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S03:E11 - Just for Sidekicks



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An interesting episode Just for Sidekicks was. I think this episode showcased just how young Spike really is, as he's still learning to control his greed and hasn't quite learned responsibility yet, for both his own possesions(the gems) and other ponies' stuff(the pets). I think he still has a ways to go seeing the ending though, because he actually got away with all the trouble he got himself into... if there was supposed to be a clear moral here, I'm not seeing it. The CMC were also in this one, and they were pretty cute, but Spike just kind of used them... again, it goes to show that he's still got a lot to learn, but I don't like that he did that. The best bit of the episode. In my opinion was that the Crystal Empire was back briefly in all of its visual glory- well, somewhat at least, but since it seems the last 2 episodes will involve the area, so it's a nice bit of continuity, possibly the start of a sort of story arc? Also, I should also admit there were quite a few funny moments in this one, like Pinkie and Rainbow Dash interacting with their pets in particular, which were very entertaining. So yeah, not a super-fantabulous episode like last week's but pretty good nontheless, although naive and childish Spike is naive and childish, probably my least favorite episode in his case but still not bad. Decent. :huh:

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 1


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The contest was a scam. The rules said the contest runs from 10:30 AM EST to 11AM EST. THEY DIDN'T SHOW THE COMMERCIAL UNTIL 11:01 AM EST.


I called as soon as the number popped up, and a man said that they don't have any sweepstakes.


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An interesting episode Just for Sidekicks was. I think this episode showcased just how young Spike really is, as he's still learning to control his greed and hasn't quite learned responsability yet, for both his own possesions(the gems) and other ponies' stuff(the pets). I think he still has a ways to go seeing the ending though, because he actually got away with all the trouble he got himself into... if there was supposed to be a clear moral here, I'm not seeing it. The CMC were also in this one, and they were pretty cute, but Spike just kind of used them... again, it goes to show that he's still got a lot to learn, but I don't like that he did that. The best bit of the episode. In my opinion was that the Crystal Empire was back briefly in all of its visual glory- well, somewhat at least, but since it seems the last 2 episodes will involve the area, so it's a nice bit of continuity, possibly the start of a sort of story arc? Also, I should also admit there were quite a few funny moments in this one, like Pinkie and Rainbow Dash interacting with their pets in particular, which were very entertaining. So yeah, not a super-fantabulous episode like last week's but pretty good nontheless, although naive and childish Spike is naive and childish, probably my least favorite episode in his case but still not bad. Decent. :huh:


The moral was basically kind of like a little twist on baby cakes. 


Instead of it being about how you shouldn't overdo yourself to prove you are responsible, 


it's you shouldn't accept a major responsibility if the only reason you are accepting it is to get something out of it, and not to help them.  

  • Brohoof 1
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Gosh dang, this episode tried to fit A LOT in, and boy howdy did it ever!  Quite a bit to cover in this one, so let's get going.


First of all, this might be the funniest Spike episode yet!  Much as we all love the little guy, I think it's safe to say that his best role is as a comedic character, and that's certainly what we got in today's episode.  The gem eating (or losing) was too rich, his "WHYYYYYYY" at the beginning and end of the episode was a nice extension of and homage to his Season 1 "NOOOOOOO," and his bits with the animals and CMC were too funny!!!  Overall, this was probably my favorite Spike episode yet, even if he didn't learn quite as good or clear of a lesson as he has in previous episodes, if only because it was the most entertaining of his episodes yet.  Also, completely agree with CD, far better Spike episode than "Spike At Your Service" was; don't get me wrong, that was a fantastic AJ episode, but Spike was way too much of a dunce in that episode to do him much credit, even if he did take down Super-Robo-Bigfoot-Megatron-Timberwolf at the end.


Second, the pets were simply AWESOME!!!  The first 7 minutes when Spike was going around promising to take care of everyponies pets was incredibly hilarious and adorable, especially getting to see Tank and RD give each other some loving, and Pinkie's ridiculously funny scene with Gummy (and no, I'm not going to ask why the buck she was in that chair; c'mon ya'll, it's Pinkie, is it really even worth asking at this point?  :lol: ).  Angel was the Satan bunny we've all come to love and hate throughout the episode (save for the very end there); Owlicious was, for once, not annoying (although he still didn't really contribute anything, he was just, well, there, and seriously, they're still going with that tired "Hoo" gag... seriously, was that ever funny after the first time they did it in Season 1???); Opal was pretty darn funny, especially when Rarity was going through all of her needs; Winona was adorable as usual, and looked hilarious under that industrial sized blow dryer; Tank was awesome, just plain and simple, AWESOME; and Gummy was...  :huh: ummm... well, Gummy, I guess.  I don't really know how else to describe that little enigma of a pet, he's possibly the only resident of Ponyville stranger than Pinkie Pie.  Overall, the pets were awesome, funny, adorable... what more could you possibly ask for from Studio B!!!


