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Texas is terrible. Well... at least west Texas. Missouri also sucks except for the school food. It was good. Colorado seems nice, but the place I live is awful. It is flat and boring. Anyways, I wear my Rarity shirt a lot, and no one said anything mean to me or anything.


In the Denver metro area where I live things aren't that bad... Nopony cares if I wear or buy MLP swag; or the same sex PDA my wife and I have (nothing that would offend anyone other than the same sex thing)... But as you get further away from the city it can be a bit less accepting in many areas
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600 pages! Congrats all!


Bahhhhhhhh. Can't wait until this image error gets fixed. Worshiping Rarity will involve less hurdles :D




WallFive MLP Picture 16.jpg

x) That's my phone wallpaper since yesterday.

I love it :wub: One of my favorite Rarity artwork along with your previous avatar.

Edited by Blobulle
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Also, 600 pages!! w00t! :D


Damn, we've come a long way. I've been around for...586 pages now :D Sheesh. I feel old.

Her pixel look gorgeous...post-25189-0-46513000-1405868575.png


I would post something fitting if the urls would start to work again...post-25189-0-92621200-1406310506.png


And i remember looking back at my first post some time ago and wondering about how long im actually here too... Only that i already forgot on which page it is again.post-25189-0-45968200-1406310409.png


Ah well. May after these 600 pages another 600 follow! And i hope with all you people still around!

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Colorado is on my Nice List of tolerant states.

You're ruining mah dream Jill. :(

I'm not saying it's bad... I'm just saying it's better in the Denver metro area than other places in the state
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In the Denver metro area where I live things aren't that bad... Nopony cares if I wear or buy MLP swag; or the same sex PDA my wife and I have (nothing that would offend anyone other than the same sex thing)... But as you get further away from the city it can be a bit less accepting in many areas

(Waves hi to you from the outskirts of Denver) *Ive been stuck here since last Thursday when my truck broke.


I was just in downtown Denver the other day.. YA from what I understand they are by far more tolerant of things in that city then most others

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(Waves hi to you from the outskirts of Denver) *Ive been stuck here since last Thursday when my truck broke.


I was just in downtown Denver the other day.. YA from what I understand they are by far more tolerant of things in that city then most others

Where abouts? How long will you be in town? Pm me if ya wanna try and meet for coffee or something


Edit; I get off work at noon tomorrow.

Edited by The JLmle
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Back from Otakuthon.


The MLP:Fandom is magic was really disorganized and one of the animator was missing. Pretty much just ended with saying what fanmade stuff we liked.


I got more loot:

A Celestia large print

A Vinyl Scratch large print

The Rarity micro comic thingy

A mane 6 small print

A Rarity bookmark

A Pinkie Pie bookmark

A Rarity macaron

An Applejack macaron







A Rarity plushie! (The small one from Hasbro/Aurora world)


Sadly, no picture yet since I can't find my *yay*ing phone.

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Seems like you had truly gorgeous morning then.


Could there be a more beautiful dream?


Well, apart from Sweeties role in it of course... :muffins: But thats a minor price to pay for a dream in which you are the beloved of the most, best, gorgeous pony. :pout:

Well, Sweetie Belle's attempts to sabotage all hilariously backfired. :proud: 

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I wrote a Rarity episode! Do you want to read the script? It's too short for an actual episode, and it's one of my first scripts, though. 


If you want to read it, it's in the spoilers. 



Scene: Twilight’s home.

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike.

Twilight: Do you know what the importance of today is?

Rainbow Dash: Not really…

Twilight: Today is the celebration of harmony. It is traditional for a member of each race to be selected to represent harmony. Princess Celestia believes that there are no better ponies than the wielders of the elements of harmony to be the ponies to represent it. Any questions?

Rainbow Dash: Aren’t you better with magic than Rarity is?

Twilight: I’m not a unicorn anymore, so I can’t represent them.

Rainbow Dash: Oh. Right.

Spike: Aren’t you going to tell them the procedure?

