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Shrine of the Sun Goddess

Mister Jack

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Celestia is good as a ruler but not really as a character. She is too...perfect. She really has no flaws or mess ups, with the exception being not having the power to defeat Chrysalis. Now Luna, she really showed her character in an episode or two. I'd be down for a Celestia episode to flesh out her character more though :)



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I beleive C.S Lewis said a similar thing in the difference between Reality vs. the Toy Universe metaphor in Miracles.


The fact that I wrote something similar to C.S. Lewis does unspeakable good to my faith in my ability to write and not sound like an idiot.
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First of all I think a benevolent dictatorship is the best way to rule a country.

Unfortunately as soon as the people hear dictatorship, they think the ruler has to be an evil person.

People fear/hate authorities and they have forgotten that they are needed. Without them there would be Anarchy. Authority is something good if it lays in the hand of the right person(s). Nations would be stronger and more stable if they had a ruler with whom the people can identify and who holds the power for as many years as possible. I think that change and improvements need time and they can't be done by politicians who reign for a short time and who are always opposed by other parties just for the sake of them being in another party.


I really like Celestia. She is a good leader who is wise, close to her people and isn't afraid to protect the country herself.

She reminds me a lot of Queen Elisabeth in Elizabeth:The Golden Age.

Edited by Wildcard
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OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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'Dear Sister, we are very jealous of your sun's attention, and wish to have our graceful moon in the sky more >:U'




'Hello, Tia, it's Discord! I'm going to turn your world upside-down and turn Equestria into Discordland <D'




You're right. Celestia's punishments seem to be very unfitting and strange </3


Her sister turned evil, and had no choice but to send her to the moon.

And I think chaos would get well, too normal after a while.

But still, chocolate rain <3

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Her sister turned evil, and had no choice but to send her to the moon.


No one understands humor anymore, they just point out the obvious and completely ruin the point of the original joke post in the first place </3 Really saddens me. Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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So... this is a thread where we kiss Celestia's flank?


LLOLOL sorry I can't help but laugh at this ideal and how people went along with it xD.


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So... this is a thread where we kiss Celestia's flank?


LLOLOL sorry I can't help but laugh at this ideal and how people went along with it xD.


There are other threads where we gush about the other characters, why not Her? And it's not just "she's awesome" we're analyzing her character to see the appeal.


First of all I think a benevolent dictatorship is the best way to rule a country.

Unfortunately as soon as the people hear dictatorship, they think the ruler has to be an evil person.

People fear/hate authorities and they have forgotten that they are needed. Without them there would be Anarchy. Authority is something good if it lays in the hand of the right person(s). Nations would be stronger and more stable if they had a ruler with whom the people can identify and who holds the power for as many years as possible. I think that change and improvements need time and they can't be done by politicians who reign for a short time and who are always opposed by other parties just for the sake of them being in another party.


I really like Celestia. She is a good leader who is wise, close to her people and isn't afraid to protect the country herself.

She reminds me a lot of Queen Elisabeth in Elizabeth:The Golden Age.



I'm normally opposed to anyone having absolute power in a political situation; be it a dictatorship, monarchy, etc. Celestia is different for several reasons. First, she IS what you described as an ideal Monarch, but the clincher is that she is both fit to rule and immortal. No potentially corrupt successor will follow her, therefore Equestria can continue to advance without oppression.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Celestia has been added to Civilization V via a mod. The Equestrian civilization receives a -20% unhappiness bonus, which is very good for encouraging rapid growth. They also get the Wonderbolt unit instead of fighter planes, which use horses instead of oil, and the recruiting office instead of the stables, which adds production for every livestock tile that's been worked.


I did a marathon game last night as Celestia, trying to keep my empire as peaceful as possible. I put more work into building up culture and science than I did into putting together a military, since my only neighbor was the Polynesians and we were friends. I built Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehattan, Cloudsdale, Fillydelphia, and Las Pegasus. It was pretty nice.


Then I find out that Polynesia was stealing technology secrets from me. I forgive them for it since I figure Celestia wouldn't start a war over a single offense. Of course shortly after this they tell me I suck and that they are publicly announcing to all the other civs that I suck. This was after I had already lent them several of my own resources and a hefty pile of money while they were having an economic crisis.


Right about then I started building up my military. Since I had such a strong economy, it was easy to just buy new soldiers instead of wasting turns training them. I put them at my borders and let them sit, just in case Polynesia decides to do something stupid. Everything is fine for a while, except Polynesia keeps mouthing off to me. I do my best to ignore it. Then one day they openly threaten me.


All bets are off. Celestia may be peaceful, but she knows when to throw the gauntlet down. I declare war on Polynesia and after a heated skirmish I capture one of their cities. From there I decide they've learned their lesson and offer to sign a peace treaty. They have the BALLS to refuse and tell me that the only way they'll sign a peace treaty is if I give them all my gold. I'm talking about 40,000 gold pieces. In this game, that's a lot, and they demand all of it after losing a battle.


