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Rarity Fan Club


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There is a new religion called Raritism. It is based on the principles of generosity and fabulosity. (I made it up)


Praise Rarity.  :D


Oh, and you worship Rarity, but we should worship her anyways, right? 



Re-quoting you just to post these. This is me on way to much coffee and going full on goofy. During the World Cup match vs. Discord I made several crazy stories about Rarity in a mythological and biblical fashion. I am going to rewrite these soon after I deal with some other projects and expand.


I think that this is all of them. My personal favorite was the Flash Sentry post since I expected more reaction from that.









 Tom mentioned




The Acts of Fabulosity - The three tests of Princess Celestia to Rarity









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"Oh, let's check out Rarity FC, it's been a day or two."

*two hours and ten pages later*



Wow, that's a lot to process. I haven't even looked at the last two pages! I'll call it even after I write my own novel here.

Spoilered for mushiness

@Obsidian Sky, you talked about being inspired by Rarity. I completely agree with you. I've been a part of the fandom for less than two months, and I've already been moved to do several things that I would have never done otherwise.

I've written a piece of music for Rarity. I've starting practicing digital art just so I might someday be able to portray her as meaningfully as all the amazing art on these pages does. And now I've spent a ridiculous number of hours learning to program in Flash. Usually, spending time in a forum such as this one would cause me to waste away into the land of unproductive procrastination. But instead, it's exactly the opposite. Marshmallow pony has taught me the virtues of diligent effort, of taking pride in the fruits of my labor, and of having the courage to show what I've created to others. This last part is the most difficult for me, because I don't take criticism well. But I saw how Rarity took the worst criticism possible, tried again, failed, and tried AGAIN. Element of inspiration is right.

And you're right; it's not just her, it's the community here. As a newer member, I often feel like an outsider compared to all you veterans. To me, you guys are legends. You know exactly what you stand for and you follow it up with unrivaled dedication. You're the most kindhearted group of people I've met anywhere on the internet. The 10,000+ posts on here... they didn't come from a bunch of random isolated fans posting pictures every once in a while. They're the culmination of a Breakfast-Club-like gathering of people from across the globe who delight in supporting each other and getting to know each other on a personal level... people who most likely have conflicting beliefs that would clash violently in any other setting. Heck, I wish my church were as personal and encouraging as you guys!

Yesterday, I was shopping for floss at Walmart (exciting, I know) when I came across some MLP-themed toothbrushes. In any other circumstances, I wouldn't give this little-girl-themed merchandise a second glance. But instead, my heart warmed as my thoughts were brought back to MLP Forums and this amazing fan club. The outside world can feel so distant from what happens online. But those small moments of connection mean so much to me. Honestly, I know zero pony fans in real life to share my fascination of this fandom with. Let's just say that having a community like this has saved me from feeling very alone.

To all of you,
Thank you

In other news, I spent the last few days throwing together a flash game, as promised. Sorry Jeric, it's probably not what you had in mind. :P
It took me forever to draw Rarity, basing her off clips from The Return of Harmony. Also, I stole the MLP Forums background (Shhh, let's not talk about that) :ph34r:  because I can't draw. I'll probably take it down in a few days to save server space anyway.



Works best on Chrome or Firefox. You might have to go fullscreen with your browser because the resolution is pretty high. Diclaimer: programming in Flash is by no means my strong suit. Let me know if there are any problems.

There's also a highscores page (fixed): http://www.oakhaven.net/connor/flash/Rarity/highscores.php

Edited by The Pony Pianist
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"Oh, let's check out Rarity FC, it's been a day or two."


*two hours and ten pages later*




Wow, that's a lot to process. I haven't even looked at the last two pages! I'll call it even after I write my own novel here.



Spoilered for mushiness




@Obsidian Sky, you talked about being inspired by Rarity. I completely agree with you. I've been a part of the fandom for less than two months, and I've already been moved to do several things that I would have never done otherwise.


I've written a piece of music for Rarity. I've starting practicing digital art just so I might someday be able to portray her as meaningfully as all the amazing art on these pages does. And now I've spent a ridiculous number of hours learning to program in Flash. Usually, spending time in a forum such as this one would cause me to waste away into the land of unproductive procrastination. But instead, it's exactly the opposite. Marshmallow pony has taught me the virtues of diligent effort, of taking pride in the fruits of my labor, and of having the courage to show what I've created to others. This last part is the most difficult for me, because I don't take criticism well. But I saw how Rarity took the worst criticism possible, tried again, failed, and tried AGAIN. Element of inspiration is right.


And you're right; it's not just her, it's the community here. As a newer member, I often feel like an outsider compared to all you veterans. To me, you guys are legends. You know exactly what you stand for and you follow it up with unrivaled dedication. You're the most kindhearted group of people I've met anywhere on the internet. The 10,000+ posts on here... they didn't come from a bunch of random isolated fans posting pictures every once in a while. They're the culmination of a Breakfast-Club-like gathering of people from across the globe who delight in supporting each other and getting to know each other on a personal level... people who most likely have conflicting beliefs that would clash violently in any other setting. Heck, I wish my church were as personal and encouraging as you guys!


