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Silly Things You Believe In Or Thought About

Feather Gem

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Title says it all.


Well I once thought:

What if this world I seem to live in isn't real?  What if its just a dream I can't get out of unless a miracle happened?  What if I had all this up?  What if one day, I wake up and realize I'm an alien that had a rare disease?  And there's no such thing as humans?

What if everything's a lie?


(I want to write a story about that xD  A pony story.)

  • Brohoof 3



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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You're not alone, I also have weird things I think about. Like, what if we're living in a computer like the matrix, but only .1% of people are real and the rest are NPCs. Who are the real people and who are the simulations. I'll be walking around town going, "NPC, NPC, real maybe, NPC, NPC, NPC, real."


Also, I try to see humans from an alien POV. Both intellectually/culturally and physically.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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I sometimes fantasize about there being a martial arts contest at school, and me absolutely kicking ass. And then everyone would want to learn moves from me.


(I'm terrible at martial arts.)

Edited by Flipturn
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I've always believed that we all live in a separate reality that mixes with a single dimension of space and time that we all share. No one actually exists until we acknowledge them. For example I exist because I acknowledge my own existence and anyone who is reading my post right now has me in their thoughts so I exist. 


If everyone stopped thinking about me completely and I stopped acknowledge my own existence (which is impossible) I'd no longer exist. This applies for everyone else too. So basically we exist in each others thoughts which makes us real/puts us into existence.



Yeah I know I'm an odd one.  :P

Edited by Mighty E.
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After watching One Bad Apple, I believe that they do have cars in Equestria, but are only affordable to the richest of the rich, the cheapest ones costing up to 600,000 bits.  They have the technology to make them, they just haven't had their version of Henry Ford yet.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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The idea that what I wrote ended up being one of the few documents left after history decays most of them. Or that one with horrendous spelling and grammar written by 6 year old was. How would they recreate English as it was at this time? Or something else inane. Imagine reading extremist works and thinking they are historical accounts that are factual or that they represent popular opinion. This is why you should make sure you have at least a decent grasp of spelling and grammar, folks.

Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 2

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Well, I don't know of any long terms beliefs I find silly that I have, however I've sometimes thought of what will happen after forever ends. I know forever means forever, but for somereason I've tried to comprehend before what the end of forever would be like.


I also have thought about what would happen when you reach the end of the universe(Or multiverse or whatever).


I've done the whole thinking others aren't even real thing, but that doesn't seem very likely at all :P. They have real feelings and everything and don't seem very automated to me.. :P.

Besides if we both think that, then chances are thats not the case.


Oh and when I was young I use to think it was possible to become a superhero....


Yeah I was young, to be fair I think back and wonder how I could ever be so stupid.


To be honest I actually look back at every past year or sometimes even month's or month and think of stuff I did and think how I could've been so stupid..

I actually think of my self as pretty stupid regardless... Soo its not that strange of me to think that I guess. :P.


Wow I'm really rambling off topic, sorry about that :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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You're not alone, I also have weird things I think about. Like, what if we're living in a computer like the matrix, but only .1% of people are real and the rest are NPCs. Who are the real people and who are the simulations. I'll be walking around town going, "NPC, NPC, real maybe, NPC, NPC, NPC, real."


Also, I try to see humans from an alien POV. Both intellectually/culturally and physically.


I can summarize humans from an outside perspective if you like.


Summary of romantic relationships:

Human beings semi-practice polygomy, if given the chance to have multiple sexual partners they naturally will. Humans practice strange mating rituals which seem to have purposes beyond just the reproduction of their species.


Technology summary:

Humans harness the power of electricity to power their homes, and other appliances, mostly they burn coal, which contributes a great deal of C02 into their home planet's atmosphere. They also have some knowledge of nuclear power.


They have a slight ability to do space travel but they practice it at a very limited level.

They have a global wireless network for transmitting data powered mostly by modems that give off radio waves and other types of postiive/useful radiation




Humans seem to be largely narcissistical and warring, they appear to fight each other quite often over resources. At their current rate of expansion they use more renewable resources than they can produce. Initial estimates show that in order for humans to sustain their resources they should have two children per couple or less. 


Their laws vary widely but it appears that over all the majority of humans view things like torture and genocide in a negative connotation.


They have several genres of music, human taste in music varies widely but tends to stay in the same sound range. Too simple noises like a simple loop up the scale of pitch and humans become bored, too complex like white noise and humans develop head aches and distaste for music.


