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S03:E09 - Spike at your Service



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Just watched this episode, dang it was spectacular. I really can't define exactly what I like about this episode, but the humor was awesome, had a large amount of action, and a unique pairing that I didn't see coming. I couldn't find anything to dislike about this episode for sure, and I was extremely entertained throughout.


I just really liked it, so far to say it's a God Tier episode for me. I'm really impressed.


Oh, and the and opening scene had a Lyra cameo. :wub:

Edited by Ammy5678


Embracer of theTri-tone.

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Okay so I had only two flaws that I just have to point out in the new episode.

1. How could Spike build an entire mountain of rocks and finds it hard to lift the little stone of AJ's hoof?

2. I thought it would of been way more epic if they had like 2 stories, one about AJ, one about the cutie mark crusaders and their quest to find their cutie marks! DOUBLE AWESOME!  

Other than that I loved the new episode!! Timberwolves should totally be featured in another episode... maybe if they teamed up with another villain to try destroy Ponyville or something alike for the season 3 finale? I know it's ages away, but I hope it's gonna be epic!!


> Spike faces a wooden foe
> Spike can breathe fire
> Spike throws a pebble


I totally agree with you!! I mean... come on Spike. You've been Twilights assistant for AGES. I thought that you were a bit smarter...   <_< all in all, the episode was AWESOME though!  :lol:

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I feel bad for spike and being so overworked that he cant think of anything else besides working and not being able to simply take a day off without getting bored. At least i don't get bored by playing TF2 (Bragging about my Flaming Team Captain... U mad?), Post on forums or laugh at people for being banned from certain sites or games

Edited by Mayor Mare
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Best episode


Spike has the magic claws

And pinkie was funny as hell

Rainbow dash is making a book lol


But when rd said you can make him do your laundry

That didn't make sense

1 why would you let a boy wash girls clothes I meen it's kind of weard letting him touch your underwear and stuff

And 2 applejack doesn't where any clothes so how can he wash things she doesn't have

I love this episode

Applejack is best pony and spike is best character

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Spike has a compulsive need to feel needed, I understand showing what happens to him psychologically when he doesn't feel needed even for short amounts of time was the idea here but the execution was atrocious. He would never leave Twilight, just saying he has AJ to need him now is flimsy in the face of the relationship he and Twilight have. He is competent at his chores, he does them every day. Others have already pointed out the stupidity of the "Dragon code". Come to think of it, why were the Timberwolves even necessary?* Sure they were cool but it would have been much more impactful if Spike had come to AJ on his own to hang out during his time off, helped out with some chores just to be nice and from there had increasingly and unwittingly demonstrated his emotional insecurity. This episode is so poorly conceived.


*Obviously it was necessary for the lesson about helping friends just being what friends do without always needing to be repaid to be set up. It was a dumb question, which is not to say I've suddenly become happy with the way this episode portrayed Spike.

Edited by ByTheTides
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Didn't really care for this episode. Had some nice moments, but it's probably my least favorite of the show, and the other Spike episodes were definitely better, in my opinion.


Being such a total klutz is expected for this kind of plot premise, but yeah. Instead of having its amusing moments, it was just annoying to me the whole time. And making such a big deal out of his own made-up dragon code... Eh. Though if I think about it more as "how can I call myself a dragon if I don't repay someone for saving my life," it's not so bad.


Pinkie was great, though. Not too over-the-top like she often has been side season 2... It was perfect. From what I remember a day after watching, anyways.


Probably not gonna bother rewatching this one many times if at all, but I figure the rest of the season will be better.


...Oh, and the timberwolves. Seeing 3D with my ponies made me sad, but they looked pretty good. I'm hoping not to see any more 3D except for more timberwolves, though... I really don't want that here. 3D graphics almost always seem out of place in 2D shows to me, even worse since the animation is part of what I love so much about MLP.

Edited by Mu Nova
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I didn't like it.


It was boring, went against several themes already set forth beforehand, and the 3D Timberwolves did not fit the show's animation style at all.


Amen to that, but I am just not a Spike fan in general. Though you must admit they brought the Mane 6 together better than usual this episode

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(Yay, AJ got a main part again! :D)

Oh, but I loved how all of the Mane 6 were involved in this episode! (I gave a small squeal when Rainbow Dash popped up) at first I thought it'd be boring (not that I'm ever bored at an MLP episode) because I'm not a massive fan of Spike (don't think he has many fans, bless 'im), but he was quite entertaining in this one, not to mention the episode was a good one after all. It had a good story line this time, unlike last weeks, it wasn't too predictable as usual. I actually thought Spike would save Applejack in the fake attack an walah, the end!, but of course not. And who would have thought that Spike would strip his duties to Twilight to serve Applejack for the rest of his life?!