Third, the CMC were quite funny and adorable as well, and I was pleasantly surprised to see them getting some screen time in this episode.  The skydiving bit was a riot, I can't even begin to imagine just how they bucked up taking care of all the pets (but, once again, that industrial sized blowdryer was AWESOME!!!), and they all had cute moments, whether alone (especially when they were talking about the Crystal Empire) or with their sisters.  I will say though that, once again, Sweetie Belle takes the cake as cutest CMC; sorry Scootalovers, but Squeaky Belle is just too adorable, and she had about three or four squeaks in this episode that almost landed me in an ER!


In addition to the CMC, there were some pretty funny supporting and background pony bits scattered throughout the episode.  Zecora had a pretty cool cameo (and apparently we learned from her scene that a Girl Scout/Salvation Army hybrid exists in Equestria; very cool to know that charitable institutions are canon in the show!  :) ), Granny Smith's was quite funny, and hey, we even got a quick appearance from Donut Joe!  I've heard some ponies saying that Derpy showed up, but until I have definitive proof, I cannot confirm that for sure, so I'll have to rewatch the episode as soon as I can.  However, if she did show up, that'd be the coolest thing ever, and, I'm not gonna lie, I might just shed manly tears of joy!  :wub:


Finally, it was very cool that Studio B FINALLY explained what happened to PeeWee with that picture at the beginning that showed Spike returning him to his parents.  Yeah, it's a little thing, but going out of your way to make sure you cover all loose ends is one of the true signs of a high quality studio, and Studio B further reaffirmed with that bit that they are, undoubtedly, a high quality studio!


The only thing that really came across as a bit rushed was the lesson itself I suppose, and that's solely because there were so many shenanigans.  Still, Spike learned a good lesson about greed and its dangers, a very good lesson for both him (being a dragon and all) and younger viewers.  Overall, this was an adorable and hilarious episode that, quite honestly, surprised me with how good it was; I initially didn't see the point of another Spike episode, but the large number of supporting characters, especially the rarely seen pets, really made the episode work.  Very nice follow up to the last episode, very nice set-up for the final two episodes, and a great episode in and of itself.  Can't wait for the final two episodes; unfortunately, we have to wait two weeks until the next new one, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!  See ya then everypony!  :D

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 5


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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That was quite entertaining. Rainbow's 1/2 second blush after letting Tank lick her cheek for several seconds was too adorable.. and the secret speed-nuzzle :wub: Not to mention the running joke of getting hit in the head by a flying turtle. Tank is best pet.


I'm glad we finally got some follow-up on Peewee, who it appears is back with his real parents now. Hope he shows up in person at some point too.


I'm saddened that Spike gave away Rarity's jewel first, even if it was tiny. At least the one in the diamond dog episode was sacrificed for a good cause. He hasn't ever managed to keep a gift from her yet, has he?


I love how much screentime the CMC have been getting this season. I was hoping this was going to get strung into a sort of 3 parter, with them getting to stay in the crystal empire... but I guess not. At least we do still get story continuity though. But no Scootalove :( When she spread her wings for Apple Bloom to pluck a feather, I thought she might be preparing to show off her progress on flight training by going over Spike.


I actually liked Angel in this episode. He's still kind of a jerk, but deep down he really loves his mommy :blush:


I wish Opal had gotten more screen time than just clawing everything. And Gummy didn't do much either.... but then that's part of his charm.


Definitely looking forward to the last two episodes... but not the long wait for season 4. Didn't one of the show creators say there was a reason this season is so short? Cause I ain't seeing it. Although every episode so far has seemed quite polished, so maybe they just wanted to keep it short to maximize the quality, so we don't all freak out that the show is going down the tubes :lol: If that's the case, I guess I can't complain too much, since it worked.

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I'd throw my alarm clock out the window, but it's also my phone.


