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My parents want me out of the fandom. I might be saying goodbye someday soon.*


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Okay, so I'd just gotten back from fencing (it's a club at out school), and my parents were leaving for the weekend. My dad came out and said, I thought jokingly, that he didn't want me "associating myself with bronies" anymore. I laughed (somewhat forced, for obvious reasons) and said "Nice try, dad, I know you're joking with me." to which he responded, and I quote, "I kind of wasn't." then went on to say "If your friends aren't doing it." Our conversation went on to them leaving and my responsibilities, so we left the brony topic.


Okay, if it wasn't obvious enough, let me spell it out: my parents, especially my dad, not only dissapprove of me being a brony, but they want me to change who I am. I know I've already written about them being dissapproving of the show and getting merchandise from it, but this is completely different. Now they're outright telling me I need to stop being a brony. And if I don't...there's no doubt in my mind they'll force me to stop, by any means possible.


Just reflecting on this incident really brings some questions to mind.


First, isn't this contradicting what they've told me about being confident and being myself?


Secondly, is this in any way right? Seriously, is it?


The third question related to a friend of mine, who is somewhat of a hater like my parents. The thing is, he hasn't seen the show yet, so I have a small advantage. The problem lies in not only the presentation of the show, but also how to bring it up and respond to any comments or questions he might ask. He's coming over today to hang out, and I'm beginning to question whether or not to show the show to him. This is a very delicate situation, which could determine my future. But at the same time, it feels like a "now or never" kind of situation. My biggest problem here is that I feel scared to show him the show because, if it wasn't bad enough that he could have his hatred furthered, it's also that his reaction, like I said, could determine what happens next. I hate that it's really come down to this, but it seems as though it has and there's no way to change that.


So I really need some help here. Otherwise, I might be leaving the fandom, against my will no less. Although, to be honest, I might have no chance considering the circumstances.


*EDIT 1/27/13* As of now, I haven't received any conversation from my parents pertaining to Bronies or MLP. I'm just going to have to keep it all a secret, including my invovement here. It's not over, but there's a good chance that I'll have to remain a closet brony for now.


I'll work on a friend of mine, maybe he can convince them otherwise, but I wouldn't count on it. Regardless, thank you everyone who responded. Brohoof, and Brony on! /)


Remember, the battle is over, but not the war.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
  • Brohoof 32
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Do not stand down to them. Go on edge, defend yourselves, clearly these people are intolerant and really why should you let them boss you around? Don't let them make you a push over because they're your parents. You tell them flat out that you'll do what makes you happy. Don't let them be intolerant. 


Your parents cannot force you to stop being a brony. You should even tell them that if you want. Don't let them change who you are. If they push you towards leaving the fandom, push them back.


I'd hate to lose a wonderful member of the community like you.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 40


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Your parents have no right to force you to stop being a brony. If you like watching the show and getting merchandise, then they should accept you for who you are. It's really not that big of a deal, it's just a TV show...

  • Brohoof 20



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I'm not going to go outright and call them bad parents, they're right to be concerned about you, but they're wrong in the way they're going about it. You can be WHOEVER you want, and if they can't accept that, that's more of a problem for them. Don't fight them about it, but just keep with your interests. They may eventually warm up to it. Do not leave because you're being peer pressured by your parents and are being told to hop in the bandwagon with the rest of your freinds who have other interests. If you leave, without wanting to, it'll be something you'll truly regret.

  • Brohoof 8
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Fencing? That's not legal in the UK, I think. For an after school club, at least.


I don't really know what to do - If it was my family, My parents really don't care what i like. I reckon you should just tell them that you have stopped calling yourself a brony, But you'll stay on the websites because of all of the friends you've made, Brony or not.


I'm not too sure on what to do here, I am sorry that i am not much help to you. I hope it all goes well for you because i would hate to be in your position myself. All i can say it good luck!

Edited by Musix
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I know that this probably won't work, but I think that it'd be best if you ignored your parents on this one.  Give them the cold shoulder for a few days.  This is way too far.  Seriously, they can't change you.  Don't let them try to either.  


It kind of saddens me that you have to deal with this shit man.  +1 respect.  

  • Brohoof 5

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Although they are your parents, they have no right to control what you can watch. Defend yourself 'til the end, they can't really 'force' you either. If they do, then just keep on fighting back.



Don't give up!! Try telling them how you feel about this, and if they still don't listen, tryt showing them the fandom, and how it works or something. If they see how many other bronies there are out there, they might rethink it. But still, they can change what you like. If you like something, then they should let you be. It's not like MLP is a bad show, anyways. 