Simply adorable, as always.

EDIT: I've been waiting for that moustache moment ever since the preview at the end of episode 6 :3)

Edited by (\ScootaDash/)

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Oh, I'm not saying that he doesn't enjoy being Twilight's assistant. Far from it. But he has shown how bothered he is when has to make ALL the chores from inside the library. As much as he loves Twilight, it's not something he would like to do forever and ever, UNLESS it was the bidding of Twilight, where the two love the other a lot.



I don't know... But in the Crystal empire episodes, it showed us that Spike really likes to help her around to the point that his worst fear is Twilight telling him she doesn't need him anymore, besides at the end of that episode Spike was more worried about Twilight failing the test, than himself being the "hero" of the moment. For me Twilight sees Spike´s assistance as a job, Spike sees this as the only way he can possibly feel needed and loved. 



Well, the thing is he WAS, VERY overzealous from the start. And that overzealousness carried through all his tasks.    Another thing could be if the difference lies in that Spike does the chores of Twilight for it being a different kind of obligation and connection. With Twilight...well...º1 assistant, almost mother figure, has been with her his whole life, etc, etc. With Applejack is the fact he actiavated his Dragon Code which sounds like a different reason altogether, and therefore, enables a different mindset.   I'm pretty sure I could actually be wrong, but I think that is a firm theory, IMO. Please correct me if there's something that doesn't really make sense. Or is repeated.



You're probably right there. But the thing is, Spike´s sudden loss of skill was so ludicrous and so over the top, that it shattered my suspension of disbelief, I simply cannot believe what was happening right there. Also, if the writers explanation about Spike's sudden incompetence was this, then they did a very bad job at getting that point across, the proof is that this issue is one of the most common criticisms of the episode.


Besides, Spike is the least popular character in the fandom, to the point that most bronies either forget that he is a main character or they simply forget that he exists. And the least thing he needs right now is another episode that portrays him as a load to the mane 6, having to get his ass saved all the time because he is incapable of doing anything else besides being a pack mule and a living fax machine (even as an assistant is not that good either), he is a nuisance that adds nothing to the other characters and he can be forgotten... :(





Oh.. and happy new year by the way! ;)

Edited by dreaper
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I think that was weird that Spike was so clumsy at AppleJacks place. But i understand that from the story point ,also the dragon code seemed to be conflicting because a lot of characters have saved Spike.


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It's always the small funnies that make me smile the largest. After Applebloom and Spike finished washing the pig until she shined, she rolled around in the mud, putting all their effort to waste. So subtle, yet a charming background detail.

  • Brohoof 1


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Finally had a chance to watch the episode as well. I can say it was not one of my favorites, but overall still entertaining.


The main plot about Spike's "Dragon Code" was dragged out too much and felt forced, but I do understand why Spike was hammering on it so much. He's still young, and as shown earlier he really wants to have his own identity. I can understand that because, when I was younger, there were certain things or people I wanted to be or act like as well.


The clumsy scenes were dragged out too much, felt forced and were slightly annoying, but again understandable because Spike is used to the Library, and has no experience at all with farm life or working at other people's homes.



The second half was a lot better IMO, especially the interactions between the Mane 6 were well done. Fluttershy seemed especially clear of mind in this episode. Rainbow Dash doing a Timberwolf call was random, yet she's exactly the kind of pony who would practice such a sound. Especially loved the scene with the rocks, bonus points for RD for going through with it and not backing out. Loved how Applejack tried to get Twilight's attention as well.



An alright but entertaining episode. Had some great moments, some good and unfortunately also some bad. Not a real favorite, but not the "worst" for me in this series either.

Edited by JH24
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Woah woah woah... everyone doesn't like this episode? I loved it greatly!!


We see some character here. From what I saw, Spike has grown so accustomed to Twilight's way of life that he adopts a bit of it himself (with the "to-do" list he made... Twi did the same thing in her crazy episode). I thought that was really sweet. Melting my heart was a good start!