Now I have t wait for someone to put it on youtube.

don't feel bad, I wait for Youtube episodes all the time, since I don't live in the US; there's a major delay of a few years until these episodes reach us, but I don't mind, I get to see the episodes on YT and enjoy them all the same XD

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You guys notice Big Mac and Cheerilee walking together? Just friends? Or maybe she still has a very special somepony? They appear at the same time as Screwloose.

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. :D


Anyway another solidly entertaining episode. I don't like having another spike centered ep so soon, but this was an improvement. The lesson is kind of an already told one ("Baby Cakes", anyone?) but there were enough little moments involved that made it worthwhile overall. I appreciated the return of Tank, I liked seeing the CMC again (Sweetie Belle is best pony, after all) and other little cameos like Pony Joe, Zecora, and Granny Smith rounded out the episode nicely.


Most of all I liked that Spike here was his own undoing. He accepted all that responsibility for the wrong reasons, and when he couldn't handle it, his attempts to fix things undid the very reason why he took on the responsibility in the first place. In the words of Best Pony, "Why does life have to be SO IRONIC?"

  • Brohoof 1


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I quite liked this episode. Corey Powell has only written two episodes so far, and both have been great.


Spike felt much more in-character than he did in Spike at Your Service; he was still naive, but the right kind of naive for him. The CMCs and pets were great as well. It was also good to know what happened to Peewee.

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So I got to thinking, the element of generosity, Rarity, gave Spike the smallest jewel of all. But then, I noticed it bought a huge industrial dryer! I guess the tiny gem was valuable after all. :D


And where is Derpy? I can't find her. Closest thing I find is Cloudkicker getting off the train at the end. Where is wonderful Derpy?? :(

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm saddened that Spike gave away Rarity's jewel first, even if it was tiny. At least the one in the diamond dog episode was sacrificed for a good cause. He hasn't ever managed to keep a gift from her yet, has he?

Maybe he just gave it in pledge. He wanted it back after all  ;)

So I got to thinking, the element of generosity, Rarity, gave Spike the smallest jewel of all. But then, I noticed it bought a huge industrial dryer! I guess the tiny gem was valuable after all. :D

Yeah, I also think so. The jewels on her dress were all very small. And the red one wasthe prettiest^^

Edited by Jaya
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Heya! sorry I've been gone the last few weeks, start of the semester has been In-Bloody-Sane. On to stuff far more important than a pesky PhD--Fresh Pony!


Great ep overall, easily trumps Spike At your Service (faint praise, I'm aware). It might actually be my second favorite Spike-centric episode of the series thus far after Secret of my Excess. One little nitpick--why wouldn't the Dragon who actually saved the crystal Empire (earning a stained-glass window in Canterlot, no less) be invited to the Empire? I hadn't heard that the next ep is going to be set in Crystal Empire...this is new for them as mentioned above, and it should be fascinating to see how they handle the timeline!


maybe more later after a rewatch, I'm off to lunch with friends now.

  • Brohoof 1

Librarian, Ph.D Student, Fan


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Finally a word of advice: marry a Brony. :-)

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We finally have a good Spike episode! It feels is though so much time has passed since Spike was a central protagonist and not totally out of character.


The moral of the story fit Spike quite well given his predilection from gems and his previous brush with uncontrolled greed. Spike wasn't so much a bumbling imbecile (I'm looking at you, "Spike at Your Service") but rather blinded by his own shortsighted desires. It's difficult to imagine a more straightforward premise: consider that the whole episode literally revolved around Spike wanting to have his cake and eat it, too. Yet the narrative felt loyal to the characters and avoided overplaying non-sequitur gags. Spike should not be a blanket excuse for poor writing covered up by visual jokes.


Speaking of sight gags and such, "Just for Sidekicks" did a nice job of incorporating visual humor---a must since the pets can only really interact through their non-verbal behavior. The physical comedy did not come at the cost of other aspects of the narrative. So far it seems only "Sleepless in Ponyville" has truly achieved the balance between physical jokes and character interactions. This is the first episode in a while that made me laugh aloud, with the animal dryer gag giving me the biggest laugh. I haven't laughed so many times since "Ponyville Confidential", one of my favorite episodes in the series.


