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Thankyou very much darling! c:

I will be drawing Rarity soon *v*b

You have skills with the tools is all I'm going to say. I love what I saw in your request thread :D

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I was digging through this thread today and looking at old posts dating back before I joined ... man was that a trip.


Found something that should be revisited.















So yeah, that happened. And stuff.

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I was digging through this thread today and looking at old posts dating back before I joined ... man was that a trip.


Found something that should be revisited.






Oh those were the days  :please:  I was still hoping to become poster #3-4, but then you happened and made 557 posts really fast  :please:  Not that the post count mean anything, but you know... I like numbers  :please:  I did get post #250 2 posts ago, so it's good. 


Look at what Dark Link could do to Rarity, if she wouldn't magic his "sitting organ" easily...



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I was digging through this thread today and looking at old posts dating back before I joined ... man was that a trip.


Found something that should be revisited.















So yeah, that happened. And stuff.

The leader of all things unfabulous must be punished for  his crimes against fabulosity! post-20419-0-65705700-1405880839.png




Heh. But yeahh - I remember that :D Woohoo started that meme by posting a pic of Link stealing gens from Rarity. We have another in-joke that seems forgotten, where we all despise the color green because of Rarity's line in Boast Busters :D When Woohoo posted that picture and someone pointed out he was wearing green...All hell broke loose :D

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@GlowingFlask, yeah I don't pay much attention to post count. Until I looked yesterday to see where Ghost was before I went to bed, I didn't even know what I had. All I know is that I really missed one hell of a party.


One of these days I am going to just go back through all the old posts and brohoof everyone on those old posts :D




where we all despise the color green because of Rarity's line in Boast Busters


I'm German / Irish ... and a Philadelphia Eagles fan.





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Why are we still talking about Link?! It wasn't funny to begin with! :angry:


Sorry about my outburst. I just hate being reminded of the stupid trend I inadvertently started. 

Edited by Woohoo
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Why are we still talking about Link?! It wasn't funny to begin with! :angry:



I thought it was hysterical when I went digging so I had to meme up a little comic.


I didn't realize that our fan club had so much World Building. :D

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I didn't realize that our fan club had so much World Building. :D

Heh. We used to have a plethora of in-jokes, much to the dismay of our dear friend Woohoo :please:


We really need to start bashing the color green more...but Rarity just makes it look so good here :wub:




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I believe Twilight to have the highest IQ of the mane 6, with Rarity following behind her in second place. Both have a wide vocabulary and display a great amount of knowledge, but Twilight does beat out Rarity in terms of intellect.


However, Rarity is in first place of the mane 6 in terms of having social intelligence. Rarity is very charismatic and street smart, there's no denying that - she's business savvy and is amazing with people, thinks on her feet and knows how to handle most situations, and won't remain flustered long and will be able to work her way out of a pinch, whether it be stronger characters threatening her like in "A Dog and Pony Show" or having to throw something great together last minute to save her career like we saw in "Rarity Takes Manehattan" - she knows how to use her brain to work out of a pinch and doesn't need to turn to a book she read or research she performed, like Twilight - Twilight's social intellect and street smarts would be non-existent if she didn't read so much, but with Rarity, it comes natural and she's able to do it on the spot with little to no prior experience, so I do believe Rarity runs away with first place in the social intellect category, with Twilight coming in the middle of the pack at best.


Hence, why I believe Rarity to be smarter than Twilight - she's much more well balanced out and it's a lot more natural with her. If she read like Twilight did, I honestly believe she'd blow Twilight out of the water.


Plus, look how pretty she looks reading :wub:




I have reading glasses just like that <3

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So, I was off today and my friend and I headed to my school to finally do my Anne Boleyn photoshoot...And somepony else tagged along too! We were queens together!


(Spoiler for multiple pics)















Heh. Looks like a lot of fun! :D The Build-A-Bear Rarity is my favorite plushie I have of her...so cuddly :wub: 


I think she'd like the medievil ages a bit, though. She'd be the fairest maiden in all the land :proud: Glad to see you enjoyed yourself, though :D




Anyway...time for me to call it a night, guys. May the fabulosity be with you :D



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Why are we still talking about Link?! It wasn't funny to begin with! :angry:



Sorry about my outburst. I just hate being reminded of the stupid trend I inadvertently started. 