So I nuke them. Not very Celestia-like, I suppose, but I make sure that I got five other Elements of Harmony where that hefty dose of Generosity came from. They wise up and offer me riches to make me stop. I accept.


From then on the game is standard fare and I eventually win by creating the world's first utopia with my superior culture. On a side note, I also created the religion of Celestianism and converted all the Polynesian cities to it by sending missionaries to preach to them about how Celestia sent her only sister to the moon for their sins.


Minus the A-bomb, I think I did things mostly how Celestia would have done it. Maybe I could have won without nuking Polynesia, but I was getting pretty sick of their trash talk. Maybe later I'll try a self-imposed challenge to win as Celestia using ONLY peaceful measures. Or maybe I could allow myself a few soldiers since she has the Royal Guard, but no weapons of mass destruction.

Edited by Mister Jack
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Great, me, a Celestia Hater, has walked into this thread.




Well, anyway, Celestia might be considered a bit of a troll because of the Ticket Master, but other then that shes a very nice pony to hang about with.


Currently very nice, would like to have her as a friend great a celestia hater wants celestia to be her friend -.-

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so about a month into the fandom I discovered who Trollestia was, and was pretty mad. Here are the situations caused to think that she was a troll, and here are my peaceful comebacks:

The Ticket Master- Okay, this was one of the earliest episodes ever, so we can assume that Celestia didn't know that Twilight had grown terribly attached to her friends, and didn't know that her friends liked the gala. So, she gave two tickets for Twilight and Spike. Plus, what she said was true-why didn't Twilight just say so?

Dragonshy- We've seen The Royal Guard to be especially strict and a bit ruthless on their duties (Minus Shining Armor), sooo...why would she send them? She wanted to convince the dragon, not kill it, for Pete's sake.

Sonic Rainboom- Some say that Celestia didn't help The Wonderbolts. Okay, you have reason to belive that, but what if Dash was faster than her? What if she fainted? You didn't see her sleeping while that happened.

A Bird in the Hoof- Well, this is what I think happened: After she went home, Celestia discovered that her pet bird was missing, and ordered the guards to search with her. When she said "What is Going On Here?" She thought that something really bad happened. And who said that she was crying when she looked at the ashes? She might have been silently sighing. And once again, she was right: FS could have come to her at the brunch and could have said" Um, Your majesty, why does your pet bird look sick?"

The Best Night Ever-When Celestia invited the Mane 6 to the party to lighten things up, she didn't mean the insaity that was going to happen. The city ponies would have a taste of country food, sing Pinkie's songs-but not par-tay...that sort of thing. Who knew those things would happen? And, if the Galas before were really that dreary, it was still The Best Night Ever- the damage could have been fixed in a flash.

Friendship Reprts-She was doing this for Twilight's own good. If she didn't make the effort to learn something, she would grow unsociable again. After the series, there would be probably be no more friendship reports.

And those are my reasons. I'm not trying to spoil all the fun- I just wanna show you to have good, kind, fun, not 4chan fun.

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I am this random 12 year old Pegasister Trekkie Whovian Potterhead.

Yeah, I'm sorta a nerd.

And I am also trying to find a decent signature.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. And I'm proud of it.

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Personally, I find nothing wrong with the whole Trollestia thing. But, I know I have a weird mind. I separate everything out into sections, one for each "version" of each pony, as well as a different "box" for each fanfic. That is the only way I know how to deal with this kind of stuff. To me, Trollestia is her own mare, one that only exists under certain condtions.

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Your topic, 'Defending Celestia' was remarkably similar to this topic, 'Shrine of the Sun Goddess' which is for appreciating the real Celestia and thusly 'debunking' the 'improper' Celestia theories in your own opinion if you so wish. So, I merged the threads.

Edited by ~Bubble Berry~
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Trollestia is just a joke among most people I think. IMO she is a bit of a prankster as we saw in A Bird in the Hoof, but there is no evidence that she is in any way malevolent or anything beyond enjoying a good practical joke. And as for Ticket Master? If you watch the episode Twilight clearly got a Form letter, Celestia had nothing to do with it. Twilight's name had probably been on some list by Celestia months ago and some schmuck just mailed tickets to everypony on the list. The other elements weren't on the lust because after, you know, NIGHTMARE MOON ATTACKED EQUESTRIA, and she got Luna back Celestia's first thoughts weren't " I bet Twilight's friends would love to go to that hellish Gala in 8 months, better put them on the invite list"

At least that's how I read into it

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Honestly, if people get mad at the jokes like Trollestia and Molestia...take it down a notch and relax. :) I mean, yeah, I laugh my flank off at them (Molestia particularly because of John Joseco ^_^ ), but it doesn't mean I believe that. In fact, quite the contrary.