If they somehow remove the show/fandom from you, you have the right to fight back and continue watching the show. Don't listen to what they say, and just continue on posting here, buying MLP toys, and all that glorious brony stuff. Also, did you tell your parents how you feel? Although you might think this is crazy, try telling them your true feelings on this.


Don't give up on us...I'll be cheering for you! I don't want to lose a kind brony! Just because their your parents doesn't mean they can control you like that!!! Just stand up for yourself, and don't let them make you feel guilty or anything. ;)

  • Brohoof 4
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I still don't get why parents care. It's just a hobby. Your dad is overreacting in my opinion. This falls under the same ridiculous category as "coming out" (which doesn't make any sense because, as I've said, it's a hobby).

  • Brohoof 3


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So I really need some help here. Otherwise, I might be leaving the fandom, against my will no less. Although, to be honest, I might have no chance considering the circumstances.

Wow, your dad, sure is something.

So many ignorant parents. I have had enough of these, "my parents don't approve of me watching a television show."  threads.

I hate parents who do that. Your dad is acting like your watching porn.

They can't tell you to stop being a brony. You can watch whatever the fuck you want.


  • Brohoof 8


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This is a forum for people who watch the show you're asking here, but I'll try to show little bias.


First, I think your parents should know your side of how things are. I wouldn't suggest telling them off or anything, unless that's how you do things, but tell them how it is. It sounds pretty ridiculous to make a big deal out of something like this.


As for your friend, is it really necessary to make him watch the show? If he asks you, just give an honest opinion of why you like it, unless you've already done that. If so, just cut your losses and take it for what it is.

  • Brohoof 3
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Don't worry about what your parents say, you've got to defend your likes, wether they approve them or not. If you are above 18 (in my country, maybe it's 21 in yours) they have no right to prive you from a show?


Also about your friend, in a "now or never" situation, you have to it now no matter if he approves the show or not.

  • Brohoof 2

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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I think it is really good that your parents are concerned about you yes. However trying to "force" to not like the show or being a brony is kind of silly. If I were you I would stand my ground and tell them that there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking the show. There are way *way* worse shows on TV then MLP  :mellow: .... 


Stand your ground and do not let them tell you what you can/cannot watch. Because there no way that this show is bad and they are just over reacting!

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You're 17 years old, your parents have no right to make you do that, you're old enough they need to respect you and your decisions just as just as much as you're required to respect them.


Sounds to me like he's just trying to be a control freak, you need to start calmly standing to him enough that he at least respects you.

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 3



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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First:  YES!  You are you.  No one can change that.  This is what makes us different from every other animal on the planet and is who we are and what we believe in.


Second:  No, you can't be force to do or to stop what your want to do forcefully.  Its wrong and if your parents should be more caring about what you like.


Third: You could show him but don't force it on him like your parents forcing you to stop watching the show or your not be any better them they are.  Just bring it up and if he says no try the old "you don't know until you try it" card but be careful trying it.


I hoped I could help you here and hope you get out if this.  Watch the video for a pick me up!




Its helps out a lot for me in this times! =)

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If you look at it on the parents' viewpoint. My Little Pony... it's a girls show. Made for girls. No doubt are they going to think it's all this girly stereotype schizznit. You just gotta make them see YOUR viewpoint which is obviously more reliable than theirs. It's not stupidly girly like the title of the show makes it seem, and it's also not a badly written show just because it's intended for girls. It's an incredibly mature, innocent show. If there are lots of men out there enjoying the show, then why should you be any different from them?


Stupid how your parents are trying to force you out of it and it isn't right at all, but I guess I can see their side because I used to be on that side. Not discriminating or anything - just confused about how a show like that would appeal to men. You just need them to understand why you like it. That's all. If they don't understand... just do your own thing. Ignore them. They can't control you and shouldn't try to control you.

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I am not advising you to cave to their will nor am I advising you to stand against them. What I do advise is to be intelligent. Try telling them all the good things Bronies do like the creativity it has inspired. Tell them about the charity work that has been done by Bronies or tell them how the show has made you a better person and less racist or more tolerant of Gays and other people.

Try spending some time with your parents where you don't talk about MLP at all, that will help show that your not obsessed or overdoing it. 

The biggest thing is that you do not make your parents defensive or think you're trying to circumvent their authority because if it turns into a nasty argument you will suffer. 


I don't know you or your parents and I can't say whether they are good parents or not, but they probably think your weird and that is understandable. Maybe acknowledged that it's weird that you like the show but point out that for a long time Nerds were looked down upon. 