Well Woohoo, you are just a trend setter, nothing you can do about it. Embrace it man, go with the flow. :pout:


You are like Rarity!

God, she is so cute when she does that...post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png


So, I was off today and my friend and I headed to my school to finally do my Anne Boleyn photoshoot...And somepony else tagged along too! We were queens together!


(Spoiler for multiple pics)















You two look great!


Im a huge Middle Ages and Renaissance fan myself, and one day i will buy myself one of these gothic plates...


...and a shield, paint a Rarity coat of arms on the latter one, and run screaming through the german countrysite... :muffins:


And yes im serious...


For fabulosity! :proud:

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Im a huge Middle Ages and Renaissance fan myself, and one day i will buy myself one of these gothic plates...


...and a shield, paint a Rarity coat of arms on the latter one, and run screaming through the german countrysite... :muffins:


And yes im serious...


For fabulosity! :proud:



Evidently fabulosity is very very heavy.  (like help me I've fallen and I can't get up because this plate is literally too heavy)

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Evidently fabulosity is very very heavy.  (like help me I've fallen and I can't get up because this plate is literally too heavy)

Thats a common misconception actually! A medival plate armour wights less than the combat kit a modern soldier wears, and its weight is way more evenly distributed.


A good thing indeed, as lady Rarity and her Knights of Fabulosity need to be agile and flexible at all times to battle the forces of the unbalulous ones. :proud:







She favors a more mobile battlestance herself. :pout:

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Good Morning Rarity Fan Club!







So, I was off today and my friend and I headed to my school to finally do my Anne Boleyn photoshoot...And somepony else tagged along too! We were queens together!


Yay! Stay away from sharp objects on that costume, k?


Also, "She who has been the Queen of England on earth will today become a Queen in heaven."




...and a shield, paint a Rarity coat of arms on the latter one, and run screaming through the german countrysite... :muffins: And yes im serious... For fabulosity! :proud:


Best mental image of the morning -- An army of Rariknights charging while shouting, "FOR FABULOSITY!"



I mean, if it's Gala Season, Rarity may require an army to repel a Enemy Crab invasion in her stead cause she will be busy designing and sewing, right?

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Good Morning Rarity Fan Club!


Best mental image of the morning -- An army of Rariknights charging while shouting, "FOR FABULOSITY!"



I mean, if it's Gala Season, Rarity may require an army to repel a Enemy Crab invasion in her stead cause she will be busy designing and sewing, right?

Good morning.



And of course she need us as her knightly army. :proud:


She is a busy mare, and even though she could of course kick every single crab unconcious herself with her long, shapely legs, she has very important work to do. Being the gorgeous and benevolent sovereign of the Realms of Fabulosity is not an easy task.


Thats where we come into play. :pout:


We hold the banner of fabulosity high and praise the name of the lovely one. We bring her gentle touch to the land, we rescue the endangered, we bear her gifts to those in need, we smite the wicked.


We try to live by the example of our beloved queen, we are her sword, we are her shield.






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Good morning everypony.

Well Woohoo, you are just a trend setter, nothing you can do about it. Embrace it man, go with the flow. :pout:
You are like Rarity!

I don't wanna be a trend setter! I pale in comparison to Rarity -_-


That toxic green cloud of radiation inspiration :wau:

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Green eyes? WIN!!!




Green hair? FAIL!!!

To be fair, she DID look rather pretty with green hair :please:


But she didn't like it, so therefore I don't like it post-20419-0-65705700-1405880839.png good lord I'm whipped over a cartoon unicorn



Good morning, fan club! :D


School starts for me on Monday, so today I'm going school clothes shopping :D Hopefully the goddess of fabulosity will help me find something fabulous :wub:


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Too awesome not to share.

That's a lovely picture :) I love them in Trade Ya. It was amusing to see AJ competing with the Element of Generosity in terms of..ahem...generosity :lol:


Random Rarity moment of fabulosity:

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