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open Harmony Betrayed


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Sunlit took to the skies, following Starlight. "Manehattan, huh? Mum and I were there once. I don't understand. Why are we going to get the elements?" She flew into the train. "Shouldn't our parents or maybe the princesses go get them? I mean, Twilight could probably just teleport to each element, right?"


(OOC: If you can't think of a way to reply to this, just say something like Kazin blocked off teleportation magic.)

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Apple Doom heard what Sunlit said."I don't get it either. I have a theory though. I think they are doing this so they can ready themselves  you know to buy some time." Apple Doom who was still running had a million reasons why he shouldnt be there. He had to do this for his Mother. "Just a thought though, i really have no clue."

(OOC: cmon lets keep going) 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@ @ @@aRegularPony


Once Starlight saw that everypony was on the train she flew ahead of it just a bit as it took off speeding down the tracks heading towards Manehatten. Starlight looked over at Sunlit "She could but wit would use up to much magic for each transport to and from besides what would happen if Kazin decided to come back and attack the castle." Starlight flew down next to the windows making sure her friends were all okay. Her mind soon turned to that of Shade her new friend, she couldn't understand what had happened at the castle. All she could remember was sitting there eating with everypony and then nothing it was like a giant blank spot in her memory and she could only wonder if her friends had the same thing happen to them.


Kazin waited a few more moments before walking over to Shade seeing her minion standing there trying to talk to her. "She's working with me now you impudent worm she will be my new queen if she proves herself strong enough to handle what comes next." With that being said Kazin used his magic to place stone bindings around the minions hooves holding it in place. Kazin Stood next to Shade and using more magic teleported them right into the dining hall of Canterlot Castle. The shock on both Luna and Celestia's faces was evident all Kazin could do was laugh. "Luna get Twilight and the others out of here now!" Celestia demanded only to be met with opposition from Luna "I'm not giving you an option I can hold him off we can't let him hurt the harmony users as all costs." With that Luna helped Twilight and the others escape leaving Celestia to stare down not only the dark lord but his first follower Shade.


(OOC: Sorry everypony I would've posted this sooner but I was out of town for the last few days and my tablet has a funky timme when I go to try to make a post so all I could do was check up on everything so lets keep this going.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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shades minion tried to break free from the stone.

"well excuse me... i serve shade because she is my master..."

it said before they teleported away


shade had no emotion it was like she was blind. she looked down at celestia but saw nothing, her mind was imprisoned along with her thoughts.



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@ @ @@aRegularPony


Once Starlight saw that everypony was on the train she flew ahead of it just a bit as it took off speeding down the tracks heading towards Manehatten. Starlight looked over at Sunlit "She could but wit would use up to much magic for each transport to and from besides what would happen if Kazin decided to come back and attack the castle." Starlight flew down next to the windows making sure her friends were all okay. Her mind soon turned to that of Shade her new friend, she couldn't understand what had happened at the castle. All she could remember was sitting there eating with everypony and then nothing it was like a giant blank spot in her memory and she could only wonder if her friends had the same thing happen to them.


Kazin waited a few more moments before walking over to Shade seeing her minion standing there trying to talk to her. "She's working with me now you impudent worm she will be my new queen if she proves herself strong enough to handle what comes next." With that being said Kazin used his magic to place stone bindings around the minions hooves holding it in place. Kazin Stood next to Shade and using more magic teleported them right into the dining hall of Canterlot Castle. The shock on both Luna and Celestia's faces was evident all Kazin could do was laugh. "Luna get Twilight and the others out of here now!" Celestia demanded only to be met with opposition from Luna "I'm not giving you an option I can hold him off we can't let him hurt the harmony users as all costs." With that Luna helped Twilight and the others escape leaving Celestia to stare down not only the dark lord but his first follower Shade.


(OOC: Sorry everypony I would've posted this sooner but I was out of town for the last few days and my tablet has a funky timme when I go to try to make a post so all I could do was check up on everything so lets keep this going.)

"Yea, I guess that makes sense." Sunlit left the train so she could fly ahead with Starlight. "So, what when we get to Manehattan? Do we split up to search, or do you have a spell to help us find them? Do you know who Kazin is? I mean, there are usually history records on these kinds of evil guys."

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cupcake sat on the train, the thoughts of what happened still trying to find something to connect with. she looked out the window and watched the world go past. she started to sing to herself.


