throat (I never come across the stuff, for example, and I'm extremely active in a number of different MLP related websites). If anything, the existence of such material should be taken as yet another sign of FiM's remarkable success given just how far and wide its appeal stretches, and to who all it is appealing to.


While I don't mean to accuse you of this personally, these arguments often give me a "I don't like this, thus it is bad" kind of vibe.




Funny you should mention this.


I happen to know a great many 'cloppers', of them nearly every last one of them goes to great lengths to conceal the fact that they're into R34 material out of fear of having stereotypes like this applied to them.


Actually, I think the real problem has to do with people making blanket statements about an entire category of people based solely on the actions of a relative few. Vocal minorities, and such.

Hey, you are the person I forced to work on my profile. Hello.  :P



Anyway, good points, but as I've missed the particular message you quoted I really feel the need to say something.

I'm a clopper. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm sure noone really wanted to know this, but it really interests me as to why I'm a dick and a bad person for *elevator music* to this type of art and perhaps drawing somewhat saucy artwork (as the song goes) myself from time to time. I really like, respect and defend the show too. Separately from the previous issue.


I don't see why should one be hiding it either. I mean, everyone does -that- (and if you don't, you are a sad person and I do not wish to speak with you), the only question is what is your object of interest. I'm pretty sure you can find some pretty freaky answers, but why is that bad as long as it doesn't hurt anypony. No pun intended.


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But I like some of those darker aspects of the fandom. I read great fan fictions, like A Hero Of War by DontWakeTheNeighbour.


Just think it's Multiverse. Not every parallel universe (fan fiction and what not) will be like the show.


I even like some clop art. I stated my reason why sorta in a post I made a long time ago: See Post

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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You may dislike it, which I can respect, but really now, does it affect you all that much? Has fics like cupcakes or Rainbow Factory, or any other NSFW works left a permanent scar on your brain? The point is, people have the right to do whatever they want, as long as they don't interfere with your personal rights. If it really did affect you, you could go and report the offending fic/art/video, but since my guess is that it doesn't affect your well-being, the people who make these things should be left alone.


I know I'm being redundant, but it is very important to know that these people who create these things that you dislike don't disrespect the show, they just want to express their like for it in a... different way. For example, I've seen some insanely artistic playboy style pony art. To me it's all artistic, as long as it isn't wayover the top pornographic/violent/inappropriate.


And yes, I know that it does affect the little ones, but it is the parents job to make sure that their kids don't see this kind of stuff.

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While I agree pointless gore for the sake of gore is generally stupid(unless it's something where it's intentionally over-the-top stupid like Mortal Kombat, or a cheesy horror-action game), I have to ask if you've read a well written horror fic like Silent Ponyville, or Creeping Darkness


Tvtropes has something called "Earn Your Happy Ending" which is what a good chunk of dark pony fics are. It's about seeing the hero go through hell and overcome it. It's about creating a contrast that makes the happy moments that much sweeter. 


Sometimes that's just what we need, to face the same kind of darkness we deal with in the real world, and face it with one of our heroes by our side. 

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Maybe it's just me, but my sister and my cousin certainly agree with me. You see, I think *some* Bronies need to show more respect for the show. I think they need to remember that it really is a just a kid's show. I am disgusted by videos like Cupcakes, pony wars, blood, guts etc... how people find this entertaining, I do not know. Yes, I know, I speaking typically but what about all the little kids that love the show itself and watch it on YouTube and see these horrific excuses of fanfiction. Bronies should love the show for what it is, and if they did, surely they wouldn't create such horrendous images, videos and whatnot.They need to take their violence and gore inflicted in fan-made videos/stories down a notch, because I don't see how that is loving or appreciating the show in any way. I think this also to certain explicitly rude and sexual media - this is totally wrong and it's disheartens me that people think of the ponies like this. 


Please note I am a girl, so I may have a reason for disliking such content, and I do not wish to join the Brony community anyway since I am a Pegasister. If this is found to be an inappropriate complaint, I am sorry, since this is a website for Bronies to unite after all.... I just wanted my opinion to be heard and whether anypony else agrees with me.


Actually I agree with you too, for the most part. I dislike fanfics such as cupcakes and rainbow factory too but some fanfics which include gore are pretty damn good, I speak of Fallout: Equestria when I say this.


As for the Brony / Pegasister thing. A Pegasister is just a female Brony (or visa versa), so I don't see the problem.

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The problem is that you think they are disrespecting the show. They aren't. 


Just like clop stuff, it has no disrespect to the show at all. They also aren't bad people. You just have a more personal problem with them. 