Studies we conducted on humans we have "acquired" show that far and wide their musical tastes are developed by about the age of thirteen, give or take. Humans seemed to negatively respond to our form, showing they have evolved in such a way to view creatures unlike them in a negative way.


Humans practice much entertainment, they film movies and develop games. Some humans immerse themselves in this to get rid of spare time, or some are close to being completely detached from reality, initial reports show that humans usually only immerse their sense of hearing and vision in the experience of gaming and such, but they are developing technology to incorporate other senses as well.


Humans seem to far and wide have several different religions, belief in divine entities or creators. They range in belief from casual to fanatical, at the time of this survey, about 32% of the Homo-sapien population did not believe in any divine deities. (We disguised the survey as an international census conducted by the EU, humans are apparantly also very gullible).


Physical traits

Humans on average live from about 60-80 years. This varies between genders.

Gender roles seem briskly defined but there are variations and flucuations in gender roles.

Humans seem to lead a largely sedentary lifestyle in the well developed communities but live more active lives in communities still developing culturally and economically.


Predicted advancement (General):

Humans are estimated to approximately go extinct anywhere from one hundred to five hundred years from now.

The reasoning behind this low estimate is that humans seem completely uninterested in spreading their living beyond their home planet, even though the next furthest planet from their home star, the one they dubbed Mars, is extremely suitable for terraforming. We estimate the overpopulation will cause humans to run out of resources and go extinct.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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I've felt like this all the time. I have wondered before if I'm actually living or if everyone's actually evil and wants to kill me. However, I've began to debunk this idea...



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I believe that Celestia is my mother...


I remmember actually thinking that the world around me, is actually just for me, and i'm the only one with a conceance. :blink:

I think that if your head is severed, you live for 5 more minutes after being severed *time for the Brain to die*


I thought that i'm a reincarnation of someone big at one point in my life :P .


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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Similar to those above I've thought that those who I don't know, don't have any connections with, or I have never seen don't exist to me or are irrelevant to my actions. I can't acknowledge the presence of someone I don't know or have never seen before in my life until I've seen them. It's not entirely true, as there are I people I've never seen or heard that influence me, but someone living in a forest in Siberia who never attempts communication has no bearing on me, not in reasonable time anyway.

I also have thought that if I never existed or died, I would never know anything or it wouldn't matter anything I did, because I would lack a conscience to remember it. Among these lines, I would have to exist because I cannot not exist... if that makes sense. Feel free to question my reasoning. :blink: I'm trying to put it in terms correctly. :huh:

Edited by Ammy5678


Embracer of theTri-tone.

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I've often wondered of perception of reality. Incoming philosophical-style stuff and words that nobody (including me) will probably understand because I can't think of a way to word it.


I've noticed that this reality could be real, or it could be nothing.


I've noticed that if you think about it, can you explain sight, what it is, what you're seeing, how you're seeing it? Can you explain color? Could one person see a brown that in there eyes and mind is brown, but in another person eye's an mind appears in a more pink color (according to the first person's perception), but considering their raising they recognize the color as brown anyway? We could all be seeing the world differently and not even know it because we've associated our view of the world with the common vocal views of the general population.


Can you explain touch? The sensation you get when you touch something, or the feeling you "feel" when pain is inflicted. Do you understand this? Yes, because it is your common understanding. But can you explain it? Yes. Try harder. Harder. What is everything? Can you explain what you feel, what you hear, how you hear, how you feel?


The answer with normally be yes. But when you think about it, you can't explain reality. Why everything exists, and why it exists the way it does. Why do we view stuff three dimensionally? Why is reality how it is?


You can't explain that. You never can. That's what philosophy is about. Wondering, but not explaining. There is no true answer. There never will be. But we, whatever and however we are, will always be fascinated in trying to explain so.


Also, what is this thread about, exactly, anyways? Am I on topic at all?


Wait for it...

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I've always wondered if people perceive colors differently. Like if green to me was actually blue to someone else, which is actually red to someone else, despite it all just being called green.


I also used to be a 9/11 truther. A completely stupid thing to believe.

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Whenever I think about my life,I always see it as either a story or a play,with the environment and the masses of people inhabiting it as merely an elaborate stage.The people that are important to me obviously stand out,but sometimes they become part of the stage too.


However,when I think of life as a whole,I see it as constantly flowing,like a river.It's constantly choosing how the current goes in that very moment it's in,never looking back nor looking past the horizon.It is just there,no more,no less.