So just remember to be diplomatic about it and remember that your parents are not enemies and should be not be treated like enemies. May I advise you read the book "How to win friends and influence people?" 

  • Brohoof 8
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Do not stand down to them. Go on edge, defend yourselves, clearly these people are intolerant and really why should you let them boss you around? Don't let them make you a push over because they're your parents. You tell them flat out that you'll do what makes you happy. Don't let them be intolerant. 


You're parents cannot force you to stop being a brony. You should even tell them that if you want. Don't let them change who you are. If they push you towards leaving the fandom, push them back.


I'd hate to lose a wonderful member of the community like you.

that is nice that you dont want tis member of the community, but it is a sign of dissrespect to disobey your parnets its not cool. i listen to my parents and i am still a pretty cooll person. thoough it is not fair to be forced to like or dilike something you should still respect and love your parnets. because family is always there for you no matter what

  • Brohoof 2
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Wow, that just plain down mean. My parents know for a fact that I love the show a lot, and that nothing would stop me from being a brony at all. Even though my parents say that all I'm going through right now is a phase, and that one day I'll wake up and not like the show anymore, I don't believe them. My parents have even started excepting the fact I love the show, they usually get me MLP stuff for my birthdays now and all that. And they like the fact that I like a show for once that is not violent in anyway possible, so my parents started seeing the good side on that too. All I have to say is that, don't stop being a brony, fight for yourself. If they literally force you to stop being a brony, that is just plain out wrong. But try to fight back against your parents, being a brony is a part of you and you should be proud of it.


Well good luck with your parents. Hope its goes at least ok. :)

  • Brohoof 3





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"If your friends aren't doing it."






*turbo-ultra-nuclear facehoof 9000*


Ok, I know I wasn't the only one who when growing up was told, "just because your friends are doing something doesn't mean you have to." Or the alternative, "if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?"


It's amazing how hypocritical parents can be. They preach about independence and individuality, until such times when it actually means something, in which case they tell you to knuckle-under and follow the crowd.


*sigh* The world today...


Don't give in to your parents. If being a Brony is this important, if its a part of who you are, then they need to respect that. They are raising you to be your own person, aren't they? Well, part of that includes being parts of things they might not agree with, but that's part of raising an individual.

  • Brohoof 7


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While it's great ur parents are trying to care for you it seems their trying too hard and actually causing harm then preventing it. Your parents don't know about how many amazing artists have been born thanks to MLP and it's amazing fandom, Personally I've gained a stronger interest in drawing thanks to the fandom. Do your parents know about the money that Bronies have raised for charity's? You should really try to let your parents know your not alone and that your interests are your business as long as your not doing something like causing physical harm to somebody and that your glad to be part of a group that cares so much for one another and is so imagnative.

  • Brohoof 3

I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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Jeez, that's a bad situation to be in. Tell them that being a brony is practically like a hobby. Imagine if they wanted you to stop fencing. Sure, they may be your parents, but they don't have the right to decide what you do or don't do. You've tried to show all of your friends MLP and not one of them liked it? Hmm... this is a pickle. You can try to ignore them, or maybe you can just speak for all of the bronies out there. If all else fails, I'll come over there and have a... chat... with your dad. Sorry, about this situation you're in.

Edited by N8C8
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A strange boy and his dog came walking through here earlier today...


My OC: Swish


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Stand up and put your foot down. Tell them that they have no right to change you. Support your argument with the positive side of the show and the fandom. Tell them you are yourself and nobody, not even them, can change that fact. I know you have a strong heart, so use it!




Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 1

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You can't let your parents muscle you out of the fandom just because they don't like it. 

Be yourself! (I mean god, they should be telling you that. not us.)

You should say to them. "This is what I like to do. Got a problem with that? Too bad, my decisions are my own."

To be honest, I think that they may be more worried about their own image than yours. They're probably like, "My kid watches a show for little girls?! What will my friends think?"

(No offense.)

  • Brohoof 3

~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us.



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"You're friends aren't doing it"?  That sounds like an excuse, and a fairly awful excuse at that.  I guess that there's really nothing to be done for that though...


While I agree with many of the above comments, I would like to say that if this really hurts your family life, there's no shame in taking a break from the fandom.  If you're really gung-ho about standing up for the fandom I completely respect that, but don't let things go too far.  I'm sure that nobody here wishes for you to deal with this sort of crap, and would not think less of you if you chose to take a break.  Wait for the John de Lancie documentary and show that to them.  It might work...


Best of luck to you.  A thousand brohoofs in your direction.

  • Brohoof 5

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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