When I was a little filly

And the sun was going doooooown

The darkness and the shadows

They would always make me froooooown


I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all


She said, "cupcake, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear."

Edited by lilymalady123
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Apple Doom looked up and down the aisles of the train." I really hate waiting. So Manehatten sounds like a busy place." He then looked towards Cupcake's direction. Is that pony singing to herself? whatever they need to calm themselves. Apple Doom thought to himself as he tried to nod off to sleep. He had a hard time concentrating due to the recent events.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The events of the day swirled in Emeralds head and blurred together. He really couldn't remember anything about what happened except that Kazin was evil and they needed to find the Elements so that they're parents could stop him. Well, on the bright side, he certainly didn't have to worry about getting bored.


He didn't know where his father had gone after Kazin showed up. Hopefully he was okay, he was certainly tough enough to fend for himself. But, still Emerald worried. When his father drank, as he often did, he had a tendency to get himself in trouble. It would probably only be worse without Emerald or Rarity there to act as a stabilizing force.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Kazin watched as Twilight and the rest of the Harmony users left with Luna it was something that needed to be taken care of for sure but with their link to the elements so weak they weren't much of a threat anymore. His main focus was Celestia now and taking her down so that he could destroy Canterlot. "Well Celestia shall we start this so that I can finish what I started sooo long ago?" Kazin questioned "With pleasure Kazin. It will feel good to know that somepony like you wont be trying to harm Equestria anymore when I'm done with you and that twisted little changeling of yours." Celestia growled drawing her solar blades with her magic. Kazin just blasted a beam of dark magic at Celestia only to have her block it with her blades and charging at them through it. Kazin could never forget those blades, those accursed blades that could cut through any magic, even his. Celestia swung both her blades one at Kazin and the other at Shade, Kazin easily dodged the blade using his wing armor to deflect it but he left Shade on her own wanting to see what she could do.




Starlight flew with the train as best as she could keeping up was easy but she had a lot running through her mind at the moment and could easily get distracted and hurt. "I don't know Sunlit we can't just split up and search because something bad could happen to anyone of us. Also the elements are something that nopony can detect they are given to those that show the traits of the elements so there's no way to track them." Starlight struggled to answer the last question she wanted to know as well "I'm not sure about Kazin. The names never really come up in any textbook I've read but if he truly missed the Hoof Plague then he's got to be Centuries old but he looks so young still only being around the same age as Celestia I would assume. I really wish I knew but there's just no text on him at all."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Jeterspry was flying alongside Starlight listening to her talk. "So if they react to the ponies that show the traits, then anypony could become the bearer of the element? That sounds like it could be trouble. I mean what happens if I don't know one of the elements bonds to a new host who doesn't want to help us?"  He didn't like bringing it up, but someone would have to voice the concern.

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Jeterspry was flying alongside Starlight listening to her talk. "So if they react to the ponies that show the traits, then anypony could become the bearer of the element? That sounds like it could be trouble. I mean what happens if I don't know one of the elements bonds to a new host who doesn't want to help us?"  He didn't like bringing it up, but someone would have to voice the concern.


Starlight flew under a bridge as the train went over it and returned back up to the top of the train meeting back up with Sunlit and Jeterspry. "Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it all and we'll need to them no matter what and if they decide to not help us then we'll have to hope that we can convince them that they need to help us to save Equestria." She hated to admit it but her friends were right there were to many variables to account for but she had to do her best after all Celestia had given them a very important mission. "Don't worry guys I'm sure that whatever happens we'll be able to handle what's to come." Starlight gave a reassuring smile.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Apple Doom shifted around in his seat. "So any clue as to how far Manehatten is from where we are now?" He asked out loud. I really am getting restless on this train. Apple Doom had overheard a little bit of the conversation between Jeterspry and Starlight. It seems they are talking about math or something which isnt that interesting to me.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Kazin watched as Twilight and the rest of the Harmony users left with Luna it was something that needed to be taken care of for sure but with their link to the elements so weak they weren't much of a threat anymore. His main focus was Celestia now and taking her down so that he could destroy Canterlot. "Well Celestia shall we start this so that I can finish what I started sooo long ago?" Kazin questioned "With pleasure Kazin. It will feel good to know that somepony like you wont be trying to harm Equestria anymore when I'm done with you and that twisted little changeling of yours." Celestia growled drawing her solar blades with her magic. Kazin just blasted a beam of dark magic at Celestia only to have her block it with her blades and charging at them through it. Kazin could never forget those blades, those accursed blades that could cut through any magic, even his. Celestia swung both her blades one at Kazin and the other at Shade, Kazin easily dodged the blade using his wing armor to deflect it but he left Shade on her own wanting to see what she could do.


shade raises her hoof and stops the blade in its tracks, she took the blade and threw it back at celestia.