Then we explore Applejack! She's brave and humble, and encourages others (Spike) to accept her deed in a humble manner as well. She tries to teach him that being a good friend is not about doing favors, but helping eachother when they need it. Spike struggled with the concept, but I think it succeeded in showing AJ's warmth. I always liked AJ, but now my love for her has grown even stronger.


Not only that, but we see some classic character details in here too. What with Applebloom going on an adventure to earn her cutie mark and Twilight's nose stuck in a book for the Princess. There were more details too among all characters (Dashie mentioned her dream about becoming a Wonderbolt), and so I felt that the episode it was rich and full.


I loved every episode of S3 so far. It's not that I watch the show through rose-colored glasses; it's high quality with dimensional stories. Where do you guys find your disappointment? The only thing displeasing about S3 is the length, so please try to enjoy it while it lasts! You're all breaking my heart by not letting the show warm yours.

  • Brohoof 2


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Timberwolves are back?



Anyway, why dosen't anypony like this episode? It was nice, I just didn't like how Rainbow appeared out of nowhere. That's Rainbow being rainbow I guess.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I don't know... But in the Crystal empire episodes, it showed us that Spike really likes to help her around to the point that his worst fear is Twilight telling him she doesn't need him anymore, besides at the end of that episode Spike was more worried about Twilight failing the test, than himself being the "hero" of the moment. For me Twilight sees Spike´s assistance as a job, Spike sees this as the only way he can possibly feel needed and loved.

I'm not denying that (Celestia strike with a bolt if I do...). But what I mean is, that yes, Spike sees his assistant work as, also, a way to repay her for all she did for him initially. And he wanted to help as much as she could...but... he has been doing this for who knows how many years now? Helping Twilight, I mean. The feeling HASN'T disappeared, that's for sure, but even he would feel it as a chore, instead of something else, and he HAS shown wish to go do something else, in repeated sighs throughout the show. This connects to:


You're probably right there. But the thing is, Spike´s sudden loss of skill was so ludicrous and so over the top, that it shattered my suspension of disbelief, I simply cannot believe what has happening right there. Also, if the writers explanation about Spike's sudden incompetence was this, then they did a very bad job at getting that point across, the proof is that this issue is one of the most common criticisms of the episode.

This. Remember that mindset change that I mentioned? It applies to what I said before. I think that Williams and Polsky wanted to let the people figure it out on their own, I think. There have been things which these two in their own episodes have left in the air, so I wouldn't be surprised. In the end, it's also probably a hit-or-miss tactic. You either like it or hate it. At least that's how I see it.


Besides, Spike is the least popular character in the fandom, to the point that most bronies either forget that he is a main character or they simply forget that he exists. And the least thing he needs right now is another episode that portrays him as a load to the mane 6, having to get his ass saved all the time because he is incapable of doing anything else besides being a pack mule and a living fax machine (even as an assistant is not that good either), he is a nuisance that adds nothing to the other characters and he can be forgotten...

Woah woah woah! Who is saying that Spike is the least popular character?! That's totally not true! It's also a bit in the eye of the beholder as well. But I'm definitely sure that he is not the least popular character out there. Besides, it's not like he hasn't done absolutely anything at all. Many of the things he has done also cause people to laugh...or even praise. Let's see..he did have a hand in saving the Crystal Empire. Spike did let Celestia know about Twilight's ordeal in Lesson Zero and was her voice of reason (even though it didn't really work), his one-sided love relationship with Rarity, and he also adds a lot of the sarcasm and sardonic twinges that make a nice touch for the show. Spike is between main and support character, but I don't think that they think any less of Spike right now, not at all. Plus, most people complained about his actions because they knew he was SMARTER than that, not something different and etcetera. :)

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Well, I found this episode to be quite enjoyable. I found the last episode to be rather eh, but this one, not quite as much. Probably because this is the first Spike-centered episode we've seen yet this season, and I think it was a pretty good take on the old cliche 'save character A's life, and he is devoted to character B no matter what in return'.


First and foremost, I love the 3D effect the animators have decided to use with Timberwolves. They look far cooler now than they did back in their debut flashback for Family Appreciation Day, and how they can actually reattach themselves is pretty bad-ass (and expected), too. I thought the whole chase scene where AJ took care of them near the start was pretty cool.


Second off, Spike's clumsiness seems all-too in character for him, so I found that to be rather consistent with how he's been throughout the series thus far. And Applejack was the perfect candidate for being stuck with his clumsiness, since she has the most chores and work responsibilities of the Mane Six. Oh, and the 'Spike trying to get through to Twilight, aloof off in book land, causing Spike to tear up and leave with a hanging head' made me chuckle, because again, it's so like them.