Yesterday, I was shopping for floss at Walmart (exciting, I know) when I came across some MLP-themed toothbrushes. In any other circumstances, I wouldn't give this little-girl-themed merchandise a second glance. But instead, my heart warmed as my thoughts were brought back to MLP Forums and this amazing fan club. The outside world can feel so distant from what happens online. But those small moments of connection mean so much to me. Honestly, I know zero pony fans in real life to share my fascination of this fandom with. Let's just say that having a community like this has saved me from feeling very alone.


To all of you,

Thank you




In other news, I spent the last few days throwing together a flash game, as promised. Sorry Jeric, it's probably not what you had in mind. :P

It took me forever to draw Rarity, basing her off clips from The Return of Harmony. Also, I stole the MLP Forums background (Shhh, let's not talk about that) :ph34r:  because I can't draw. I'll probably take it down in a few days to save server space anyway.






Works best on Chrome or Firefox. You might have to go fullscreen with your browser because the resolution is pretty high. Diclaimer: programming in Flash is by no means my strong suit. Let me know if there are any problems.


There's also a highscores page: http://www.oakhaven.net/connor/Rarity/highscores.php

Bahh. Must. Succeed. At. Your. Game!!!!  :confused: 


I got 3  :pout: 

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Bahh. Must. Succeed. At. Your. Game!!!!  :confused: 


I got 3  :pout: 


I'm keeping my eye on the highscore page. I won't let anyone beat the maker. Until I go to bed. :D Which will be soon.


Edit: I noticed it gets laggy pretty quickly. I'll try to fix that.

Edited by The Pony Pianist
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In other news, I spent the last few days throwing together a flash game, as promised. Sorry Jeric, it's probably not what you had in mind. :P

It took me forever to draw Rarity, basing her off clips from The Return of Harmony. Also, I stole the MLP Forums background (Shhh, let's not talk about that) :ph34r:  because I can't draw. I'll probably take it down in a few days to save server space anyway.






Works best on Chrome or Firefox. You might have to go fullscreen with your browser because the resolution is pretty high. Diclaimer: programming in Flash is by no means my strong suit. Let me know if there are any problems.


There's also a highscores page: http://www.oakhaven.net/connor/Rarity/highscores.php

I suck at your game...post-25189-0-92621200-1406310506.png I think the most gems i had were seven...



But its really fun! Maybe you could add diamond dogs that periodically jump at you, if they hit you you lose a gem! Or some kind of magical powerup, that lets Rarity use her magic to attract the geal gems on the screen at once and destroys the fake ones! Or a Spike powerup that lets him run around for a while, collecting gems for you! Or add combos or something! I think there should maybe also a way to get health back, sometimes there are really many boulders at once on the screen.

Imho it really has potential!post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png


And im happy that you feel at home in our little fabulous Round Table, and that you joined us!post-25189-0-46513000-1405868575.png

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"Oh, let's check out Rarity FC, it's been a day or two."


*two hours and ten pages later*

In other news, I spent the last few days throwing together a flash game, as promised. Sorry Jeric, it's probably not what you had in mind. :P

It took me forever to draw Rarity, basing her off clips from The Return of Harmony. Also, I stole the MLP Forums background (Shhh, let's not talk about that) :ph34r:  because I can't draw. I'll probably take it down in a few days to save server space anyway.






Works best on Chrome or Firefox. You might have to go fullscreen with your browser because the resolution is pretty high. Diclaimer: programming in Flash is by no means my strong suit. Let me know if there are any problems.


There's also a highscores page: http://www.oakhaven.net/connor/Rarity/highscores.php


Cute game, how many kicks are there?


Certain diamonds look like they should be kickable and I get stoned instead.

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5 new pages, just like before. :D


I really like yor new avatar @ghostfacekiller39. I don't like anthro ponies, but this one is fabulous! :D

Actually, she's just wearing a bikini top :D She's got hooves, so no way this is anthro :please:



Anyway, good morning, fan club! :D


Next time someone talks badly about Rarity, I kind of want to post this :please:
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There are some things that annoy me in the show. My biggest complaint is the fact that Raritys butt is no different from any other butt in the show, something that is quite rediculous. You surely are all thinking the same way as i.


Rarity should of course have the most shapely and glorious butt. Big, but still firm. Round, but still well-formed. Like silk in its texture. A butt so seductive that it turns proud stallions and mares into blissfull stupor! A little wiggle should enchant kings! A short swing of her perfect hips topple empires!


It is a well known fact that the alabaster pone is the paragon of pony beauty in all the realms of Equestria, so it is a grave oversight that she shares the same body with every other pony in the show. Something needs to be done about this! Rise my brethren and sisters! Rise for Raributt!


She shall not have the butt she needs, she shall have the butt she DESERVES!


What is Rarity if not a true rarity? What is she if not unique? Her gloriousness needs to be displayed so that all can see, not only in her flawless almond eye pools, in her glorious velvet and flowy mane, in her incredibly lovely colours.