People just want to draw or create stuff that has that sort of thing. People don't always like a place filled with Rainbows and butterflies.

I personally aggre with Babs RacconL they dont mean to disrespect the show, just some people make content like that.

Personally I respect there tastes, even thou I dont like "all" there stuff.

The fact is some of the fanfics I like, such as  Cupcakes

Maybe it is just me, but I like to see the show in other perspectives.

  • Brohoof 1

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You have several points in this and I have different opinions for each. Keep in mind they're out of order so...

1. "they need to remember that it really is a just a kid's show" - Disagree

First off, it's a family show, Tara Strong (Our true Princess) made the show for the entire family to enjoy, not just little girls. But your point is more about not adding violence and other darker stuff like that, correct? If so, then again, I disagree because the show is really a base for what we make up. A good example are the Trixies. Fanfic Trixie is humble, apologetic, and willing to make up for her mistakes. The Show's Trixie started off a ***** and ended as just slightly less of a *****. What we make are stories and we replace the characters in them with ponies, I enjoy the show and I enjoy fanfics, the two don't have to go together and they shouldn't have to be.


2. "who cares about kids or whoever finds their stuff?" - I don't disagree but...

Ponies killing each other is mainly found on the internet (if not completely) so that one is already kind of dead. Although stuff like the RP section of this site may be considered dangerous because no one would expect to find it here, the stuff here isn't that bad, we have moderators. The majority of the darker stuff, especially that number I will not name, is on other unrestricted sites like 4chan, Funnyjunk, 9gag, ect. stuff where if there is a little kid on those sites, seeing a pony turning her friend into cupcakes wont be the primary concern anymore. Based on an analogy I once worte in a school essay, kids finding dark pony stuff on those sites is like giving cancer patient a runny nose, though an issue on it's own, not really a problem in context...


3. "generally, males like more violence" - Well...

I'm not sure what to say on that one, I don't know many bronies but the ones I do aren't the kind of guys in that stereotype. Of my two best friends, one is an emotional competant individual who is good at helping people in ays that don't hurt their feelings, and the other threatens to kill my kind friend and I on a regular basis. The emotional friend is a guy and the pyscotic little shell of murder is a girl. I can't speak for all groups, but like I said, the bronies I know don't really meet the gender stereotypes most people imagine... 


4."I am disgusted by videos like Cupcakes, pony wars, blood, guts etc..." & "Bronies should love the show for what it is, and if they did, surely they wouldn't create such horrendous images, videos and whatnot"

- Agreed, but

I still don't want to believe Cupcakes was written by a real brony, I want to believe a troll wrote that to **** with us. Blood is ok with me in moderation, guts a little less so but still. The pony wars concept is fine with me. Real life has war, I would sell my soul to make Equestria real life, and the violence it goes back to my opinions on blood and guts. Also, to me, stuff like The New Lunar Republic (Hail Luna ;D) is a fun in the same way Trixie is a likeable pony, true in fanfics, bs in the show. As for stories that are just plain violence and other dark subjects, I put those stories with Cupcakes, get some crazy priests, and a have a book burning.

The part about loving the show goes back to my first point; what we make isn't really based off the show, we use concepts from the show, but the "feel" of the show and the "feel" of a fanfic are usually significantly different.


5. "explicitly rude and sexual media" - Agreed

I don't think I need to elaborate on the dtails of this one and I will not. NOBODY likes cloppers.

If I may, I'd like to recant this one, I as I said elsewhere, I exaggerated what I assumed was a general opinion. My Brother is the only person I know who has expressed any opinion on cloppers, and the things he say make it sound like I should just follow along and not ask anyone about it. I treat clopping like I do homosexuality, and other sexual preferences; keep it in your bedroom, have your partner's consent, and you can whatever kinky fetishes you want, it doesn't affect me.


6."I do not wish to join the Brony community anyway since I am a Pegasister" - Uhh...

They're the same thing... Pegasister is just a way for saying brony for chicks who wouldn't want to be called "bro." Unless you're spliting the fandom based on gender... yeah.

Edited by TheBreech
  • Brohoof 1

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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I'm another one who does bi understand the appeal of clop/gore-type fan works, however I don't think that that means that they are bad or some sort of stain on the community as a whole.  Sure, they could be perceived that way, and a lot of people who don't understand the fandom are going to stereotype all of us into that category.  But does that really make them bad?


This sort of reminds me of a VA panel that I watched somewhat recently.  This topic was briefly touched upon, and Celestia's VA said something to the effect of, "I do not support them, but that does not mean that they have no place in the community."  (I'd try to find the exact quote, but it would take me more time than I currently have available)  That's basically my opinion on this subject.

