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S03:E10 - Keep Calm and Flutter On



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Ok, so I'm having mixed feelings about how this episode ended, but Discord DID say he'd use his magic for good just "most of the time". But I have to say, this made me squeal like the psycho fangirl I am:

Fluttershy: Go on... Say it...

Discord: *mumbles* Friendship is Magic...

Was that the internet-exploding line? He had a lot of good lines...


And what about the lines that led to the Discord-is-Starswirl theory? Was that fake? Is he going to come back again? Please say he's gonna come back again!!!!

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Well if discord is not really a villain anymore....



oh come on, he has pony-ish parts, like a blue pegasi wing and a horse head. close enough.

Edited by crazitaco
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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:09 PM, Avana Gunn said:

AAAAGH! NOOOOO! Not that I didn't like the episode, but I spent like, 2 months writing a script for a fancomic with Discord as a main character and THIS TOTALLY JOSSES THE ENTIRE THING! AAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!

Just write it as an what would happen if story. Dont just toss it out. DC comics does this all the time with what are called the Elseworld tales. Want to know what would happen if superman grew up in soviet Russia? Well there is a story about that. 

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Well, I have to say, I had very high expectations for this episode, and... I think it was amazing! If the show itself was longer, I bet it could've been better, but I think they did a very good job! I was laughing nearly constantly throughout the episode. The line, "I'll use my magic for good, most of the time," immediately made me think, yeah, Discord's back! A job well done. Welcome back Discord! :D

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:24 PM, Alfonzo Dennard said:

Plainly put, he is (or rather, was) an entity striving to create chaos just because he had nothing else to do except create trouble. He never had anyone close to him and never saw the light until someone actually gave him the chance to. The Elements could have easily blasted him to stone, but they didn't! Relationships are a powerful thing. His behaviour isn't at fault here - he's still the same old Discord but now that he actually has friends, he no longer has to wreak havoc around Equestria anymore. He himself no longer feels the urge to go about and do it constantly, either.


The thing is, that's what I liked about him.  Chaotic Evil characters shouldn't change without it seeming completely out of character.  We was perfect as an entertaining and charismatic but malevolent chaotic force.  Trying to evolve his character like this is like trying to make The Joker into a hero who sometimes helps Batman. 


I loved the fact that Discord was legitimately threatening, and... he's not anymore.

  • Brohoof 1


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Every time a season gets done, I pretty much work on my MLP movie script, because each season adds new material for me to work with. When something in the show gets established or created, I modify my script in order to keep up with the official canon. I wasn't even planning to have Discord as the villain in my movie, I was planning to create my own villain. Now that this episode has aired, it would be cool to see Discord using his powers to help fight a war against evil, and since Fluttershy is his only friend, only Fluttershy can convince him to help fight.

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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:39 PM, Anadu Kune said:

Just write it as an what would happen if story. Dont just toss it out. DC comics does this all the time with what are called the Elseworld tales. Want to know what would happen if superman grew up in soviet Russia? Well there is a story about that. 

Yeah, I just had a mild "crap" moment.  I already wrote a disclaimer :



The script for this comic had finished being written at the time that "Too Many Pinkie Pies" was the latest episode of MLP : FiM.  Unfortunately, though I love the episode and am happy to see Discord back, the events of "Keep Calm and Flutter On" completely joss the entire script to the point that I can't revise it to include the events of the episode without totally destroying more than three-quarters of the plot. 


Basically, let's call this an 'alternate universe' and say that this story takes place after the episode "Spike at Your Service".  Anything after that never happened.

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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:44 PM, hawkflame said:

The thing is, that's what I liked about him.  Chaotic Evil characters shouldn't change without it seeming completely out of character.  We was perfect as an entertaining and charismatic but malevolent chaotic force.  Trying to evolve his character like this is like trying to make The Joker into a hero who sometimes helps Batman. 


I loved the fact that Discord was legitimately threatening, and... he's not anymore.


I'll miss that about him, too :lol: But the key difference between Joker and Discord is that Discord isn't a rampaging, mass-murdering clown who has zero empathy for those around him. Discord's actually shown to have feelings in this episode -- feelings that were long-lost over the periods of time which he's caused trouble around Equestria.


