Radiance64 7,053 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 It's not 'going too far' if it's opinion. That's all there is to it :3 What you don't care for doesn't mean everyone else shares your views. >Also, oh look, no Starswirl rumors coming true everypony~ Guess not. Oh well though, it was just a rumor after all(albeit one I really liked the idea of). 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrOphthalmos 497 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I await the line that will make the internet explode. I predict a reference to an internet meme. I enjoyed the episode but, did I miss this line? Discord was great but I did not hear any line that would "make the internet explode." Expectations raised too high perhaps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Floris 287 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) First of all I love the moment at the end of the episode when Fluttershy says "Once you get to know him, he can be a real sweetheart". Then everyone is afraid to look at him for what they did to him.. mane 6 (+spike) for not trusting him at all and just seeing him as something evil(Which he probably is/was). and even Celestia who.. even though gave him a chance.. did turn him to stone for a 1000 years ..and to think it could be "solved" like this.. Which brings me to my next remark when Celestia tells Twilight she should keep the Elements Discord notices that he isn't either trusted yet or thinks it is reliable information for a come back.. After all Discord isn't stupid he might've been playing games even after all this to make a evil return. (Which is unlikely, imo). But it all went a little too fast and.. too.. easy. So I'm expecting more Discord in the future, if not.. I will be disappointed. 9/10 Edited January 19, 2013 by Floris 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 This was a pretty good episode. Dicscord was just amazing in it. The joke in this episode were better then some of the other episodes. The ending was a little odd, but still this was an enjoyable episode. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,804 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) It seems like with every episode, the complaints get louder and louder. Personally? This is one of my top 3 episodes of the season, and while Discord's reformation was somewhat abrupt, I was still more satisfied with it than Trixie's(probably because Discord's was foreshadowed). It's great to see Discord back, and I hope we get to see him show up more often It was also great to see a Fluttershy episode that doesn't involver being too scared/too shy I give it a 9/10 Edited January 19, 2013 by Megas75 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 All right, so some quick hit thoughts I had about this episode (I'll write up a full-length post a bit later): 1) Fluttershy show why she's the element of kindness. When you're in charge of reforming someone as terrible as Discord, your patience is tested and it's hard not to start screaming at them in frustration. While Discord managed to stay "in character" for the most part, it seemed like Fluttershy really was about to lose it but she never really exploded in a fit of rage because her kindness wasn't working too well. However, by persevering under pressure, with the rest of the Mane Six egging her on to quit playing around and put on her Element, she's able to break through to Discord and give him some confidence in Fluttershy. The doubts that the rest of the Mane Six still harbored for him though still ran freely through their veins and it was tough for Discord to not start wreaking havoc again. What the Mane Six didn't realize was that their constant bashing of Discord made him even more aggravated, and he was more and more reluctant (showed it in his own way) to reform and use his power "for good". Fluttershy didn't give up on Celestia's mission though, and with her talent for being empathetic, Discord was finally brought about after a sudden epiphany near the end. Heartwarming stuff. 2) I was right about Rainbow Dash showing the least amount of patience with Discord. This one wasn't too surprising, nor do I have much to say about it. Everyone but Fluttershy had serious doubts about Discord though Fluttershy herself had her temper toyed around with at times. Rainbow, however, didn't back down in speaking her mind and why they shouldn't blast him to stone again. She was quite vocal, even calling him "Dipcord" once, and even as the episode reached its climax her facial expression, by my count, wasn't anything short of "disgusted". Twilight Sparkle also was shown to be annoyed with Discord's antics but only because she had her guard up -- on the other hoof, Rainbow was ready to tear Discord apart no matter what happened. 