  • Brohoof 1

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4."I am disgusted by videos like Cupcakes, pony wars, blood, guts etc..." & "Bronies should love the show for what it is, and if they did, surely they wouldn't create such horrendous images, videos and whatnot"

- Agreed, but

I still don't want to believe Cupcakes was written by a real brony, I want to believe a troll wrote that to **** with us.


It was trollfic, but written by a brony. He only wrote as a "let's see if anyone will actually read it" thing, he never meant for it to get out of hand like it did. He's written far more respectable things, and I think he even finally got tired of out and disowned Cupcakes. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Different strokes for different folks, I guess...


As much I tend to dislike some of the clop and gore, I wouldn't necessarily call it a complete disrespect. People might tend to have strange ways to appreciate their affection sometimes, but does that put them in the wrong? not entirely. After all, they do spend time creating amazing works sometimes, like it or not.

  • Brohoof 1

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It's not because you're a girl it's because you're a normal, mentally stable person. All the gore fics out there are disgusting whether they have anything to do with mlp or not. I try to keep an open mind but when it comes to this stuff I have to draw a line. The unhealthy fascination with violence and gore is becoming increasingly more mainstream, and it frightens me when I think of where society is headed. 


You would be surprised how many otherwise normal, mentally stable people like the occasional blood and gore. I myself like I said before generally don't mind it but for the most part don't like gore for the sake of gore unless it is so over the top that it becomes comical like some of the jokes and puns about internal organs in Cupcakes for example or some of the fatalities in the Mortal Kombat series. I think it is because you may not like it but humans do have aggressive impulses and that is the way some people choose to express those impulses without harming innocent people.

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I don't see the point in trying to put any sort of differentiation between gender. Just as many girls like and create r34, gimrdark, gore, etc.


I despise the gore and grimdark popularity in this fanbase, but that's why I avoid it. People aren't this that or the other thing just because they make something you don't like.

  • Brohoof 4


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I'm a girl, and I'm a kid (well I'm a teenager, but close enough) and I'm not offended at all. I admit to being horrified when I first heard about Cupcakes, but then I wasted no time at all in reading it, and I have to say that it wasn't written all that well, but I thought some parts were pretty good. For example, I remember Pinkie was pretending to be Rarity at one point, and for some reason I found that hilarious. :lol: On the other hand, the actual video for cupcakes grossed me out, but it made me fall in love with the song Ready to Die, so go figure ;)  I also love Rainbow Factory. It was brillant, well written, and has an extremely interesting story attached to it. 

I think the reason people like stuff a little bit darker is pretty much the same reason people like horror movies: the thrill and being kept in suspense, and they aren't afraid to embrace our darker side. Stephen King probably stated it the best when he said, "I think that we’re all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better – and maybe not all that much better, after all."

What this means is that everybody has a dark side whether we want to admit it or not. Ever wonder why violent movies and video games are so popular? Why memes such as Insanity Wolf or Overly Attached Girlfriend spread so fast?

Most people like things a little bit dark, and many people don't just see ponies such as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash as pastel colored horses, but in fact, characters. I really don't think a lot people would stress too much about characters in other shows or movies being used in a horror movie like situation, but because Pinkie and Dash are ponies, it is suddenly viewed as sick and the people who enjoy it have something seriously wrong with them, while the millions and millions of people who watch horror movies aren't judged as harshly.


Just my opinion, anyways. We had a discussion about something like this in English class once and this is pretty much what I came up with B)

  • Brohoof 1
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i to have read cupcakes and really the only part i found destrbing was the end were she was gonna stuff rainbow dash. it only freaks me out because when i was four i saw this movie... need i say more? *weep*

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What this means is that everybody has a dark side whether we want to admit it or not. Ever wonder why violent movies and video games are so popular? Why memes such as Insanity Wolf or Overly Attached Girlfriend spread so fast?

Most people like things a little bit dark, and many people don't just see ponies such as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash as pastel colored horses, but in fact, characters. I really don't think a lot people would stress too much about characters in other shows or movies being used in a horror movie like situation, but because Pinkie and Dash are ponies, it is suddenly viewed as sick and the people who enjoy it have something seriously wrong with them, while the millions and millions of people who watch horror movies aren't judged as harshly.


It's like Methos from Highlander said:


"It's not that simple. We are all both, good and evil, we have rage and compassion, we have love and hate...murder and forgiveness."