Twilight: I was about to get to that! When we are finished here, we will be going to Canterlot. You will see a set of seven chairs. There will be four chairs in the back, that is for the Alicorns, and there will be three in front. Applejack, you will sit in the left chair. Rainbow Dash, you will sit in the middle chair. Rarity, you will sit in the right chair. That is when you face the chairs, not when you are sitting in them, in case you’re wondering.

Rainbow Dash: At least we don’t have to worry about Rarity being in the wrong chair!

Rainbow Dash and Applejack laugh

Twilight: (rolls eyes) Anyways… remember, this is not a contest to see which race is better. This is to show Equestria and ponies can, and should, live in harmony regardless of their race.

Rarity: Do not worry, Twilight. You can be certain that there will not be any conflicts among us.

Applejack: Ya can count on us!

Rainbow Dash: Let’s do this!

(Theme Song)

Setting: Canterlot Castle courtyard

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spike.

Twilight: Ponies will be arriving in a few hours. That should give us enough time to prepare and relax before the ceremony. All three of you will talk about how your race is important for maintaining the balance of Equestria.

Twilight and Spike go into the castle

Rainbow Dash: This is going to be so easy! Without the pegasi, there will be no rain for food to grow. Ponies need food to survive.

Applejack: Without the earth ponies, who’ll grow the food?

Rarity: Without the unicorns, the… um…

Rainbow Dash: Rarity, are you OK?

Rarity: I’m supposed to tell a crowd of ponies how unicorns are important, but I don’t know what my race contributes to Equestria.

Applejack: I’m sure there’s somethin’, Rares.

Rarity: A long time ago, the unicorns brought forth day and night, but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna do that now. Today, what purpose do unicorns serve?

Rainbow Dash: I don’t know much about unicorns, but I know unicorns are equally as important as pegasi and earth ponies.

Applejack: I’m with RD.

Rarity: I’m going to go inside.

Rarity walks inside the castle.

Scene: Canterlot Castle main room

Characters: Twilight, Rarity, Spike

Twilight: Hey, Rarity. Is everything going alright?

Rarity: Yes… for Applejack and Rainbow Dash…

Twilight: What’s wrong?

Rarity: Do unicorns even have a purpose?

Twilight: Rarity, every species has a purpose.

Rarity: Pegasi control the weather, earth ponies grow the food, and unicorns don’t do anything. Sure, we raised the sun and moon a long time ago, but today, we have no purpose.

Twilight: I wish I could help, but I don’t know how.

Rarity: I’m going to go for a walk around Canterlot. The ceremony won’t began for quite some time, and I don’t have anything to say anyways.

Twilight: Rarity, we need you.

Rarity: I will be back in two hours.

Rarity exists. Spike follows.

Scene: Canterlot streets

Characters present: Rarity, Spike

Spike: I’m coming with you.

Rarity: What about Twilight?

Spike: She’ll be fine.

Rarity: Hmm.. OK.

Time lapse (Rarity/Spike song here): Rarity and Spike are still walking

Rarity: The buildings on this particular street are the oldest standing buildings in Canterlot. They were created five years after the first castle was created. The Canterlot castle was destroyed and rebuilt six times. The buildings here were originally used as houses, but today, they are historical landmarks. Some of the doors have one horse shoe while others have two. That is because, a long time ago, it was customary to hang one horse shoe on your door if you were single and two if you were married. The color of the horseshoe represents the offspring. White means they have no children, blue means they have one…

Spike: You are starting to sound like Twilight! Is this a unicorn thing?

Rarity: Every race is smart, Spike.

Spike: Not every race will teach other ponies about Equestria history… or math.. or science… or everything!

Rarity: I guess unicorns like to teach. I don’t see it as a problem.

Spike: It’s not a problem. I’m just not interested.

Rarity: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get carried away.

Spike: (gasps) Rarity! I think I know how unicorns are useful!

Rarity: What do you mean?