3) Trekkie fan service? I think so. I've noticed a lot of comments around the web and even posts here being a bit too critical of the episode. What was really obvious though, is that this episode draws a lot of inspiration from the TNG episode "Deja Q", so if you haven't watched that series yet, you might be inclined to not enjoy it as much. I will talk about this a bit later. Q's, the "counterpart" to Discord, is stripped of his powers and is assigned by the Q Continuum to "help" Captain Picard on the ever-famous USS Enterprise. Both of them were skeptical of each other at first, but as the episode progressed, both started seeing each other in a kinder light and Q proclaims that Picard is "the closest thing he's had to a friend". Sound familiar? In this episode, Discord also proclaims that Fluttershy is something similar to what Q thinks of Picard, albeit with slightly differing words, but the message is eerily similar. This may not be an M.A. Larson episode, but the pop culture references were spot-on. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khaine21x3 789 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I hope discord becomes 1 of the main characters coz that would be cool but I wished that the episode had a lot more action and raondomness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I am not sure how to feel yet about Discord being reformed but it was a hilarious and entertaining episode. I am curious to see what Discords roll will be in future episodes, I mean you can't just bench a character that awesome after only 2 appearances. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Floris 287 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) the complaints get louder and louder. I just wanna ask if you thought my comment was a complaint, just curious how people view it. Edited January 19, 2013 by Floris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreadmallon 353 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Just for everyone's reference, the episode can be found here. The HD version will be available later today. http://youtu.be/6mPs85Qy9Tw Watched it again. Didn't seem nearly as rushed as I had first felt. That was indeed the 'not wanting it to end' bit, and getting sucked into the show, seeing what was happening next and not really noticing the time. Now that I know what happens, I'm able to focus on the details of what's going on. The reformation didn't seem too disblieveable, and with the way they left it open like this, you can guarantee Discord will be making future appearances. Goodness, you're right. It did seem a lot better the second time around. I suppose that, like everyone I'm guessing, I was too hyped up for the episode? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkieshyrose 58 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 it was fun but i cant help but think i didnt really like how pinkiepie seemed out of character trough most of it shes not as bouncey anymore ....and the wipped cream thing even seemed out of character scince she loved the rain..... Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!" Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"? http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 The ending to this episode absolutely made me rage. The Return of Harmony parts 1 and 2 were among my favorite episodes ever. Discord REALLY put it to the Mane 6, playing mind games with them and putting them through hell. Look at how cruel he was there, especially in his discording of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. He was a charismatic and funny villain, but he was also genuinely disturbing and malicious. His behavior in the episode made sense until the end. Yeah, he wasn't going all crazy chaotic, trying to take over Equestria and so forth, but it made sense- he had to lay low and pretend like he was being slowly reformed. But to undo all of that, and however many years he was around, dedicated to pure chaos, just by the realization that he never had friends? No. No. No No No No No No No NO. Reforming Discord is like reforming the Joker. It's just a bad idea. Even before the ending, though, I wasn't super impressed. I liked that Fluttershy was secretly onto his shenanigans, and a few other things like Rarity's "Not the dress!" reaction made me laugh, but otherwise... this is not fitting a followup to Return of Harmony parts 1 and 2. And to those who want Discord as a recurring character? No, not for me. Discord's perfect as a chaotic, malevolent force, and I hate the idea of him going through a Heel Face Turn. And if he remained villainous and recurring, that would just make him look completely ineffectual. I think he should have returned once to try and exact his revenge, but that's it. My least favorite episode of the series. Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Woohoo! I accidentally set my alarm for 9:30 PM, but my internal pony detector went off and I only missed 5 minutes of it Which was mostly just the preview scene anyway. Great episode. Indeed would have been better as a 2 parter so they could have sung a song together while doing fun friend things, and then have Fluttershy actually give up on him, and him go about his chaotic business until he got lonely. But for 22 minutes, they got pretty much all the critical stuff in, with minimal unnecessary stuff. I thought it was interesting that both Discord and Fluttershy were a bit two-faced about the whole thing. That was a good slap in the face to the rest of the mane 6 for thinking Fluttershy was just going to let Discord run wild and wife-beat her forever. I'm surprised at Pinkie though. I thought she would have been more on board with the whole thing and enjoying the chaos like last time. Although I suppose it could have been strategy, only giving him one friend, rather than making it one group against another... and with the other 4 being all hostile, better to stick with them to keep them calm It is pretty creepy that he's still fully conscious and hearing everything while turned to stone. Kind of makes sense for Celestia to at least try to find a way for him to be free without causing too much trouble. Maybe she didn't know he'd been conscious the whole time until he got out in Return of Harmony, and then the guilt of seeing him stuck there again got to her. It will be most interesting to see what becomes of Discord from here on. Will he continue living in Fluttershy's house, live in the Everfree with the other dangerous creatures, or go somewhere else? And exactly how reformed is he? I kind of hope he's not totally good, but rather just suppressing his nature for the moment. Otherwise there wouldn't be much hope of future villains being a threat, going up against two alicorns, 6 elements of harmony, and a chaos dragon all working together. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 GRRRR!!! I watched the new episode in crappy quality! I just couldn't wait any longer Being able to stay away from any kind of rumor or peaks about the new episode really helped me out because sure, I knew it was a Fluttershy episode, but I never imagined that it was a Discord-Fluttershy episode. In fact I really thought that Discord would be the antagonist of the season finale. Anyways. The episode was pretty good. But I have something to say, it was an acceptable episode, but I'm sure it wasn't the best of this season so far, why? Well it filled with too much fan-service, I'm not against fan-service, because they rake up the surprise factor and the shock factor of the fans, but sometimes when too much fan-service is added the quality and the content of the episode may be affected. Again, I enjoyed the episode very much, it was fun. But, hmmmm....something was missing to be able to be perfect. Anyways, I'm not going to review the episode, I'm going to point out what things I liked or find curious about the episode: Besides Twilight, I think this is the second time Princess Celestia have a close contact with Fluttershy, which I liked. Discord is synonim of epicness, blending Discord+Fluttershy in a episode must make very Fluttershy fans very happy, myself included. Assertive Fluttershy is back! The stare didn't work I guess it only work on animals. (but at least it's back) Elements of Harmony are back! In a Fluttershy's episode! I LOL'd at the macho beaver that started to eat a tree's brach. Discord was never a villain, he never was evil in the first place. He shouldn't be compared to Chrysalis or Sombra. He's back because of his popularity (and John De Lancie's as well) I thought that Fluttershy was a hopeless kind soul that doesn't have an opinion of her own, but she's pretty smart, she could handle Discord after all. She should be a pony psychiatrist lol. I enjoyed watching Angel suffering. I enjoyed when the candles started kicking Rainbow Dash's flank, it was fun. Rarity's un-fanciest attire was incredibly fancy to me. I wonder how her fanciest dress looks like? I have to applaud the spinning cottage animation, I was getting dizzy looking at it. Pinkie Pie? I barely noticed she was there. Except for the gravy part. By almost the ending of the episode I was seeing that the conflict was not getting resolved, especially when the camera was focusing on Fluttershy's impotence face while holding the skates with her mouth. I was expecting a "to be continued..." Talking about the conflict, it got resolved too easily and too quickly, Discord got "reformed" like nothing, I didn't like that. This episode will fuel MORE shipping, dear Celestia! Was Flutteshy kind of intimidating in this episode? o_O Talking about that, she seemed another pony, I thought she would be more scared of Discord. But I believe she the most loyal to Princess Celestia after Twilight. Talking about shipping I didn't notice RariJack. Princess Celestia's voice HNNNNNG! Discord was so sweet throughout the whole episode, I really loved him <3 "Friendship is Magic" SO EPIC SWEET <--- that was so fan-service I demand to have Discord as a regular, and that he stays to live with Flutteshy lol I want to hug Discord, who wanna join me? :3 OK, these are the things that I can think of about this episode. I was a great experience, at least is not as bad as "Too Many Pinkie Pies" or "One Bad Seed". 