I really don't think it's reasonable to assign him a "Chaotic Evil" tag to him, either. During the "Return of Harmony" episode, it was almost apparent that he was just like the Joker but after learning more about his background in this episode, I simply find it hard to believe he's akin to someone like that. All that was left here was that he does have emotions and he isn't the heartless monster everyone else claimed him to be. It's the old saying -- you think you know everything about someone, when in fact if you got to know them, you'd be surprised to find a whole new person underneath.

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
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Ok we'll so I'm dull ill end up taking some heat for this but I was sort of disappointed in today's episode. After the better part of a season that I have found to be mediocre I was hoping that this episode would be its saving grace. Keep calm and flutter on? Bring back jdl? I was really thinking this would be the episode that was really meant for bronys. But it's not. It's an ok ep finally some fluttershy but still no nods to the fandom no derp. Hasbro has truly decided to give no shits about us and I say FUCK them. After 2 years of us supporting them both by watching the show and buying there shitty merch they truly don't care. No bluray for season one or two. No DVD for season 2. No show accurate toys. No derpy. And to top it off they cut season 3 in half. Also note the total lack of anything great in this season. The opener was a terrible two parter. There's been no good songs. There's no rarity ep. I am worried about the future if this show in a way I never have been before

  • Brohoof 1


come play some xbox

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Wow! What an episode! I have to admit that I wasn't expecting the ending, not by a long shot, which is probably a first, since I am mostly pretty keen on figuring out how a given episode is gonna end XD

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Well everybody's waited about two months for this episode and the question is was this epsiode worth the wait in my opinion yes!


The characters in this episode all seemed to disagree with Discord being reformed and it was nice to see that Rainbow Dash wasn't the only one opposed to something(well she was the most vocal about it.) I loved how Princess Celestia has seemed to truly trust Twilight's friends and actually give as big a job as helping to reform Discord to Fluttershy instead of simply asking Twilight to solve the problem, and also her advice for the mane6 to keep the Elments Of Harmony just in case something happens with Discord which shows that Princess Celestia is still keeping an eye on Discord.


Discord in this episode was still his chao's causing self(The pawns just kept coming!). Discord appeared to want to simply trick Fluttershy into trusting him simply so the Elements wouldn't work which he did in Season 2. By the end Discord truly showed that he really cared for friendship by attempting to be good simply so he could have his friend.


In the end this episode while not my fav is still very close to being my fav of season 3.

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First of all...did Rainbow Dash call him "Dick Cord"?!?! I swear that's what she called him.


I thought the ending was pretty silly; I can't believe Discord just suddenly turned good just because he wanted a friend. That just doesn't fit Discord's character in my opinion.




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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:54 PM, LunaShy said:
Ok we'll so I'm dull ill end up taking some heat for this but I was sort of disappointed in today's episode. After the better part of a season that I have found to be mediocre I was hoping that this episode would be its saving grace. Keep calm and flutter on? Bring back jdl? I was really thinking this would be the episode that was really meant for bronys. But it's not. It's an ok ep finally some fluttershy but still no nods to the fandom no derp. Hasbro has truly decided to give no shits about us and I say FUCK them. After 2 years of us supporting them both by watching the show and buying there shitty merch they truly don't care. No bluray for season one or two. No DVD for season 2. No show accurate toys. No derpy. And to top it off they cut season 3 in half. Also note the total lack of anything great in this season. The opener was a terrible two parter. There's been no good songs. There's no rarity ep. I am worried about the future if this show in a way I never have been before


Whoa, Lunashy, a little harsh there! Hasbro is primarily a big corporation whose goal is to make money off of merchandise and film and TV content creation. Yet they have been listening to us bronies, as a matter of fact, they gave several independent companies the permission to create merchandise targeted towards bronies, which is why several brony merchandise has been popping up at your local Hot Topic. Sure, I like a lot of what Season 3 had to offer, but the only episodes that seemed to be lackluster to me this season were Sleepless in Ponyville, Spike at Your Service, and maybe Apple Family Reunion. The only thing I found bad about the two parter this season was that the villain was disappointing. On Equestria Daily, search for why Season 3 was cut in half. Make no mistake, this season may not be as good as the other seasons were, but it sure is awesome, considering that we got both Trixie and Discord back.

