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C.Discord's Scootalove History & Discussion *May Contain Diabeetus*


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As some might be aware, I've made an official calendar event for Scootalove's canonization, which can be found here. Though I've debated on making this topic or not after making a brief meme topic off in the outskirts of Cloudsdale solely for the purpose of picking on Scootabuse now effectively being 'dead', I've decided I might as well follow through with a true topic.



The legacy that the pony show's athletic tomboy and her hyper-active #1 fan have gone through is a brief one in screen-time, but a detailed one in the fanbase. Ever since Scootaloo's primary appearance episodes in season one (namely The Show Stoppers and The Cutie Mark Chronicles), Scootaloo has been painted as a Rainbow Dash fangirl, and that's more or less what she is. Scoots would live, breathe and sleep Rainbow Dash if she could. Further episodes in season two like The Mysterious Mare Do Well, in which Scootaloo is shown to not only be in possession of a Dashie hair wig, but also to be the leader of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club, solidified this image.


Starting from the early months of 2011, whilst the aforementioned episodes from season one were released, Scootalove started to become a popular art and fanfic focus in the fanbase. The only cutie mark crusader without a sister, who also idolizes Rainbow Dash? Clearly this was a recipe for diabeetus. The concept of Scootalove was further made fanon by subtle episode observations.


At the same time, prominently gaining a little traction after Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo to 'take out the trash' after tossing her apple to her in 'Owl's Well That Ends Well', and also being created just to counteract Scootalove, Scootabuse began to emerge within the fandom as well. Both Scootalove and Scootabuse fueled art for themselves, some to spite the opposite side, much more simply to appreciate the concept itself. Needless to say that the war was a 'average user' vs 'troll' concept to begin with; Scootalove gained thirty artworks for every one artwork Scootabuse obtained.



*Click to Enlarge*

'Fight the Scootabuse', by autumnalone.

One of the very first and most well-known pro-Scootalove pieces submitted in April of 2011, a day after 'Owl's Well That Ends Well' aired.


Scootalove never once dipped in popularity, even beating out Scootabuse all but completely before the former even became canon. In today's time, the concept that's been ablaze within the fanbase for a year and a half has finally become canon, thanks to Sleepless in Ponyville. Dash has willingly taken Scoots 'under her wing' as both her surrogate big sister, and as a mentor, as well. The amount of praise that Sleepless in Ponyville has obtained simply due to the fact that Scootaloo finally obtained an episode in which she and Dash were able to bond is truly incredible.



Hug by KP-ShadowSquirrel

The famous 'wing hug' scene from 'Sleepless in Ponyville', which has consumed DeviantART ever since the episode's release.


My questions to all of you now, are the following:

  1. What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship?
  2. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so?
  3. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so?
  4. The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants?

To me, Scootalove has been a primary front of mine ever since I first joined this fanbase. The very reason it's dominated both Discord and Dash on their own in my avatar and signature for a while now is due to how much I adore this concept. Both Dash and Scootaloo have grown in character development from this experience, and I hope we get at least one more episode focused around developing the two of them in this new found relationship, in season four.

  • Brohoof 14


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What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship?



I love it, and it was wonderful to see it canonized. The end of Sleepless in Ponyville was probably the closest MLP has come to making me cry. I consider myself to be probably one of the five or so biggest Scootalove fans on the forum (although my sister could compete with any of you ). It's one of my favorite interactions in the entire show and I can't wait to see more of it.



Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so?



I always loved Scootaloo. My response when she first started fangirling out over Rainbow Dash was something along the lines of "I think I could get along with this kid :) " We share leadership of the Rainbow Dash fan club, so that's nice ;). It was great to see her finally get an episode of her very own, and what an episode it was. Definitely stacked on some best pony points.



Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so?



Well, this seems to be something of an "Infinity plus one" question, but even if it isn't numerically expressible, my love of Dashie grew so much after Sleepless. It was wonderful to see more of her softer caring side. Dashie was always best pony but she got even better during that episode :).



The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants?



I don't have any specific ideas for episodes, and I don't know if they plan on devoting more to Scootalove in the recent future but I'd love to see one. I just want more Scootalove, regardless of the package it comes in. One thing on my wishlist is that I want to see them compete in (and win) the Sisterhooves Social together.