The mass involvement of the pets resulted in an interesting combination and exploration of their personalities. Angel and Opal's behavior is fairly evident through their high volume of screentime versus the other pets. But now we know that Owlowiscious is the most "responsible" of the Mane Six's pets; Gummy is either immensely enigmatic or just a few bricks shy of a full load; Tank is eager yet somewhat misguided and/or inexperienced; and Winona is as loyal as her owner. So each of the pets reflect their owners in various ways. I'm glad the episode did not try to over elaborate on their character traits too greatly; the pets were best used as supporting characters (save for Angel who, unlike the others, appears to be at least quasi-sapient). And that is exactly how it played out.


Overall I'm very pleased with the episode. I am only left wondering if this episode was intended to take place during the next episode when the Mane Six are slated to go to the Crystal Empire. If such is the case, it might be funny to see some of the antics from "Just for Sidekicks" appear in the background.

  • Brohoof 5


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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For everypony who missed the episode, it's uploaded right here. It's a wonder how people can do this stuff so fast. Hope you enjoy!


Thank you! I can never find it by searching directly through Youtube. I had to skim lots of comments and try my best not to read it to find this!

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I'm so sorry for making this joke, but once again-


Corey Powell is best Rainbow Dash writer.  :D


If you don't get what I mean by that, it can still be taken literally. 


On the serious side of things, this has to be my favorite non-mane 6 episode. The only negative thing I can say about is that it's Corey Powell's last episode. Why must the best writers leave after a single season?  :(

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 1


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So, coming into this episode, I wasn't expecting too much. Yes, Corey Powell was writing the episode, and she'd done a magnificent job with her first episode, Sleepless in Ponyville, but how we were to know she wouldn't be a one hit wonder? After all, we remember what the last new writer did.

Plus, the premise of the episode was petsitting, with Spike. Spike centered episodes tend to be below average at best, because the little guy is rather limited in what you can do with him. Given that, I was expecting this to be a stinker.

I was wrong.

This was easily one of the funniest and most enjoyable episodes this season. Corey Powell did a masterful job keeping everyone in character, from every last one of the Mane Six--I adored the way Fluttershy used her passive-aggressiveness to get Spike to do her a favor--to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and even Zecora, who I wasn't expecting to see in this episode at all. What's even better, the pets for the most part stayed in character too, which isn't an easy thing to manage. This means that Corey Powell had to handle seventeen characters and keep them all respectful to how they were written in the past, and every last one was spot on.

What's great too is that there are just so many little moments that I'm sure I missed I'll have to go back and see. I watched this episode together with @Zoop, so I wasn't able to do a lot of the checking on things I might have liked to do. Even from what I saw though, we got to see the dynamics of all of the pets with their owners. Rainbow Dash in particular, with Tank, I just loved. Pinkie with Gummy made me feel a little bad for anyone who gets into a relationship with her ("I LOVE YOU MORE!") while Rarity's over the top requirements for Opal were funnier for the fact that they ended up not mattering at all once things got going.

Plus we got to find out what happened to PeeWee. It's easily missed at the beginning, but there was a panover of photos with Spike, and we saw that Spike returned PeeWee, which makes a great deal of sense to me. After all, a phoenix isn't easy to take care of by any stretch of the imagination, and if they're sapient, as Philomena suggests, then Spike has no right to hold onto one as a pet whatsoever. (Which suggests too that Philomena is a volunteer companion to Celestia rather than a pet in the traditional sense.)

Apart from that, the episode continues to frustrate any sense of understanding Equestrian economics, which I think was done on purpose. We see the Mane Six handing around gems like candy, but the CMCs are able to use one to purchase a piece of equipment that, in the real world, would have cost several thousand to possibly even tens of thousands of dollars? I grant you the gems have some value, but determining what that value is would be impossible from this episode. It was intentionally inconsistent, and I actually quite like that. I found it amusing, like the writers were winking at us analyzers and saying "Heehee, good luck with this one!" Well played.

Also, the brief visit to the Crystal Empire lets us see they extended the train track from that middle of nowhere position, which is good, and it also let us hear about the Princess Coronation. That is happening in the Crystal Empire. Which means it's talking about Cadance. I think everyone can officially relax and stop fretting over Alicorn Twilight now.

Essentially, I think I can sum up my reaction to this episode as: I loved it, and want to see more episodes like this. I want Corey Powell to write more episodes. Please please PLEASE be one of the prominent writers in season four!

  • Brohoof 7

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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And sassy Zecora to boot! she just took that gem and gave it to charity LIKE A BAWSS!


