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I'll have to read it tomorrow for sure! I'm heading back from coffee with Argumedies; wife and I met him since he was stuck in town and had a blast! She's driving cause I'm fading fast... Sleeping as soon as I get home lol!


Wow, we had a meet-up from members of the RFC? :D Awesome!


The goddess of fabulosity would approve :please: Did you guys talk about how great she is any?


  • Brohoof 6
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Wow, we had a meet-up from members of the RFC? :D Awesome!


The goddess of fabulosity would approve :please: Did you guys talk about how great she is any?



I guarantee that TheJLmle brought a plushie or two to coffee. :D


Rarity would absolutely be there for coffee as have already establish as canon.

When we get to page 666, we can post a lot of French Rarity or Rarity from Inspiration Manifestation, or if Rarity is possessed again in Season 5, post that too, right? Please? 


Fixed your post Visual. :please:


I think we will hit 1000 before Season Five .... :D

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Went to an anime con yesterday, and I finally got my hands on a little bit of Rarimerch!  :D


I got a Rarity plushie, and picked up the Rarity micro series comic!






Its not much, but still my room is now 120% fabulouser.  :D

  • Brohoof 6
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I guarantee that TheJLmle brought a plushie or two to coffee. :D


Rarity would absolutely be there for coffee as have already establish as canon.


Fixed your post Visual. :please:


I think we will hit 1000 before Season Five .... :D

sorry to say, but she did not bring her Rarity plushy.  :(


I also got to meet with her wife for whom was also wonderful to meet. we had dinner and loads of coffee and chatted for a couple of hours over a wide range of topics. They're good people (and quite the cute couple) ^_^ *grinz I really had a wonderful evening with them.

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Went to an anime con yesterday, and I finally got my hands on a little bit of Rarimerch! :D I got a Rarity plushie, and picked up the Rarity micro series comic!


Approval! ghostfacekiller39 actually was the one that turned me on to that comic in particular. It really is one of the best, and absolutely nails Rarity. :D

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Went to an anime con yesterday, and I finally got my hands on a little bit of Rarimerch!  :D


I got a Rarity plushie, and picked up the Rarity micro series comic!






Its not much, but still my room is now 120% fabulouser.  :D


Was it Otakuthon? I was there! My plushie is the smaller version of yours.


EDIT: Since when I'm a bird? Anyway, yay, Birdie!

Edited by GlowingFlask
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Approval! ghostfacekiller39 actually was the one that turned me on to that comic in particular. It really is one of the best, and absolutely nails Rarity. :D


Agreed, I've already read it, and they did indeed do a fantastic job at writing Rarity  :D

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I want a Rarity plushie. No. I need one! I have Applejack and Twilight, but not Rarity. I don't want a Rarity plushie made by Hasbro. Her I want her to be show accurate. Is that too much to ask for? Unfortunately, I only have $8 right now... Why do plushies have to be so expensive? I only have 7 Rarity things, and 3 are actually pictures I drew. So I really have two figures, a shirt, and a sticker. 


Sorry. I might get a Rarity plushie eventually. 



Edit: I found one. It's affordable, and the mane is not exactly show accurate, but it is pretty close unlike the Hasbro one. Should I buy it or wait? 


Edit again: Never mind. I can't afford it. I don't have enough money on Paypal, only cash. I'm very sad. 

Edited by Visual Spectrum
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I missed the 600th page! :pout: Anyways... Congrats! *throws in gem confetti*


That's what I thought. Pretty sure I'm the only beacon of fabulosity here in good old Canada  :please:

If you put it that way... Then I think I'm the only one where I live... (No Bronies/Pegasisters here, I think.)

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That awesome ass gif is going to break, and I simply can't have that happen. Here it is again as an attachment.



It moves ... click on it. :D

I would have used it for my signature if there wasn't that little bar.


When we get to page 666, we can post a lot of Nightmare Rarity or Rarity from Inspiration Manifestation, or if Rarity is possessed again in Season 5, post that too, right? Please? 

I also have an idea for the 666th page. But I guess we'll reach it in less than a month.

Edited by Blobulle
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Had my first "Ghostie" night, reading the micro-comic (pretty good  :D  ) and sleeping with my Rarity plushie. I'm actually surprised that I still had her in my arm when I woke up... I guess Rarity is that fabulous.  :pout:

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Good Morning Rarity Fan Club







Don't have much to add. Still no update on the support ticket I filed, so I may check the FAQ and see what the etiquette is for reaching out directly.

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Wow, we had a meet-up from members of the RFC? :D Awesome!

The goddess of fabulosity would approve :please: Did you guys talk about how great she is any?



A little bit; surprising most of our topic actually wasn't pony related if you'll believe it!


When we get to page 666, we can post a lot of Nightmare Rarity or Rarity from Inspiration Manifestation, or if Rarity is possessed again in Season 5, post that too, right? Please?


Awesome idea! I love it!  

I guarantee that TheJLmle brought a plushie or two to coffee. :D


Rarity would absolutely be there for coffee as have already establish as canon.


Fixed your post Visual. :please:


I think we will hit 1000 before Season Five .... :D

 unfortunately no, I made sure to wear my Luna dog tag; but I was afraid of spilling cofee on a plushie; I'm a bit of a klutz 

Just a reminder to the people to which I'm sending the small Rarity prints: I will need your postal info before sending. Send me a PM with the info  :D

thanks again friend! This is so awesome of you!

sorry to say, but she did not bring her Rarity plushy.  :(


I also got to meet with her wife for whom was also wonderful to meet. we had dinner and loads of coffee and chatted for a couple of hours over a wide range of topics. They're good people (and quite the cute couple) ^_^ *grinz I really had a wonderful evening with them.

We had fun too! You'll have to let us know next time you pass through! I'm glad you and wifey got along too, I think the world of that woman!
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