I think we'll get another episode for the two of them eventually though, and when it comes I'll embrace it more than wholeheartedly :).

Edited by DashForever
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I think it's awesome. When I first saw Scootaloo, she was kind of the mini little tomboy, just like Rainbow Dash. She would always be doing extreme stuff, like riding her scooter crazily around Ponyville. 


Before Sleepless in Ponyville, I was thinking, "When would Rainbow Dash take Scootaloo for a little sister. Because it seems that Scootaloo admires Rainbow Dash sooo much and looks up to her." 


When watching Sleepless in Ponyville, I was thinking "This may be it, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash may be starting a new bond, and surely enough it happened. 


In terms of the relationship continuing, there has already been lessons in bonds such as "Sisterhooves Social". So I think we'll be seeing the bond in the background from here on.

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In terms of the relationship continuing, there has already been lessons in bonds such as "Sisterhooves Social". So I think we'll be seeing the bond in the background from here on.

I wouldn't cast out future episodes just because Rarity and Sweetie had an episode about getting along ;) There's still plenty out there they could touch on. Sibling relationships, like all relationships, have tons of factors to them that make them complicated. This is also a special kind of relationship. It's surrogate, not by blood, so they could play around with that theme somehow, too.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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As some might be aware, I've made an official calendar event for Scootalove's canonization, which can be found here. Though I've debated on making this topic or not after making a brief meme topic off in the outskirts of Cloudsdale solely for the purpose of picking on Scootabuse now effectively being 'dead', I've decided I might as well follow through with a true topic.


Scootalove is my favorite part of our community, it is such a heart jerking, tear wrenching prospect that it NEVER fails to make me smile or cry. The way that Scootaloo idolizes Dashie and tries her best to emulate her in every way, seeking nothing but her affection and attention strikes so close to home for me, partnered with her apparent inability to fly... I love Scootalove, and I always will.

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...Bleh. I despise it all.


When it comes to Scootalove itself, I can't exactly pinpoint why I hate it. Maybe it's because every single Scootalove comic I've read is the exact same. Maybe it's because the idea is generic. Mind you, I don't like Scootabuse, but at least it's something different. Maybe it's because it's just trying way too hard too get "d'aaawwws", and this is coming from a guy who LOVES cute things. I think it's all of these, plus the fact that I HATE Scootaloo. She's annoying, disrespectful, ungrateful, overly obsessive, and impatient. Granted, this could be said for all the CMC, and I do despise them all, but Scootaloo is the worst.



Send all hate mail via PM, please.

Edited by ThatSpiritofChaos
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Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Well that escalated quickly




1. What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship?

I love Scootalove, mostly because it a lot of the times shows two characters we don't normally see show their softer side and being cute being well.... soft and being adorable


2. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so?

I always loved Scootaloo, but I think this episode showed that there's more to her and her love for Rainbow Dash than just "OMG UR SO AWESOME! *fangasm*"


3. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so?

She was already my favorite pony, so this episode didn't do too much, but I loved more of her caring side


4. The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants?

Honestly? I don't care how they do it as long as it makes me happy(maybe we can see those flying lessons someday?)


Now have some Veggie55



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1. Well I am kinda torn between it. I do enjoy the fact that Scootaloo is not Rainbow Dash true sister, but a pony who looks up to another. It makes them more unique. However when it comes to the fan base, I tend not to like it that much. The one thing I dislike the most is when people try to give them a mouther and daughter relationship. That I feel is pushing it to much.


2. I have never been a fan of Scootaloo and after 'Sleepless in Ponyville,' I'm still not. My problem is did we even need this episode? I mean I felt it was always implied that they all ready had the whole sister hood relationship thing. Another thing is, we still no next to nothing about this character. Her background is just as blank as her blank flank. We don't know who her parents are, Where she lives, or why she can't fly. All these questions could have been answered finally, but they weren't.


3. Season 3 has Rainbow Dash at her best when it comes to her element. This season has shown that she can be loyal to more than just her friends. She can be loyal to Scootaloo and the Wonderbolts. Something that fans should remember


4. As for future relationship development, I don't think it's going to be looked at that much after this. We might see them trying to do stuff in the background now and again, but I don't think they are going to have them as a main focus in an episode. Their relationship is set and I just don't see what they need to do to develop more. What they have is good.