1 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaporeon 1,168 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Ok episode, ending was a bit rushed but meh whatever. Im not to mad at this I mean Discord was never really "evil" or at least not in the way characters like Sombra or Chrysalis were. So im just going to assume he becomes even more like Q in that he appears every once in a while to troll the ponies like Q did to Picard but not really do anything too drastic. Though I have one big complaint with the episode. If there was a reform spell why didn't Celestia use that on Discord rather than risking his escape? Could it be that this was just another test for Twilight leading to her "destiny"? Granted Celestia pretty much asked Fluttershy so, ehh but still the fact Celestia didn't use the reform spell bothers me. 1 Eeveelutions: @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chann3l Chas3r 367 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 AAAAGH! NOOOOO! Not that I didn't like the episode, but I spent like, 2 months writing a script for a fancomic with Discord as a main character and THIS TOTALLY JOSSES THE ENTIRE THING! AAAAAAAAGHHHHHH! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vocal Symphonie 6 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 i may be stupid and someone might have already posted it but, is there a link to the full episode yet? any video service will do but i was browsing all my usual sites and i could not find the episode anywhere... i got rick rolled like 4 times though..... -__- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreadmallon 353 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 AAAAGH! NOOOOO! Not that I didn't like the episode, but I spent like, 2 months writing a script for a fancomic with Discord as a main character and THIS TOTALLY JOSSES THE ENTIRE THING! AAAAAAAAGHHHHHH! I know what you mean. I was honestly planning to write a fanfiction with a similar plot, and then this came out, and then I am like: 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 The episode is being trolled like crazy. I wish Dash had said "It needs to be about 20% cooler" after she got the hot gravy poured on her. 2 "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutemutt 773 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Overall, I like the episode. Discord was as entertaining as expected though reformation happened a bit too fast for my liking. It's especially refreshing to see an episode where Fluttershy's strength is the focus instead of her weaknesses. I got tired of seeing her being a doormat or being overly afraid of things. I'm not tying to belittle the importance of overcoming those hardships; I'm just saying it's nice to see something different. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I enjoyed the episode but, did I miss this line? Discord was great but I did not hear any line that would "make the internet explode." Expectations raised too high perhaps? Discord said 'Friendship is Magic.' I don't think anyone has said that on the show before, and I believe that was the intended line but you know, it was a little too overhyped if you ask me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chann3l Chas3r 367 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I know what you mean. I was honestly planning to write a fanfiction with a similar plot, and then this came out, and then I am like: If you want, you can borrow my disclaimer (and edit it accordingly): DISCLAIMER : The script for this comic was written at the time that "Too Many Pinkie Pies" was the latest episode of MLP : FiM. Unfortunately, though I love the episode and am happy to see Discord back, the events of "Keep Calm and Flutter On" completely joss the entire script to the point that I can't revise it to include the events of the episode without totally destroying about half the plot. Basically, let's call this an 'alternate universe' and say that this story takes place after the episode "Spike at Your Service". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 But to undo all of that, and however many years he was around, dedicated to pure chaos, just by the realization that he never had friends? No. No. No No No No No No No NO. Plainly put, he is (or rather, was) an entity striving to create chaos just because he had nothing else to do except create trouble. He never had anyone close to him and never saw the light until someone actually gave him the chance to. The Elements could have easily blasted him to stone, but they didn't! Relationships are a powerful thing. His behaviour isn't at fault here - he's still the same old Discord but now that he actually has friends, he no longer has to wreak havoc around Equestria anymore. He himself no longer feels the urge to go about and do it constantly, either. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Well, now several people has said its better when watched for a second time, so I'll hold off my rant about how bad I thought it was until I watch it again. 2 Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst 42 29 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Hey guys. I finally found the episode! This is for all the canadians that can't watch it on tv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mPs85Qy9Tw HAVE FUN WATCHING,Keep calm, and flutter on everypony Thank you! I searched and searched, but just kept finding trolls. Weirdly, Fluttershy seems to suit trollface best of anypony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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