  • Brohoof 4
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I didn't mind this episode, but I think that is more so because I think Discord is baller as hell. Also I just know that from that small little talk with Fluttershy and Celestia that fanfic writers are just filled with glee right now.

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Pretty good episode. i liked it. Especially liked all the humor. The best part about it though is that he can now be a re-occuring character like Zecora. He can actually be in more episodes. The ending seem rushed but it makes sense. He still probably gonna be a prankster. I doubt his personality is completely changed. I think its probably a good thing that hes "reformed". I mean would you rather he being stuck in stone never to return? I'm just interested to see why Celestia need him. But none the less i can't wait to see more of Discord in future episodes.


Also people RD said "Dipcord" not "Dickcord" <_<

Edited by AnonBrony
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He's an evil enchanter, and he does evil dances, and if you... alright, forget it.


Discord is now chaotic neutral. As I expected, he chose to compromise, promising to use his powers for good "most of the time." Dinner with the ponies gave him an opportunity to use his powers in a way that brought everyone amusement, not just himself... until the dishes got feisty. At any rate, I think he learned quite a bit throughout the entire episode even if he didn't realize it until the final minutes. He knows he can still have his fun without bringing grief to others.


As a few have already pointed out, Celestia's foremost apprentice and student in the magic of friendship wasn't willing to give Discord much of an opportunity. That's not really a weakness of character or a demonstration that she hasn't learned anything. In the end it all comes down to their Elements. Fluttershy's is kindness, and one can't show kindness without forbearance, which she demonstrated superbly. I guess honesty fits in there too. Or maybe she ganked it from Applejack. Why not? It's not like the other ponies were making much use of their elements throughout this episode, so Fluttershy had to pick up the slack. You could also say she was quite loyal to him. She even demonstrated generosity in her hospitality. She deserves her own stained glass window in the castle for this. I have to say that had I been with the Mane 6 there at the end I would have been as ready as any of them to imprison him again. She showed far more restraint than was owed and more than what I would consider wise, yet her decision was the correct one.


As for the moral of the episode, it's one that I can relate to personally. I have a friend. Before he came into my life, any "friendships" I had were matters of convenience and opportunism. It wasn't until I almost lost him that I realized he was genuine and what a real friend was truly worth. He was the first person in my life to want me around just for who I was, which is something I always wanted but didn't think was possible. Discord may have been in a similar situation. He's the only one of his species as far as we know, he looks ridiculous by pony standards, and is frighteningly powerful. Consider this excerpt from Frankenstein, spoken by the monster. It came to my mind as I reflected on the episode:


"My vices are the children of a forced solitude that I abhor; and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal. I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being, and become linked to the chain of existence and events, from which I am now excluded."



And isn't it fitting that a creature as repulsive as Frankenstein's creature would say something so applicable to Discord, who is himself a strange if not grotesque amalgam? My theory on the Elements is that they cause harm to those who only intend harm, and have mercy on those with at least a sliver of desire to be good. Nightmare Moon's millennia-long imprisonment may have caused enough of Luna's old self to resurface so that the elements freed her from her hate, rather than imprisoning her again. Discord, upon hearing that Celestia wanted him around, may have allowed himself to hope for the possibility of finding acceptance, which in turn allowed the Elements to release him from the stone. Yes, it's just a theory, and one that I know could be entirely erroneous. But it does sound plausible to me.



I do have a couple of problems with this episode that have nothing to do with the moral. Twilight said Celestia cast some kind of ward on the Elements so that Discord couldn't abscond with them like he did last time he was free. But she also locked them in a tower last time and put them under "a powerful spell that only [she] can break," which did nothing to deter Discord. Perhaps the reason he didn't steal the Elements this time is because he didn't want to (which goes back to my theory above regarding the Elements). Remember the failsafe spell that Twilight tried to undo some damage? Didn't work. I have my doubts as to the efficacy of a reformation spell too. Such a spell also seems a bit evil from my perspective; it's a charm. Should they find themselves unable to acquire his willing cooperation, they'll force it out of him. Better to incarcerate him again than to enslave him, I say.