On a side note. I like how you bring up Scootaloo's RD club, but you forget to mention that Scootaloo gave up on Rainbow Dash and started flowing another pony. 


So like ThatSpiritofChaos I will also be waiting for peoples hate mail to.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Forgive me if I end up just repeating the opinions stated above.


-What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship?


Wholeheartedly approve.  I have an older sister myself, and knowing how close we are, it's hard for me to picture being an only child.  Seeing Scootaloo obtain an older sister figure is absolutely amazing.


-Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so?


Well... not really.  The CMC were never really my favorite characters before Sleepless, and they still aren't now.  Sleepless is still probably my favorite episode of the series, but my opinion of Scootaloo has not changed.


Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so?


Again, not really, but for different reasons.  My headcanon always said that Dash had a soft and caring side, and Sleepless just confirmed it.  It's actually kind of similar to how she acted in 'Hurricane Fluttershy' in a sense.


The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants?


I don't think that they need another episode dedicated to it.  Some short scenes would probably suffice.  Any more I think might be a little bit of overkill, unless it's perhaps something to do with Scootaloo getting her cutie mark.
  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I must admit I do get warm tummy feelings from Scootalove.


I used to find her fangirlism a little annoying, but after seeing Sleepless in Ponyville I think it's sweet. The end scene nearly made me cry.


I really hope, and think, that they will carry this on and not just abandon it as a one-episode-deal. However, I  don't think they'll do another whole episode on it, that's been done now. What I think would be good though, is if they stuck little bits and pieces in the background and into ordinary action and dialogue, so then Scootalove is percieved by the ponies and by us as being completely normal and current.


And yes, I have diabeetus. Thanks, ~CD~.

  • Brohoof 1


~ Taking commissions ~

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I like that Rainbow Dash finally has to show some responsibility and will need to do so in all future episodes that deal with their relationships too. She seems to be so much of an adventurous and danger-seeking pony that her character was a bit flat, despite all the episodes she got (feels like half the show is just about her). Now with the added responsibility she seems much more interesting.


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On a side note. I like how you bring up Scootaloo's RD club, but you forget to mention that Scootaloo gave up on Rainbow Dash and started flowing another pony. 



So like ThatSpiritofChaos I will also be waiting for peoples hate mail to.

No hate mail :3 Scootaloo didn't stop following Dash, she and the rest of the town were in a temporary fad. After that episode, and Mare-Do-Well ceased to exist, it's obvious she went back to Dash.


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  1. What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship? I hadn't really thought much of Scootalove. I suppose I would've done, but I'd regarded Scootaloo as something of a flat character and really didn't care much for her at all. As for Rainbow Dash, she always seemed too free-spirited to be tied down as a foster parent.

Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so? Yes. I'd always regarded Scootaloo as something of a clone of Rainbow Dash, and truth be told, I kind of felt like I was correct at the end of the episode. But, I was given new feelings towards the character - a young and excitable filly, with deep down fears of being rejected by her idol, fearing that Rainbow Dash may become fed up of her. And though I was never one to initially believe in Scootorphan, it now seems like the only logical explanation. Which made it all the more powerful how frightened she was.

Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so? No. Nothing she did in the episode surprised me one bit. I couldn't imagine her acting any other way towards Scootaloo.

The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants? Maybe an episode where Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo fly together (judging by the ending of Sleepless in Ponyville, this seems highly probable). Otherwise, I'd be content with just a few scenes.

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1. What were my thoughts, you say? You specifically know my love for, well, Scootalove. It's huge! When you introduced it to me in August, I fell in love with Scootalove. I read fanfics about it, looked at art (which you haven't shown me a DA pic in a while, >:V) and generally supported it. Even did an RP on Scootalove. Every single moment of my MLP life has waiting up until Sleepless in Ponyville, which fulfilled all my needs. I couldn't be happier (well, I could be if there were 10x more huggles, but there was more than enough of that in the episode for me :D)


2. No, I loved Scoots since the beginning and loved RD since I found about Scootalove, and it didn't change my loving opinions for them.


3. See #2


4. I remember you talking about this once. How, rather than a bunch of cuddles, they might have to go through their lives together and have a few bumps along the way and learn lessons from it. I would love a whole episode devoted to their relationship (doesn't have to be many, but some), and also some little signs of affection at random times during an episode.


Great topic, BTW!