And Angel is still best pet! Giving Spike trouble in order to teach him a lesson, his methods may be blunt, but Angel has a bigger heart than most characters in the show. 

Damn, so much awesome with those pets, Pewee has a reason for his absence, Owlwiscious is getting more and more interesting, Opal and Tank are always fun to see, Gummy is....Gummy. The only problem is, I wish Winona would get more screen time and a backstory.

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Okay, I finally got to see the episode (don't have the hub, only youtube)


and I must say




I was dying


The industrial strength pet hair dryer was insanity.


And did anybody notice Cheerailee and Big Mac walking together in the background? Cause I did.


And Written Script and Carrot Top hugging?


I swear the show writer's know about I our shippings and do this to troll us.

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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And did anybody notice Cheerilee and Big Mac walking together in the background? Cause I did.

I didn't notice them at first, I was too busy noticing that Screw Loose (the barking mental patient from Read it and Weep) had a nurse visit her at home,  looks like she was released from the hospital and her treatment is making progress!

  • Brohoof 1
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This is one of those episodes where you feel all your interest in the show dwindling, and then the next thing you know, it redirects all of your attention and gets you back into groove again. Spike was the one donning the role of lead character in this episode, and the Mane Six taking on lesser roles for once served very well with the story focusing more on Spike's character than in previous episodes' past. Instead of the usual "Mane Six going on an adventure with Spike", this one was instrumental in giving Spike a solo role for a change and treating him more like an actual main character instead of just Twilight's pet that you could have grown accustomed to in the first season or so.


What I've increasingly come to be more aware of is Spike's impressionability, and depending on what he does it's either a success which leads to an ego, or a series of failures which causes him to break down not unlike Twilight - except of course, he doesn't go off the deep edge as much as she does. However, the similarity between Spike and Twilight's character in that regard is something worth noting. Having been around each other for as long as they have certainly influenced the other to behave a certain way, and being around Twilight has not only made him a very smart dragon (let's admit it - for a kid, he's clever) but he's even demonstrated to show tendencies that Twilight displays. Sociology 101, perhaps?


This time around, Spike tries too hard to please himself and if it were not for Angel's attempt to blow Spike's cover on the train, he could have easily had been scolded by the others for doing a piss poor job with their pets. Seeing how Spike is just a kid, I don't give him much fault for recklessly putting his own needs ahead of his duties, but his resolve is outstanding for a kid his age. As such, you have to consider this silver lining at the very least -- not many kids are willing to own up to their mistakes (especially as big as this one) because no kid wants to face consequences.


The absolutely favourite showing in this episode was the limited role the Mane Six had and yet, a handful of them were portrayed to show off their cutesy side courtesy of great writing. This ranged from Fluttershy's motherly tone with Angel and Spike (adorable), as well as Rainbow Dash's refusal to publicly show affection for Tank. Needless to say, even in limited roles your characters can still do a fantastic job in other areas where the audience would like to see if they don't get the starting nod, so to speak. Similar to Twilight's adorable behaviour in "Look Before You Sleep" (AJ and Rarity were the main characters in that episode), the formula is extremely effective and manages to bring out a lot in them without putting them in the pressure of a lead role. This is a big acknowledgement to their depth, and shows you that the writers can still please a lot fans with relatively simple concepts. Great stuff.


As usual, there's a "standout" feature in every episode that I've watched from the show, and I have to say, this episode's standout is very heartwarming. Going back to ~Chaotic Discord's~ cuteness appeal thread, I have to say, this one captured Rainbow Dash's appeal very nicely. You might recall that Tank licked Rainbow's cheek at the beginning of the episode, and eventually kissed it (floating hearts and all as the effect) to show affection. From our standpoint, it's nice to see Rainbow engage in some sort of affection but the way she reacts to it is the main thing to look at - enough to make you say, "That's lovely". From Tank's perspective, Rainbow Dash is his gorgeous owner and wouldn't want anypony else to be his owner. In the end, it does indeed go to show you that someone's brash and abrasive personality is, contrary to popular belief, very much adorable.





Remember when I said 'ponies are naturally cute the way they're drawn, without even getting into personality'? Well, for Rainbow Dash, her tomboy personality, which displays impatience, brashness and competitiveness at the worst of times, can almost counteract the idea of cuteness. But this is, in fact, part of what makes her adorable. Most of the time, Dash purposefully tries to be tough, and not be cute, despite the fact that at the end of the day, she's a cuddly blue pony with a rainbow on her butt.