This episode certainly wasn't as stand-outish as most of the episodes this season, but I think it was a pretty decent Spike episode, and was entertaining. I actually enjoyed it more than Apple Family Reunion.


And I-Oh look, Dashie 8D


"Mine's about this super awesome pegasus who is the best flier ever, who becomes the Captain of the Wonderbolts."


"How EVER did you come up with that ingenious, intricately woven plot-line? :|"


"It just came to me x3"


Dashie writing? I am so okay with this.


Oh, yeah, and I really like how all of the Mane Six got to be apart of this nonsense :3


Oh, and it also tickles me on a witty level that yelling to get Twilight's attention will not work, but putting a tiny little something out of place that makes a noise, does.


Good ep.


I agree with you on the new 3d look for the timberwolves. After I got done watching it, I was looking through some of the comments, and it seemed a lot of people thought it looked terrible or bad or that it didn't fit in. It really made them pop out, which is good being the enemy.

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I'm not denying that (Celestia strike with a bolt if I do...). But what I mean is, that yes, Spike sees his assistant work as, also, a way to repay her for all she did for him initially. And he wanted to help as much as she could...but... he has been doing this for who knows how many years now? Helping Twilight, I mean. The feeling HASN'T disappeared, that's for sure, but even he would feel it as a chore, instead of something else, and he HAS shown wish to go do something else, in repeated sighs throughout the show.


Well uhm... sorry you lost me here...  :wacko:


This. Remember that mindset change that I mentioned? It applies to what I said before. I think that Williams and Polsky wanted to let the people figure it out on their own, I think. There have been things which these two in their own episodes have left in the air, so I wouldn't be surprised. In the end, it's also probably a hit-or-miss tactic. You either like it or hate it. At least that's how I see it.


There is one problem with that. We are not talking about putting a small character detail or an Easter egg in the episode and let the audience figure it out themselves. No, this is a MAJOR character attribute we're talking about, an attribute that has already been established and the writers decided to downgrade... and not to make a point, but just to play it for laughs. It was basically this: "Look at Spike, he is a good assistant, BUT NOT NOW! lolololololol, he is a walking disaser!... Isn't that funny? LAUGH!!"


It is like if they decided to downgrade Rainbow Dash's flying skills from the start, to such point that she can't fly for 5 seconds without crashing with something, and playing that for laughs... and most of the episode is Dash being a klutz, for no reason other than rule of funny.


I understand the mindset change argument, but in this episode Spike's incompetence was so forced that I could not believe it, it is simply bad writing. 


Woah woah woah! Who is saying that Spike is the least popular character?! That's totally not true! It's also a bit in the eye of the beholder as well. But I'm definitely sure that he is not the least popular character out there. Besides, it's not like he hasn't done absolutely anything at all. Many of the things he has done also cause people to laugh...or even praise. Let's see..he did have a hand in saving the Crystal Empire. Spike did let Celestia know about Twilight's ordeal in Lesson Zero and was her voice of reason (even though it didn't really work), his one-sided love relationship with Rarity, and he also adds a lot of the sarcasm and sardonic twinges that make a nice touch for the show. Spike is between main and support character, but I don't think that they think any less of Spike right now, not at all. Plus, most people complained about his actions because they knew he was SMARTER than that, not something different and etcetera.


Oh man... I wish I can believe that Spike is not the least popular character. But sadly with my time that I've spent watching pony fanart, fanfics and forums, the impression I get is that Spike is not very liked. Bronies tend forget him a lot.  :(

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Well uhm... sorry you lost me here... 

Sorry, didn't really word it well there.  :blush: I think I could resume that, Spike wants to repay and help Twilight as much as he can, but it can still feel like a chore to him, meaning, that he doesn't like it so much. If it weren't for Twilight and his long relationship with her, he'd probably do nothing. Yes, this also sort of applies to his "duty" with Applejack, but this time his overzealousness blinds his mind. Is that slightly clearer? :huh:


There is one problem with that. We are not talking about putting a small character detail or an Easter egg in the episode and let the audience figure it out themselves. No, this is a MAJOR character attribute we're talking about, an attribute that has already been established and the writers decided to downgrade... and not to make a point, but just to play it for laughs. It was basically this: "Look at Spike, he is a good assistant, BUT NOT NOW! lolololololol, he is a walking disaser!... Isn't that funny? LAUGH!!"   It is like if they decided to downgrade Rainbow Dash's flying skills from the start, to such point that she can't fly for 5 seconds without crashing with something, and playing that for laughs... and most of the episode is Dash being a klutz, for no reason other than rule of funny.   I understand the mindset change argument, but in this episode Spike's incompetence was so forced that I could not believe it, it is simply bad writing. 

