Mr. Jaguar 1,403 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) DISCORD + FLUTTERSHY BEST COUPLE I predict fanfics now that this is possible. Also, I thought he'd be revealed as Starswirl the bearded, guess not, maybe later? Also glad they kept him in character it seems despite making him good, I expected as much, and I r pleased. Edited January 19, 2013 by Mr. Jaguar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) I thought that this episode was cute. Not the best episode ever, but it was cute. My main complaint was that it felt really short. Other than that, I think Discord was pretty much in character. He was still pretty hilarious throughout. It's kinda difficult for a "anything-goes-because-i'm-magic" kind of character to be out of character. After all, he is the embodiment of chaos. Anyway, I enjoyed the episode quite thoroughly. It definitely would've had better pacing if it were a two-parter, but I enjoyed it exactly for what it was: a set-up to future episodes. Now that Discord is reformed, he can be brought back as much as the show writers for future episodes. It also gives us viewers a sense of closure in that, now we can learn more about him and his backstory. Given how much John DeLancie has expressed his love for the show, I wouldn't doubt we see more Discord in Season 4 than Zecora or Celestia. EDIT: Poor John DeLancie, seems like he's cursed to play Q (or a role like it) for the rest of his life. XD At least we get more Discord, and now I'm curious why Celestia needs his magic... Edited January 19, 2013 by Twinhead B Soundcloud: DeviantART: Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessper 735 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I'm really wondering whether and how much more we'll see of him, since he's prolly going to live in Ponyville now. Maybe even with Fluttshy. Oh my. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SuperUltimateBrony 351 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I just knew Discord wouldn't return to being stone!I'm giving this episode a 9.5/10Discord saying friendship is magic at the end was a great way to end the episode. Discord being Discord was amazing. There was a great lesson to be learned at the end of this episode. I think that Discord will end up teaming up with the rest of the mane 6 to thwart a villains plans.Overall it was an amazing episode! Loading signature...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bananashy 79 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 This episode was decent, but it felt kinda rushed. Still pretty damn good, though, and I adore the smooth animation. New OTP: PinkieXGravy. Love that last line. "Go on... say it!" "Fine... Friendshipismagic". 1 Fluttershy Cute Face Vector Courtesy to Esipode Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rarietty 632 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) This episode was hilarious, and has to be one of the funniest episodes by far. Rarity freaking about her dress was the funniest Rarity moment so far of the season (although it wouldn't be if Rarity got her own episode <_< )and John De Lancie just killed it. Also, I d'awww-ed at the ending. However, at the same time. it was extremely rushed. I get reforming Discord over a season, and checking back on him maybe every episode, but in a single episode... Heck, even in a two parter it would feel rushed. You can't just turn the show's most iconic villain bad-to-good in one or two episodes. That's not how character development works. <_< It just seemed like an episode that wasn't planned out very well on paper so the writer just seemed to wing it. It's basically the first episode where I was a bit confused about the plot, mostly because everything happened so quickly. Besides, what were Celestia's true intentions? She told the mane 6 that she wanted to reform Discord, but why? I seriously hope this is addressed this season or else there will be chaos. I really can't sum up all of my thoughts right now, Too much was crammed into this episode. I'm extremely split on my feelings. This will definitely be a "love-it-or-hate-it" kind of episode. Edited January 19, 2013 by Rarietty 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcusaralius76 151 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTED THIS EPISODE TO END IN A TRAGEDY???? JOHN DE LANCIE IN A GOODGUY ROLL IS LIKE USING SNOW TO COOK PASTA!!! IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majesticyoshi 30 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) (Prepares shield for comments of a negative sort) Considering the fact that Discord was a stoner loner, it was actually surprising to me that he actually had a heart for friendship. I think the reason why the episode and the reform seemed short was that there was more room for some chaotic craziness and whatnot. I kept going "DISCORD STAHP" at the rotating background. Everything is changing for each character. Even the spirit of chaos. He isn't full on good per se, but more of diluted chaos. It's good that he is reformed and yet still maintains the same personality. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out for Discord. Though I can imagine thousands of fanfic ruined at the same time thousands born. But he's the spirit of chaos, so I'm pretty sure that he'll stir up chaos in the fanbase based on his performance eheheh. Edit: It already has. Edited January 19, 2013 by Majesticyoshi 3 "Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you." - Fortune Cookie Coordinator for the upcoming fangame, Super Smash Ponies! yaaay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dashiefan7213 8 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Well that's just great, I woke up at 9:45 missed half of it! Oh well at least I saw the other half of it and the ending! Overall, I think the episode was awesome! 10/10! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Java Jive 440 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) I'm not exactly convinced that Discord can just stop being "himself" and cease being chaos and disharmony incarnate. I feel there's always a possibility for him to being "corrupted" back into his old habits. Even though he has a friend now. It's just the nature of the beast. Though i dont mind him to be a recurring character like Q in Star Trek, always good for a laugh. If he is being concidered as one of the good guys, that's a lot of firepower on their side... Edited January 19, 2013 by JavaJive Let's go downtown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squid 100 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 That was a great episode. This season is just brilliant. I would say that it can't quite compare to Dicords original epic two-parter, but still, it's great. I love it how Fluttershy got him to be nice, I was really afraid that he wouldn't turn for a while, but wow, I loved it! I hope that Discord now makes occasional guest appearances, hopefully we won't have to wait too long. I would hate it if he never showed up again ever. Imaging what could happen? Discord as a hero? SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! I wasn't expecting that this would happen a while ago. The "Friendship is Magic" line was brilliant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Jaguar 1,403 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) And now that discord is redeemed......... There's a possibility of twicord becoming cannon like in my favorite fanfic WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D :D It still won't happen tho, probably But now it COULD Edited January 19, 2013 by Mr. Jaguar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Well, here goes nothing. I have a good feeling about this one . I think Too Many Pinkie Pies is about to lose its title as wackiest episode of season three. I think we can all agree with that idea. I got a very trippy Alice in Wonderland feel through most of this episode. I think Angel's role was really helping, too. DAT SCREAM. XD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faceless 101 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) Where do we watch it? Usually there is a link of some sort to a place to view the episode? I would love to know where! Thanks everypony. Instead of missing it, you can always watch it on a live stream. I live in the UK so no hub over here. I try and watch it live on livestreams. For next week, try haxmega or the brony community one... But on the episode, it was good, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't head-over-heels amazing. Hang on, isn't a head over the heels anyway? PHILOSORAPTOR MAKING TIME!!!! I CALL IT!!! Already done Edited January 19, 2013 by Faceless We all go a little mad sometimes... Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane! Faceless Flyer: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) The first thing I took from Keep Calm and Flutter On is this: What were Princess Celestia's encounters with Discord like in the past? How did she know, despite all the harm he caused and being forced to turn him to stone thousands of years ago, that he had any good in him at all? I can just bet the CelestiaxDiscord ship fics and pics are going to spike now. How did Princess Celestia know that Discord wasn't a hardened criminal beyond reform? Why is Discord "needed" for good? I thought Celestia would need to state a specific purpose for the Mane 6 to go through with this. I also agree with others that it's probably related to Twilight Sparkle becoming "ready" and everything that entails. It's also noteworthy that Discord's powers were relatively limited this time. Even when Fluttershy threw her element away, Discord was still only able to wreak havoc locally. Perhaps Celestia cast a spell on him while he was still in stone so he would be at less than full strength when he was freed. Was anybody else surprised by how two-faced Fluttershy can be? When Discord was present, she always acted like she believed in him. But when the Mane 6 were alone, she admitted they were totally right about his bad behavior. Props to John de Lancie for reprising his role too! Edited January 19, 2013 by Wingnut 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