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Maybe it's just me, but my sister and my cousin certainly agree with me. You see, I think *some* Bronies need to show more respect for the show. I think they need to remember that it really is a just a kid's show. I am disgusted by videos like Cupcakes, pony wars, blood, guts etc... how people find this entertaining, I do not know. Yes, I know, I speaking typically but what about all the little kids that love the show itself and watch it on YouTube and see these horrific excuses of fanfiction. Bronies should love the show for what it is, and if they did, surely they wouldn't create such horrendous images, videos and whatnot.They need to take their violence and gore inflicted in fan-made videos/stories down a notch, because I don't see how that is loving or appreciating the show in any way. I think this also to certain explicitly rude and sexual media - this is totally wrong and it's disheartens me that people think of the ponies like this. 


Yes, I know, it's free world and people can do what they want, because who cares about kids or whoever finds their stuff? And that generally, males like more violence; it's just upsetting that they would even dream of making these crazy things from such a lovable show as My Little Pony. Just read the name. My. Little. Pony. It sounds so sweet and harmless. Sorry if I'm making you gag here, but I'm sorry boys, if this is what being a Brony is about, then I don't want to be a part of it.


Please note I am a girl, so I may have a reason for disliking such content, and I do not wish to join the Brony community anyway since I am a Pegasister. If this is found to be an inappropriate complaint, I am sorry, since this is a website for Bronies to unite after all.... I just wanted my opinion to be heard and whether anypony else agrees with me.

Ever hear about tolerance,you should check that word up. I if you dont want your cousin or sister to read cupcakes or clupfics ,then dont allow them to the material. Dont hate others fun man.


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Idk, I mean I personally don't like any of the blood and gore stuff, and Exspecially R34, but then again with a fandom this large for this show are you really suprised that some people are going to enjoy these types of things?


I mean after a fandom grows large enough you get people who enjoy all types of things, and it just so happens some people enjoy these types of bloody gorey fanfics, or even R34 stuff.


While I do not like and don't really think its appropriate for the show, its something thats kinda unavoidable with a fandom this large.


Plus the fanfics and stuff thats already out are out, they're not just going to disappear really. I understand this stuff could be found my children, but honestly I think that maybe parents should keep a close eye on the children about this type of stuff if thats the case.


Theres plenty of other things kids can run into they don't mean to on the internet, it is the internet afterall.


I try to be tolerant of everything though, even if I disagree with it or dislike it. Same goes for Cloppers, blood and gore fics, ect.


Theres actually some people who enjoy these types of things, and again with a following this huge for a show plenty of different people will be around, and I don't think its really fair to say that they can't enjoy what they can enjoy, even if you don't agree with it.


Just my thoughts, I don't like all that type of stuff either, (Unless you count stuff like fighting is magic, which looks awesome :P.) but you gotta respect and just really be tolerant of the different types of people who will be apart of such a large fandom, regardless of your personally thoughts and interests.


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Bronydom is just like any other community on Earth. Everyone has different opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. and the only way to make it work is if we respect each other. I don't mean we all have to read "cupcakes" and proclaim it a work of art, but at least we should tolerate those who do.

  • Brohoof 2



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I don't think anyone likes gore for the sake of gore, or if they do they actually just like being "cool".  Violent content is used for other purposes, usually to build strong emotions and/or realism.


And I remind the OP that, while this may technically be a children's show, this is the darkest children's show on television.  Slavery has been brought up or depicted multiple times now.  Two wars have been depicted.  The country is an absolutist monarchy (or, I suppose, diarchy) in which the government controls dissent by entering the dreams of its subjects to read their thoughts.


If you're looking for pure, child-like innocence, I suggest "Care Bears".  MLP:FiM is popular because it is dark, a quality that elevates it beyond other shows.


I've never read Cupcakes (to be honest, I hear that it's actually quite stupid and not at all terrifying) and I do not clop.  But even members of the community who are put off by grimdark/clop need to learn to reluctantly accept their existence.  Isn't that the true meaning of the second part of our motto: "Tolerate"?  Not necessarily like, just accept and move on?


5. "explicitly rude and sexual media" - Agreed

I don't think I need to elaborate on the dtails of this one and I will not. NOBODY likes cloppers.


Eh, you sure about that?  I find that the majority of the community accepts cloppers.  Hell, some quite respectable people in the community like clop *cough*Mic the Microphone*cough*, and it isn't (nor should it be) a big deal.



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Not that I enjoy the gore/R34 content, but I'm not about to stop anyone from doing what they like to do. That's their choice, and no matter how much I disagree with it or how repulsive it is to me, I have no choice but to look past that and move on.

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