For first, I must admit I wasn't expecting much of Celestia back in the first episodes and such. But, like my now fav pony Rarity, the more she appeared, the more I started liking her. I totally expected her to become MUCH more uptight.........oh how wrong I was, and how glad i am that I was wrong. :) She was less uptight, more cool and even a bit of a prankster, which for a ruler of her calibre and personality, is something that slightly throws you off...and in my case, that's great. One can't really blame her for anything she has done so far. Not one punishment or whatever. She did what she had to, and plus, I'm pretty sure she didn't have that much thinking time back when she confrontations right at her hoof. Besides, she's not a perfect character. She DOES have some flaws that breaks what others would see as "perfect" character, so to speak, and, like the rest of characters of FIM, makes her more fleshed as a character. In a way, she and Luna even have similar traits. Maybe when Luna is more used to the present, we would see how much that is true, but they actually share traits of personality. Which as a relationship older sister/younger sister, makes me think that they were very close (and I want to see cute filly Celestia cuddling with filly Luna scenes for the DAWWWW factor to increase to the max :D )


As for me, I would LOVE a Celestia episode. If it was with Luna and their interaction and relationship, even better. Or about her past. Whatever is needed. If we can have that in Season 3, I'll be a very happy man. :)

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Honestly i do like Celestia she is a good role model to look at. But i just see Luna more facinating than her older sister im not sayign Celestia is a mary sue im just saying i see Luna's Character more intriguing especially in the opening of the Season 3 Ep 1 when thier talking

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I think Celestia is sort of like Elizabeth The first of England...she's a great leader, that sort of thing. And yeah, Elisabeth too.


I am this random 12 year old Pegasister Trekkie Whovian Potterhead.

Yeah, I'm sorta a nerd.

And I am also trying to find a decent signature.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. And I'm proud of it.

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Aww yiss, finally a thread I can get into. I'm pretty sure I make it REALLY obvious Celestia's my favorite character. I just find her so fascinating...we're given enough to formulate some idea of what she's like, but enough is left out for the fandom to fill in the blanks. Though it looks like Season 3 is gonna give us even MORE information on the two, which is just awesome.


I have ridiculously extensive headcanons formulated about Celestia, but I guess we'll see if the third season supports them or not. XD


Honestly, if people get mad at the jokes like Trollestia and Molestia...take it down a notch and relax. :) I mean, yeah, I laugh my flank off at them (Molestia particularly because of John Joseco ^_^ ), but it doesn't mean I believe that. In fact, quite the contrary.

Eh...not to be rude or anything, but I strongly disagree that people are being too sensitive about Molestia jokes, given the whole joke centers on rape or other nonconsensual contact of the like. That's a very delicate and often distressing subject for some people who might have suffered sexual abuse in the past or knew someone that did. Not everyone is going to find that kind of humor amusing, which is part of the nature of shock humor.
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I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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Eh...not to be rude or anything, but I strongly disagree that people are being too sensitive about Molestia jokes, given the whole joke centers on rape or other nonconsensual contact of the like. That's a very delicate and often distressing subject for some people who might have suffered sexual abuse in the past or knew someone that did. Not everyone is going to find that kind of humor amusing, which is part of the nature of shock humor.

I guess I should have specified myself more. What I meant was about the fact that Celestia is being treated AS her "forms" of Trollestia or Molestia, which we know it's just a joke. If however they feel more irked because of something similar to what you said, then that's a different story. :)
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Ah, thanks for the clarification, I can get what you mean by that, certainly. I'm not a big fan of the alternate forms, but I try to just ignore them as best as possible.



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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You know, the more I am exposed to Celestia, the more I like her. It's not as if I thought she was a lesser character in the past; but nowadays I hold her in high regard. What I really like is her color scheme. This is not a superficial observation: there is something quite captivating about Celestia's appearance. I guess it took my time to really catch on.


I have only minor bits of headcanon involving Celestia, most of which deal with her personality. I hesitate to speculate too deeply on her or Luna's past (I'm quite conservative with respect to venturing beyond the confines of canon when speculating). It only adds to her enigmatic persona, though, and that is certainly not a bad thing.

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Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Ah, thanks for the clarification, I can get what you mean by that, certainly. I'm not a big fan of the alternate forms, but I try to just ignore them as best as possible.


Not a problem. :) And frankly, Trollestia and Molestia just make me laugh my flank off. If they didn't, I would probably not have that much. I always think that Celestia is quite the great princess, because of personality and the rest. I wub her a lot. :wub:
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You know, the more I am exposed to Celestia, the more I like her. It's not as if I thought she was a lesser character in the past; but nowadays I hold her in high regard. What I really like is her color scheme. This is not a superficial observation: there is something quite captivating about Celestia's appearance. I guess it took my time to really catch on.


I have only minor bits of headcanon involving Celestia, most of which deal with her personality. I hesitate to speculate too deeply on her or Luna's past (I'm quite conservative with respect to venturing beyond the confines of canon when speculating). It only adds to her enigmatic persona, though, and that is certainly not a bad thing.


Lauren Faust herself said that was the intention of both Luna and Celestia's characters. Little is explained about their past, origins, and upward capabilities on purpose. It makes them both mysterious and interesting characters, as well as making them flexible for the writers. Normally breaking the established rules for superpowers within a setting breaks the willing suspension of disbelief. They work around that by having the traits of all three races, in addition to their own vaguely defined power.

Edited by Steel Accord
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