Edited by Scootabloom
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I answered the questions already, but I'd like to pop in and say that Scootalove inspired what may be my favorite piece of fan music. You can check it out here if you want :).



I love that song...

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I answered the questions already, but I'd like to pop in and say that Scootalove inspired what may be my favorite piece of fan music. You can check it out here if you want :).



I love that song...

Thanks for posting that, I've been trying to locate more Scootalove music. Thus far the only one I've stumbled upon was 'At Long Last', by Neighsayer.


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Thanks for posting that, I've been trying to locate more Scootalove music. Thus far the only one I've stumbled upon was 'At Long Last', by Neighsayer.

I saw you post that a few days ago in the Youtube thread and it has a special place in my heart (and on my ipod) now :)


Here's another song that I found a little while ago if you're interested, I like the other two a tad better but I still think this one's fantastic.


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I saw you post that a few days ago in the Youtube thread and it has a special place in my heart (and on my ipod) now :)


Here's another song that I found a little while ago if you're interested, I like the other two a tad better but I still think this one's fantastic.


That one is actually incredibly old, from the days of 2011 :3 It's probably the first Scootalove music piece on Youtube. I've seen it before, yes. Very cute. That song you posted earlier; looks like that artist has several other Scootalove music pieces too. I think I should start a Scootalove playlist on my I-Pod :P


Back on topic though, I'm glad to see that this idea became canon, because it just felt right, and was bound to happen. All the factors, from Scootaloo being the only CMC without a sister, idolizing Rainbow Dash who also doesn't have any known siblings, so on and so forth all pointed to this happening at some point since season one. Which is why the fanbase caught on to the idea and made it a fanon-wide phenomenon long before the episode ever came out. Bronies are intelligent and are usually able to decipher what themes will appear in future episodes ^^ That's been shown a lot this season.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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I wrote quite a bit in response to your questions, so please bear with me.



1. What are your thoughts on 'Scootalove', and Dash and Scootaloo's relationship?



I agree that it is cute and endearing, but from my perspective, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's relationship is very underdeveloped, and consequently, I can't help having some reservations about it.


As a less hardcore brony, I pretty much watch the show, go on these forums, and read an occasional fanfic; I have never scoured the web or other brony sites for fan art, comics, music, etc. Consequently, I was totally unaware that "Scootalove" was even a thing until I read the comments for "Sleepless In Ponyville". I guess I was vaguely aware that Scootaloo thought Rainbow Dash was cool, but I never really gave Scootaloo or her relationship with Rainbow Dash a second thought. This was probably in part because Scootaloo was almost never seen outside of being a Cutie Mark Crusader, and so I didn't know much of anything about her.


So at the beginning of "Sleepless In Ponyville" when Scootaloo said she wanted Rainbow Dash to become like her big sister, that seemed like a sudden development. After all, Scootaloo thinking Rainbow Dash is cool is one thing, but wanting her to teach Scootaloo everything she knows and be like Scootaloo's big sister is a much bigger thing.


Rainbow Dash agreeing to take Scootaloo under her wing also seemed like a sudden development to me. I don't recall Rainbow Dash showing much particular interest in Scootaloo prior to that point. Sure, to my recollection Rainbow Dash talked to Scootaloo for a few seconds in a few episodes, but I don't recall it being much more than standard dialogue. Rainbow Dash called Scootaloo "pipsqueak" and "kid" a few times; I'm not sure whether that's a positive or a negative - they might be affectionate nicknames, or Rainbow Dash might have just never bothered to remember or call her by her actual name. Rainbow Dash also blew off Scootaloo's attempts to get her attention or prove Scootaloo's coolness several times throughout "Sleepless In Ponyville", which didn't lead me to think that Rainbow Dash would be willing to take such a big step in her relationship with Scootaloo.


I still have some unanswered questions about the whole relationship between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Just how much of a commitment was Rainbow Dash making in agreeing to be Scootaloo's mentor? What did Scootaloo mean when she said that she wanted Rainbow Dash to teach her everything she knows? If Rainbow Dash does do something like try to teach Scootaloo how to fly, will both of them be patient and capable enough to stick with it, or will they struggle with teaching/learning the concepts or get frustrated and quit too easily? Will Rainbow Dash let Scootaloo down by not being willing or able to hang out with her as often as she wants?