"dont do that again, because some things can change out of your favor"




shades minion was still trapped, but it just shrunk its legs and got out of the rocks, it teleported over to starlight.



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Kazin laughed at the look of shock on Celestia's face when Shade pushed her blade back at her. Celestia only had just enough time to jump back dodging a dark magic blast from Kazin. "You see Celestia even your parents couldn't stop me all they could hope to do was seal me away and finally after so long I'm free to reign destruction upon Equestria." Kazin laughed before blasting multiple shots all of them tracking Celestia as she took to the air. She was able to dodge all but one as it hit her left wing knocking her into the wall and out onto the courtyard. Kazin walked slowly towards the gaping hole in the wall and looked down seeing Celestia twitching in pain as his black magic coursed through her body. "Shade take this shouldn't be all my doing why don't you have some fun to and teach Celestia a lesson for the pain she's caused you."


Starlight yelped when she saw the changeling teleport right next to her causing her to drop down to the top of the train. Starlight wasn't sure what to do but she noticed that this changeling looked like her friend Shade and motioned everypony outside to come inside with her. Once inside the train car she wasn't sure where to start but she had to start somewhere "You haven't seen Shade by any chance or is that really you Shade? Is this what you were hiding from me? What you didn't want to explain?" Starlight asked the changeling, it was true since Chrysaliss changelings hadn't been liked a whole lot but she didn't care she believed that they could still be friends.

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Showstopper was strutting around Manehatten. She soon saw a sign that said 'Loan Falcons', and walked in with swagger.


She headed up to the front desk and smiled. The clerk turned around and smiled at the griffon.


"Ah, Miss Showstopper. Daughter of Trixie Lulamoon and Gilda Freshwater?" The clerk said with a chuckle. It took every single organism in her to not punch him in the muzzle.


"I'm not nine anymore, Loan Shark. Anyway, i'm here on the account for a show in Manehatten...?"


Loan Shark nodded and handed her the papers.


"Thought you might wish to know: her daughter is going to be coming. Heard from a few goons she's with her pathetic ponies. 'Least we share somehing alike: Zebra's and Griffons aren't ponies."


Showstopper stopped at the mention of her. The only pony she ever held a grudge on.


"Hmm....I see. I do belive me avenging her is certanily overdue...." Showstopper grunted as she flew off.






Showstopper set up her stage. It seemed big enough that everypony could reconise her - and, after all - she was quite famous. She wished to avenge her mother on her petty daughter, but first she should gain some trust. And what better way then putting on a magic show, but not just any magic show, the most famous one of all?


As a crowd started to form and ponies were yelping at the sight of Show being in town, Show willed her claw to catch fire, earning a lot of oohs and ahhs and fainting and gaping.


"Welcome to the show, everypony. My name is Showstopper, but on stage, everypony calls be Third Breed..."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Kazin laughed at the look of shock on Celestia's face when Shade pushed her blade back at her. Celestia only had just enough time to jump back dodging a dark magic blast from Kazin. "You see Celestia even your parents couldn't stop me all they could hope to do was seal me away and finally after so long I'm free to reign destruction upon Equestria." Kazin laughed before blasting multiple shots all of them tracking Celestia as she took to the air. She was able to dodge all but one as it hit her left wing knocking her into the wall and out onto the courtyard. Kazin walked slowly towards the gaping hole in the wall and looked down seeing Celestia twitching in pain as his black magic coursed through her body. "Shade take this shouldn't be all my doing why don't you have some fun to and teach Celestia a lesson for the pain she's caused you."


shade moved towards celestia. "i never really liked the sun... so how about i change you from being princess of the day..."


shade rised her hoof, it was covered with green fire... it was taking lots of energy, but she pulled it off... she touched celestia and her wings and horn was surrounded with green fire... the fire cleared and the wings and horn were gone. 

