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Is anyone else surprised that Rarity was able to stand next to Prince Blueblood, much less get within a 100 mile radius of him? I get she represents the element of generosity, but she didn't need to forgive him. Maybe he apologized off screen? I don't know. 


As always, required Rarity picture:




  • Brohoof 6
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I would buy this. Even if I DON'T have the NES!


I can probably see Pinkie in that version of the game saying some stupid cryptic nonsense about kneeling and taking me days to figure out that I have to equip a specific gem and stand in just the right spot and press down for 20 seconds.




Old NES localization was bothersome.



Angry Video Game Nerd: "...FML..."


My face when I realized WTF I had to actually do in that game

Is past my beddy bye time...

Stay Fabulous!


Also check out the cool new signature Scootaloodle made me!


Looks good ma'am. :D


time to check something else off my list.

  • Brohoof 9
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I can probably see Pinkie in that version of the game saying some stupid cryptic nonsense about kneeling and taking me days to figure out that I have to equip a specific gem and stand in just the right spot and press down for 20 seconds.




Old NES localization was bothersome.


My face when I realized WTF I had to actually do in that game


Looks good ma'am. :D


time to check something else off my list.

that would happen to me. One time while playing a game once, it took me a year to figure it out. I got to leave soon
  • Brohoof 9
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Daaaaw, this is just adorable,




Best ponies <3  :wub:



I went to go searching for Flutters and Rarity and saw this and instantly though, "Wonder Twin Powers Activate."



  • Brohoof 9
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I went to go searching for Flutters and Rarity and saw this and instantly though, "Wonder Twin Powers Activate."



Form of "adorable " :D



Anywho imma try and get back to sleep since I have a clean bed again. I love my cat: but tonight I nominate him for UNfabulosity...

Spoilered 'cause nasty


he peed on my bed... Grrrrrr.... I was NOT happy


  • Brohoof 6
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Oof...we're getting bitch-slapped with pic lag again. It might be time to start removing any images from quoted posts and spoilering any large images to prevent this. Pic lag scares away potential members and makes the fan club all around hard to use by making the page all jumpy and whatnot  :please: Thank ya~


Anyway, I spent the last 8 hours playing Monkey Island and I'm about to hit the sack. Before I do, though, I found this awesome little Rarijack picture I wanted to share :wub:






Rarity is cat woman...ghostie likey :wub:

  • Brohoof 10
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