Hmmmm...I think I found a bit of what happened here, and that's also hit-or-miss.


The combo of writers that went here. 


Dave Polsky made the story, and he is well known for having lots and lots of chaos and funny moments in his episodes, given he wrote Feeling Pinkie Keen, Over a Barrel, Too Many Pinkie Pies, and now this. And if you see, all of them have lots of disasters/funny moments.


Merriwether Williams is the one who wrote the episode, and she tends to take a trait from one character, and exploit it as much as she can, which can be hit-or-miss. The best examples are The Mysterious Mare Do Well, where it was Rainbow Dash's hunger for glory the main trait, and Putting Your Hoof Down, which takes Fluttershy's shyness (and subsequent opposite) in this case. (She also wrote Dragon Quest, Hearth's Warming Eve and Wonderbolt Academy).


This chapter definitely took both of the writers' main traits and fused them into this episode. In my case, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and to me it went fairly well with this episode and I didn't feel it forced, but I can see what you mean as distracting.


In the end, I truly believe that this episode is one of those which the opinion is more than highly subjective, in my honest opinion.


Oh man... I wish I can believe that Spike is not the least popular character. But sadly with my time that I've spent watching pony fanart, fanfics and forums, the impression I get is that Spike is not very liked. Bronies tend forget him a lot. 



Do I have to smack a filly?! :angry:


Just kidding. :P But seriously though, trust me when I say, that Spike IS. NOT. The least popular character. He is less forgotten than you think he is. And I've been exploring the lands of art and more since more than one year. Trust me. I'd realize if he was forgotten I assure you. :)

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Sorry, didn't really word it well there.   I think I could resume that, Spike wants to repay and help Twilight as much as he can, but it can still feel like a chore to him, meaning, that he doesn't like it so much. If it weren't for Twilight and his long relationship with her, he'd probably do nothing. Yes, this also sort of applies to his "duty" with Applejack, but this time his overzealousness blinds his mind. Is that slightly clearer?


Now I get you :lol: 


In this case, well, I like to think that Spike sometimes gets burned out to helping Twilight all the time,but he still does it because if he don't, Twilight may not love him anymore. :huh:  


Still, I would liked if the episode made it clear that Spike's incompetence was due his overeagerness to help rather than Spike being a buffoon. Because it is very confusing right now.


I'm not going to jump in the writer hate bandwagon, something that I'm seeing a lot, Spike definitely was badly written in this episode, in my opinion, but I'm not going to blame this on a particular person.


In the end, I truly believe that this episode is one of those which the opinion is more than highly subjective, in my honest opinion.


All opinions are subjective  ^_^  .


No matter how good an episode is, there will be people that won't like it for whatever reasons. But when you see an episode getting so massively panned by its viewers like this one, something is definitely not right.



Just kidding.  But seriously though, trust me when I say, that Spike IS. NOT. The least popular character. He is less forgotten than you think he is. And I've been exploring the lands of art and more since more than one year. Trust me. I'd realize if he was forgotten I assure you.


Well, I've been exploring the lands of pony fanart and fanfiction for more than a year as well, and I am still impressed how Spike is the character who gets the shaft most of the time. In fanart he is the one that usually is missing out in group images, I remember one image in which the mane 6, the princesses, Derpy and the most popular background ponies are depicted having fun in a park, with Spike being the one who was missing. Fanfiction? He is mostly pushed aside, to the point I've seen several stories centered about dragons in which Spike has a minimal role. There is a lot more, but I'm not going into those.


Hmmm.... I think I'm going to post a character analysis thread about Spike in the future...



Well its too late now and I'm tired, I'm going to sleep. Good night everypony! -_-

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I didn't like it.


It was boring, went against several themes already set forth beforehand, and the 3D Timberwolves did not fit the show's animation style at all.

These are my thoughts on it exactly. I really felt that this was a less-than-stellar episode. I hope that come Saturday I'm not disappointed, The season really started off great, I don't want it to hit the wall now, it's almost over already.

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