Her 'loud' personality causes her and her actions to stick out, and thus, anything that even remotely looks cute, rings home loud and clear as well. It's worthy to note that many people find her brashness, etc to be cute in of itself, as well.


Overall, very solid episode with good replay value. Since it's one of the first Spike episodes that truly give him the starting nod, you may find it hard to watch it over and over again considering the Mane Six aren't featured so much here. Nonetheless, the acknowledgement that Spike's character has received over the season has been nicely executed and you can easily grow attached to him. My only complaint would have to be as to why they didn't show much of PeeWee - Spike's pet phoenix. You would have to wonder if it only takes that long for young a Phoenix to mature and then be released. It was a good thing, though - who knows what would have happened if Spike had to take care of him as well along with the six other pets?


On a final note, this episode happens to be the first of a three-parter although it is not as advertised - if you recall, Fluttershy mentioned an event known as the Equestria Games which just so happens to be the next episode. Chronologically, the episode itself takes place a day after the events of this one, and if it's any indication, the season finale would seem to fit the bill in all likelihood. That's something to look out for, but either way this season looks primed to end nicely.


Essentially, I think I can sum up my reaction to this episode as: I loved it, and want to see more episodes like this. I want Corey Powell to write more episodes. Please please PLEASE be one of the prominent writers in season four!


Great catch on that! I wonder why they didn't give him the opportunity to write more episodes alongside McCarthy and Morrow -- that trio would have made this season a bit more appealing. M.A. Larson I think will continue to be my favourite writer of the series but Powell has a lot of imagination that sticks out.

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
  • Brohoof 8
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This was a great episode. It was great seeing Screw Loose again, I just love the crazy ponies. It was funny watching Spike attempt to make the cake but he couldn't help snacking on the jewels. It reminds me of whenever I try to make chocolate chip cookies.


Like most of the people here, it was awesome seeing Tank again, and I loved watching Rainbow Dash interact with him, especially that quick nuzzle goodbye before she left. Although, I kept wondering why Spike didn't just take off Tank's propellers. It would help keep Tank out of trouble. 


I think my favorite joke was Spike trying to chase after Angel so he put all the pets on leashes. I've tried putting my cats on a leash before, and they acted just like Opal did. Well, maybe not quite, they would just fall on their sides in a form of protest, but it was funny watching Spike trying to walk a cat.


It was great seeing Spike's greedy side come out again. Not just in the way he couldn't control himself as he made the cake and the way he begged the others to pay him for taking care of their pets. I half expected Spike to grow again, but maybe he didn't have enough stuff to really spark that again.

  • Brohoof 1

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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It was a good episode. Didn't blow me away, was just kinda average. But there was nothing really wrong about it that I see. I'll have to watch it again before I can really formulate an educated opinion.


My questions/thoughts from this episode:

  1. Who/what powers Tanks helmet?
  2. We now have pony girl scouts (filly scouts perhaps?)! Will they ever find competition for members with the CMC?
  3. Sweetie Belle's adorableness gave me diabetes.
  4. Rainbow + Tank and Pinkie + Gummy were spot on adorable too.
  5. Flattened pancake Winona was amusing  :lol:
  6. Spike was good and fairly in character, and had some funny scenes interacting with the pets


A looooot of continuity/previous elements brought back in this episode:

  1. Zecora is new best troll.
  2. In one shot we see Big Mac and Cheerilee walking together, as well as Screwball (the insane asylum patient)
  3. It's great that they have explained what happened to Peewee, but just returning his to his parents seems like a tad bit of a cop-out from the writers. Like they didn't want to have to think about him anymore so they just threw that in so they'd never have to worry about him again.
  4. Doughnut Joe
  5. Edit: and the Crystal Empire of course... Derp...



I'll return once I've watched a few more times and I've really sorted out how I feel about the episode.

Edited by Tall_But_Short_37
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This was a really great episode. Spikes greed for gems got the best of him again. I think this episode portrays what we sometimes do today. We accept jobs and when it comes the resulting large sum of money, we think that we should do the minimum, not care and expect to be rewarded. In Spikes case, he only cared about the gems and not the animals, which is why things were so chaotic. I really liked this episode, probably the best Spike episode. 

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