Because of these unanswered questions and the seemingly sudden and large development in their relationship, I don't feel like I'm quite on board the Scootalove train as much as a lot of other people on the forums.



2. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Scootaloo? If yes, how so? 



Somewhat. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't feel like we've really seen Scootaloo as her own character separate from the Cutie Mark Crusaders very much, so I might not have seen enough about her to form much of an opinion. I might like her and her tomboyish-ness marginally better than the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, since I find Applebloom's country-ness and accent as well as Sweetie Belle's overt girly-ness and voice kind of off-putting.


Watching Scootaloo's attempts to get Rainbow Dash's attention and act cool were a little painful to watch, but that is typical behavior for her age, so I can't really hold it against her. The big development in Scootaloo's character for me was obviously finding out that Scootaloo wants Rainbow Dash to be like her big sister. I think finding out that there is a legitimate desire to emulate a true mentor underneath Scootaloo's attempts to be cool did cause me to like her a little more.



3. Did 'Sleepless in Ponyville' change your overall views on Rainbow Dash? If yes, how so?



Again, somewhat. I thought some of the times Rainbow Dash blew off Scootaloo were pretty callous. For example, when they first arrive at the campsite and Scootaloo takes a tumble, Rainbow Dash doesn't ask if she's okay or even say anything to her. I feel like I would have acted differently in her situation. But again, you could argue that it's in Rainbow Dash's character to act that way, so it's somewhat forgivable.


I liked seeing Rainbow Dash act more caring in contrast to her cockiness, and it obviously shows good character for Rainbow Dash to agree to be Scootaloo's mentor and make her happy, but it just felt a little sudden for Rainbow Dash to agree almost immediately after being asked. That might just be because I would be a lot more uncertain if I were in such a situation, though. I think the true test of Rainbow Dash's character and commitment will be in the future if Scootaloo wants to hang out with Rainbow Dash more than Rainbow Dash would like, or if Scootaloo doesn't make any progress in flying lessons.



4. The chances of Dash and Scootaloo's relationship not being continued at all in future seasons is highly unlikely. If and when we're to see Scootalove again, how would you like it to be handled? Would you like it to be an entire episode centered around a theme, or just a few short scenes showing continuation of their relationship? Do you have any specific ideas or wants?



Well, I'm not a very creative person, so I don't have any specific ideas. It is a little hard for me to know what to want or expect considering that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's relationship is rather unspecified and underdeveloped, and considering that we still don't know that much about Scootaloo as a character. However, I wouldn't be surprised if their relationship is only cursorily shown in a couple of scenes, if at all. I guess it depends on how much the writers are willing to devote episode time to Scootaloo (and this relationship) outside of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They haven't seemed too inclined to do so so far, other than the "Sleepless In Ponyville" episode.

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 However, I wouldn't be surprised if their relationship is only cursorily shown in a couple of scenes, if at all. I guess it depends on how much the writers are willing to devote episode time to Scootaloo (and this relationship) outside of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They haven't seemed too inclined to do so so far, other than the "Sleepless In Ponyville" episode.

I don't see the writers making an entire episode based around establishing a relationship without at the very least having a few scenes in the future for them, just to show continuity. Hopefully some of your concerns about it being underdeveloped will be added upon.

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1. I think Scootalove is adorable :D, they really make a great sister pair, their hugging in sleepless in ponyville was one of the most touching and adorable scenes I've seen in MLP.

2. Yes this episode changed the way I looked at Scootaloo! Shes basically my favorite of the CMC, with Sweetiebelle being a pretty close second. And I really like Sweetiebelle :P, but that episode made me like Scootaloo a heck of a lot more.

3. My views on Rainbow Dash changed a pretty good bit over this season, but was sealed up pretty good in Sleepless in Ponyville, shes become such a better developed charactor, i'd have to say shes starting to become one of the more developed charactors, she use to be so full of herself, but now shes willing to even give up her dream and even to tell Scootaloo of her being afraid of things, not to mention taking her under her wing.

Rainbow Dash now hangs close behind Pinkie in 4th place of my favorites, If I didn't love Pinkies randomness so much I might have had Rainbow Dash in 3rd.


4. If they go back to Scootalove again, I think they should atleast do another episode involving trying to teach scootaloo to fly or something, other then that I still want some tiny appearances of it here and there in episodes with scootaloo and Rainbow(And maybe when its just throw in for the sake of it :P.)