Spike: Unicorns are very intelligent and like to teach others of their intelligence. Sure, the pegasi and earth ponies are useful for survival of the ponies, but the unicorns are useful for the survival of Equestria! Without education, Equestria would not be the way it is today.

Rarity: So you’re saying unicorns are teachers?

Spike: Exactly!

Rarity: That doesn’t explain why there are teachers who aren’t unicorns.

Spike: Some farmers are pegasi, and you controlled the weather once.

Rarity: Fair point.

Spike: So, should we go back to the castle?

Rarity nods.

Scene: Canterlot Castle Courtyard.

Ponies present: Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, large crowd of background ponies.

Princess Celestia: Today is a celebration of harmony among earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns! Without any further ado, each pony here will explain how their race keeps the balance in Equestria Maintained! Applejack.

Applejack: Well, howdy! Earth ponies were responsible for growing’ the food for the other ponies to eat. Without us earth ponies, y’all be starvin’.

Applejack chuckles, and crowd laughs

Rainbow Dash: Hey. Earth ponies may take care of the land, but without the pegasi, there won’t be any water. Everyone knows that we can’t survive without water.

Crowd murmurs in agreement

Rarity: The earth ponies and pegasi are very important for survival as a species, but the unicorns are important for the survival as a nation. Without education, Equestria will fall..

Bon Bon: If unicorns are supposed to educate us, then why are some teachers not unicorns?

Spike: (stands up and clenches his fist) Sure, not all teachers are unicorns, but not all farmers are earth ponies, and not all… (crowd yells loudly, Spike stops)

Twilight: This wasn’t meant to happen.

Princess Luna: ENOUGH!

Crowd quiets down.

Rarity: (To Princess Luna) Allow me. (Princess Luna nods in approval, and Rarity looks at the crowd) Equestria maintains the balance of harmony, not because of what we do as each race, but what we do as a whole. The earth ponies and pegasi work together on the growing of the food, the earth ponies and unicorns work together on the construction of buildings, the pegasi and unicorns work together on defending Equestria, and every race work together balancing harmony.

Ponies in talk quietly among themselves and whisper

Scene change

Scene: inside Canterlot Castle

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike, Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia: Rarity, you were the first representing pony to truly understand harmony. It is not ponies doing something alone to help a community. It is ponies working together to help a community.

Twilight: I knew you were intelligent, but I didn’t expect you to do that!

Rarity: Spike is the one who deserves the praise.

Spike: I didn’t tell you how ponies work together. I just told you how unicorns are educated.

Rarity: Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything.

Spike: Except maybe the history of Equestria.

Everyone present laughs





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The image problems with the forums have been pushing me to the brink of batshit insanity, and I need to look at Rarebear to fix these mental health issues the new VM has caused me.


attachicon.gifmedium (4).jpg


...much better :wub:


The forum picture issue has been keeping me away from the Fan Clubs T.T .

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Finally back to a real machine so I am freaking unloading some images!!!!!







French Rarity. :wub:






And maybe one more.






That felt really cathartic. :D

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That awesome ass gif is going to break, and I simply can't have that happen. Here it is again as an attachment.



It moves ... click on it. :D

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I wrote a Rarity episode! Do you want to read the script? It's too short for an actual episode, and it's one of my first scripts, though. 


If you want to read it, it's in the spoilers. 



Scene: Twilight’s home.[/size]

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike.[/size]

Twilight: Do you know what the importance of today is?[/size]

Rainbow Dash: Not really…[/size]

Twilight: Today is the celebration of harmony. It is traditional for a member of each race to be selected to represent harmony. Princess Celestia believes that there are no better ponies than the wielders of the elements of harmony to be the ponies to represent it. Any questions?[/size]

Rainbow Dash: Aren’t you better with magic than Rarity is?[/size]

Twilight: I’m not a unicorn anymore, so I can’t represent them.[/size]

Rainbow Dash: Oh. Right. [/size]

Spike: Aren’t you going to tell them the procedure?[/size]