immblueversion 331 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 And thus we are open to the possibility of Discord being turned into a pony and teaching Twilight a thing or two about magic that Princess Celestia cannot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Of The Month 534 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 This may possibly be the best episode of MLP EVER! I enjoyed every minute, and it was definitely worth the wait. I really like how the episode focused on Fluttershy's kindness rather than her shyness for a change. Also, Sleepless In Ponyville + Keep Calm And Flutter On= Best hour of pony ever! 2 And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Jaguar 1,403 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Seriously I haven't grinned this much in a MLP episode in a long time, or possibly ever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack Durango 119 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Also, Discord overhears Celestia saying the Elements of Harmony will stay with Twilight. Is he going to use this to his advantage later? Is there going to be a point in a season finale or a movie in which he's the only one who remembers where they are, and he has to remind them? Or was it a dead-end, get-your-hopes-up kind of input? Oh, the possibilities... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dash 1,820 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I really enjoyed it. Discord was a delight to watch, and I didn't mind the reform. The episode did feel short, but that may also have been due to that I was really into it. Discord probably never had friends, then when he had the chance to have one, he pretty much blew it. Which I'm sure is why he reformed, mostly. That, and he would be turned back to stone. Of course it did feel a bit rushed, but they did good job for stuffing all this in a single episode. Overall, very enjoyable episode. Like, don't underestimate my power man. Come join us Friday nights for Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 And she couldn't have cast this element protecting spell last time? Also, Celestia's line translated is something like "Have fun, I'm a-getting the @&$@ out of here " Lol, it kinda does, taking her regal composure is a very hidden fashion to that. Honestly, I don't think she'd be able to win against Discord along and without the elements. He'd break her mind with too many dafuq's... he could pretty much do actual damage after/during that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 This may possibly be the best episode of MLP EVER! I enjoyed every minute, and it was definitely worth the wait. I really like how the episode focused on Fluttershy's kindness rather than her shyness for a change. Also, Sleepless In Ponyville + Keep Calm And Flutter On= Best hour of pony ever! That's going a bit far don't you think? I mean it wasn't a bad episode at all, but it does not deserve to be called one of the best, at least not in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GauntletsofRai 5 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 They really should have been given a LOT more time to do this episode, but for the time slot they fit it into, I say they did a pretty good job. YES, the ending felt rushed, and the pretense for freeing Discord in the first place was kind of weak, but if they had another solid 22 min, they could have made this episode a really moving story. I would even go so far as to say it would have made a great season finale, if it was a two-parter. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 And it ends with Discord declaring Friendship is Magic, nice. So, Keep Calm and Flutter On, not too bad. Discord finally returned, which we all knew was coming, and he was just as funny and chaotic as he's always been for the most part, my particular favorite was the lamp gag, and the paper eating. But really, you'd think Discord would have stolen the show, but nope, Fluttershy had(part of) her name in the episode and she made sure we knew it, as did Celestia. I could only imagine the patience it would require to put up with Discord as she did, she was great. I also liked how the Elements were treated as sort of a gun to Discord's head, and I think it was a good thing they didn't have to use them. Now, the actual reforming part- I honestly think it's kind of sweet that Discord always wanted a friend, and he even ended up using Fluttershy with that sympathy, acting like he didn't care even though he totally did, that dynamic really kept me guessing. I'm okay with him being reformed as well, although, of course, we shouldn't completely trust him just yet, but he does still have threats looming over his head(losing Fluttershy's friendship, having the elements used against him again) so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for him. The only problem I had with the episode was the lack of screentime and lines for the other characters besides the main 2 here, along with Twilight and Rainbow Dash who got more lines than everyone else- after seeing the relatively very even distribution in the last episode I expected better, but oh well, minor nitpick. I still very much enjoyed this episode, and while it may not of been as good as The Return of Harmony, I think it will stand as one of my favorites in the series. Simply marvelous, don't miss it. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Discord in Wonderland, hmm. EXACTLY!!! The spinning house, going round and round and round sealed that thought for me. This episode was freakin' amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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