Time to over-analyze minor details and see what weird little things I could spot in the episode.



The snap of his fingers to use his powers is a little homage to Q, we've always known that. Now I could be seeing a similarity that they didn't intend, but the three Discord's sitting at that table when he was ice skating reminded me of when Q called himself as a witness in Death Wish. I also caught the Deja Q similarities but I have no doubt that was deliberate.


You know, I was conflicted over his treatment of Angel. It was a little cruel, but on the other hand Angel really had it coming for all of his misdeeds and rudeness throughout the series. Slapping Fluttershy, refusing to eat things that she worked hard to prepare, and generally being a disobedient little jerk; he deserved to be prodded, run into a few walls, and polymorphed. And speaking of Angel, why does Fluttershy have a hard time understanding what he's trying to convey? She can understand beaver gibberish well enough. And it would appear that beavers are pretty foul-mouthed, or at least Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth is. Fluttershy should stay away from them. They're a bad influence.


  On 2013-01-19 at 3:44 PM, Evilshy said:

Are you shittin' me?


I am disappoint, Hasbro. I mean, I can understand why, but that's not cool :(

Oh well, I guess I can still go to cons :/

I think it's hilarious and ironic. Would the contest even exist if it wasn't for us adults making My Little Pony the hit that it is today? Probably not.

  • Brohoof 3


Kyoshi made this ^^



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  On 2013-01-19 at 6:48 PM, Alfonzo Dennard said:

I'll miss that about him, too :lol: But the key difference between Joker and Discord is that Discord isn't a rampaging, mass-murdering clown who has zero empathy for those around him. Discord's actually shown to have feelings in this episode -- feelings that were long-lost over the periods of time which he's caused trouble around Equestria.


And that's part of the problem.  Giving him emotions and making him redeemable undermines a big part of what made him so awesome in the first place.  When you take a character that was as twisted and charismatic as he was and make him sympathetic,  you lose the actual sense of menace that he brought.  He goes from being funny and threatening (where both aspects of the character play off of and enhance each other) and mysterious, to just being funny, with nothing to make it more than that. 


And not to mention the fact that he's been around for over a thousand years- yes much of that time is spent in stone, but he clearly still maintains consciousness in that form.  But now, after all that time and all that chaos he created and reveled in, stops because Fluttershy showed him a little kindness and patience?  I mean, come on. 


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While I do feel it was a bit cliche and rushed the comedy and the ending made it worth it. I almost see Discord as becoming a Q like character in that he really isn't evil or good. The whole "most of the time" line made the whole episode work better solely because he didn't become a goodie-two shoes in a day. He just deems having a friend is worth not having endless chaos; though a little can be done still.


The Celestia & Discord ship could technically still exist but only if Discord wasn't always, well what he is now. (dracquis or something like that)


Fluttershy's stare isn't invincible but she definitely knows how to play mind games.

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  On 2013-01-19 at 7:11 PM, hawkflame said:

And that's part of the problem.  Giving him emotions and making him redeemable undermines a big part of what made him so awesome in the first place.  When you take a character that was as twisted and charismatic as he was and make him sympathetic,  you lose the actual sense of menace that he brought.  He goes from being funny and threatening (where both aspects of the character play off of and enhance each other) and mysterious, to just being funny, with nothing to make it more than that. 


And not to mention the fact that he's been around for over a thousand years- yes much of that time is spent in stone, but he clearly still maintains consciousness in that form.  But now, after all that time and all that chaos he created and reveled in, stops because Fluttershy showed him a little kindness and patience?  I mean, come on. 


That doesn't sound incredulous to me. If you show someone who's been causing trouble because of their own insecurities kindness for a change, wouldn't it give them joy for once in their lives and make them stop whatever it is that they were doing?


Though, I do agree with the idea that it would have worked better as a two-parter. But in any case, Discord's character was much, much more of a reflection of Q than the Joker. He has a few Joker qualities but it's pretty clear that Q is the inspiration. Both characters are considered "menaces" by their respective protagonists, but every time I've watched Q toying around with the Enterprise, it wasn't even malicious. More like having fun in their own way though of course it'd be regarded as an "act of evil" because they're powerless to stop it.

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