Twilight: I was about to get to that! When we are finished here, we will be going to Canterlot. You will see a set of seven chairs. There will be four chairs in the back, that is for the Alicorns, and there will be three in front. Applejack, you will sit in the left chair. Rainbow Dash, you will sit in the middle chair. Rarity, you will sit in the right chair. That is when you face the chairs, not when you are sitting in them, in case you’re wondering.[/size]

Rainbow Dash: At least we don’t have to worry about Rarity being in the wrong chair![/size]

Rainbow Dash and Applejack laugh[/size]

Twilight: (rolls eyes) Anyways… remember, this is not a contest to see which race is better. This is to show Equestria and ponies can, and should, live in harmony regardless of their race. [/size]

Rarity: Do not worry, Twilight. You can be certain that there will not be any conflicts among us.[/size]

Applejack: Ya can count on us![/size]

Rainbow Dash: Let’s do this![/size]

(Theme Song)[/size]

Setting: Canterlot Castle courtyard[/size]

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spike.[/size]

Twilight: Ponies will be arriving in a few hours. That should give us enough time to prepare and relax before the ceremony. All three of you will talk about how your race is important for maintaining the balance of Equestria. [/size]

Twilight and Spike go into the castle[/size]

Rainbow Dash: This is going to be so easy! Without the pegasi, there will be no rain for food to grow. Ponies need food to survive.[/size]

Applejack: Without the earth ponies, who’ll grow the food?[/size]

Rarity: Without the unicorns, the… um…[/size]

Rainbow Dash: Rarity, are you OK?[/size]

Rarity: I’m supposed to tell a crowd of ponies how unicorns are important, but I don’t know what my race contributes to Equestria.[/size]

Applejack: I’m sure there’s somethin’, Rares.[/size]

Rarity: A long time ago, the unicorns brought forth day and night, but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna do that now. Today, what purpose do unicorns serve?[/size]

Rainbow Dash: I don’t know much about unicorns, but I know unicorns are equally as important as pegasi and earth ponies.[/size]

Applejack: I’m with RD. [/size]

Rarity: I’m going to go inside.[/size]

Rarity walks inside the castle.[/size]

Scene: Canterlot Castle main room[/size]

Characters: Twilight, Rarity, Spike[/size]

Twilight: Hey, Rarity. Is everything going alright?[/size]

Rarity: Yes… for Applejack and Rainbow Dash…[/size]

Twilight: What’s wrong?[/size]

Rarity: Do unicorns even have a purpose?[/size]

Twilight: Rarity, every species has a purpose. [/size]

Rarity: Pegasi control the weather, earth ponies grow the food, and unicorns don’t do anything. Sure, we raised the sun and moon a long time ago, but today, we have no purpose.[/size]

Twilight: I wish I could help, but I don’t know how. [/size]

Rarity: I’m going to go for a walk around Canterlot. The ceremony won’t began for quite some time, and I don’t have anything to say anyways. [/size]

Twilight: Rarity, we need you. [/size]

Rarity: I will be back in two hours. [/size]

Rarity exists. Spike follows.[/size]

Scene: Canterlot streets[/size]

Characters present: Rarity, Spike[/size]

Spike: I’m coming with you.[/size]

Rarity: What about Twilight?[/size]

Spike: She’ll be fine. [/size]

Rarity: Hmm.. OK.[/size]

Time lapse (Rarity/Spike song here): Rarity and Spike are still walking[/size]

Rarity: The buildings on this particular street are the oldest standing buildings in Canterlot. They were created five years after the first castle was created. The Canterlot castle was destroyed and rebuilt six times. The buildings here were originally used as houses, but today, they are historical landmarks. Some of the doors have one horse shoe while others have two. That is because, a long time ago, it was customary to hang one horse shoe on your door if you were single and two if you were married. The color of the horseshoe represents the offspring. White means they have no children, blue means they have one…[/size]