Btw Sleepless in Ponyvile is my favorite so far of S3. :P. I love it :D.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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1. Scootalove is just about the most adorable thing ever, and I'm so glad they finally canonized it :wub:

2 and 3. Not really, since I already loved them both. Rainbow has already shown sensitivity and protectiveness toward Fluttershy since they were little, so it's not surprising she'd do the same for Scootaloo... although it is somewhat surprising she managed to handle the situation so gracefully.


4. I definitely want more episodes prominently featuring them as sisters. My bet is that there will be an episode in S4 about Rainbow teaching Scootaloo to fly, where at first she can't do it, runs off all depressed, Rainbow talks to Fluttershy, Fluttershy talks to Scootaloo, and finally she does it, at least for a minute.


But another episode I'd love to see is something involving sister pairs working together like the Sisterhooves Social, where we get to see more contrast of how Rainbow and Scootaloo act in public versus in private. I'd just d'aww my heart out if they won and acted all cool, but then later while alone get all sappy again :wub:


And I hope we eventually get more development on Dash's side... has she always wanted a sister or was it a sort of spur-of-the-moment thing? Does she consider Scootaloo more of a child or an equal? Student or family? We've seen that Dash can be sensitive to Scootaloo having childish problems (fear of made up stories), but I also wouldn't be surprised if she generally treats Scootaloo more as an equal, having a great deal of trust in her, especially as time goes on. Eventual ScootaDash shipping is not out of the question.

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1. Scootalove is just about the most adorable thing ever, and I'm so glad they finally canonized it :wub:

2 and 3. Not really, since I already loved them both. Rainbow has already shown sensitivity and protectiveness toward Fluttershy since they were little, so it's not surprising she'd do the same for Scootaloo... although it is somewhat surprising she managed to handle the situation so gracefully.


4. I definitely want more episodes prominently featuring them as sisters. My bet is that there will be an episode in S4 about Rainbow teaching Scootaloo to fly, where at first she can't do it, runs off all depressed, Rainbow talks to Fluttershy, Fluttershy talks to Scootaloo, and finally she does it, at least for a minute.


But another episode I'd love to see is something involving sister pairs working together like the Sisterhooves Social, where we get to see more contrast of how Rainbow and Scootaloo act in public versus in private. I'd just d'aww my heart out if they won and acted all cool, but then later while alone get all sappy again :wub:


And I hope we eventually get more development on Dash's side... has she always wanted a sister or was it a sort of spur-of-the-moment thing? Does she consider Scootaloo more of a child or an equal? Student or family? We've seen that Dash can be sensitive to Scootaloo having childish problems (fear of made up stories), but I also wouldn't be surprised if she generally treats Scootaloo more as an equal, having a great deal of trust in her, especially as time goes on. Eventual ScootaDash shipping is not out of the question.

I was clapping mentally up till your last line xD Sisters is how it should and will stay, both in my opinion and in how I believe the show would go. As for everything else though, I generally agree. I'd like them to remain in the same general big/little sister theme that Rarity and Applejack share with their siblings though. Believing in your sister is one thing, giving them opportunities to be independent is great too, but due to age difference, 'equals' isn't a theme that can be hit upon very well, at least not until Scoots isn't a filly anymore.

  • Brohoof 1


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I was clapping mentally up till your last line xD

:lol: Yeah, it totally depends on how things develop in the future, and how long the series runs. Not to mention exactly how much of an age difference they have. After all, Fluttershy was about the same age when she first discovered the ground... did she have to go back to Cloudsdale until she was older, get her parents to move down with her for a few years, or was she already mature enough to live by herself? And it's unclear how much time has passed since then.


Personally I hope we do get lots of big sister/little sister time, with Scootaloo finally not being left out when SB and AB are doing stuff with their sisters. But being that the CMC appear to be about that age where you really start developing skills and intelligence (plus double in height in the span of a few years :P), and the fact that they're not actually related, it could evolve to a more BFF style relationship. Largely depends on whether Dash decides to "grow up" anytime soon, for example making a solid career as a Wonderbolt, or remain more a free spirit, not thoroughly tied to anything.


And in any case, as a Flutterdash shipper, it would be sort of counter-productive anyway :P I only said it wasn't out of the question down the line.

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