Her butt diamonds are a piece of art, and they need the high quality canvas they should have been on from the beginning!


Hasbro people! Grand us this wish, THIS DEMAND! It needs to happen now! We cannot let her suffer without her shapely hindquarters anymore! LET IT HAPPEN!


If you don't do it for us, do it for her!



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There are some things that annoy me in the show. My biggest complaint is the fact that Raritys butt is no different from any other butt in the show, something that is quite rediculous. You surely are all thinking the same way as i.


Rarity should of course have the most shapely and glorious butt. Big, but still firm. Round, but still well-formed. Like silk in its texture. A butt so seductive that it turns proud stallions and mares into blissfull stupor! A little wiggle should enchant kings! A short swing of her perfect hips topple empires!


It is a well known fact that the alabaster pone is the paragon of pony beauty in all the realms of Equestria, so it is a grave oversight that she shares the same body with every other pony in the show. Something needs to be done about this! Rise my brethren and sisters! Rise for Raributt!


She shall not have the butt she needs, she shall have the butt she DESERVES!


What is Rarity if not a true rarity? What is she if not unique? Her gloriousness needs to be displayed so that all can see, not only in her flawless almond eye pools, in her glorious velvet and flowy mane, in her incredibly lovely colours.




Her butt diamonds are a piece of art, and they need the high quality canvas they should have been on from the beginning!


Hasbro people! Grand us this wish, THIS DEMAND! It needs to happen now! We cannot let her suffer without her shapely hindquarters anymore! LET IT HAPPEN!

If you don't do it for us, do it for her!

I can see this speech going alongside the "I Have a Dream" speech by MLK Jr. and the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln :D


Bravo, bravo I dare say! For Raributt, the most shapely and beautiful of the butts!



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I can see this speech going alongside the "I Have a Dream" speech by MLK Jr. and the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln :D


Bravo, bravo I dare say! For Raributt, the most shapely and beautiful of the butts!



I put my heart into it, my soul.


Such horrible injustice cannot stand, the fabulous one deserves that we fight for this just cause!post-25189-0-92621200-1406310506.png


Picture is unrelated.

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Just had a nice, big Caramel Machiatto to start off my morning...I'm sure Rarity would approve :D






Morning all. I'm checking out a someones app and Piano's new game at the moment. :D

Piano's game is actually pretty addictive :D Just keep in mind that if a boulder is coming down at you rather than straight at you, you gotta hit up to kick it away rather than spacebar :please: Took me a bit to figure that out last night :D

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Cute game, how many kicks are there?


Certain diamonds look like they should be kickable and I get stoned instead.


Face left "space"

Face left "up"

Face right "space"

Face right "up"


The highscore page doesn't want to work for me, but I did beat Ghostie's 3 and Obsidian's 7. :proud:  


Took some pratice though  :please:

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Yes ... yes they are ... very alluring.




My subsequent reaction:


I wounder what the FC thinks about Nightmare Rarity?




With how hot she looks, she should be on fire!


No, literally, she said that:



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In other news, I spent the last few days throwing together a flash game, as promised. Sorry Jeric, it's probably not what you had in mind


To be honest a simple game like this was exactly what I was thinking about. And this shows some serious promise. This is really your first attempt at this? :wau:


Good freaking show! This actually shows a good foundation that you can start to work on.


Little things are what you want to work on first. Things that you do not want to mess with.


1. The gem algorithm needs to be tweaked a little to allow for more scored gems.

2. I would add one additional Gem that isn't fake to allow for variety. Make it at a 1/20 ratio. Maybe like the Fire Ruby and have it count as 5.

3. Good job in not having gems overlap. That would piss me off.

4. If you get to high in score, you can have the DD pop up and if you don't kick them ... you lose x gems. like @Obsidian Sky said.


Eventually, it would be great if there were levels and a goal ... like creating a Sahphire Shores Dress you need 'X' gems and in between levels you can choose a temp boost or use stored gems toward the goal.  


Also, I think @Obsidian Sky cheated! I can't get anywhere near his score. :D

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I'm going to try this game. :D

(I've always wanted to be a game designer too...)


I can build a function or utility based app in my sleep, but gaming based apps are extremely complex. That said ... this might be worth it for Piano to consider porting to Android (would require changing Flash assets to Java).


I'm impressed as I said, but I'm not impressed with my score. :confused:

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Rurdy is running away! NUUUUUUU!post-25189-0-92621200-1406310506.png What have i done wrong?post-25189-0-10027300-1405956155.png


Judging by her expression she want us to follow though.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png Maybe she want us to braid more of these flowers into her flowy, beautiful, silken, deep purple mane... I would be up for the task... I would be up for any task for her. Her wish is my command...post-25189-0-46513000-1405868575.png


Ooooh... the effect she has on my willpower. It just evaporates like a droplet of water on the desert sand. She doesn't even need to say something, the slightest nod, the tiniest gesture, and im enchanted.post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png


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