Spike: You are starting to sound like Twilight! Is this a unicorn thing?[/size]

Rarity: Every race is smart, Spike.[/size]

Spike: Not every race will teach other ponies about Equestria history… or math.. or science… or everything![/size]

Rarity: I guess unicorns like to teach. I don’t see it as a problem.[/size]

Spike: It’s not a problem. I’m just not interested. [/size]

Rarity: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get carried away.[/size]

Spike: (gasps) Rarity! I think I know how unicorns are useful![/size]

Rarity: What do you mean?[/size]

Spike: Unicorns are very intelligent and like to teach others of their intelligence. Sure, the pegasi and earth ponies are useful for survival of the ponies, but the unicorns are useful for the survival of Equestria! Without education, Equestria would not be the way it is today.[/size]

Rarity: So you’re saying unicorns are teachers?[/size]

Spike: Exactly![/size]

Rarity: That doesn’t explain why there are teachers who aren’t unicorns.[/size]

Spike: Some farmers are pegasi, and you controlled the weather once.[/size]

Rarity: Fair point.[/size]

Spike: So, should we go back to the castle?[/size]

Rarity nods.[/size]

Scene: Canterlot Castle Courtyard. [/size]

Ponies present: Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, large crowd of background ponies.[/size]

Princess Celestia: Today is a celebration of harmony among earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns! Without any further ado, each pony here will explain how their race keeps the balance in Equestria Maintained! Applejack.[/size]

Applejack: Well, howdy! Earth ponies were responsible for growing’ the food for the other ponies to eat. Without us earth ponies, y’all be starvin’.[/size]

Applejack chuckles, and crowd laughs[/size]

Rainbow Dash: Hey. Earth ponies may take care of the land, but without the pegasi, there won’t be any water. Everyone knows that we can’t survive without water. [/size]

Crowd murmurs in agreement[/size]

Rarity: The earth ponies and pegasi are very important for survival as a species, but the unicorns are important for the survival as a nation. Without education, Equestria will fall..[/size]

Bon Bon: If unicorns are supposed to educate us, then why are some teachers not unicorns?[/size]

Spike: (stands up and clenches his fist) Sure, not all teachers are unicorns, but not all farmers are earth ponies, and not all… (crowd yells loudly, Spike stops)[/size]

Twilight: This wasn’t meant to happen.[/size]

Princess Luna: ENOUGH![/size]Crowd quiets down.[/size]

Rarity: (To Princess Luna) Allow me. (Princess Luna nods in approval, and Rarity looks at the crowd) Equestria maintains the balance of harmony, not because of what we do as each race, but what we do as a whole. The earth ponies and pegasi work together on the growing of the food, the earth ponies and unicorns work together on the construction of buildings, the pegasi and unicorns work together on defending Equestria, and every race work together balancing harmony. [/size]

Ponies in talk quietly among themselves and whisper[/size]

Scene change[/size]

Scene: inside Canterlot Castle[/size]

Characters present: Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike, Princess Celestia.[/size]

Princess Celestia: Rarity, you were the first representing pony to truly understand harmony. It is not ponies doing something alone to help a community. It is ponies working together to help a community.[/size]

Twilight: I knew you were intelligent, but I didn’t expect you to do that![/size]

Rarity: Spike is the one who deserves the praise.[/size]

Spike: I didn’t tell you how ponies work together. I just told you how unicorns are educated. [/size]

Rarity: Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything.[/size]

Spike: Except maybe the history of Equestria.[/size]

Everyone present laughs[/size]





I'll have to read it tomorrow for sure! I'm heading back from coffee with Argumedies; wife and I met him since he was stuck in town and had a blast! She's driving cause I'm fading fast... Sleeping as soon as I get home lol!


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I'll have to read it tomorrow for sure! I'm heading back from coffee with Argumedies; wife and I met him since he was stuck in town and had a blast! She's driving cause I'm fading fast... Sleeping as soon as I get home lol!



Is this the RFC's first official meet-up moment?



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