"i hope you like being an earthpony"


Starlight yelped when she saw the changeling teleport right next to her causing her to drop down to the top of the train. Starlight wasn't sure what to do but she noticed that this changeling looked like her friend Shade and motioned everypony outside to come inside with her. Once inside the train car she wasn't sure where to start but she had to start somewhere "You haven't seen Shade by any chance or is that really you Shade? Is this what you were hiding from me? What you didn't want to explain?" Starlight asked the changeling, it was true since Chrysaliss changelings hadn't been liked a whole lot but she didn't care she believed that they could still be friends.


shades minon made a screech .. then coughed... "sorry... im still learning English... shade has thought me well... anyways... i cant seem to talk to her.... its like something has taken controle of her... but what happened with you and shade?"

  • Brohoof 1



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Kazin laughed at the sight before him watching as Shade burned away Celestia's wings and horn reducing her to nothing but a poor excuse for an earth pony. "Yes hahaha yes very well done Shade taking away that which she relies on so much I love it hahahaha." Kazin took a few steps forward and placed his hoof on Celestia's throat grinning evilly and using his magic to start making cuts on her body drawing blood. "Shade would you like a little piece of the princess my dear shade you seem to be itching to have at her some more." Kazin laughed some more digging his hoof into Celestia's neck drawing some more blood before flying up into the air leaving Shade to take care of the princess. Kazin looked around at the town of Canterlot he saw it as a boil on Equestria and started charging his magic, the blast would completely destroy Canterlot entirely leaving only ruins in its wake.


Starlight looked around the train car at her friends some were in a fighting stance ready to attack this thing and other simply just stood listening. "I...I don't know one second we were all talking and having a good time and the next is just nothing then the next thing I remember is seeing Shade with Kazin." Starlight was torn between wanting to help her new friend and getting the elements back to her mother and friends. The train suddenly stopped once they had pulled into Manehatten the doors opening before anypony could exit in blew a flyer for a magic show near the center of town. Starlight used her magic to lift the paper up "Hey everypony let's start here if we head to the center of town we're sure to find the harmony user faster."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Kazin laughed at the sight before him watching as Shade burned away Celestia's wings and horn reducing her to nothing but a poor excuse for an earth pony. "Yes hahaha yes very well done Shade taking away that which she relies on so much I love it hahahaha." Kazin took a few steps forward and placed his hoof on Celestia's throat grinning evilly and using his magic to start making cuts on her body drawing blood. "Shade would you like a little piece of the princess my dear shade you seem to be itching to have at her some more." Kazin laughed some more digging his hoof into Celestia's neck drawing some more blood before flying up into the air leaving Shade to take care of the princess. Kazin looked around at the town of Canterlot he saw it as a boil on Equestria and started charging his magic, the blast would completely destroy Canterlot entirely leaving only ruins in its wake.


Starlight looked around the train car at her friends some were in a fighting stance ready to attack this thing and other simply just stood listening. "I...I don't know one second we were all talking and having a good time and the next is just nothing then the next thing I remember is seeing Shade with Kazin." Starlight was torn between wanting to help her new friend and getting the elements back to her mother and friends. The train suddenly stopped once they had pulled into Manehatten the doors opening before anypony could exit in blew a flyer for a magic show near the center of town. Starlight used her magic to lift the paper up "Hey everypony let's start here if we head to the center of town we're sure to find the harmony user faster."

Shade was tired... It took a great amount of energy to change another pony...

"I'm fine... You may continue to do as you wish... I prefer not to get my coat all bloody anyways"




Shades minion raises a brow... "Don't lie to me... I know what you said... You told her to run away and never come back... Shade has been threw a lot... She dosnt belong anywhere... She can't be seen here in manehatten because she grew up here... And has a reputation with the cops... She was banished from the hive, and cloudsdale... She didn't have a good time there when all the ponies found out about her being a halfling... She has been runing all her life, she wanted to go to ponyville and make friends and put her past behind her... And now... I don't know what's happened to her... I can't communicate with her for some reason."