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I'm big into studying cryptozoology and parapsychology, but I'm also scientific in the way I like to understand the inner-workings of things, so I've pondered all kinda strange theories about things. 


One I had about Chupacubras is, what if they feed like a spider? that would explain the nature of the wounds they're said to leave on the animals they kill.


I also had one about creatures said to breath fire, what if they have some sort of organ that produces flammable gas or liquid, and they "eject it" and ignite it with a ignition source in their mounts of some kind, like a tooth that acts as a type of flint, or a electrical discharge similar to a eels.  


On a more abstract not, I do believe in a spirits and souls, and often ponder how they might work. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I suppose my belief in ghosts existing is rather silly to say the least. I think the pain I felt on my forehead when a book flew off my bookshelf from across the room in an unoccupied house is good enough proof for me, but certainly not enough to write a paper on. It's still a bit out there, even I admit.


As for odd things I've thought about... just where do I begin?


  • Just where the heck did hats disappear to? (besides the baseball cap)
  • Why is it that whenever someone enters an elevator, they turn to face the door?
  • Does the light in the refrigerator stay on when you close the door? (it doesn't. Did some testing; for science!)
  • What would I do to survive a zombie apocalypse...

And I think that's a decent enough list for now.

Edited by Celtore
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"If shortening my lifespan for a year would kill these guys, I would totally take the deal"

"How can people quickly believe something that is clearly a stupid hoax, but they can't accept that humans once reached the moon?"

"Is it possible to kill someone with nothing but a mean look?"


For silly things I believe... I once believed that dead humans split into two, one goes back to God, and the other stays on Earth to become ghost and snacks for the devil.

  • Brohoof 1


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Whenever I learn something completely useless (e.g. the lyrics to a repetitive song, how to spin a pen around my thumb, how to solve a Rubik's Cube) I imagine some convoluted life-or-death scenario in which it would save my life.


"Sing the first verse of Modern Major General, or watch your family die!"

"They've planted a bomb in this Rubik's Cube, and the only way to disarm it is to solve it!"


"If we can't keep this pen in motion without it leaving our hands, yet at the same time without grabbing it for more than two seconds, our eyes... will... explode, or something!"

Edited by Pony Joe
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That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I used to believe that someday Dr. Eggman would come crashing through my elementary school, saving me from being bored but at the same time stealing my girlfriend and that it would be up to me and Sonic to save the day!


This wasn't a fantasy, either. It was at first but then told myself this enough that I believed that it would someday happen.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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well, for a long while I believed I'd get a bunch of cool powers and go to a different universe when I turned 16.... idk why lol.. I was silly, and wasn't disappointed when nothing happened lol... Oh and I kinda worship the moon/sun and believe there is a deity of time....Since ponies, I nicknamed the deities of the sun/moon Celestia/Luna.... yeah I'm strange haha xP

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Since one of my walls is covered with styrofoam for isolation and covered in wallpaper, I throw stuff at it often. Toothpicks ( Yeah, I can make it stick in from across the room!), skewers, my cat etc. ( No, not really my cat). It makes me feel like a ninja and stuff, but I guess I am kind of talented about it. Or maybe just months of doing it. I believe my life would depend on this one day xD. Silly


Well I even started throwing playing cards at fruit like apples, pears and such. Some of them actually stick in the fruit ( From  across the room!). I also keep hoarding big knives ( I have 7, and they are Celestia damn huge), Because I keep thinking what would happen if someone broke in, and I just wanted to be safe. 


I pray to Celestia and Luna when I play video games, and I swear weird stuff (Luna stuff a moon up my...) when I get mad. xD

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I once explained to a teacher who was terrified of clowns that he shouldn't be afraid of clowns at all. He believed in multiverse theory where there are an infinite number of universe each slightly different or dramatically different. I pointed to him one day on a smoke break, that because all things that can happen do happen in the multiversal model that he talked about in his classes there are an infinite number of universes in which he himself is a clown, and in some of those universes it is likely that he is a serial killer, clown so he should be glad he was emotionally scared for life as a child, otherwise he might be out there killing children right now and end up spending most of his life in prison. I got an A.  


Also when I was very little I thought girls had penis as well but they hid them inside like a turtle pulls it's head inside it's shell. I remember learning about turtles on 321 contact and I remember thinking that must be why my twin sister didn't have one. 

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