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Starlight looked around the train car at her friends some were in a fighting stance ready to attack this thing and other simply just stood listening. "I...I don't know one second we were all talking and having a good time and the next is just nothing then the next thing I remember is seeing Shade with Kazin." Starlight was torn between wanting to help her new friend and getting the elements back to her mother and friends. The train suddenly stopped once they had pulled into Manehatten the doors opening before anypony could exit in blew a flyer for a magic show near the center of town. Starlight used her magic to lift the paper up "Hey everypony let's start here if we head to the center of town we're sure to find the harmony user faster."
Apple Doom walked out of the train car. As he got off he looked at Starlight and took a deep breath."If i were you, i wouldn't be so quick to trust." He than looked around him and kissed the ground." I am beginning to hate trains. Sometimes i wish i could fly instead of walking or taking trains." Apple Doom walked ahead a little to scout out the place. "where exactly is the center of the town anyways?"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Emerald followed the others off the train. He remained silent however, as he was in no mood to talk with the others at the moment. He was still worried about not knowing where his father was, and the pressure of their mission was so much more than he was used to.

Real men don't need signatures...


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Showstopper decided to do a simple trick she called the wave of thunder and lightning. She sent eleectrical charges to her wings, and spread them out, shooting sparks throughout manehatten. She had to keep the show going on untill they got somewhere near her, which was about the center of town with that creepy merpony fountain.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Kazin looked down seeing Celestia squirming trying to get up and chuckled at Shades attitude he had definitely picked the right halfling for the job. He continued to charge his magic, he watched as Shade flew up next to him leaving Celestia to limp away now having no way to stop what was going to happen. "Now behold Shade the true power of the Element of Darkness." Kazin shot an orb of red magic right into the center of town and teleported both of them just out of the blast radius. The explosion was as beautiful as it was destructive, leveling Canterlot easily leaving almost nothing left the castle had fallen only small chunks of it left. The town was nothing but a barren wasteland of rubble and death all the towns ponies that had the misfortune of being in Canterlot were now no more. Luna turned as she felt her link to her big sister cut just in time to see the bright red glow of the blast her eyes welled up with tears before she continued on with Twilight and the others.


Starlight was walking with her friends listening to the changeling harass her telling her what she had said to Shade and what she had been through all of her life. Tears welled up in her eyes listening to the rant when something inside her snapped and she spun around quickly facing the changeling. "Look you don't think I want to remember what happened at the castle believe me I do but I can't I couldn't save her she was my friend and now she's helping that Kazin character so excuse me if I forget to apologize for something I can't even remember happening." Starlight growled at the changeling tears running down her cheeks she wished that she could go back and stop this all from happening but even a spell like that was something only her mother or the princesses could use. Starlight could see sparks going through Manehatten and motioned for everypony to follow her the center of town was close.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shade stayed quiet... She looked at the destruction, then turned away, "death to all who oppose us now"




Shades minion stepped down...

"I'm sorry... But shade is a good master... It's hard too see her like this... She is capable of lost of things, but... Now I have no one to serve... I guess il serve you untill shade... Um... Dose... Um... Come back.."


It followed starlight



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Kazin just laughed at the destruction it was pure beauty to him something he'd never gotten to see happen to Canterlot centuries ago had just happened and taking out one of the Princesses with it too. "Oh today is such a wonderful day to be the wielder of darkness wouldn't you say so Shade my dear." Kazin looked over seeing the stern look on her face he was usually quite serious himself but in this instant it was cause for celebration. "Oh come now Shade show some enthusiasm destruction like this is a rarity." Kazin could sense that Starlight and her friends were getting close to one of the Elements although he knew they couldn't do anything with it he figured it would be best to take care of them as a precaution. Using his magic he let his aura flow through the shadows letting him keep watch over everything and could see one pony in-particular was very distracted, his target had been chosen.


@   @


Starlight walked closer and closer now seeing a stage with magic tricks going on she couldn't help but become entangled by the awe of what was going on and by a griffon no less. She was awe struck by what this griffon was doing no record in any textbooks that she had seen mentioned a griffon ever being able to use magic. "Hey Emerald isn't this exci..."Starlight cut her words off seeing her friend looking around like he was trying to find somepony. "Emerald are you ok, you look kinda lost...like you're looking for somepony what's wrong?" Starlight was worried she put a wing on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rambler barely noticed his friend talking to him until he felt her wing on his shoulder.


"Oh! Um, I don't know why, but I feel almost certain that my father is here somewhere, and that he's in danger. I mean, he can take care of himself, but when he's been drinking- which he probably has- he has a tendency to get into trouble, and if my mom or I aren't there to hold him back, he might get in over his head."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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